Welcome to Ancestral Quest(tm) 2.0 To install the program: If you obtained this program on a set of setup disks, run setup.exe while in Windows. If you downloaded this from a bulletin board, you will need to first run the aq20demo.exe file that you downloaded. This will get the files ready to run. You will then need to be able to run the program. If you are in Windows 95, you can just type "ancquest" while in DOS, or click on 'ancquest.exe' from File Manager or Explorer, or you can use Start-Run. You can also set up a shortcut if you know how. If you are in Windows 3.1x, you can click on 'ancquest.exe' from the File Manager, or use File-Run to start it up. You can also set up a new program item using the File-New menu if you know how. This demo version is the same code as the commercial version, but will not access some features. Certain features are not available at all: Export Blank Forms Cascading Pedigree and Family Groups Descendancy chart (Ancestry chart is quite similar in layout) Individual Summary Individual List sorted alphabetically LDS missing individual ordinances report Modified Register and Ahnentafel reports to File LZW Compressed TIFF and GIF files. (You will probably not get any GIF files to work until you buy the full version, and will find that some .tif files will load while others will not -- the full version should read in most of these.) Other features are disabled if your database has grown too large for demo purposes: Add and Save individuals Save marriages All other printouts not listed above Family Reunion Contact Lists Backup Import Database Check/Fix Merge Save Multimedia Collections To try this last set of features out, keep your database to less than 30 individuals (or create one by entering new data into a new database, or by using GEDCOM in your existing program to create a subset of data, then import this into Ancestral Quest). If you already have a PAF database, use the open feature to locate it on your disk, and open it. You'll love the new Windows interface (you may even wonder if you're still looking at a PAF database-it will be much easier to work with). Try out the Preferences screen (under the Tools menu). You may want to adjust some of these options. Or open the Help Search option under the Help menu to see what topics you can learn and use. If you're already an experienced Windows user, just have fun! A new option on the Preferences screen allows you to turn the shading on some reports on or off. The shading has the effect on most printers of enhancing readability and appearance. Some printers perform the shading in such a way as to be distracting. You'll have to decide whether shading is something you want, and turn it off if it is a problem. Once you've had a taste of the program, and want to own the full program, you can order it directly from Incline Software, LC, by calling 1-800-825-8864, (1-801-273-1521 local) or find it at your local computer software store, or bookstore that carries genealogy software. (Ask for it if they don't have it - they can probably order it for you.) The disk also contains a demonstration database called ADAM.EXE which is a self-extracting .ZIP file. Copy this file into a subdirectory (ex. c:\adam\) then run ADAM.EXE to unzip the files. You can then access the database using the File->Open command in Ancestral Quest. This database contains history of European royalty back to adam. YOU MAY FREELY DISTRIBUTE THIS DEMO VERSION. ORDERING INFORMATION: +==========================================================================+ | Item | Price | Qty | Extended Price| +-------------------------------+--------------------+-----+---------------+ | Ancestral Quest(tm) 2.0 | $49.95 | | | +-------------------------------+--------------------+-----+---------------+ | Shipping and handling | $5.00 (domestic) | + | +-------------------------------+--------------------+-----+---------------+ | Subtotal |////////////////////|/////| | +-------------------------------+--------------------+-----+===============+ | Utah Residents add sales tax|// 6.125% //////|/////| | +-------------------------------+--------------------+-----+---------------+ | Total |////////////////////|/////| | +==========================================================================+ | | | Name _________________________________________________________ | | | | Address _________________________________________________________ | | | | City _________________________ St ____ Zip Code ____________ | | | | Phone _________________________ Date: _______________ | | | | Diskette type: __ 3.5" __ 5.25" | | | | Send order form and check or money order to: | | Incline Software, LC | | P.O. Box 17788 | | Salt Lake City, UT 84117 | | | | OR FAX order with credit card information to (801) 273-1535 | | | | Credit card # ______-______-______-______ Exp Date: ___________ | | | | Name on card ___________________________ Type: MC:__ Visa:__ | | | | Signature __________________________________________________ | | Signature required for credit card orders | | | | OR Call Incline Software at (800) 825-8864 (801-273-1521 local) for | | more information | +==========================================================================+