═══ 1. Program overview ═══ The OPUS Print Subsystem lets you view and print OPUS print files. Formatting and font changes can also be performed. Furthermore, you can view and change OPUS print styles. The OPUS Print Subsystem is an extension of the OPUS program. However, it is a separate, independent program and can be used when OPUS is not active. For exampl, a series of print files can first be generated and the OPUS Print Subsystem then used to display and print the files, without requiring OPUS to be active. The OPUS Print Subsystem is started by OPUS when necessary after the Print function has been invoked. Each print request generates an ASCII file with the name 'nnn.ODR', where 'nnn' is a 3-digit number. The number 'nnn' ensures that the name is unique. Normally, the "Automatically open files" option is active, causing the OPUS Print Subsystem to periodically scan the program directory for .ODR files. If such a file exists, it is opened, and the file content is shown in the OPUS Print Subsystem main window, which pops up over the OPUS window. After the file has been viewed and possibly printed, you can return to OPUS. When printing a graphic such as a Gantt chart, a network diagram, or a calendar, a metafile (extension '.MET') is also generated. In this case, the .ODR file contains a reference to the metafile. The metafile contains the graphic commands used to display the graphic in OPUS. When the file is read by the OPUS Print Subsystem these commands are re-issued and the graphic is reproduced. The .ODR file also contains a reference to a print style. A style is an ASCII file with the extension '.ODF'. The formatting information it contains can be viewed in the OPUS Print Subsystem and modified if desired before printing. The OPUS Print Subsystem prevents any attempt to start more than one copy of the program. ═══ 2. Main Window ═══ Select a topic: o Program overview o File menu o Style menu o Zoom menu o Options menu ═══ 2.1. File menu ═══ This menu allows you to: 1. Open and close print files 2. Print 3. Select or set up a printer 4. Define the layout of the printed page 5. Exit the program Overview Open Displays the standard Open dialog for selection of a print file. The Automatically open files option must be off for this menu item to be active. Close Closes the current print file Print Produces a printout from the current print file. Printer setup Displays the Select printer dialog for selecting and/or setting up a printer. Page setup Displays the Page setup dialog for defining the page layout. Exit The program is terminated. ═══ 2.1.1. Open menu item ═══ Click on this menu item, enabled when the Automatically open files is off, to open a print file manually. The Open dialog is displayed. By default, only files with the extension 'ODR' are listed. These are file that have been generated by the Print function in OPUS. The name of the file is shown in the title bar of the window. If necessary, change directories. Open the print file by double-clicking on the list entry or by clicking on OK. The Automatically open files option must be off for this menu item to be enabled. ═══ 2.1.2. File/Close menu item ═══ This menu item closes the currently displayed print file. A dialog gives you the opportunity to delete, rename, or simply close the file. If the file has an 'ODR' extension and the Automatically open files option is active, the file must either be deleted or renamed, since it would otherwise be selected again by the automatic opening mechanism. Automatic file opening can be inactivated if it is desired to retain the 'ODR' extension. In renaming, the file must not have an extension beginning with 'OD'. ═══ 2.1.3. File/Print menu item ═══ This menu item lets you print all or selected pages of a print file. The subsequently displayed Print dialog lets you define the page range: either 'All' or a range designated by the fields "From" and "To". The preset page number in these fields is that of the current page. ═══ 2.1.4. File/Printer setup menu item ═══ When this menu item is selected, a dialog appears in which you can select another printer or view or update various printer settings such as page orientation (portrait/landscape). ═══ 2.1.5. File/Page setup menu item ═══ Selection of this menu item is followed by display of a dialog allowing you to select a form or change the margin settings. ═══ 2.1.6. File/Exit menu item ═══ This menu item exits the program. ═══ 2.2. Style menu ═══ This menu supports the maintenance and application of print styles. Overview Apply If a print file is open, another style can be selected. If no print file is open, this menu item is disabled. Update If a print file is open, the current style is shown. The latter can be modified as desired. If no print file is open, a list of styles is shown for selection. Create If no print file is open, you can create a style via this menu item. ═══ 2.2.1. Style/Apply menu item ═══ If a print file is open, another style can be selected. If no print file is open, this menu item is disabled. ═══ 2.2.2. Style/Update menu item ═══ If a print file is open, the current style is displayed. It can then be modified as desired. If no print file is open, a list of styles is shown for selection. ═══ 2.2.3. Style/Create menu item ═══ If no print file is open, you can create a style via this menu item. ═══ 2.3. Zoom menu ═══ This menu allows you to enlarge or reduce the display. Overview 50% Shows an entire graphic on a scale of 1:4. Note that the grid in the background represents the area on each page which is available for the graphic, not the whole page. The page margins will cause the printed graphic to be segmented. 