═══ 1. Introduction: ═══ This is the Installation procedure for products of Keystone Software Corp. It is made to be run from a temporary folder (directory), where you expanded compressed files, or from a diskette. Clicking on "Set Up" prepares for the installation process. You will be asked to specify folders, and possibly other information. If you are up-dating an existing version of the program, you must Close the running copy of the program before beginning the install process. If you are running from a temporary folder, don't install the software to the temporary folder! Use the default folder or make up a name of your liking. When the install is complete you can delete the files from the temporary folder, you may wish to save the compressed files. Clicking on "Install" will start the actual Installation. A folder, will be created to contain the product's files. If you are installing over an existing version, you should specify the folder of the existing version as the folder to load the new version. In this way you will retain your current settings and registration information. If you want to be extra safe, you can make a backup of the existing folder, and keep it until you are sure the installation went well. Keystone Software Corp. products use VRObj.DLL Version 2.1D, a Watcom - VXRexx product. Other KSC products use VRObj.DLL, and other DLLs, so to save disk space, they are kept in a separate folder from the product, probably "VXRexx". This procedure tries to insure that you have the latest version of DLLs, and will rename old copies before replacing them. You can delete the old copies when you are sure the new ones work with everything that uses them. For this product to run, your Config.Sys file must have a LibPath statement that points to the DLLs, Install will add or modify the statement for you. You will be given an opportunity to have Install replace your Config.Sys file or save the updated file as Config.KSC and you can change your Config.Sys file later. You will then need to re-boot. Install checks to see if your current LibPath statement needs updating to point to the DLLs and will not change your Config.Sys file if it doesn't need to. In this case you will not have to re-boot. Install will also create a program object (Icon), on your Desktop to run this product. You can view the help information for most KSC products by pressing "F1" when the main window of the product that has the focus. The help information for KSC products is also supplied in book form, ".INF" files that can be read with the OS.2 View program. See Disclaimer. ═══ 2. Watcom's VRObj.DLL: ═══ This Keystone Software Corp. program requires Watcom's VXRexx VRObj.DLL runtime library, version 2.1 patch level "D". It can be found as VRObj21D.Zip on BBS's, in the IBM OS/2 User Forum on CompuServe and on the KSC WEB page. See: Contacting the Author. If you already have this or a later version of VRObj.DLL you don't need to get it again. You may have other programs that use VRObj.DLL, if so, you may have more than one copy VRObj.DLL. You only need the latest version and having older versions can cause problems. This Keystone Software Corp. program or one of your other programs may complain about the version of VRObj.DLL when it starts. If so, you probably have an old version around somewhere. DLLs are shared in memory by programs written to use them. If an old programs run and causes an old version of a DLL to be loaded it will run fine. Subsequent programs that require the newer version will not cause the newer version of the DLL to replace the older version in memory. The older version of the DLL will not be able to properly support the newer program. You can use the OS/2 "Find" tool on the LaunchPad or "Seek and Scan Files" from the Productivity folder to locate all the copies of VRObj.DLL. Be careful and only delete the older versions. This Keystone Software Corp. program puts VRObj.DLL in the C:\VXRexx folder or where ever you chose at installation time. This folder or a folder where you keep DLLs is a good place to keep it. The folder name should be in the "LibPath" statement in your "ConFig.SYS" file. ═══ 3. Disclaimer: ═══ Keystone Software Corp. makes no representation or warranty with respect to the adequacy of this program or the documentation which describes it for any particular purpose or with respect to its adequacy to produce any particular result. In no event shall Keystone Software Corp., its employees, its contractors, the authors of the program and documentation, or Watcom (Watcom International Corporation and all of its subsidiaries) be liable for special, direct, indirect or consequential damages, losses, costs, charges, claims, demands or claim for lost profits, fees or expenses of any nature or kind. ═══ 4. Contacting the Author: ═══ You can reach Louis LaBrunda and Keystone Software Corp. at: Louis LaBrunda Keystone Software Corp. P.O. Box 265 Liberty Corner, NJ 07938-0265 Voice: 908-647-5905 CompuServe: 71604,1662 Internet: 71604.1662@compuserve.com HomePage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Louis_LaBrunda