MKMSGF (e(h( 58688v8 :1:v: ;+ Springfield internal development message - %1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8 IThe Backup Method '%1' may be referenced elsewhere. Do you really want to delete it? IThe Restore Method '%1' may be referenced elsewhere. Do you really want to delete it? IThe Backup Set '%1' and everything that you have backed up to it will be deleted, meaning that you will no longer be able to restore the data. The Backup Set may also be referenced elsewhere. Do you really want to delete it? I<***Removed***> IThe File Filter '%1' may be referenced elsewhere. Do you really want to delete it? IThe referenced Backup Set does not exist on this machine, no Backup Set is selected. IYou must select a Backup Set. IThe referenced File Filter does not exist, no File Filter is selected. IYou must select a File Filter. I<***Removed***> The refrenced Compression Method does not exist, no Compression Method is selected. IYou must select a Compression Method. IThe referenced Backup Method does not exist, no Backup Method is selected. IYou must select a Backup Method. IThe Backup Method '%1' already exists. Do you really want to overwrite it? IThe Restore Method '%1' already exists. Do you really want to overwrite it? I<***Removed***> The Compression Method '%1' already exists. Do you really want to overwrite it? IThe File Filter '%1' already exists. Do you really want to overwrite it? IThe Backup Set '%1' already exists, and cannot be overwritten. IDo you really want to cancel the backup? The backup has been paused pending your decision. If you decide to cancel, the program will finish backing up the current file before stopping. IOne or more Rules in the Rulebook refer to an unknown Compression Method. You must remedy this before you can save the Rulebook. IThe combination of directory and pattern are too long to store in the Rule. The changes were not made. IOne or more events in the Schedule refer to an unknown Backup Method. You must remedy this before you can save the Schedule. IEverything you have backed up to Backup Set '%1' will be deleted, freeing storage, but meaning that you will no longer be able to restore any of this data. Do you really want to proceed? IChanges have been made to this panel. Do you really wish to cancel, discarding these changes? IChanges have been made to %1 open panel(s). Do you really wish to quit now, discarding all these changes? IThe referenced Backup Set '%1' has been Transferred Out, and therefore cannot be selected. You must select a new Backup Set. IDo you really want to delete this Scheduled Event? IYou must select at least one day and week. IDo you really want to cancel the backup? If you decide to cancel, the program will finish backing up the current file before stopping. IDo you really want to cancel the restore? If you decide to cancel, the program will finish restoring the current file before stopping. IDo you really want to cancel the restore? The restore has been paused pending your decision. If you decide to cancel, the program will finish restoring the current file before stopping. IThe Rulebook '%1' may be referenced elsewhere. Do you really want to delete it? IThe Rulebook '%1' already exists. Do you really want to overwrite it? IThe referenced Rulebook does not exist, no Rulebook is selected. IYou must select a Rulebook. IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore is unable to locate the main application help file. Therefore the main application help will not be available unless you reinstall help support. Note that, for your convenience, this warning will not be shown again. IThe Backup Set '%1' already exists. You must pick a different name. IYou are currently Transferring Out Backup Set '%1'. IYou are currently emptying Backup Set '%1'. IYou are currently deleting Backup Set '%1'. IYou are currently editting the settings for the Backup Set '%1'. IYou are currently editting the settings for the Storage Device '%1'. IYou are currently updating Backup Set '%1' after an interrupted operation. IYou are currently Transferring In from Storage Device '%1'. IThere is a Scheduled Event running using Backup Method '%1'. IYou are currently using Backup Method '%1'. IYou are currently using Restore Method '%1'. IYou are currently viewing the files backed up to Backup Set '%1'. IYou are currently viewing all backed up files. IThe Backup Set '%1' is locked. IAll the Backup Sets are locked. IThe Storage Device '%2' is locked. IThe Backup Set '%1' and the Storage Device '%2' are locked. IThe Storage Device '%2' and all the Backup Sets are locked. IAll the Storage Devices are locked. IThe Backup Set '%1' and all the Storage Devices are locked. IAll the Backup Sets and Storage Devices are locked. ITherefore you cannot perform this action now. ITherefore you cannot perform this Workplace Shell backup now. ITherefore you cannot perform this Workplace Shell restore now. ITherefore you cannot use this Backup Method now. IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore thinks it has already recognised the type of this drive. Are you sure you want to change the type of the drive? IThere are currently no suitable Volumes available for Backup Set '%1'. You must create a new one. IThere are currently no suitable Volumes available for Backup Set '%1'. Either create a new one, or associate an existing Volume with the Backup Set. As a result you cannot perform this Workplace Shell action now. Would you like this action to be queued and started when possible? If you answer no, the action will be discarded. IPlease select one set of data to backup from the list shown below. Note that if you select "Use a tree view to pick files", you