100% Shows the entire page. The scale with this option is 1:2. 200% Enlarges the page such that it is approximately the size it will have when printed. ═══ 2.3.1. Zoom/50% menu item ═══ The entire graphic is shown in overview form. The background shows the limits of the area available to the graphic on each page (as opposed to the total page area). Due to the page margins, the printed graphic will be segmented. The Style dialog lets you modify the page configuration or orientation so that the graphic is optimally positioned and the area is used to the best advantage. Note that the graphic is generally scaled to fit the available area. However, the aspect ratio of the graphic is maintained, so that the longer dimension determines the final size. This menu item is enabled only for print files containing a reference to a metafile. ═══ 2.3.2. Zoom/100% menu item ═══ Shows the entire page. The scale with this option is 1:2. ═══ 2.3.3. Zoom/200% menu item ═══ Enlarges the page shown such that it is approximately the size it will have when printed. ═══ 2.4. Options menu ═══ This menu allows you to set or reset program options. Each selection of these menu items toggles the respective condition. Overview Automatically open files Enables the automatic opening of OPUS print files (extension 'ODR') in the current directory. Automatically delete files Enables the automatic deletion of files after they are printed. ═══ 2.4.1. Options/Automatically open files menu item ═══ Enables the automatic opening of OPUS print files (extension 'ODR') in the current directory. If no print file is open, the program searches the current directory at fixed intervals for a file with an 'ODR' extension. Only when this option is enabled is there an automatic link between OPUS and the print subsystem: when OPUS creates a print file, it will be automatically opened and displayed by the print subsystem. If the option is disabled, the print files are still created, but they are not displayed. Display can take place at some later time by enabling the option or by opening the files manually via the menu item 'File/Open'. Print files are not necessarily opened and displayed in the order they were created in OPUS. Depending on the extent to which previous files were deleted or renamed, the sequence for display can vary. This option is stored in the OPUS initialization file and is set to its previous value at program startup. If a print file is open, automatic file opening is disabled. It is re-enabled (if applicable) when the file is closed. The option is also disabled if an error occurs when reading a file. This prevents repeated attempts by the program to open the file. ═══ 2.4.2. Options/Automatically delete files menu item ═══ Enables the automatic deletion of print files after printing. If this option is disabled, you will be prompted to confirm that the file should be deleted. This option is stored in the OPUS initialization file and is set to its previous value at program startup. ═══ 2.5. Help menu ═══ Click on this menu to display information on using the OPUS Print Subsystem or the OS/2 help system. Overview Help index Displays the index for the OPUS Print Subsystem help information. Extended help Displays the program overview. Help for help Explains how to use the help facility. Keys help Explains the function of certain keys in the OPUS Print Subsystem. Product information Displays the program version number. ═══ 2.5.1. Help index menu item ═══ Displays the index for the OPUS Print Subsystem help information. You can use the index as follows: o Select a topic from the list, or o Click on Search and enter a keyword. ═══ 2.5.2. Extended help menu item ═══ This menu item displays general information concerning the OPUS Print Subsystem. ═══ 2.5.3. Help for help menu item ═══ This menu item explains how to use the help system. ═══ 2.5.4. Keys help menu item ═══ This menu item explains the function of certain keys in OPUS Print Subsystem. ═══ 2.5.5. Product information menu item ═══ This menu item indicates the version number of the program. ═══ 2.6. Keys help ═══ The following keys have special functions in OPUS Print Subsystem: Page down Shows the next page of the print file. If the current page is the last, the first is displayed. For multi-page layouts, pages are numbered from top to bottom and from left to right. Page up Shows the previous page of a graphic. If the current page is the first, the last page is shown. This key has no effect for lists. In this case, paging must be done with Page down. Cursor up Selects the next higher zoom level. At the highest zoom level, this key has no effect. Cursor down Selects the next lower zoom level. At the lowest zoom level, this key has no effect. ═══ 3. Dialogs ═══ ═══ 3.1. Close file dialog ═══ The Close file dialog is displayed after selecting the File/Close menu item. Buttons Rename The print file is renamed to the name you