New features in Version 17.1 of mprime -------------------------------------- 1) You can now fine tune your control of the program by adding Time= lines to your prime.ini file - see the readme.txt file. 2) ECM factoring for 2^N+1 is now available. 3) By default, ECM factoring stops if a factor is found for exponents above 5825 and continues (if the cofactor is composite) for exponents below 5825. You can override this behavior by setting ContinueECM=0 or 1 in prime.ini. New features in Version 17.0 of mprime -------------------------------------- 1) Mprime can now be used to double-check its own results. 2) Machines less powerful than a P133 will default to double-checking assignments. 3) The total number of errors that occur during the Lucas-Lehmer test are now output in results.txt. New features in Version 16.4 of mprime -------------------------------------- 1) Lucas-Lehmer testing output now shows percent complete. 2) ECM factoring is available for small exponents. See for a list of exponents that need factoring. 3) A bug that prevented 486 & Cyrix machines from factoring above 2^62 has been fixed. 4) The LockUserInfo feature no longer sends user info every time prime95 starts up. 5) Test/Status now shows expected completion dates. New features in Version 16.3 of mprime -------------------------------------- 1) Mprime can now test exponents up to 20.5 million. 2) Mprime can now find factors up to 2^64. 3) The program now reports to the PrimeNet server new completion dates every 28 days (actually user adjustable from 1 to 60 days). This will improve the reclaiming of exponents that are not being actively tested. 4) The program now reports the current iteration number to the server for more informative status reports. 5) Intermediate files are now less likely to fail. If an error occurs during the writing of an intermediate file, the program continues on trying to write the intermediate file every 10 minutes. 6) A bug in the rolling average code has been fixed. Mprime now modifies the rolling average when factoring too. 7) The prime.log file is now limited in size to 256K bytes. 8) The user information dialog box now has a checkbox to tell the server not to send email. 9) Setting LockUserInfo=1 in prime.ini will make the user information dialog box inaccessible. This setting is also sent to the server so that no member of a team can accidentally transfer the credit for work previously performed by the team. New features in Version 15.4 of mprime -------------------------------------- 1) Mprime can now contact a central server to get exponents to test, report results, and change your email address. No database is required! The old manual reservation system is still supported. 2) The command line interface is replaced by a series of menus and questions to control your preferences. These menus are similar to the menus in the Windows executable. All preferences are now stored in local INI files that are compatible with the Windows program. This should make mprime easier to use, especially for those users running both operating systems. 3) The Pentium factoring code (up to 60 bit factors) is about 4.5% faster. 4) The CPU menu now has an entry for the AMD K6 and an entry for how many hours per day you expect to be running the program. 5) Mprime will no longer let you select Pentium Pro or Pentium CPU type unless your CPU supports the process-specific instructions. 6) You can now change how often prime95 saves intermediate files to disk. 7) You can now select one save file or two. 8) -A switch added. This allows you to run multiple copies of prime95 from the same directory. This is useful on multi-processor machines. 9) Mprime now changes its working directory to the same directory that mprime is located. This makes it easier to launch mprime from startup scripts. If you must run mprime from a different directory than the rest of the files, then use the new -W switch. 10) The time estimate in the Status menu choice now takes into account the time you've invested in the current Lucas-Lehmer test. It also takes into account how many hours per day you are running the program. It also adjusts its time estimate if your computer seems to be running faster or slower than expected. 11) Timestamps in the results.txt file. 12) The results file is now named results.txt, not results. New features in Version 14.4 of mprime -------------------------------------- 1) The Pentium Pro factoring code is nearly twice as fast compared to the previous version. New features in Version 14.2 of mprime -------------------------------------- 1) Corrected floating point round-off bugs in the factoring code that affected testing factors larger than 2^59. 2) The Pentium factoring code is 5-10% faster. 3) When an error is detected the program now waits 5 minutes before restarting from the last save file. 4) The detection of corrupt save files has improved. New features in Version 14.1 of mprime -------------------------------------- 1) The Pentium factoring code is 5% faster. New features in Version 14.0 of mprime -------------------------------------- 1) The program can now check exponents up to 5.26 million! To test these big exponents, you will need a new database and great patience. 2) The per-iteration error checking code has been improved. It will detect more errors and automatically restart from the previous save file. 3) The -c option now has a number for Cyrix machines. There is no Cyrix-specific code. This change does provide better estimates in status option. 4) There is a machine torture test option which runs a continuous Self Test. This is great for "burning in" a new machine. 5) The time estimates in status option have been changed slightly. Hopefully, the new estimates are a little more accurate. 6) The self test option now takes nine hours. New features in Version 13.3.2 of mprime ---------------------------------------- 1) It's smaller. Mprime is no longer linked with the static C runtime library. The staticly linked version is still available for a.out Linux systems. 2) Improved error checking should detect more hardware problems with fewer false alarms. New features in Version 13.1.2 of mprime ---------------------------------------- 1) Faster! Support for non-power-of-2 FFT lengths has been added. 2) The -I switch has been added. This switch prints a status line to the results file every N iterations. For example, -I50000 will print a line to the results file after Lucas-Lehmer iteration 50000, 100000, etc. 3) The program now creates two backup files in case one is corrupted during a system crash. New features in Version 1.3 of mprime ------------------------------------- 1) A minor bug in the status report code is fixed. 2) The -L and -P switches have been implemented, but not tested. The -L switch takes a floating point number as an argument. If the load as reported in /proc/loadavg rises above this threshold, then the program pauses for as many seconds as specified by the -P switch. This allows you to free up mprime's memory for other tasks to use during high load conditions. New features in Version 1.2 of mprime ------------------------------------- 1) A minor bug in the Pentium factoring code has been fixed. New features in Version 1.1 of mprime ------------------------------------- 1) Factoring is now 6% faster due to a 16 pass process rather than a 2 pass process. New features in Version 1.0 of mprime ------------------------------------- 1) Initial release - all features are new!