MKMSGF psnsd.msg ENo more PSNSHANDLEs or HPSNSLISTs are available. You may not have more than 4294967296 of these open at any one time.EThe connection is a duplicate.EAn unidentifiable internal error has occurred.EThe PSNSHANDLE is in use. You may not call more than one function at the same time using the same handle.EA %1 called '%2' already exists.EAn internal error was encountered whilst processing index files. Try the operation again.EThe handle is invalid. Use the PsnsInit function to obtain a valid handle.EThe list handle is invalid.EAn invalid parameter was detected.EThe backup method '%1' does not exist.EThe volume with id %1 does not exist.EThe event type is invalid.EThe event option is invalid.EThe mask specified is invalid.EThe drive type is invalid.EThe number of generations is invalid. The number of generations must be between 1 and 250.EThe rulebook '%1' does not exist.EThe file filter '%1' does not exist.EThe backup set '%1' does not exist.EThe restore method '%1' does not exist.EThe source drive '%1' does not exist.EThe position %1 is out of range.EThe event with id %1 does not exist.E'%1' is not a valid drive letter.EThe path is invalid.EFilenames may not contain backslash characters.EThe volume is already associated with a backup set.EThe object name '%1' is invalid. Object names may not begin with the '<' character and must be at least one character long.EThe file filter type is invalid.EThe storage device type '%1' is invalid.EThe storage device '%1' is invalid.EThe function cannot complete because a conflicting operation is already in progress. Try again later.EThe %1 cannot be deleted.EThe file '%1' cannot be found in the backup set.EThe time is invalid.EThere are no events currently scheduled.EThe buffer you have specified is too small to contain the entire message.EA connection with an API server cannot be established. Check the parameters to PsnsInit and that the server is running on the target machine.EThe configuration string is invalid.EThe priority for %1 is invalid.EThe generation you specified does not exist.EThe backup set '%1' is already transferred in.EThe backup set '%1' is transferred out.EThe compression method is invalid.EYou cannot choose to restore data backed up from many drives to a single path on one drive. The restore method '%1' has not been altered.EThe date is invalid.EYou may not alter the last rule in a file filter or rulebook.EThe storage device or backup set may not be configured at this point.EThe flags field is invalid.EContact has been lost with the API server. All handles previously connected to it have become invalid.EThe return code %d is invalid.EThe operation is not allowed because the volume with id %1 is an index diskette.EThe volume with id %1 is a fixed volume. Therefore the operation you are trying to perform is not allowed.EThe backup set '%1' is not appropriate for associating with the volume.EA keyword in a configuration string is incorrect.EA value in a configuration string is incorrect.ESyntax error; a configuration string did not conform to the required format.EA required parameter was missing from the configuration string.EAn error occurred whilst processing a configuration string, for example, a path name is invalid.EThere were errors during the backup. Please check the log for details.EThere were errors during the restore. Please check the log for details.EBackup/Restore internal error (unhandled exception).EOne of the given arguments is an invalid mask name. Please check the REXX reference guide for a list of valid mask names.EOne of the given arguments is an invalid parameter. Please check the REXX reference guide for a list of valid parameters.EThe handle is not valid. Please check PsnsInit ran properly.EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIStarting...IReady...IClosing...IThe Backup/Restore API server cannot run because OS/2 Warp Server Backup/Restore is running.IThe Backup/Restore API server cannot run because it is already running on this machine.IThe Backup/Restore API server cannot run because of an internal error.IUse the PSNSD command to start the Backup/Restore API server.ISyntax:I PSNSD [/Pipe:] [/Port:] [/Port:]Iwhere:I is the name of a named pipe to listen on.I is the name of a service which will be looked up in the TCP/IP services file to decide which port to listen on.I is the number of a port to listen on. IThe pipe name, service name or port number should be the same as that which will be passed to PsnsInit in the client which is going to connect to the server. IAs many named pipes or TCP/IP ports can be opened as are specified on the command line. If /Pipe: or /Port: are specified without a parameter, then defaults are used.Imanual backupsIautomatic backupsIfile filterIrulebookIdeviceIbackup methodIrestore methodIPlease wait while the Backup/Restore API server completes an incomplete backup...IPlease wait while the Backup/Restore API server completes an incomplete restore...Ibackup setIvolumeIBackup/Restore program filesIBackup/Restore control filesIBackup/Restore filesIUnable to start connection for Named Pipe '%1'IUnable to start connection for TCP/IP port '%1'ITCP/IP socket services not availableITCP/IP socket function '%1' returned error %2