specify. Delete The print file is deleted. Close The print file is simply closed. ═══ Rename ═══ The print file is renamed to the name you specify. This name must not have an extension beginning with 'OD'. These extensions are reserved for OPUS. ═══ Delete ═══ The print file is deleted. ═══ Close ═══ The print file is simply closed. This button is disabled if the print file has the extension 'ODR' and the Automatically open files option is enabled. In this case, the file would be re-opened automatically. ═══ 3.2. Select style dialog ═══ The Select style dialog allows you to select a print style or request that a new style be created. Fields Style Contains the names of the styles ('ODF' extension) in the current directory. Buttons OK Displays the style or applies it to the current print file. Create Sets up a default style for modification and subsequent saving. Delete Deletes the selected style. ═══ Style ═══ Click to select a style. ═══ OK ═══ The OK button causes the style to be either displayed (Style/Update menu item) or applied to the current print file (Style/Apply menu item). ═══ Create ═══ This button displays the Style dialog to define and save a style. It is disabled while a print file is open. ═══ Delete ═══ This button deletes the selected style. It is disabled while a print file is open. ═══ 3.3. Style dialog ═══ The Style dialog allows you to view, modify, and possibly save a style. Fields Use Remarks field for describing the style. Printer Currently selected printer queue. Driver Driver servicing this print queue. Specified printer Default printer Either the style does not specify a printer queue or it specifies the default printer. In either case, the default printer is to be used. If this option is inactive and the style is saved, the printer defined at the time will be specified for the style. This printer The style specifies the displayed printer by name, or the style is to specify the currently defined printer by name if it is saved. If this option is inactive, the saved style will not contain a reference to a specific printer. In this case, the default printer is to be used when the style is next applied.. These options apply only to the specification of the printer in the saved style. Activating or inactivating this option does not change the current printer. To change the current printer, click on Printer setup. Page border Option for showing a border around the page. Fonts Use Portion of list to which the font applies. Font Name of font Height Height of font in points (1/72 inch) Line spacing Distance between lines of this list part, in points (1/72 inch). Special settings for lists Column spacing Distance between adjacent columns. Underline headings Draws a line under the column headings Extended pages Causes list entries exceeding the width of one page to be distributed across multiple pages horizontally. In this case, the page numbers are suffixed with a letter (1A,1B, etc.). If this option is inactive, entries exceeding the width of a page are wrapped to the next line on the same page. Include empty columns Causes list columns that are empty (except for the heading) to be included in the display and printout; by default, these are suppressed. Column divider line Draws a line between columns. This option applies only if the option Extended pages is active. Double space between entries Inserts a blank line between entries. This option can be inactivated only if the Extended pages option is active. In the multi-line entry format, entries are automatically double spaced to ensure readability. Special settings for graphics Pages horizontal/vertical Specifies the number of pages horizontally and vertically. The graphic is scaled accordingly to take advantage of the available area. Note that the aspect ratio of the graphic is maintained. Therefore, the longer dimension determines the final size of the graphic. The menu item Zoom/50% shows you how the graphic is distributed over these pages. Scaling Changes the size of the graphic. The value '1' represents the size determined by the program based on the page area available. Buttons Printer setup Shows the Select printer dialog, allowing you to make changes to the current printer setup or select another printer. Page numbers Specifies page numbering information Page setup Displays the Page setup dialog, in which you can select the form or define the margins. Fonts Shows the standard font dialog for the indicated font category. Close Closes the dialog and returns to the main window. If a print file is open, any style changes are applied. Save Replaces the style with the same name in the current directory. Save as Displays the Create style dialog to assign a new name to the style. Change Accepts entries made in this dialog. ═══ Purpose ═══ A description of the style. The text is optional and free-form. ═══ Default printer ═══ Either the style does not specify a printer queue or it specifies the default printer. In either case, the default printer is to be used. If this option is inactive and the style is saved, the printer defined at the time is specified for the style. This option applies only to the specification of the printer in the saved style. Activating or inactivating this option does not cause a change in the current printer. To change