═══ 1. Overview ═══ The Rover Pack is a comprehensive collection of software components and accessories that are designed to work with each other and with OS/2 Warp's advanced Workplace Shell user interface. All components of the Rover Pack make extensive use of advanced OS/2 technology for superior performance and seamless integration. The software is fully "network aware" and compatible with OS/2 Peer, LAN Server, and other popular networking systems. The components of the basic Rover Pack are organized into three major groups:  Rover Pack Tools  Rover Icon Library  Rover Pack Accessories Brief descriptions of each group can be found in the next three topics. After you install the software, you will be able to review comprehensive online reference books for the components of each group. Rover Pack Extra!: Now you can have even more of a good thing with Rover Pack Extra! - an advanced upgrade to the basic Rover Pack! After you install the software, be sure to check out the "Rover Pack Extra! Reference" online book for additional information. Note: The Rover Pack has been designed with special features that allow a single copy of the software to support multiple OS/2 partitions on the same computer. The BUILDRPK utility has been provided to build additional copies of all Workplace Shell objects required to use this product. For additional information, consult the "Workplace Tools Reference" online book. Topics:  Rover Pack Tools Overview  Rover Icon Library Overview  Rover Pack Accessories Overview  Rover Pack Extra! Overview  Installation Guide  Quick Start Tutorial  Rover Pack Folder Contents (Double-click the highlighted text to go directly to a topic.) ═══ 1.1. Rover Pack Tools ═══ The Rover Pack Tools enhance and extend the OS/2 Warp Workplace Shell user interface. With these components you can create Basket objects for organizing your programs and folders. The individual components are as follows:  Retriever gives you easy access to most of OS/2 Warp's standard components and all components of the Rover Pack. It can also be configured to provide ready access to your frequently used programs and folders using Basket objects. All of this power is brought to your fingertips in the form of a "canine companion" named Rover! who stays out of your way yet is always close at hand.  All Available Programs presents a convenient list of all programs on your system. There are several options for starting and configuring any program from this list.  The Program Basket Editor component enables you to create Program Baskets for quick and easy access to selected groups of programs.  The Program Basket Viewer is used to present each Program Basket as a full-function list with a handy "button bar".  The Folder Basket Viewer gives you quick access to frequently used folders. Folders are added to the list using OS/2 Warp "drag and drop", and you can save any Folder Basket for future direct access to selected folders.  The Rover Pack Tools Reference online book provides full information about using these components. ═══ 1.2. Rover Icon Library ═══ The Rover Icon Library helps you maintain the visual organization of your OS/2 Warp installation. It consists of the following components:  The Rover Icon Library Utility contains 250 professional-quality icons. This utility will apply any of these icons to objects with drag and drop simplicity. Animated versions of these icons are automatically applied to folder objects.  The ICOFILES Folder is used when you wish to create individual .ICO files from any of the icons in the library.  The Rover Icon Library Reference online book provides full information about using these components. ═══ 1.3. Rover Pack Accessories ═══ The Rover Pack Accessories are a collection of handy new objects designed specifically for your OS/2 Warp system, including: 12 Color Folder templates 12 Image Folder templates 12 "Surface" Background bitmaps The Warp Desktop Preferences component Objects for improved access to "hidden" editors and the RexxTry facility The Rover Pack Accessories Reference online book provides full information about using these components to take advantage of many of OS/2 Warp's Workplace Shell enhancements for customizing the "look and feel" of your system. ═══ 1.4. Rover Pack Extra! ═══ Rover Pack Extra! enhances and extends the basic Rover Pack functionality with some of the most innovative "best-of-breed" utilities ever available for the OS/2 Warp platform. When you enable Rover Pack Extra!, you will begin to enjoy the following new features immediately:  The Rover Project Master facility provides the ability to everything you need to work on any specific project - Files, Drives, Programs, Folders, and other objects - into a handy container for quick access. And, best of all, this facility is automatically integrated with Rover Pack's innovative Retriever component!  The Icon Central System is, quite simply, the most advanced collection of icon management software available anywhere, for any personal computer platform. Among its unique features are its "Icon Scheme" facility and true Automatic Icon Update.  New alternate views of all of the Rover Pack Tools components give you increased flexibility in tailoring your system to suit your personal preferences.  The standard Rover Icon Library is augmented with your own Personal Icon Library, consisting of up to 1,000 icons from any source. And, to help you start your personal icon collection, a special group of 90 new and useful icons is included.  Retriever's expanded configuration capacity allows you add up to 800 Program and Folder objects to the Retriever menu.  