Documentation of Selected Procedures in the OS/2 Implementation: (OS2-CONSOLE/COLOR?) Returns #t if the console window supports color, #f otherwise. (OS2/DEFINE-COLOR name color) Define the string NAME to mean the color specified by COLOR. COLOR can be specified in any of the following ways: * The name of a previously defined color (a string). * An exact integer between 0 and #xffffff inclusive. The top eight bits of the integer contain the red value, the middle eight bits contain the green value, and the bottom eight bits contain the blue value. * A list of three exact integers, each of which is between 0 and #xff inclusive. The integers are red, green, and blue, respectively. * A string whose first character is #\# and whose remaining characters are the hexadecimal representation of an exact integer between 0 and #xffffff inclusive. The integer is interpreted exactly as above. (OS2/FIND-COLOR color) Translate the color specification COLOR to an exact integer between 0 and #xffffff inclusive. (OS2-CONSOLE/SET-COLORS! foreground background) Set the foreground and background colors of the console window, and redraw the window using the new colors. FOREGROUND and BACKGROUND can be any color specification as defined above. (call-with-values OS2-CONSOLE/GET-FONT-METRICS (lambda (char-width char-height) ...)) Get the width and height of the character cell for the console window's current font. These are returned as multiple values. (OS2-CONSOLE/SET-FONT! font-name) Change the console window's current font to FONT-NAME. FONT-NAME is a string of the form ".", for example, "10.Courier". Any fixed-pitch font may be specified; both image fonts and outline fonts are supported. This procedure signals an error of type CONDITION-TYPE:BAD-RANGE-ERROR if FONT-NAME is not valid. (call-with-values OS2-CONSOLE/GET-SIZE (lambda (width height) ...)) Get the width and height of the console window, in characters. These are returned as multiple values. (OS2-CONSOLE/SET-SIZE! width height) Set the size of the console window, in characters. (call-with-values OS2-CONSOLE/GET-PEL-SIZE (lambda (width height) ...)) Get the width and height of the console window, in pels. These are returned as multiple values. This is the size of the client area of the window, and does not include the border and title bar. (OS2-CONSOLE/SET-PEL-SIZE! width height) Set the size of the console window, in pels. This is the size of the client area of the window, and does not include the border and title bar. (call-with-values OS2-CONSOLE/GET-FRAME-SIZE (lambda (width height) ...)) Get the width and height of the console window, in pels. These are returned as multiple values. This is the size of the entire frame, and DOES include the border and title bar. (call-with-values OS2-CONSOLE/GET-FRAME-POSITION (lambda (x y) ...)) Get the position of the lower-left-hand corner of the console window's frame. This position is expressed in the usual OS/2 coordinates, relative to the lower-left-hand corner of the desktop. These are returned as multiple values. (OS2-CONSOLE/SET-FRAME-POSITION! x y) Set the position of the lower-left-hand corner of the console window's frame. This position is expressed in the usual OS/2 coordinates, relative to the lower-left-hand corner of the desktop.