the current printer, click on Printer setup. ═══ this printer ═══ The style specifies the displayed printer by name, or the style is to specify the currently defined printer by name in its saved form. If this option is inactive, the saved style does not contain a reference to a specific printer. In this case, the default printer is to be used when the style is applied. This option applies only to the specification of the printer in the saved style. Activating or inactivating this option does not cause a change in the current printer. To change the current printer, click on Printer setup. ═══ Header spacing ═══ The spacing of header lines. ═══ Spacing of column headings ═══ The spacing of column heading lines ═══ Footer spacing ═══ The spacing of footer lines. ═══ Body line spacing ═══ The spacing of lines in the body. ═══ Column spacing ═══ The spacing between columns. ═══ Printer setup ═══ Changes printer settings, or switches printers ═══ Page setup ═══ Defines the printed page. ═══ Page numbering ═══ Displays the Page numbering dialog. ═══ Change ═══ Accepts field entries in this dialog. ═══ Close ═══ Closes the dialog and returns to the point at which it was invoked. ═══ Fonts (Header) ═══ Displays the Fonts dialog for header lines. ═══ Fonts (Column headings) ═══ Displays the Fonts dialog for column headings. ═══ Fonts (Footer) ═══ Displays the Fonts dialog for footer lines. ═══ Fonts (Body) ═══ Displays the Fonts dialog for body lines. ═══ Save ═══ Replaces the style in the current directory. ═══ Save as ═══ Displays the Create style dialog for entering a new name. ═══ Underline headings ═══ Draws a divider line under the column headings. ═══ Extended pages ═══ Causes list entries exceeding the width of one page to be distributed across multiple pages horizontally. If such an entry exists in the file, the page numbers are suffixed with a letter (1A,1B, etc.). If this option is inactive, entries exceeding the width of one page are wrapped to the next line. ═══ Include empty columns ═══ Causes list columns that are empty (except for the heading) to be included in the display and printout. By default, these are suppressed. ═══ Column divider line ═══ Draws a vertical line between columns. This option applies only if the option Extended pages is active. ═══ Double space between entries ═══ Inserts a blank line between entries. This option can be inactivated only if the Extended pages option is active. In the multi-line entry format, entries are automatically double spaced to ensure readability. ═══ Pages horizontally ═══ Specifies the number of pages horizontally. The graphic is scaled to take advantage of the available area. Note that the aspect ratio of the graphic is maintained. Therefore, the longer dimension determines the final size of the graphic. The menu item Zoom/50% shows you how the graphic is distributed over these pages. ═══ Pages vertically ═══ Specifies the number of pages vertically. The graphic is scaled to take advantage of the available area. Note that the aspect ratio of the graphic is maintained. Therefore, the longer dimension determines the final size of the graphic. The menu item Zoom/50% shows you how the graphic is distributed over these pages. ═══ Scaling ═══ Changes the size of the graphic. The value '1' represents the size determined by the program based on the page area available. ═══ 3.4. Page numbering dialog ═══ The Page numbering dialog allows you to number pages and determine the placement of the page numbers. Fields Page numbering on/off Activates or inactivates automatic page numbering Position Specifies whether page numbers are to appear at the top (header) or bottom (footer) of the page. Note that the page numbers are always printed in lines of their own, which appear before the header or after the footer. Justification Specifies whether the page numbers are left-justified, centered, or right-justified in the page number line. ═══ Page numbering on ═══ This button enables automatic page numbering. The position options are enabled. ═══ Page numbering off ═══ This button disables automatic page numbering. The position options are disabled. ═══ Left-justified ═══ The page numbers appear at the left margin of the page number line. ═══ Centered ═══ The page numbers are to be centered in the page number line. ═══ Right-justified ═══ The page numbers are to appear at the right margin of the page number line. ═══ Position Header ═══ The page number line appears at the top of the page. ═══ Position Footer ═══ The page number line appears at the bottom of the page. ═══ 3.5. Create style dialog ═══ The Create style dialog allows you to name a style being created or rename an existing style. Fields Style name A 1-8 character name. Buttons Save Saves the style. ═══ Style name ═══ The style name comprises 1-8 characters valid for file names. ═══ 3.6. Page setup dialog ═══ The Page setup dialog allows you to select a form and/or set the page margins. Fields Form Designation of the form to use. Margins Width of the margins. The margins cannot be smaller than the margin bounding the physically printable area of the page (printer dependent). If an entry is less than than this value, it will automatically be set to the minimum. ═══ Form ═══ Select a form from this list. ═══ Margins ═══ Width of the margins. The margins cannot be smaller than the margin bounding the physically printable area of the page (printer dependent). If an entry is less than this minimum value, the entry will automatically be set to the minimum. ═══ Margins ═══ Width of the margins. The margins cannot be smaller than the margin bounding the physically printable area of the page (printer dependent). If an entry is less than this minimum value, the entry will automatically be set to the minimum. ═══ Margins ═══ Width of the margins. The margins cannot be smaller than the margin bounding the physically printable area of the page (printer dependent). If an entry is less than this minimum value, the entry will automatically be set to the minimum. ═══ Margins ═══ Width of the margins. The margins cannot be smaller than the margin bounding the physically printable area of the page (printer dependent). If an entry is less than this minimum value, the entry will automatically be set to the minimum. ═══ 3.7. Print dialog ═══ The Print dialog lets you control certain parameters of the print process. Fields Printer System designation of the printer queue File Name of the current print file Copies Specifies the number of copies per page Pages All All pages will be printed. Current page or range Either the current page (preset) or an entered page range. When entering a page range for printing, only digits may be entered, even though the page numbers in the title bar and on the page may have an alphabetic suffix (A, B, etc.) if there are multiple pages. In this case, the pages are numbered from top to bottom and from left to right. For example, the middle page in the second of two rows of three pages each is page 4. ═══ Copies ═══ The number of copies per page. ═══ All ═══ All pages will be printed. ═══ Current page or range ═══ Either the current page (preset) or an entered page range. When entering a page range for printing, only digits may be entered, even though the page numbers in the title bar and on the page may have an alphabetic suffix (A, B, etc.) if there are multiple pages. In this case, the pages are numbered from top to bottom and from left to right. For example, the middle page in the second of two rows of three pages each is page 4. ═══ from ═══ From Number of first page to be printed. ═══ to ═══ To Number of last page to be printed. ═══ 3.8. Print dialog ═══ The Print dialog provides feedback during printing. The number of the page currently being printed is displayed.If the first page of the specified range is not the first page in the file, a message appears indicating that the desired beginning page is being located. You can also cancel the print job from this dialog. ═══ 3.9. Select printer dialog ═══ This dialog enables selection of a printer (more precisely: a printer queue). You can also make changes to the printer setup. Fields Select printer The available printer queues are listed. Buttons Job properties Displays a dialog, specific to the selected printer, in which printer settings can be changed. ═══ Select printer ═══ This list contains the print queues defined to the system. ═══ Job properties ═══ This button lets you set up the selected printer. ═══ 3.10. Fonts dialog ═══ By clicking on the arrow in the list, you can see the various fonts available. Select a font by clicking on it. An example of the font is shown in the lower part of the dialog. ═══ 3.11. Open dialog ═══ The standard 'Open' dialog for opening a file is used as follows: 1. Click on the arrow to the right of the drive list to see the drives defined on your system. 2. Select a drive. 3. Select a directory. 4. Select a file, or enter its name manually. 5. Click on OK. When selecting a file from the list, a double click is equivalent to clicking on OK. If the file mask is inappropriate, change it and click on OK. to see a list of the corresponding files. ═══ 4. Messages ═══ ═══ Message ═══ Explanation: During an attempt to terminate the program, an internal process was indicated as still in progress. Response: If repeatedly pressing "Cancel" leads to this message, click on "Yes". The process in question usually has terminated, and the application can be closed without any side effects. ═══ Message ═══ Explanation: A new style can be loaded only if a print file is not open. Response: 1. Disable the Automatically open files option in the Options menu. 2. Close the current print file. 3. Repeat the original style request. ═══ Message ═══ Explanation: The font you specified could not be loaded. Instead, OS/2 has selected a replacement font. Response: Check that the font was properly selected. ═══ Message ═══ Explanation: The printer specified in the style being loaded is not the currently selected printer. Special settings (such as landscape mode) may have to be performed. Printer settings are stored in the OPUS initialization file (OPUS.INI) and remain in effect across multiple OPUS Print Subsystem sessions until a new printer is selected. If that happens, you may have to activate certain printer settings (such as landscape mode) if they are not the defaults. Response: Set up the printer by clicking on 'Job properties' in the Select printer dialog. ═══ Message ═══ Explanation: An error occurred when loading a style (possibly the style associated