The Tracker feature keeps track of recently used Retriever menu items and presents them in a popup list box.  You will be able to create your own professional-quality icons quickly and easily using the collection of Icon "Starter" templates.  The Rover Pack Extra! Reference online book provides full information about using these components. Note: If you have purchased a full Rover Pack license, you may Rover Pack Extra! at any time after the software is installed on your system. See the "Enabling Rover Pack Extra!" topic for additional information. ═══ 1.5. Product Information ═══ Rover Pack was developed by Orange Hill Software of Placentia, CA and is distributed and supported by: Sundial Systems Corporation 909 Electric Avenue, Suite 204 Seal Beach, CA 90740 Sundial Systems contact information: ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │Telephone: 562-596-5121 │ ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │FAX: 562-596-7825 │ ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │e-mail: rover@sundialsystems.com │ ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │World Wide Web: http://www.sundialsystems.com │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ (C) Copyright Orange Hill Software, 1992-1999. All Rights Reserved. OS/2 and Workplace Shell are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Rover Pack is a trademark of Orange Hill Software and is used by Sundial Systems Corporation under license. ═══ 2. Installation Guide ═══ Installation of the Rover Pack is described in the next several topics. Installation is a highly automated process performed by the installation program (INSTALL.EXE). Before you install the software, please take a few moments to review this information. Installation Topics:  System Requirements  Installing With Other OHS Products  Installing The Software  Enabling Rover Pack Extra!  Moving the Software After Installation  Reinstalling the Software  Removing the Software From Your System (Double-click the highlighted text to go directly to a topic.) ═══ 2.1. System Requirements ═══ To install and use the Rover Pack you must have:  A 386SX (or higher) personal computer with 4 MB (or more) RAM with  OS/2 Warp (Version 3 or higher) installed, and  A fixed disk partition (physical or logical drive) with at least 3 MB free space. Note: Although a complete software installation requires about 1.5 MB of fixed disk space, the installation program requires that the destination drive has at least 3 MB free space. Fonts: To ensure that all components of this product will be displayed as designed, all of OS/2 Warp's standard bitmap fonts (Courier, Helv, and Tms Rmn) should be installed on your system. (Typically, these fonts are installed automatically during OS/2 Warp installation.) ═══ 2.2. Installing With Other OHS Products ═══ Several components of the Rover Pack were derived an Orange Hill Software product known as "The Orange Hill Workplace Solution", as well as earlier products known as "IControl", "IControl Plus", and "DESKpower". However, the Rover Pack is designed to function independently from any of these products. If you have "The Orange Hill Workplace Solution" installed on your system, the Rover Pack installation program will not install a second set of the Folder (Color and Image) Templates. However, your original templates will still be available from this product's Retriever menu. Note: After you've installed Rover Pack should you decide to remove "The Orange Hill Workplace Solution" from your system, you can use the BUILDRPK utility to add these templates to your Rover Pack installation. Rover Pack Extra!: If you decide to upgrade to Rover Pack Extra! and you also have "The Orange Hill Workplace Solution" on your system, you can easily transfer your Personal Icon Library to Rover Pack Extra! as follows: Copy the entire contents of Workplace Solution's CUSTOM folder (including the file named ICON_LIB.USR) to Rover Pack Extra's PERSONAL folder. (You should do this before adding any new icons to Rover Pack Extra's Personal Icon Library). Obsolete OHS Products: Several components of the Rover Pack had their origins in earlier Orange Hill Software products known as "IControl", "IControl Plus", and "DESKPower". These products were targeted at earlier versions of OS/2 and are no longer marketed. If you have one of these obsolete products on your system, it is recommended that you delete the folder templates (Color and Image) that were supplied with these products. (The folder templates supplied with the Rover Pack are specifically designed for OS/2 Warp and support the open folder animation feature.) ═══ 2.3. Installing The Software ═══ To install the software from the Rover Pack diskette, open the drive in which the diskette is inserted and double-click the program file named "INSTALL.EXE". A dialog box is presented for you to enter the destination drive and path for the installation. The installation program checks the destination to ensure that it is valid and that there is sufficient space on the indicated drive. (Directories will be created as needed in order to complete the entered path specification.) Tip: It is a good idea to dedicate a separate directory (the last directory in the path specification) to Rover Pack. Also, you should be mindful of the capabilities of file system on the destination drive (FAT or HPFS) when entering path names. After the information you've entered in the dialog box is accepted, the main installation window will be displayed. This window gives you the option of continuing or