B O O T S E T -------------------------- Version 2.0 - July 29, 1998 (c) Copyright 1996-1998 JMA Software Technologies =============================================================================== THESE PROGRAMS ARE SHAREWARE AND AS SUCH YOU ARE PERMITED TO DISTRIBUTE THEM WITHOUT CHARGE PROVIDED THAT ALL FILES (EXCLUDING KEY FILES) ARE UNMODIFIED AND DISTRIBUTED TOGETHER. DUE COPYRIGHT MUST BE OBSERVED. THESE PROGRAMS ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ALL TRADEMARKS AND SERVICE MARKS ARE THE PROPERTY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. =============================================================================== What is BootSet ? ------------------ BootSet allow batchfiles (batchcommands) to be run during the OS/2 boot- sequence. BootSet is normally run before the graphic part of OS/2 (PM/WPS) is loaded and therefore allows you to perform tasks that is not possible when PM/WPS is loaded, ie. replacing systemfiles like DLL-files, drivers and config.sys. Optionally you may use BootSet to select different startup configurations using the reboot feature of BootSet. BootSet is built to support the smallest OS/2 configurations. You do not need WPS nor PM to install/modify/run BootSet. BootSet might not be a flashy PM program but does its job using very little system resources. Requirements: -------------- BootSet requires IBM OS/2 2.0 or later. It has been sucessfully tested on OS/2 2.11, OS/2 Warp 3.0, OS/2 Warp Connect and OS/2 Warp 4.0 (Merlin). Bootset will also run on OS/2 Warp Server and OS/2 Lan Server. BootSet will NOT work on IBM OS/2 Warp 3 with Fixpack 17 till fixpack 21 due to a bug in these fixpacks. To be able to reboot BootSet its also required that the DOS.SYS device driver is loaded. This is normally done when installing the DOS support in OS/2. Note: Bootset does not use DOS, it just happens to use a driver that is also used by the DOS support. Installation: -------------- Automatic installation:------------------------------------------- Copy all the files into a temporary directory. Start the installation program (INSTALL.EXE) Change the path (if needed) and press F2 to start the installation. BootSet will now be installed. If you selected to allow BootSet to change CONFIG.SYS the old CONFIG.SYS file will be saved as CONFIG.BAK. If you did not allow BootSet to change CONFIG.SYS the changes will be recorded in the CONFIG.NEW file. CONFIG.SYS must be changed in order to work. Manual installation:--------------------------------------------- Copy the files to a directory of your choice. You may install BootSet in any directory that you wish. The only files needed is the .EXE file (BOOTSET.EXE) and its .INI file. The file BOOTSET.TST is an example of how a .INI file can look. We recommend you to edit the file before you copy it and use it. Copy the file using the command prompt with: COPY BOOTSET.TST BOOTSET.INI You must now also add the following line in your CONFIG.SYS file: CALL=C:\BOOTSET\BOOTSET.EXE C:\BOOTSET\BOOTSET.INI Where the first statement after CALL= is the full path and name of the executable file and the second statement is the full path and name of the INI-file. The position of this line in your CONFIG.SYS file is arbitary since OS/2 does not load the lines one after one but runs them in its own specific order. The lines starting with CALL are among the last to run. History: -------------- Bootset 1.0 - May 9, 1997 (First release) Bootset 1.10 - June 13, 1997 - Small waitline added, displays a one line timeout - Color support added/enabled - Default timeout changed to 10 seconds - Readme file fixed Bootset 1.20 - June 24, 1997 - Length of waitline fixed, (display bug) - After waitline row with keys was invisible - Some redraw problems were fixed (although almost invisible) - Unregistered timeout changed fron 8 seconds to 6 seconds Bootset 2.0 - July 29, 1997 - Screen layout reworked - BOOTSET.INI editor was added - Installation program added Settings file: ---------------- This is a description of the