MKMSGF P k PSNSRECO.MSG IOS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore v6.01 Disaster Recovery Tool? IRun FDISKIFormat a disk driveIRun CHKDSK on a disk driveIProceed with disaster recoveryIExitIOS/2 command lineIRun LVM? IUse FDISK to set up your partitions as they were before the disaster. Make sure you set the appropriate partitions to 'Startable' or 'Bootable'.IUse FORMAT to format a partition. Use FDISK beforehand to make sure all the partitions have been set up correctly.IThis option will start the procedure for restoring a Backup Set. Backup/Restore will automatically restore files to the same location that they came from so it is very important to make sure you have correctly set up your hard disk partitions by using FDISK and FORMATIUse CHKDSK to ensure that a partition is correctly formatted.IUse this option to access a command prompt so that you can check which drives are already formatted etc.IUse this option to leave the Disaster Recovery tool without restoring any backed up dataIPlease insert your Disaster Recovery Program diskette %1 to continue copying filesIUse LVM to set up your volumes as they were before the disaster. IUse FORMAT to format a partition. Use LVM beforehand to make sure all the volumes have been set up correctly.IThis option will start the procedure for restoring a Backup Set. Backup/Restore will automatically restore files to the same location that they came from so it is very important to make sure you have correctly set up your hard disk volumes by using LVM and FORMAT? IRemove the diskette from the drive, and press Control+Alt+Delete to restart your computer. IDrive %1IPress any key to return to Disaster Recovery...IPlease reinsert diskette 2IRunning %1ICreating directory %1ICopying %1 to %2IPlease insert diskette 3PWhich drive should OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore use for temporary files?PEnter your choice (1-%1): IType 'exit' to return to disaster recovery.PFormat which drive? (A-Z): PRun CHKDSK on which drive? (A-Z): IChoose a device to restore fromIChoose a backup set to restoreIImporting backup set '%1'IDo you want to configure the device? (Y/N)IEsc = CancelPFormat using which file system? (FAT or HPFS)I^OKI^RetryI^IgnoreI^CancelI^YesI^NoI^Abort? PFormat using which file system? (FAT, HPFS or JFS)ICouldn't run program %1.ICan't open the OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore kernel. Exiting.IInternal error: malloc() failed.? IUnable to start the restore.IUnable to create an event semaphore. The restore has failed.IUnable to load storage device %1.IError copying file %1 to %2.IUnable to create directory %1.IUnable to identify the diskette. Please check that you have inserted the Disaster Recovery diskette %1.? IThe restore of the backup set has finished. You will be returned to the storage device selection panel. If you are done recovering, you can press ESC from here to exit. You can always run GO.EXE again later. If you have restored net.acc, you'll need to restore it again when you reboot in order to recover ACLs. IThere were %1 errors during the restore. Look at the file '%2' for more information.INew %1? IYou are now leaving the Backup/Restore disaster recovery program. If you want to use your backup sets when you reboot into the OS/2 desktop, you'll need to transfer them in - do this from the Backup Sets container context menu.? IRestore progressIFilesIFoldersIkBIDoneIRemainingITotalIElapsed timeIEstimated remaining timeIEstimated total timeIAverage data rateIbytes per secondIScanningIRestoringI0%I100%IPercentage Complete: