History of changes ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE TEXT ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [06.02.99] WIN-REL: VERSION 1.04 [release] ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [05.02.99] CHG: edit item dialog redesigned (includes internet info) [05.02.99] CHG: documentation about internet items changed [05.02.99] FIX: crashed after start on some machines ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [04.02.99] WIN-REL: VERSION 1.03 [release] ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [04.02.99] NEW: toolbar added [04.02.99] CHG: icons redesigned [03.02.99] FIX: sometimes hung when editing an item [02.02.99] FIX: crashed with www-adresses without document [02.02.99] FIX: sometimes crashed when web-hosts were unavailable [02.02.99] FIX: toolbar looked bad with 256 color desktops ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [25.01.99] WIN-REL: VERSION 1.02 [release] ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [19.01.99] FIX: problem with deleting multiple or locked items [19.01.99] FIX: used up more and more memory over the time [18.01.99] FIX: browse button for logfile in main options did not work [15.01.99] FIX: delete of multiple items asserted [08.01.99] FIX: asserted on some machines after wakeup from suspend mode [07.01.99] FIX: file parser crashed on 0-byte files [04.12.98] NEW: button to look for system's proxy settings [29.11.98] NEW: web items now able to dial out via Windows Dial-Up manager [29.11.98] CHG: moved proxy setting to global options [28.11.98] NEW: Option for a more compact window (edit->optins->general) [28.11.98] NEW: Ras/Dial-Up connect state now also available under W95/98 [28.11.98] CHG: Ras/Dial-Up connect state now tells name of dial up entry [20.11.98] NEW: new command shortcuts [20.11.98] NEW: command line option /LANG: and /MIN: (see help) [07.11.98] FIX: behavior at system shutdown now more reliable [07.11.98] FIX: now honors min./maximized setting from program icon ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [04.11.98] WIN-REL: VERSION 1.01 [release] ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [04.11.98] NEW: option to start a program when an item is alerted [04.11.98] CHG: different (less harsh) nagging scheme [03.11.98] NEW: now offers /LANG:7 or /LANG:9 switch to force language [27.10.98] FIX: http GET requests now provide "Host: xxxx" keyword ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [20.10.98] WIN-REL: VERSION 1.00 [release] ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [03.10.98] FIX: hard drives >2GB were not shown correctly under W95 [02.10.98] FIX: item-dialog had bad refresh-type radio buttons (german only) [09.09.98] FIX: directory-size/tree-size did not work [09.09.98] FIX: day difference calculation was off by 1 [20.08.98] FIX: ping crashed if name resolution failed [20.08.98] CHG: added retry counter for ping system source (see help) [20.08.98] CHG: improved memory usage when parsing large files [19.07.98] CHG: increased html timeout to 20 seconds [14.07.98] CHG: Html not requests non-chached version of the document [12.07.98] NEW: Item option to show value in tooltip of minimized infotray [12.07.98] FIX: Update all crashed when Section display was disabled [12.07.98] NEW: Suspend item update (in right mouse button menu) [17.03.98] Deleting an item during value-update resulted in a crash [17.03.98] Time items could not be edited [15.03.98] Program sometimes hung when switching sections [15.03.98] Menu items now disabled if not applicable [08.03.98] New option to disable automatic column width settings [07.03.98] Items had radio buttons where more than one could be selected [05.03.98] Alert state icon sometimes did not work [01.03.98] Ping did not work [01.03.98] Configuration data now saved immediately ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ [22.02.98] WIN-REL: VERSION 0.90 [release] ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------