cancelling the installation. When you decide to continue, the software is transferred to your fixed disk drive. In addition, a Desktop folder is created that contains Workplace Shell objects to access all components of the Rover Pack. (This Overview and Installation Guide is also copied to the destination drive for future reference.) A complete listing of the product's Workplace Shell objects can be found in the Rover Pack Folder Contents topic. Rover Pack Extra!: All of the Rover Pack Extra! objects are also created when the software is installed. If you have purchased the full Rover Pack product license, the additional functionality can be enabled by starting "Retriever" and entering the license codes supplied by Sundial Systems. See the "Enabling Rover Pack Extra!" topic for additional information. Desktop Shadows: For your convenience, shadow objects for three key components - Retriever, Rover Icon Library and Icon Central - are also added to your Desktop. You may delete these shadow objects without affecting the functionality of the product. (The original objects for these components are located in the main product folders.) Note: The installation process does not modify your CONFIG.SYS file, so you do not need to reboot your system to begin using this product. Additional Topics:  Product Overview  System Requirements  Installing With Other OHS Products  Enabling Rover Pack Extra!  Moving the Software After Installation  Removing the Software From Your System (Double-click the highlighted text to go directly to a topic.) ═══ 2.4. Enabling Rover Pack Extra! ═══ If you have purchased a full Rover Pack license, you may enable the Rover Pack Extra! extended functionality at any time after the software is installed on your system. This functionality is described in brief in the "Rover Pack Extra!" topic of the Product Overview section of this online book. (The features of Rover Pack Extra! are described in detail in their own online reference book, which you'll find in the Rover Pack folder on your desktop.) To enable Rover Pack Extra!, simply start the "Retriver" component by double-clicking its icon. A dialog box will be presented for you to enter both the license number and the product access code exactly as they appear in the literature that was furnished with your software license from Sundial Systems. (You may use upper or lower case for any letters, but you must enter all digits - including leading zeroes - and any punctuation wherever it appears in the license information.) When you are done, click the "OK" button (or press the "Enter" key). Note: If you wish you use the Retriever component without enabling Rover Pack Extra!, you should leave the license number and access codes blank and just click the "OK" button (or press the "Enter" key). The license dialog box will be presented again the next time you start the Retriever component from its icon. In addition to activating several new components, enabling Rover Pack Extra! will also enhance the functionality of the following components:  All Available Programs  Program Basket Viewer (and all Program Basket Objects)  Program Basket Editor  Folder Basket Viewer (and all Folder Basket Objects) Should any of these be in use when you enable Rover Pack Extra!, this enhanced functionality will be exhibited only after you close and reopen these components. IMPORTANT: The "Enter Sundial License Information" dialog box is not presented when the Retriver component is started from the "Retriever (delayed start)" object. If you have started Retriever from this object and wish to enable Rover Pack Extra!, you should close and restart it from the regular "Retriever" object. ═══ 2.5. Moving the Software After Installation ═══ The installation program installs the Rover Pack software into the directory that you specified. This directory contains 9 primary subdirectories: COLOR.TPL, FBASKETS, ICOFILES, IMAGE.TPL, OHSLIB, PBASKETS, PROJECTS, RPKDESK, and RPKTEMP. This structure (including the names and contents of the subdirectories) of the software directory is critical to the proper functionality of the software. However, you may move the entire directory structure to another location on your system, if you desire. The easiest way to do this is to drag the software folder to a new location. You do not have to reinstall the software or adjust any of the objects' settings after you move the software in this manner. IMPORTANT: Be sure that no components of this product are running before attempting to move or rename the software folder. Tip: Should you move the software folder to a new location, you will probably find that the "dog biscuits" no longer appear as the product's Desktop folder's background. This is because the bitmap used for this background is not copied to the \OS2\BITMAP directory but is contained in the \RPKDESK subdirectory. To reinstate this background, open the RPKDESK folder. Then, open the "Rover Pack" folder's Settings\Preferences notebook, and click the "Background" tab. Drag the BISCUITS.BMP file from the RPKDESK folder and drop it onto the "Preview" box. (You can use this same procedure to restore this background to the "Rover Pack Tools" and "Icon Central System" folders as well.) ═══ 2.6. Reinstalling the Software ═══ If you need to refresh the Rover Pack software for any reason, simply follow the same procedure that you originally used to install the software from the Rover Pack diskette. When used to refresh the software, the installation program will not replace any of this product's Workplace Shell objects. It will, however, create new