settings file. You might want to use the BOOTSET.INI editor (BSEDIT.EXE) instead. BSEDIT.EXE has full online help. The settings file is build in a specific order. There is a example included in this package (BOOTSET.TST). Please refer to it when reading this text. The settings file contains of a fixed header and after that the menu items are listed. Following here is a description of the example file (BOOTSET.TST). Please note that all lines in the header must be present even if you do not use them or they are not implemented in this version. Line Text Explanation ==== ==== ============================================= 01 1 Tiny waitrow (0=off, 1=on) Shows single line with timeout 02 7 Foreground color (0-15) 03 1 Background color (0-15) 04 10 Timeout in seconds, time Bootset will wait for keypress 05 0 For future enhancement 06 0 For future enhancement 07 0 For future enhancement 08 0 For future enhancement 09 0 For future enhancement 10 0 Registration number 11 4 Number of menu items (a maximum of 255) The rest of the file contains of the sections (one for each menu item). The number of sections must be that same as the number of menu items specified above. Each section contains the menu text (shown in boot- set menu), the number of lines with commands to be run when this menu- item is selected, a reboot flag and the lines of commands. The menuitem contains a minimum of 4 lines. 1 - Text to be shown in menu 2 - Reboot/Do not reboot after execution of commands 3 - Number of lines with commands 4 - 1st line with command to be executed 5 - 2nd... 6 - 3rd... etc... Line Text Explanation ==== ==== ============================================= 12 Start cmd-line Menu text. 13 0 Reboot after this menuitem is run. 0=no reboot, 1=reboot 14 1 Number of lines with commands(a maximum of 100). 15 CMD.EXE Command to execute, maximum 255 characters. 16 Start with network Menu text. 17 1 Here we reboot after menu item is run 18 5 Five lines with commands 19 COPY C:\SAVE\CONFIG.NET C:\CONFIG.SYS 20 COPY C:\SAVE\AUTOEXEC.NET C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT 21 COPY C:\SAVE\STARTUP.NET C:\STARTUP.CMD 22 COPY C:\SAVE\PROTOCOL.SAV C:\IBMCOM\PROTOCOL.INI 23 COPY C:\SAVE\IBMLAN.SAV C:\IBMLAN\PROTOCOL.INI 24 Start standalone Menu text 25 1 Here we reboot after menu item is run 26 3 Three lines with commands 27 COPY C:\SAVE\CONFIG.STD C:\CONFIG.SYS 28 COPY C:\SAVE\AUTOEXEC.STD C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT 29 DEL C:\STARTUP.CMD 30 Backup .INI & desktop Menu text 31 0 No reboot 32 11 Eleven lines with commands 33 ATTRIB -r -s C:\OS2\OS2*.INI 34 XCOPY C:\CONFIG.SYS C:\CFG\DESKTOP /V 35 XCOPY C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT C:\CFG\DESKTOP /V 36 XCOPY C:\OS2\*.INI C:\CFG\DESKTOP\OS2 /V 37 XCOPY C:\OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\*.INI C:\CFG\DESKTOP\WINOS2 /V 38 XCOPY C:\IBMCOM\PROTOCOL.INI C:\CFG\DESKTOP\NET /V 39 XCOPY C:\IBMLAN\IBMLAN.INI C:\CFG\DESKTOP\NET /V 40 XCOPY C:\Desktop C:\CFG\DESKTOP\Desktop /V /S /E 41 XCOPY "C:\Maintenance Desktop" "C:\CFG\DESKTOP\Maintenance Desktop" /V /S /E 42 XCOPY C:\Nowhere C:\CFG\DESKTOP\Nowhere /V /S /E 43 XCOPY C:\Nowhere1 C:\CFG\DESKTOP\Nowhere1 /V /S /E ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- License information/registering: This copy of BootSet is provided with a limited evaluation license not exceeding 30 days in duration from first use. Unregistered use beyond this evaluation period is in violation of this license, as is use for any commercial purpose prior to registration. If you find BootSet useful and would like to register this software, a license fee is payable. Registration of this software will entitle you (or your corporation) to unlimited use of current release of the product. Please refer to the REGISTER.TXT if you wish to register BootSet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to contact us: Our webpage: http://www.jmast.se/ By email: mail@jmast.se -------------------------------------------------------------------------------