═══ 1. Version Notice ═══ Third Edition (May 1996) References in this publication to IBM products, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any references to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any of IBM's intellectual property rights may be used instead of the IBM product, program, or service. The information contained in this document has not been submitted to any formal IBM test and is distributed AS IS. The use of information or the implementation of any of these techniques is a customer responsibility and depends on the customer's ability to evaluate and integrate them into the customer's operational environment. While each item may have been reviewed by IBM for accuracy in a specific situation, there is no guarantee that the same or similar results will be obtained elsewhere. Customers attempting to adapt these techniques to their own environments do so at their own risk. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send licence inquiries, in writing, tot he IBM Director of Licensing, IBM Corporation, 208 Harbor Drive, Stamford, Connecticut 06904-2501, USA. ═══ 2. Preface ═══ ═══ 2.1. Trademarks ═══ The following terms, used in this publication, are trademarks of companies other than IBM, as follows: Lotus Notes Lotus Development Corporation Macintosh Apple Computer, Inc. Windows Microsoft Corporation ═══ 3. Introduction ═══ Visualizer for OS/2 is IBM's full function decision support offering. It enables you to analyse data held in a wide range of databases and to display the results as reports or charts. EAS has produced some extensions to Visualizer which enable information to be transferred between Visualizer and Lotus Notes. Data stored in Lotus Notes databases can be transformed into Visualizer tables, allowing you to use the power of Visualizer to analyse and present your data in the way which best satisfies the requirements of your business. The results can then be stored back in a Notes database, making them accessible to any Notes client, including OS/2, Windows and Macintosh clients. Any Visualizer Report or Chart can be stored in a Notes database, not just those based on data from Lotus Notes. Thus, uou can use Notes as an effective way of distributing the results of analyses performed using Visualizer. The Visualizer interface to Lotus Notes can be used without any need for customisation, so Lotus Notes users can make use of the power of Visualizer straightaway. If you wish to customise the interface or incorporate it into your applications, using Visualizer Development, ASL samples are provided for the application developer. The application is provided on an 'as is' basis and no formal support is offered. However, we would like to hear of any problems or comments, as the application has not undergone heavy beta testing. Comments may be sent to EASPS at WINVMD or faxed to (44) 1926 410764 from outside the UK or 01926 410764 from within the UK, for the attention of EAS Product Support. This Technical Bulletin describes the three components of the interface application and how to use them: 1. Getting data from Lotus Notes 2. Storing Visualizer reports and charts in a Lotus Notes database 3. Sample code to help the application developer to incorporate the interface into specific applications The package contains o the Visualizer interface to Lotus Notes application o online documentation o customisable sample code ═══ 4. Installing the Visualizer interface to Lotus Notes ═══ Before installing the interface you must have the following pre-requisite software on your workstation: o Lotus Notes for OS/2 Version 3.0 or later o Visualizer Query for OS/2 Note: Ensure that the directory in which Lotus Notes is installed is in your PATH and LIBPATH. To install the product, follow the instructions in the file README. You can start the components of the interface by opening the folder on your desktop named Visualizer Interface to Lotus Notes and double clicking on the object with which you want to work. ═══ 5. Visualizer Query for Lotus Notes ═══ Introducing Visualizer Query for Lotus Notes Visualizer Query for Lotus Notes is an application which provides the ability to retrieve documents from any Lotus Notes databases and present them using the powerful features of Visualizer Query for OS/2. ═══ 6. Visualizer Query for Lotus Notes ═══ Data stored in Lotus Notes can be displayed using the powerful features of Visualizer. The following illustration is a typical Lotus Notes View used to display data from Notes documents. You will see how easy it is to analyse and display the same data using Visualizer. Data from any Notes databases can be retrieved using the Visualizer Query for Lotus Notes application - local and remote databases alike. This application allows you to select documents from any Lotus Notes database and seamlessly import them (with a few restrictions) into a Visualizer table. You can then display the data using Visualizer Reports, Charts, or access the data from any another Visualizer application. ═══ 6.1. Selecting Lotus Notes Forms ═══ To select data from a Notes database... 1. Select the toolbar button from the main window. 2. Select the Notes Server from the list of locations. 