with the current print file). The style cannot be used. Response: 1. Ensure that the style (file name '.ODF') is present in the current directory. If this is not the case, restore the file. 2. Otherwise, print the file and contact Alpha International. ═══ Message ═══ Explanation: You are asked to confirm that an existing style should be overwritten. Response: If you reply 'No', the style on disk remains unchanged. ═══ Message ═══ Explanation: The standard unit of measurement defined in the system is not the same as that in the style. In the style, margin settings, for example, are given either in inches or in centimeters. The system measurement unit is used when these are displayed in dialogs. The specified values will be converted as necessary, but the saved style is not updated automatically. Response: If the style conversion changes should be saved, invoke the menu item Style/Update and click on "Save". If, on the other hand, the system unit of measurement is incorrect, select the 'Country' object in the 'System' folder and make the change. Then restart the OPUS Print Subsystem. ═══ Message ═══ Explanation: An extension starting with "OD" is not permitted. Otherwise, this file might be treated by OPUS as an internal control file. Response: Enter a different extension. ═══ Message ═══ Explanation: A file you specified does not exist. Response: Correct the file name entry, if necessary. If the file is in another directory, switch to that directory. ═══ Message ═══ Explanation: When changing printers, the program attempts to select the previously selected form for the new printer. That form is not defined, however. Response: The Page setup dialog will be displayed to let you select a form. ═══ Message ═══ Explanation: The internal maximum number of styles are present in the current directory. Any additional styles are not listed. ═══ Message ═══ Explanation: The printer driver servicing the queue has been changed since the last session. The print job properties stored in the OPUS initialization file must therefore be considered invalid and will be discarded. Response: Redefine the job properties as required. To do this, click on "Job properties" in the Select printer. dialog. ═══ Message ═══ Explanation: A memory allocation failure occurred when attempting to load fonts. Response: System error. Please contact Alpha International. ═══ Message ═══ Explanation: No matching fonts could be found. Response: System error. Report the error to Alpha International. ═══ Message ═══ Explanation: There are no print queues currently defined. The print and printer setup functions will be disabled. Response: Define at least one print queue. Restart the print subsystem. ═══ Message ═══ Explanation: A print job failed because no pages were printed. Response: Ensure that the page range was specified correctly. ═══ Message ═══ Explanation: An error was encountered opening or reading the print file, or an associated metafile or style. Either the file cannot be recognized as an OPUS file, or it is either defective or busy. The "Automatically open files" option has been disabled to prevent the error from occurring repeatedly. Response: Restore the file, or ensure that the file is no longer busy. A metafile has the same name as the print file but with extension 'MET' rather than 'ODR'. ═══ Message ═══ Explanation: A system error was encountered when attempting to rename a file. Renaming has failed. Normally, the reason is that a file already exists with this name. Response: Enter a different file name, or first delete the existing file. ═══ Message ═══ Explanation: There are too many fonts defined. Response: System error. Please contact Alpha International. ═══ Message ═══ Explanation: The form you selected is not the same as the one defined for the printer as the "current form". Response: Ensure that the form specification is correct. ═══ Message ═══ Explanation: At least one line of a multi-line field in the print file (usually a free-form field such as 'Notes') exceeds the length of the form. The remainder is truncated. Response: 1. If not already selected, try setting the printer to landscape mode. 2. In OPUS, separate the text into multiple lines. ═══ 5. Terms ═══ Click on a term: Print file Style Metafile Extended pages ═══ ═══ An ASCII file created by the OPUS program that is formatted, displayed, and printed by the OPUS Print Subsystem. The print file has an 'ODR' extension. A metafile (extension 'MET') is associated with a print file representing a graphic ═══ ═══ A file that stores formatting information. This file is loaded as a result of either being referenced in a print file or being selected by you for display or update. A style has an 'ODF' extension. ═══ ═══ A file containing graphic commands. It is essentially a recording of the original graphic output. This recording can be played back in another program, thereby reproducing the graphic. The OPUS Print Subsystem processes OPUS-generated metafiles representing calendars, Gantt charts, and network diagrams. A metafile has the extension 'MET'. ═══ ═══ A form of representing lists in which entries longer than the page length are extended over multiple pages horizontally. The corresponding form of representation formats such an entry in multiple lines on the same page.