objects if any are missing. Therefore, if you delete the entire Desktop folder or any of its contents before you start the installation program, they will be recreated. This is one way to restore these objects if they have been destroyed or incorrectly modified. If you wish to recreate the Workplace Shell objects for this product without reinstalling the software, a utility program called BUILDRPK is provided. This utility is described in the next topic. ═══ 2.7. The BUILDRPK Utility ═══ One of the subdirectories under the main Rover Pack software directory is called RPKDESK. It contains various icons and other files that are used during installation of this product. One of these files is a program file (BUILDRPK.EXE) that can be used to create all of the Workplace Shell objects that are necessary for proper Rover Pack operation. Recreating Desktop Objects To recreate the Workplace Shell objects for this product without reinstalling the software, open the folder that represents the RPKDESK subdirectory (located in the Rover Pack software folder) and double-click the BUILDRPK.EXE program file. This is the simplest way to restore these objects since it does not require the use of the Rover CD-ROM. Note: BUILDRPK will not replace any of this product's Workplace Shell objects. It will, however, create new objects if any are missing. Therefore, if you delete the entire Desktop folder or any of its contents before you start BUILDRPK, the deleted objects will be recreated. Multiple OS/2 Partitions The BUILDRPK Utility can also be used to create another set of Rover Pack Workplace Shell objects for another copy of OS/2 Warp installed on a different disk partition on the your computer. To do this, simply start ("boot") OS/2 Warp from the other partition. Then, open the folder that represents the RPKDESK subdirectory and double-click the BUILDRPK.EXE program file. Remember, the Rover Pack will only under OS/2 Warp Version 3 or higher. The software (including BUILDRPK.EXE) will not run at all on earlier OS/2 versions (1.x or 2.x). See the "Rover Pack Tools Reference" for additional information about using this product in a multiple OS/2 partition environment. ═══ 2.8. Removing the Software From Your System ═══ Because the Rover Pack is entirely self-contained, there is no need for a special "uninstall" utility. To remove the software from your system, simply delete the software folder (including its subdirectories) and the main (Desktop) Rover Pack folder. The easiest way to do this is by dragging each of these folders to the Shredder. Note: Be sure that no components of this product are running before dragging the software folder to the Shredder. ═══ 3. Quick Start ═══ After you have installed the Rover Pack, please review the online reference books (in the main folder) to become familiar with its many capabilities. All of the software components are "linked" to these online books. If you press the F1 key or click a "Help" button or "Reference..." menu item while using any component, the correct book will be opened to an appropriate topic. Printing Hard Copy Documentation: If you prefer hard copy documentation, you can print this or any page of the online books by selecting the "Print..." button at the bottom of the window. Here are a few tips to get you "up and running" quickly:  Double-click the Retriever object to summon "Rover!". (Although it is not necessary for "Rover Pack Extra!" to be enabled for this tutorial, this is a good time to do so by entering the license number and product access code in dialog box that is presented for this purpose. See the "Enabling Rover Pack Extra!" topic for additional information.) Click the dog icon with either mouse button for a pre-configured popup menu for quick access to many OS/2 Warp features as well as the Rover Pack components. (Don't be fooled by Rover's small size: This powerful "canine companion" can bring your entire system to your fingertips!)  From Retriever's "Go fetch" submenu, click "Programs" then "All Available Programs". In a few seconds a list of all of the programs on your system will appear on your Desktop. Select any program on the list, then click the leftmost button on the "button bar" to start it.  Select any program that currently has a "generic" icon (a DOS program, for example) and click the right-hand button on the "button bar" to apply a new icon from the Rover Icon Library. Use the drop down list at the top of the icon selection dialog to browse through the 15 icon categories of the Rover Icon Library. When you see an icon that you would like to apply to the program, select its name and click the "OK" button.  Click the "Create Shadow" button (second from the right on the All Available Programs "button bar"). Choose the "Desktop" destination to create a shadow of the selected program on your OS/2 Warp Desktop.  Double-click the Rover Icon Library object. Use the arrow buttons on the menubar to select the "Folders" icon category. Then, drag any folder and drop it over the icon display window. The selection dialog is displayed for you to choose a new icon to apply to the folder. Note that the icon is "animated" when you open and close the folder.  