3. Select the Notes database file from the list of locations, or select another directory within the Server. 4. Select the desired Form from the list of Names on the left. 5. Select the 'OK' pushbutton to confirm your selections. Alternatively, if you know the name and location of the Notes database, you can simply key them into the 'Location' field provided. Likewise, if you know the name of the Form, you can key it into the 'Name' field provided. Once you have selected or specified a Form, the main window for the application displays all of the fields associated with the form. This list also serves to display the currently selected fields or 'columns'. If you select only a subset of the columns using the Select Columns toolbar button or menu item, then this list will display only those selected. ═══ 6.2. Selecting Documents ═══ You can reduce the number of documents that Notes passes to Visualizer by supplying selection criteria for the documents. To select specific documents from a Notes database... 1. Select the toolbar button from the main window. 2. Modify the default selection criteria by adding any valid Notes Selection formula as additional criteria. 3. Select the 'OK' pushbutton to confirm your selections. ═══ 6.3. Renaming Fields ═══ You can optionally change the column names that are created on the Visualizer table. To rename fields returned from the Notes form... 1. Select the toolbar button from the main window. 2. Type over the new names provided. 3. Select the 'Rename' pushbutton to confirm your changes. ═══ 6.4. Selecting Fields ═══ You can select that only specific fields be retrieved from the Notes database. To select specific fields from a Notes form... 1. Select the toolbar button from the main window. 2. Select the desired columns and press the 'OK' pushbutton. 3. Use the 'Select all' or 'Deselect all' pushbuttons to speed up your selections. 4. Select 'OK' to confirm your selections. ═══ 6.5. Viewing the results ═══ To run the query and view the results... 1. Select the toolbar button on the main window. The Visualizer table editor appears to display the results of the query. Select the toolbar button in Visualizer table editor to display all of the columns at once, in form view. The following is a Visualizer Report created by dragging the Visualizer table created above onto a report. ═══ 6.6. Viewing Messages ═══ There may be cases when certain Notes fields or documents cannot be translated into a Visualizer table. You can view a message log for the query by selecting 'Messages' from the 'Query' menu. The following message window will appear: If no documents appear in the Visualizer table editor when the query is run, you should view the message log to check for any problems. For example, if you supplied an invalid Selection Criteria, a message would appear in the message log indicating an invalid formula. ═══ 7. Storing Visualizer Objects in Lotus Notes - Interactive Mode ═══ ═══ 7.1. Overview ═══ This application allows you to use drag and drop to store the output from Visualizer Reports and Charts in dosuments in your Lotus Notes databases. You can choose whether to append to the existing contents of the document or replace them. The application also allows you to insert the contents of rich text (.RTF), plain text (.TXT) and graphics (.PCX) files into your Notes documents. Using this in conjunction with Append, you can create complex reports in Notes which contain the output from multiple Visualizer Reports and Charts, interspersed with text from a word processor and perhaps other graphics. ═══ 7.2. Using the application. ═══ The process for using this application is as follows : 1. Open the Store Visualizer Objects in Lotus Notes application from the Visualizer Interface to Lotus Notes folder. 2. 3. Select the Notes database details to identify the document in which you wish to store a Visualizer Report or Chart. You must select a Form which includes a Rich Text Field, and specify that field as the target of the operation. 4. If you wish to update an existing document, enter a Document Id. To create a new document, leave this field empty. You can also choose whether to append to the existing contents of the Target Field or replace them. Obviously, this is only relevant if you specify the NoteId of an existing document. 5. The application also allows you to update up to two other text fields in the form. For example, if the form contained Subject and Author fields, you might want to update these when you create or modify a document. To update an additional field, simply select the name of the field from the drop down list and enter the required value in the SLE alongside it. 6. Drag a Visualizer Report or Chart, or a rich text (.RTF), plain text (.TXT) or .PCX file onto the ToNotes application's window and its output will be stored in the Notes database using the specified form. ═══ 8. Storing Visualizer Objects in Lotus Notes - Batch Mode ═══ ═══ 8.1. Overview ═══ This program takes most of the functionality provided in the "Store Visualizer Objects in Lotus Notes" application and adds the capability to perform the transfers in batch. Each batch can consist of one or many file transfers. Each file transfer is defined by a row in a Visualizer table. ═══ 8.2. Running the application ═══ The application can be started by double clicking on its icon in the Visualizer Interface to Lotus Notes folder. The user will be prompted to supply the name of the Visualizer table which describes the batch. Alternatively, the application can be started from the OS/2 command line. In this case, the batch table can be specified by defining the global variable BatchName, as follows : ftbas3 /cIBMAPPLICATN /nBatNot /@BatchName="C:\data\mybatch" where "C:\data\mybatch" is the fully qualified file name of the Visualizer table containing the batch description. If the /@ parameter is omitted, or the file specified does not exist, then the user will be prompted to select a valid file name. Once a valid table has been identified, the following window will appear : The program will then establish a connection to Lotus Notes and to each of the Notes Servers specified in the batch transfer table. This connection process will prompt the user for any passwords required. (Note that the connections will be held by the program until the program is terminated. If any automatic log-off has been set for the server, the connection may be lost before the batch executes and the application will be unable to transfer files to that server.) When the connection process is complete, the status box is updated. o You can specify the date and time for the batch transfer. o You can specify whether the batch transfer is to be repeated (and if so whether it should be executed daily or weekly). o You can specify what the program is to do on error; whether it is to stop (giving the error message to the user), or continue. When you have set all of the required transfer options, pressing "Activate" will set the batch. Note that if the specified execution time is earlier than the current time then the batch will be run immediately. During the transfer the status box will show the name of the file currently being transferred and when the batch transfer has completed it will show relevant information (including how many errors were generated). ═══ 8.3. Creating a Batch transfer description table ═══ A batch consists of storing the output from one or more objects in Lotus Notes. Each transfer is described by a row in a Visualizer table. A template table called "BatchDat.TAB" is supplied with this package. This table should be copied and then be used in form view to enter all the data about each of the files to be transferred. The form view of the table will look like this : You can obtain help on any of the fields in the form by pressing F1. The fields relating to where objects are placed in Notes should be self-explanatory. The remaining fields are : UpdateMode This is either Append (the output from the object is to be appended to the existing contents of the target field in the specified document), or Replace (the contents of the target field is to be replaced with the output from the object). FileName This can be either a fully qualified file name or a simple file name (in which case the file is assumed to be in the same location as the batch description table). FileType This is the object's file type. Note that if no NotesDocument is left blank then a new Notes document will be created each time the batch is executed. ═══ 9. Examples for Application Developers ═══ The applications described in this document have been developed with Visualizer Development for OS/2, using the LotusNotes object which is supplied as part of the Visualizer Interface to Lotus Notes. You may wish to customise the applications provided, or integrate similar function within your own applications. To assist you with this we have supplied the source objects for three example applications. You can only meaningfully examine or use these objects if you have installed Visualizer Development for OS/2. Sample.Apl is included to assist application developers to understand and use the LotusNotes object. This application illustrates each of the actions for the object and displays the results of each on one window. The source objects for this are installed in the Sample subdirectory of the directory where you installed the interface. Visualizer Query for Lotus Notes is described in this document. The source objects for this are installed in the LNQ subdirectory of the directory where you installed the interface. The ToNotes application is also described in this document. The source objects for this are installed in the ToNotes subdirectory of the directory where you installed the interface. ═══ 10. Programming Reference ═══ The LotusNotes object can be used by application developers with Visualizer Development for OS/2 to retrieve data from, or store data in, Lotus Notes. Like other Visualizer objects, LotusNotes is referenced by attributes and actions, which are described in this chapter: ═══ 10.1. Attributes ═══ CODE Most recent error code. Code may have the following values: 2865 1 or more errors returned from the interface. Check the REASON attribute for more information. Use the GetErrorInfo action to obtain full error details 2870 Invalid Parameters passed to LotusNotes object. Check the REASON attribute for details. 2886 Could not initialize PAS2LONO.DLL. Check that the Lotus Notes directory is in the LIBPATH. 