will be shown the tree when you select "Setup now".IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore groups backed up data in 'Backup Sets'. You can either ask that a new Backup Set be created for you, in which case you must select the Storage Device it uses, or you can use an existing Backup Set.IPlease choose the maximum number Generations of each file to keep, how files should be compressed, and choose defaults for manual backups of the data.IIf you want this backup to run automatically, please select the frequency of backups, and whether they should be incremental.IIf you want this backup to run automatically at a further time, please select the frequency of backups and whether they should be incremental.IYou can use Guides to quickly and easily set up a Backup Strategy. Select the Backup Guide to define what to backup, where and when. Select the Disaster Recovery Guide to set up boot diskettes which allow you to restore from a catastrophic failure.IWelcome to OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore, your ticket to trouble free backup and restore. We recommend that you perform a simple test backup before moving on to other parts of the program, by selecting the top-most button below.IYou chose to drop some files or folders. These files will be dropped now. IYou selected some files or folders to drop. Would you like the drop action to be performed before you cancel? IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore backs up data to "Backup Sets". Each Backup Set uses a particular Storage Device, like a hard disk or a tape. Backup Sets are generally used to group related files. For example, you might set up a Backup Set for a particular project. OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore has created a default Backup Set for each Storage Device that it has detected. This is intended for general data. For example "Drive C (General)" refers to the Backup Set for general data backed up to Drive C. To confirm that OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore has installed successfully, select one of the Backup Sets for the test backup (a hard drive is the simplest), and then press "Backup". A backup progress panel provides information about the backup as it takes place.IThe test backup of DUMMY.FIL worked OK. IYou should give a meaningful name to this backup, so you can recognise it when it is running. This is also the name which appears on the backup pulldown of the main menu, for you to run a manual backup.ITherefore you cannot use this Restore Method now IThe Backup Guide successfully created the Backup Strategy. If you have added Scheduled Events, you may want to add OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore to the startup folder, so OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore can continue to run automatic backups for you after you reboot. Note: you can select "Startup Minimized" from the "Main Window" page in the Control Panel, if you do not want OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore to be obtrusive when it starts up. IThe file %1.DLL which is required for OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore to function cannot be loaded. Please ensure that it exists and is in your LIBPATH. The default location for the module is '%2', and so either '.' or '%2' should appear in your LIBPATH. IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore cannot run because the file %1.DLL does not contain a valid entry point. IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore suffered a severe startup error, allocating shared memory. IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore could not allocate enough memory to run. IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore is unable to run from this drive. IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore is unable to run from this directory. IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore must be run from an attached drive rather than from a LAN alias. IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore does not work with versions of OS/2 prior to OS/2 Warp. IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore cannot run because the Backup/Restore API Server is running. IThis panel shows the list of File Filters. You can edit or delete the ones shown, as well as add new ones.IA simple set of files to be backed up can be chosen from the source box. The files then pass through filters in the pipeline on their way to the backup destination. The filters are used to further exclude files from the backup, and select the Compression Method and Generation counts for each file.IBehind this you can see the OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore main window. It contains a Toolbar to allow you to perform commonly-used tasks, and other information. Many of the panels in OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore have hints, like this one. If you click on 'Hide', the hint will go away, but reappear next time you open the window. If you click on 'Don't show again', the hint will not be shown again. You can always see the hint for a window by selecting 'Show hint' from the window's System menu.IThis panel shows the list of Backup Methods. You can edit, delete or run the ones shown, as well as adding new ones. IThis panel shows the list of Restore Methods. You can edit, delete or run the ones shown, as well as adding new ones. IThis panel shows the list of Backup Sets. A Backup Set is a collection of backed up files which OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore manages for you. If you ever need to recover data, OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore will know exactly where it is backed up by referring to the available Backup Sets. It is a good idea to keep a separate Backup Set for each project or activity on your machine. That allows you to Transfer Out their Backup Sets when they finish, and keep the backup as a project archive.IThis panel shows the list of Volumes. A Volume is an item of backup media, for example a diskette, hard disk, tape or optical disk. Removable Volumes (such as tape and diskette) can only contain data for a single Backup Set, while Fixed Volumes (such as hard disk) can contain data for multiple Backup Sets. IThis panel shows the list of drives. You can choose which drives will be checked for files to back up.IThis panel shows the list of Rulebooks. You can edit or delete the ones shown, as well as adding new ones.IThis panel shows the list of Compression Methods. A Compression Method defines how OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore will compress data when you back it up. You can choose whether Backup/Restore compresses data by default from this panel. IThis panel shows the list of sounds. You can assign different sounds to different events which happen in OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore. You can also enable and disable sounds for different events.IThis panel shows the Schedule. You can create new Scheduled Events so that backups will be run at a specified time.IThis is the OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore control panel. Here you can set up default settings for Backup/Restore to use, and also change what appears in many of the OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore panels.? IYou are currently picking a date for Restore Method '%1'.IYou are currently working on Backup Set settings for the Backup Set set '%1'. The Storage Device used by the Backup Set cannot do anything else during this time.I<***Removed***> The Backup Set '%1' shares volumes with another Backup Set which is currently unavailable. OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore requires all volumes for a Backup Set to be available before it can be used.IThe test backup of DUMMY.FIL was not successful. If you did not cancel the backup, then press HELP for some more information. IA Rule-based Filter is more powerful than a Tree-based Filter. For example, the single inclusion *:\*\*.c includes all files with extension "c". If a Rule-based Filter containing this Rule is converted to a Tree-based Filter then this Rule would be converted into an inclusion Rule for each file with extension "c" currently on your system, and a very large Tree-based Filter would be produced. We recommend that you only convert from Tree-based Filters to Rule-based Filters. Do you really want to proceed? IUnable to create new Backup Set. Possibly out of disk space.IUnable to open Backup Set. IUnable to open Storage Device '%1' which is need to open the settings for Backup Set '%2'. IUnable to open Storage Device '%1' IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore was unable to put up the panel it required. This may be due to a lack of system resource. The program will behave as if a cancelling action had been performed. IUnable to initialize the Backup Guide. IUnable to set up the strategy using the tree! IUnable to create the File Filter required for the Backup Strategy. IUnable to create the new Backup Set '%1' for the Backup Strategy. IUnable to locate the Backup Set '%1' needed for the Backup Strategy. IUnable to create a new Backup Method for running the Backup Strategy. INames starting with < are reserved by OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore. IThe specified directory '%1' is not allowed to contain wildcards. IThe path '%1' is invalid. IThe directory '%1' contains the invalid character '%2' IThe filename '%1' contains the invalid character '%2' IThe directory '%1' contains double backslashes. IThe directory '%1' is not allowed to contain backslashes in the middle. I'%1' is not a fully qualified path ITherefore you cannot view the data backed up to this Backup Set now. ITherefore you cannot view the backed up data now. ITherefore you should not quit now... if you do so, you may jeopardize the integrity of your backed up data. Do you REALLY want to quit now? IThe Storage Device '%1' is not configured. Please configure it from the Storage Devices panel before creating a Backup Set for it. IThere is currently no Log File for Backup Set '%1'. I<***Removed***> Internal error: Return code %1 from %2. IYou must select at least one Storage Device to support. IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore could not find the program %1, which is necessary to create bootable diskettes. IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore could not run the program %1. Module %2 is at fault. IUnable to load Storage Device '%1' IThere were errors during the creation of your diskettes. It may not be possible to perform Disaster Recovery from these diskettes. IThere is no CONFIG.SYS file on this diskette. Check you have inserted the correct diskette. IUnable to create directory %1. Diskette creation cannot continue. IUnable to write Storage Device list to %1. IError copying file %1 to %2. I<***Removed***> Development message: %1 returned %2. IThe diskette is write-protected. Move the write-protect tab and try again. IError writing file %1. IThe bootable diskettes have been created. You should ensure that the System Diskette contains the correct device drivers for your system. To perform Disaster Recovery in the future, insert diskette 1 and turn your computer on. When a command prompt appears, insert the Program