Double-click the Folder Basket Viewer object to display a window with an empty folder list box. Drag any folder and drop it on the list box to add the folder to the new Basket list. Click the "Start Session" button (second from the left) to start an OS/2 command session whose prompt is automatically positioned at the folder's corresponding directory. Remember, these are but a few of the product's capabilities. You can also save any collection of folders that you drag onto the Folder Basket Viewer to create your own custom Folder Basket objects. Similarly, you can use the Program Basket Editor to create custom subsets of the All Available Programs list. Then, you can easily add the contents of these Basket objects to the Retriever menu. As you continue to explore the Rover Pack on your own, you'll soon discover many more handy and useful features. Note: This Overview and Installation Guide has been copied to your system for future reference. You can open this book from the main product folder or from Retriever at any time. ═══ 4. Rover Pack Folder Contents ═══ Pictured above is the main Rover Pack folder as it appears on an OS/2 Warp 4 system. OS/2 Warp 3 Note: Unlike OS/2 Warp 4, Warp 3 does not allow all of a folder's display attributes to be set by the installation program. Therefore, if you have an OS/2 Warp 3 system, your Rover Pack folder may not appear exactly as pictured above. Depending upon your system's default display attributes, you might find that you'll need to change some of the folder's settings in order to be able to read the object titles clearly. The Rover Pack folder contains the following objects:  The Icon Central System folder contains the objects of the Icon Central System. (Double-click here for a description of the contents of this folder.)  Overview and Installation Guide is this online book.  Retriever is a shadow of the standard Retriever program object (contained in the "Rover Pack Tools" folder).  Rover Pack Accessories Reference is an online book that describes all components of the Rover Pack Accessories collection.  The Rover Pack Tools folder contains the objects of the Rover Pack Tools collection. (Double-click here for a description of the contents of this folder.)  Rover Pack Extra! Reference is an online book that describes all of the enhanced features of Rover Pack Extra!  Warp Desktop Preferences is ysed to set preferences for OS/2 system startup behavior. (This component is described in "Rover Pack Accessories Reference" online book.) ═══ 4.1. Rover Pack Tools Folder Contents ═══ Pictured above is the Rover Pack Tools folder as it appears on an OS/2 Warp 4 system. All of these objects are described in detail in the "Rover Pack Tools Reference" and the "Rover Pack Extra! Reference" online books. The Rover Pack Tools folder contains the following objects:  All Available Programs presents a convenient list from which you can access of all of the programs on your system.  Create Rover Project Master provides the means to organize the objects you use into Project Master folders that are automatically added to the Retriever menu. (Rover Pack Extra! is required to use this object.)  The Document List Editor lets you build a list of frequently used documents (files) and drives that will appear on the Retriever menu. (Rover Pack Extra! is required to use this object.)  FBASKETS is a shadow of the folder that contains all of the Folder Basket objects that you create.  The Folder Basket Viewer is used to create and display Folder Basket objects for quick and flexible access to commonly used folders on your system.  PBASKETS is a shadow of the folder that contains all of the Program Basket objects that you create.  The Program Basket Editor is used to create Program Basket objects.  The Program Basket Viewer is used to display Program Basket objects for quick and flexible access to commonly used programs on your system.  PROJECTS is a shadow of the folder that contains all of the Rover Project Master folders that you create. (Rover Pack Extra! is required to use this object.)  Retriever is the centerpiece of the Rover Pack product. It provides easy access to your entire system.  Retriever (delayed start) is used to start Retriever after a short (selectable) delay. This is typically used for starting Retriever automatically during OS/2 startup.  Rover Pack Tools Reference and Rover Pack Extra! Reference describe the use of all components of the Rover Pack Tools collection. ═══ 4.2. Icon Central System Folder Contents ═══ Pictured above is the Icon Central System folder as it appears on an OS/2 Warp 4 system. All of these objects are described in detail in the "Rover Icon Library Reference" and the "Rover Pack Extra! Reference" online books. Note: Rover Pack Extra! is required to use most of the objects in this folder. The Icon Central System folder contains the following objects:  Automatic Icon Update is used to apply icons according to "Icon Scheme" specifications to new files and folders on your system.  ICOFILES is a shadow of the folder that contains icon (.ICO) files created from the Rover Icon Library. When Rover Pack Extra! is enabled, it also contains your Personal Icon Library icons.  The Icon Central master object provides access to all of the features of the Icon Central System, including the powerful "icon scheme" facility.  Install Icon "Starter" Templates is used to install an optional set of templates for creating professional quality icons of your own.  The Personal Icon Library Organizer is used to create and maintain a database of icons from any source. This object is also used to access a "bonus" collection of 90 additional icons.  The Rover Icon Library is a collection of 250 icons that can be applied to objects with "drag and drop" ease.  Rover Icon Library Reference and Rover Pack Extra! Reference describe the use of all components of the Icon Central System. ═══ ═══ Registered Trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. ═══ ═══ Trademark of Microsoft