2888 Required attribute not set. Check the REASON attri- bute for details. Can be queried but not modified. Default: None DATABASE The file name of the Lotus Notes database to process. This is an Operating System file name, which can be queried or modified. Default: None DIRECTORY The path of the Lotus Notes database to process. This is the path of the Notes database. The data be queried or modified. Default: None EXPRESSION The Query expression to be passed to select rows from the Lotus Notes database. The query expression is used in the CreateProductTable action. The data can be queried or modified. The expression must be in Notes format. Default: @ALL - return all rows FORMNAME The name of the Lotus Notes form to process. A single Lotus Notes database may contain many forms. This attribute specifies the form to be processed. The data can be queried or modified. Default: None REASON This attribute provides text explaining the CODE attribute for the most recent error. Where CODE is zero, this attribute may still contain information such as the number of documents processed by the last call to the interface. This attribute can be queried but not modified. Default: None SERVERNAME This attribute provides the name of the LOTUS server to be used in any actions. For local databases, this will have the value 'Local'. This attribute can be queried and modified. Default: None ═══ 10.2. Actions ═══ Sample code for all actions is provided in the program SAMPLE.PRG which is supplied with this sample application. CREATEPRODUCTTABLE >>──CreateProductTable(TableName,pSelectColumns)────────────>< Causes the current expression to be resolved and the results stored in a Visualizer table. TableName is the full path and filename of a product table to be created. pSelectColumns is a pointer that identifies a vector which contains the ASL names of the columns to be included in the table. GETERRORINFO >>──GetErrorInfo(pErrorInfo)────────────────────────────────>< Returns error information resulting from the previous call to the LOTUSNOTES object. Errors can be of varying severity, and several errors may occur for one call. The error information should always be retrieved after a CREATEPRODUCTTABLE action. pErrorInfo identifies a vector which will contain the lines of error text. GETFILELIST >>──GetFileList(pDirList,pFileList,pFileInfo)───────────────>< Returns the contents of the directory set in the DIRECTORY attribute. pDirList identifies a vector which will contain all subdirec- tories of the specified directory. pFileList identifies a vector which will contain all files of extension .NSF in the specified directory. pFileInfo identifies a vector which will contain the Lotus Notes database descriptions of the files returned in pFileList. GETFORMLIST >>──GetFormList(pFormList)──────────────────────────────────>< Returns the names of the forms contained in the database spec- ified by the SERVERNAME, DIRECTORY and DATABASE attributes. pFormList identifies a vector which will contain the names of the forms. GETFORMFIELDLIST >>──GetFormFieldList(pFormFields,pFieldTypes)───────────────>< Returns the names and types of the fields in the form speci- fied by the SERVERNAME, DIRECTORY, DATABASE and FORMNAME attributes. pFormFields identifies a vector which will contain the names of the fields. pFieldTypes identifies a vector which will contain the types of the fields. GETSERVERLIST >>──GetServerList(pServerNames)─────────────────────────────>< Returns the names of the Lotus Notes servers connected to the local Lotus Notes database. pServerNames identifies a vector which will contain the names of the servers. The first name in the list will be 'Local' identifying the local Lotus Notes database. STOREINNOTES >>──StoreInNotes──(──FieldName──,──DocumentID──,──FileName───> .-"APPEND"───. >──'- "REPLACE"-'────────────────────────────────────────────> >──.────────────────.──.─────────────────.──)───────────────>< '-pFieldNameList-' '-pFieldValueList-' Stores either text or graphics objects into a Notes database. FieldName identifies the name of a Rich Text field in a Lotus Notes form. DocumentID supplies the name of an existing Lotus Notes docu- ment to update. To create a new document, this value should not be specified. The document will be located as specified by the values of the SERVERNAME, DIRECTORY, DATABASE and FORMNAME attributes. FileName identifies the name of a file containing the object to be stored. The type of file must correspond with the file extension as follows: EXTENSION TYPE OF FILE TXT An ASCII Text file, such as the output when Visualizer Report is copied to a Text file. PCX A PCX graphics file, including the ouput when a Visualizer Chart is copied to a PCX file. BMP An OS/2 bitmap, including the output when a Visualizer Chart is copied to a bitmap. RTF A file in Rich Text Format pFieldNameList is a pointer to a vector which contains a list of names of text fields whose values are to be updated. Note that if this parameter is supplied then pFieldValueList must also be supplied. pFieldValueList is a pointer to a vector which contains the values to be stored in the fields identified by pFieldNameList. ═══ 10.3. Errors Returned from GetErrorInfo Action ═══ This section describes the error messages that