Diskette; then type 'GO' and press . IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore Disaster Recovery diskettes To perform disaster recovery, - Make sure the Program Diskette is in the drive - Type 'GO' and press IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore could not find the program %1, which is necessary to copy 386 HPFS to bootable diskettes. Do you want to create diskettes without 386 HPFS support? IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore could not run the 386 HPFS program %1. Module %2 is at fault. IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore will now run the 386 HPFS program to copy files to the diskettes. You should ensure the System Diskette is inserted now, and leave it in the drive throughout this process. IUnable to copy the boot sector for drive %1 to file %2. IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore can restore your system after a disaster without the need to reinstall OS/2. To do this it creates a set of diskettes which can be used to boot your machine after the disaster. After booting the machine you can restore an entire Backup Set to recover your system. You must first create a set of bootable diskettes. Before you proceed, please select 'Help' below and carefully read the instructions.IYou must specify which Storage Devices you will use or have used to back up your system. If you start using a different Storage Device to backup your system you should use this guide again to recreate your disaster recovery diskettes. Please select the Storage Devices you want to support:IPlease select the diskette drive in which you want to create the disaster recovery diskettes. IIf you use the 386 HPFS file system on your machine you should select this option, as it will allow you to restore your system to an 386 HPFS drive. This file system is most frequently used on LAN Servers.IYou should already have a set of bootable diskettes. You should identify among them the diskette which contains CONFIG.SYS, device drivers and other system files; this will be referred to as the System Diskette. The diskette onto which you wish to put the OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore program files will be referred to as the Program Diskette. You will now be prompted for these two diskettes so that OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore can copy to each diskette the files necessary for disaster recovery. IUnable to write temporary file to drive %1 IUnable to delete temporary file from drive %1 IThe bootable diskettes have been created. You should ensure that Utility diskettes 1 and 2 contain the correct device drivers for your system. Drivers which appear in 'BASEDEV=' statements in the config.sys should be put on diskette 1, those which appear in 'DEVICE=' statements should be copied to diskette 2. To perform Disaster Recovery in the future, insert diskette 0 and turn your computer on. When a command prompt appears, insert utility diskette 3, type 'GO' and press . IAs a result, the Backup Set '%1' is locked. IAs a result, all the Backup Sets are locked. IAs a result, the Storage Device '%2' is locked. IAs a result, the Backup Set '%1' and the Storage Device '%2' are locked. IAs a result, the storage device '%2' and all the Backup Sets are locked. IAs a result, all the Storage Devices are locked. IAs a result, the Backup Set '%1' and all the Storage Devices are locked. IAs a result, all the Backup Sets and Storage Devices are locked. IYou cannot choose to restore data backed up from many drives to a single path on one drive. Fill in the 'Drive' field in the 'Source' section, or choose to restore to the original location.IYou cannot activate a Volume which belongs to a Backup Set which has been Transferred Out. You must Transfer In the Backup Set first. ITherefore this Workplace Shell backup cannot run at the moment. Would you like it to be queued to run later (if not, it will be ignored). ITherefore this Workplace Shell restore cannot run at the moment. Would you like it to be queued to run later (if not, it will be ignored). I%1 (not Transferred Out)IUnable to access Backup Set '%1'. IUnable to access Backup Method '%1'. IUnable to access Restore Method '%1'. IUnable to start the scheduled backup, because the Backup Method '%1' cannot be accessed. IThe entry '%1' is invalid. ITherefore you may not quit now... You must close all current actions, before quitting, to ensure data integrity. IThere are currently Workplace Shell backups or restores waiting to run. If you quit now, these actions will be discarded... Do you really wish to quit? IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore encountered an unexpected error building the tree view. This is probably due to lack of system resource. The tree you see may not be complete. The best course of action is to cancel, and try again. IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore was unable to put up a prompt for the current object during restore. Would you like to continue the restore without any prompts? (If you select "No", the restore will be cancelled) IThe backup completed successfully. IThis is a dual device backup set. Press "Yes" to create a new volume on the primary device, press "No" for the incremental device ISelect Transfer In deviceISelect Transfer Out deviceIFullIIncrementalIThis volume contains %2 active files for Backup Set '%1'. Do you wish to discard it? IThis is a Dual Device Backup set, and the last backup was %1IBase deviceIIncremental deviceIOKIYou musn't use the virtual device for this purposeIThe devices used by this backup set may have changed. Please confirm the devices and their settings in the following panelsI