═══ 1. Index ═══ Introduction Editor Methods Supported Formats GOCR Configuration Program Hotkeys ═══ 1.1. Editor Methods ═══ Editor Methods Image Editor Methods Cut Removes the currently selected region from the image The removed section is copied to the system clip-board Copy Copies the currently selected region from the image to the clip-board Paste Pastes the current contents of the clipboard into the image Scale Increase/Decrease the actual size of the image through the use of interpolation Zoom A magnifying effect, allowing the user to view the image in more/less detail Rotate Changes the orientation of the image in 90 degree increments Select/Deselect All Selects/Deselects the entire area of the image Undo Returns the image to it's state before the most recent change The current implementation is a single level, wrapping undo It is only valid for a subset of the Image Editor methods Text Editor Methods Cut Removes the currently selected characters from the text The removed section is copied to the system clip-board Copy Copies the currently selected characters from the text to the clip-board Paste Pastes the current contents of the clipboard into the text Select/Deselect All Selects/Deselects the entire body of the text Undo Returns the text to it's state before the most recent change The current implementation is a single level, wrapping undo It is only valid for a subset of the Text Editor methods OCR Methods OCR Image Passes the currently loaded image to GOCR and reads the results into the text editor, overwriting any current contents OCR on selection Passes the selected region of the currently loaded image to GOCR and reads the results into the text editor, overwriting any current contents If no region is selected then no results will be displayed OCR Configuration See GOCR Configuration ═══ 1.2. Formats ═══ Supported Formats Image Editor PNM (supported through NetPBM) BMP (OS/2 1 2, 2 0 Windows) VGA RLE DIB RL4 RL8 GIF (incl GIF89a) PCX TIFF TGA VST AFI IFF LBM VID KPS IAX XBM SPR SPRITE PSE PSEG PSEG38PP PSEG3820 Notes on JPEG support JPEG is not currently supported for several reasons First, it is a lossy format which is particularly ill suited to OCR applications Second, the current legal fight surrounding the format and patent claims by Forgent Networks and the possible licensing issues which may ensue Finally, the possible withdrawl of the ISO/IEC 10918-1 standard Until the resolution of these issues becomes more clear, JPEG support is unlikely Text Editor Import ISO-8859 codepage as supported by the underlying OS US-ASCII Export ISO-8859 codepage as supported by the underlying OS US-ASCII (The following formats must be supported by GOCR) Tex HTML ═══ 1.3. GOAT ═══ GOAT Graphics Optical Analysis Translation for OS/2 (C) Copyright Jason R Stefanovich, 2002 Welcome to GOAT GOAT is a composite program combining three primary features to streamline the process converting document images to text These features are  A lite image editor  A simple text editor  A graphical interface to GOCR(a k a JOCR), the Gnu Optical Character Recognition program The Image Editor The Image Editor can import and export many different bitmap formats Several editing methods are supported; such as cut, copy, paste, scale and rotate The Text Editor The Text Editor supports several text formats It's function and methods are similar to that of the "E" editor The GOCR Interface Enables users to quickly and easily change the configuration of GOCR's properties and gives access to two different methods of scanning ═══ 1.4. GOCR Configuration ═══ GOCR Configuration The GOCR configuration panel provides direct access to most of GOCR's settings It can be used in two different manners, passively or actively When used passively it functions like a standard configuration window Options can be changed, saved and the panel closed The saved options will be effective for all future scans Passive mode is best used when optimal scanning options have already been selected and similar documents are being scanned When used in acitve mode, the configuration panel is left open when scanning The currently selected options will be those used in the scan, overriding any saved options These options do not need to be saved while the configuration window is opened Active mode is best used when ajusting options for optimal configuration and when scanning dissimilar documents Save Saves the current options for all future sessions The saved options are overriden by the displayed options when the configuration panel is open Default Resets all current options to the defaults as specified by GOCR Exit Closes the configuration panel Current options are not saved Help Provides specific information for each configuration option ═══ 1.5. Hotkey Assignments ═══ Hotkey Assignments File~ Open Image Ctrl-Alt-O Open Text Ctrl-O Save Image Ctrl-alt-S Save Text Ctrl-S Save Image As Ctrl-Alt-A Save Text As Ctrl-A Print Image Ctrl-Alt-P Print Image Selection Ctrl-Shift-P Print Text Ctrl-P Exit Ctrl-X Image~ Undo Ctrl-Shift-Z Copy Ctrl-Shift-C Crop Ctrl-Shift-P Cut Ctrl-Shift-Del Paste Ctrl-Shift-V Rotate Ctrl-Shift-R Scale Ctrl-Shift-S Repaint Ctrl-Shift-PrtScr Select All Ctrl-Shift-/ Text~ Undo Ctrl-Z Copy Ctrl-Ins (Ctrl-C) Cut Ctrl-del Paste Ctrl-Ins (Ctrl-V) Select All Ctrl-/ OCR~ Start OCR Alt-O Start OCR on selection Alt-S Configure OCR Alt-C View~ Zoom Image~ + + - - External Editors~ Text Editor F3 Image Editor F4 Window~ Standard F5 Image F6 Text F7 Error log F8 Options~ Configure editors F9 Help~ Help index F2 General help F1 About F12