may be returned from the GetErrorInfo action of the LOTUSNOTES object. The maximum number of messages that could be returned is limited only by system constraints. It is quite common for the interface to return one or more messages for each document processed in the Lotus Notes database. ═══ 10.3.1. Error Codes ═══ The errors described consist of an error code and message text. In some cases, an error code may appear with one or more of the general message texts. The general message texts that may be used are described separately and should clarify the cause of the error. ═══ PLN02:Interface error. ═══ Info: Unable to initialize Lotus Notes. Action: Check your Lotus Notes installation. ═══ ADI01:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error opening the Lotus Notes database. Action: Check the attribute Database set for the StoreInNotesaction. ═══ ADI02:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error opening the Lotus Notes document. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ ADI03:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error deleting existing field contents. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ ADI04:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error Creating a new Note. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ ADI05:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error setting the Form name. Action: Check the FORMNAME attribute set for the StoreInNotes action. ═══ ADI06:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: You have supplied a list of supplementary fields to update, but you have not supplied the values to be used. Action: Make sure that you have supplied a valid pointer for pFieldValueList. ═══ ADI07:Interface error ═══ Info: Error determining size of ASL vector pointed to by pFieldNameList. Action: Make sure that you have supplied a valid pointer for pFieldNameList. ═══ ADI08:Interface error ═══ Info: Error retrieving field name from ASL vector pointed to by pFieldNameList. Action: Make sure that the vector pointed to by pFieldNameList contains a list of valid Lotus Notes field names. ═══ ADI09:Interface error ═══ Info: Error retrieving update string from ASL vector pointed to by pFieldValueList. Action: Make sure that the vector pointed to by pFieldValueList contains a list of strings, one for each field named in the array pointed to by pFieldNameList. ═══ ADI10:Lotus Notes Error ═══ Info: Error performing a supplementary field update. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and then ensure that the vectors pointed to by pFieldNameList and pFieldValueList are consistent. ═══ ADI11:Lotus Notes Error ═══ Info: Error writing updates back to disk. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ ADI12:Lotus Notes Error ═══ Info: Unable to close the Notes document after update. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ ADI13:Lotus Notes Error ═══ Info: Unable to close the Notes database after update. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ ART01:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error allocating memory. Action: Report the error. ═══ ART02:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Insufficient CD Buffer size. Action: Report the error. ═══ ART03:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Insufficient CD Buffer size. Action: Report the error. ═══ ART04:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Insufficient CD Buffer size. Action: Report the error. ═══ ART05:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Problem inserting the data into the Lotus Notes database. Action: Check the parameter FieldName passed with the StoreInNotes action. ═══ CCD01:Error in Date conversion ═══ Info: A date format read from a Lotus Notes document could not be converted. Action: Check the Lotus Notes documents for proper date ═══ CCT01:Error in Time conversion ═══ Info: A time format read from a Lotus Notes document could not be converted. Action: Check the Lotus Notes documents for proper time format. ═══ CRR01:message text ═══ Info: Error inserting the key values into a table row. Action: Check the ASL table. Report the problem. ═══ CRR02:message text ═══ Info: Error inserting non-key values into a table row. Action: Check the table. Report the problem. ═══ CRT02:message text ═══ Info: Lotus Notes error building the full database path. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message. The error could be caused by incorrect attributes ServerName and/or Database set for the CreateProductTable action. ═══ CRT03:message text ═══ Info: Lotus Notes error. Check the message text. ═══ CRT04:message text ═══ Info: Lotus Notes error. Check the message text. Action: The error could be caused by an incorrect EXPRESSION attribute set for the CreateProductTable action. ═══ CRT05:message text ═══ Info: Lotus Notes error. Check the message text. ═══ CRT06:message text ═══ Info: Lotus Notes error. Check the message text. ═══ CRV0x:Visualizer - Notes type mismatch for variable. ═══ Info: The Lotus Notes field type passed to the interface does not match with the field type retrieved from Lotus Notes Action:Check the Lotus Notes form field for the correct type. Using the interface command GetFieldList. ═══ CRV05:Lotus Notes datatype not supported ═══ Info:A field with an unsupported datatype was passed. Action:Do not select this field. ═══ CRV06:The field FieldName was not found in the document ═══ Info: When a field in the Lotus Notes form is a computed field it will not appear in the document. Action: Do not include such a field in your selection. ═══ CRV07:Lotus Notes datatype not supported ═══ Info:A field with an unsupported datatype was passed. Action:Do not select this field. ═══ DAC01:message text ═══ Info: Lotus Notes error. Check the message text. ═══ DAC02:message text ═══ Info: Lotus Notes error. Check the message text. ═══ DAC03:message text ═══ Info: Check the message text. ═══ FFI01:message text ═══ Info: Problem inserting a file name into the ASL vector identified by the pFormFields parameter passed with the GetFormFieldList action. Action: Check the parameter FieldList for the correct type. ═══ FFI02:message text ═══ Info: Problem inserting a field type into the ASL vector identified by the pFieldTypes parameter passed with the GetFormFieldList action. ═══ FFI03:message text ═══ Info: Problem inserting a file name into the ASL vector identified by the pFormFields parameter passed with the GetFormFieldList action. Action: Check the parameter pFormFields for the correct type. ═══ FFI04:message text ═══ Info: Problem inserting a field type into the ASL vector identified by the pFieldTypes parameter passed with the GetFormFieldList action. Action: Check the parameter pFieldTypes for the correct type. ═══ FFL02:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error building the Lotus Notes full path. Action: Check the attributes ServerName and Database set for the GetFormFieldList action. ═══ FFL03:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error in Lotus Notes database process. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ FFL04:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error in Lotus Notes database process. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ FFL05:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error in Lotus Notes database process. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ FFL06:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error in Lotus Notes database process. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ FFL07:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error in Lotus Notes database process. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ FFL08:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error in Lotus Notes database process. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ FFL09:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error in Lotus Notes database process. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ FFL10:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error in Lotus Notes database process. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ GAV01:message text ═══ Info: Problem getting the ASL table keys or table columns handle. Action: Report the error to your application developer. ═══ GAV03:message text ═══ Info: Error defining the size of the ASL table keys or columns vector. Action: Report the error. ═══ GAV04:message text ═══ Info: ASL action KEYS, COLUMNS unsuccessful. Action: Report the error. ═══ GAV05:message text ═══ Info: Error retrieving the size of the ASL vectors _PLNKeys/_PLNColumns. Action: Report the error. ═══ GAV06:message text ═══ Info: Error retrieving variable names from ASL vectors _PLNKeys/_PLNColumns. Action: Report the error. ═══ GCP02:message text ═══ Info: Problem redefining the size of a variable. Action: Report the error. ═══ GFL02:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error building the Lotus Notes full path. Action: Check the Attributes ServerName and Directory set for the GetFormFileList action. ═══ GFL03:Notes message ═══ Info: Error opening the Lotus Notes database. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ GFL04:Notes message ═══ Info: Error in Lotus Notes database process. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ GFL05:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error in Lotus Notes database process. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ GFO02:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error building the Lotus Notes full path. Action: Check the attributes ServerName and Database set for the GetFormList action. ═══ GFO03:Notes message ═══ Info: Error opening the Lotus Notes database. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ GFO04:Notes message ═══ Info: Error in Lotus Notes database process. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ GFO05:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error in Lotus Notes database process. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ GSL02:Notes message text ═══ Info: Error while building the list of Lotus Notes servers. Action: Check the parameter pServerNames set with the GetServerList action. ═══ GSL03:message text ═══ Info: Error inserting server names. Action: Check the attribute pServerNames passed with the GetServerList action. ═══ ICD01:OS/2 message ═══ Info: Error loading the Lotus Notes Import DLL. Action: This may be caused by the unavailability of Lotus Notes DLLs. Correct the problem. ═══ ICD02:OS/2 message ═══ Info: Problem retrieving the address of the import procedure. Action: Report the error. ═══ ICD03.:OS/2 message ═══ Info: Failed to import the data. Action: Report the error to EAS. ═══ AII01.:Interface error ═══ Info: Failed to import the data. Action: Report the error to EAS. ═══ AII02.:Interface error ═══ Info: Failed to import the data. Action: Report the error to EAS. ═══ AII03.:Interface error ═══ Info: Failed to import the data. Action: Report the error to EAS. ═══ AII04.:Interface error ═══ Info: Failed to import the data. Action: Report the error to EAS. ═══ AII05.:Interface error ═══ Info: Failed to import the data. Action: Report the error to EAS. ═══ AII06.:Interface error ═══ Info: Failed to import the data. Action: Report the error to EAS. ═══ AII07.:Interface error ═══ Info: Failed to import the data. Action: Report the error to EAS. ═══ AII08.:Lotus Notes error ═══ Info: Failed to append item to Note. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ LCD01:OS/2 message ═══ Info: Error opening the data file to import. Action: Check the FileName attribute set for the STOREINNOTES action. ═══ LCD02:OS/2 message ═══ Info: Error retrieving the data file information. Action: Report the error. ═══ LCD03:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Import text too big. Action: Report the error. ═══ LCD04:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error allocating memory Action: Report the error. ═══ LCD05:OS/2 message ═══ Info: Error reading the file to import. Action: Check the error condition and correct it. ═══ PFI02:message text ═══ Info: Lotus Notes error building the full database path. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message. The error could be caused by incorrect attributes ServerName and/or Database set with the StoreInNotesAction ═══ PLI01:message text ═══ Info: Problem inserting a file name into the pFileList parameter set for the GetFileList action. Action: Check the parameter pFileList for the correct type. ═══ PLI02:message text ═══ Info: Problem inserting a database description into the pFileInfo parameter set for the GetFileList action. Action: Check the parameter pFileInfo for the correct type. ═══ PLI03:message text ═══ Info: Problem inserting a directory name into the pDirList parameter set for the GetFileList action. Action: Check the parameter pDirList for the correct type. ═══ PRD01:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error in Lotus Notes database process. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ PRD02:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error in Lotus Notes database process. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ PRD03:Lotus Notes message ═══ Info: Error in Lotus Notes database process. Action: Check the Lotus Notes message and correct the problem. ═══ RIN01:message text ═══ Info: Problem querying the number of field names passed. CreateProductTable. Action: Check the parameter. ═══ RIN02:message text ═══ Info: Problem retrieving the field names from the pSelectColumns parameter passed for a CreateProductTable action. Action: Check the parameter. ═══ RIN03:message text ═══ Info: Problem retrieving the pointer to the Visualizer table name in parameter TableName passed with the CreateProductTable Action. Action: Check the parameter. ═══ SCI01:message text ═══ Info: OS/2 error retrieving code page information. ═══ SCI02:message text ═══ Info: OS/2 error retrieving country information. ═══ STK01:message text ═══ Info: Error while creating the variable _PLNKeys. Action: Report the error. ═══ STK04:message text ═══ Info: Problem inserting key values into the ASL vector _PLNKeys. Action: Report the error. ═══ STK05:message text ═══ Info: ASL action SETKEYS unsuccessful. Action: Report the error. ═══ 10.3.2. General Message texts generated by the Visualizer to Lotus Notes interface ═══ The following message texts may be used with a number of error codes, to further explain the cause of the error identified by the code. Suggested actions are provided with the error codes. o "Element undefined" o "Option invalid" o "Handle invalid" o "Attribute invalid" o "Type invalid" o "Element invalid" o "Object invalid" o "No memory" o "Error executing an expression" o "Couldn't add message to trace" o "Failed to define or redefine the size of a variable" o "Couldn't retrieve names of items for the reference" o "Action did not work against object" o "Failure to create row specified" o "Failure to find row specified" o "Failure to create index on table" o "Failed to delete from a variable" o "Unable to insert the value" o "Unable to query a variable's value" o "Failed to place value in variable" o "Unable to get handle of variable" o "Failed to clear the variable" o "Couldn't delete a variable" o "Couldn't query size of variable" o "Variable does not exist" o "Problem converting an integer" o "Problem setting up a value" o "Name provided is invalid" o "Problem converting a long integer" o "Failed to convert string format" o "Failed to convert floating point" o "Couldn't query the attribute specified on object specified" o "Couldn't modify the attribute specified on object specified"