═══ 1. Completing the installation ═══ Completing the installation While Install copies the Word Pro program files, it displays the Transferring Files dialog box. This dialog box indicates:  The percentage of the total installation is complete  The files Install is copying When Install finishes copying the files, it displays a message indicating the Install procedure is complete. 1. Choose OK. If you installed a stand-alone copy of Word Pro, program icons and templates display on your Desktop. If you installed a network server copy of Word Pro, you must install user nodes. 2. Double-click the Word Pro program icon to start Word Pro. When you start Word Pro, a logo displays on the screen. If you do not want the logo to display, you can specify /L after WORDPRO.EXE at the OS/2 command prompt. You can also select the Word Pro icon, choose Open Settings, and add /L to the Parameters text box. Note Install leaves a ~INSX*.~MP file in the root directory of your first hard drive, usually C:. You can delete this file. See also: Installation help contents ═══ 2. ═══ Install cannot copy the specified file because it has detected a file with the same name. Either delete the specified file or change the file attributes to read-write and choose OK. ═══ 3. Customizing additional user paths ═══ Customizing additional user paths When you install Word Pro on a network file server, you can specify the default user Node Install paths for scripts, documents, SmartMasters, SmartIcons, or clip art. The user must have Read-Write-Create-Delete-Attribute rights to the directory you specify. You can specify whether you want users to have the ability to overwrite the default path during Node Install. You can specify whether you want Node Install to provide the user access to a common network path. For additional information about installing Word Pro on a network, refer to the READNET.TXT file located on Install Disk 1. 1. If you want Node Install to determine a default path, leave the path blank. If you do not want Node Install to determine a default path, specify either a local directory on the user's workstation, the user's node directory on the network server, or a shared public directory on the network server. If you are not using UNC path names, you must specify an absolute path, with drive letter, that exactly matches the user's map. Note The default user paths are not used by the Administrator's Node Install. Select User editable if you want users to have the ability to overwrite a default path during Node Install. Deselect User editable if you do not want users to have the ability to overwrite a default path during Node Install. Select Use server directory if you want Node Install to provide the user access to a common network directory. Deselect Use server directory if you do not want Node Install to provide the user access to a common network directory. 1. Choose OK. Install displays the Customize Node Install Paths dialog box. See also: Installation help contents Installing Word Pro on a network Using licenser Using node install information Customizing node install paths Using Word Pro on a network Completing the installation ═══ 4. Customizing node install paths ═══ Customizing the default node install path When you install Word Pro on a network file server, you can specify the default path for the user Node Install. The user must have Read-Write-Create-Delete-Attribute rights to the directory you specify. You can specify whether you want users to have the ability to overwrite the default path during Node Install. For additional information about installing Word Pro on a network, refer to the READNET.TXT file located on Install 1. If you want Node Install to determine the default path for the Word Pro INI files, leave the path blank. If you do not want Node Install to determine the default path, specify either a local directory on the user's workstation or the user's node directory on the network server. If you are not using UNC path names, you must specify an absolute path, with drive letter, that exactly matches the user's map. Note The default node install path is not used by the Administrator's Node Install. Select User editable if you want users to have the ability to overwrite the default path during Node Install. Deselect User editable if you do not want users to have the ability to overwrite the default path during Node Install. 1. Choose Additional User Paths if you want to specify default paths for scripts, documents, SmartMasters, SmartIcons, and clip art. 2. Choose Install. Install copies the Word Pro program files to the path you specified and creates a NODE.INI file in the INSTALL directory. See also: Installation help contents Installing Word Pro on a network Using licenser Using node install information Customizing additional user paths Using Word Pro on a network Completing the installation ═══ 5. ═══ Install cannot detect an existing version of Word Pro. In order to install any additional features, you must first install the basic Word Pro program. If you have previously installed Word Pro for OS/2, specify the path in which Word Pro for OS/2 resides. If you have not previously installed Word Pro for OS/2, choose Cancel and then choose Custom Word Pro Install. ═══ 6. Installation help contents ═══ Installation help contents Using install help System requirements Installing Word Pro Specifying company information Specifying name and initials information Using the main menu Specifying the type of installation Specifying the program directory Specifying installation options Installing Word Pro on a network Using licenser Using node install information Customizing node install paths Customizing additional user paths Using Word Pro on a network Overwriting existing paths Completing the installation ═══ 7. Installing Word Pro ═══ Installing Word Pro Install prompts you for certain types of information. You must specify:  Whether you want to install Word Pro on a stand-alone computer or on a network server  The type of installation you want to perform: Complete, Laptop, Custom, or Options Only  The path where you want to install Word Pro See also: Installation help contents Using the main menu Specifying the type of installation Specifying the program directory Installing Word Pro on a network ═══ 8. Installing Word Pro on a network ═══ Installing Word Pro on a network You can install Word Pro for OS/2 on any Local Area Network (LAN) compatible with OS/2 Warp. Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path names are supported for node path names. Anywhere you can specify a node path name, you can specify a UNC path name. In addition, Install supports the OS/2 High Performance File System (HPFS). Make sure you have Administrator (Read-Write-Delete-Access Control) access to the network drive and directory where you want to install Word Pro. Word Pro offers a flexible network installation. During installation on the network server, you can specify paths for each user's scripts, documents, SmartMasters, SmartIcons, or clip art. You can specify paths on the network or on the user's local workstation. If you specify paths on the network, you can decide if each user accesses common server directories or their individual node directories. If you specify paths on the user's local workstation, you can decide whether the user can edit the paths. You can configure each user differently. For example, you can configure all users in the Sales Department to share common directories on the network. You can configure all users in the Marketing Department to share common SmartMaster and script directories on the network, but store other files locally. During Install, you can specify the number of licenses you purchased for Word Pro. Licenser determines how many concurrent users can run Word Pro from their workstations. After installing Word Pro on the network server, there are several methods of setting up each individual user's workstation to run Word Pro. You can use the Administrator's Node Install to automate copying scripts, documents, SmartMasters, SmartIcons, or clip art to each user's node directory on the file server. You can also instruct each user to run Node Install from their local workstation and copy scripts, documents, SmartMasters, SmartIcons, or clip art from the network server. For additional information about installing Word Pro on a network, refer to the READNET.TXT file located on Install Disk 1. See also: Installation help contents Using licenser Using node install information Customizing node install paths Customizing additional user paths Using Word Pro on a network ═══ 9. Overwriting existing paths ═══ Overwriting existing paths Install checks for an existing release of Word Pro. If Install finds existing SCRIPTS, DOCS, SMASTERS, ICONS, or DRAWSYM directories, it displays the paths to those directories. You can leave the existing paths and overwrite any files with similar names or specify different directories. If you modified any scripts, sample documents, SmartMasters, SmartIcons, or clip art files provided with Word Pro for OS/2 and saved the changes to the original file names, you should specify another path. Otherwise, you can install these files into the existing directories. To specify directories for SmartMasters, documents, scripts, icons, and clip art 1. Specify the complete paths to the directories where you want to install the Word Pro scripts, sample documents, SmartMasters, SmartIcons, and clip art. 2. Choose OK. Install installs the files into the directories you specified. See also: Installation help contents Specifying installation options Completing the installation ═══ 10. Specifying company information ═══ Specifying company information Install prompts you for your company name. If you are installing Word Pro on a network server, the company name you specify appears on all user nodes. 1. Type your company name. The Company Name dialog box only displays the first time you use the Program disks. You must type something in the text box to continue the installation. Note The name you type appears in the About Word Pro dialog box after you start Word Pro. 1. Choose OK. Install displays the Name and Initials dialog box. See also: Installation help contents Specifying name and initials information Installing Word Pro on a network ═══ 11. Specifying installation options ═══ Specifying installation options If you specify the Laptop, Custom, or Options Only types of installation, you can specify the path where you want to install Word Pro and the features you want to install. As you specify features, Install displays the amount of disk space required for each feature and adds or subtracts that requirement from the Total space needed. 1. Specify the complete path to the directory where you want to install Word Pro. 2. Select the desired options to install. Word Pro basic program Installs the basic Word Pro program files into the WORDPRO directory or into the directory you specified. If you selected Options only, Word Pro basic program is grayed out and cannot be selected. Help Installs online Help files into the WORDPRO directory or into the directory you specified. Install does not copy any Help files unless you select the Help option. Drawing Installs the drawing editor program files into the WORDPRO directory or into the directory you specified. You can use the Drawing editor to create and edit vector-based pictures. Clip art Installs sample clip art picture files into a DRAWSYM directory under the WORDPRO directory or under the directory you specified. Charting Installs the Charting program files into the WORDPRO directory or into the directory you specified. Equation editor Installs the equation editor program files into the WORDPRO directory or into the directory you specified. You can use the Equations editor to create and edit scientific and mathematical formulas or to import a TeX file. You must install an OS/2-compatible Symbol font to correctly display and print equations. You can use a Symbol font provided with OS/2, or use a third party font such as the Adobe Type Manager Symbol font. Thesaurus Installs the thesaurus program files into the WORDPRO directory or into the directory you specified. Spell check Installs the dictionary files into the WORDPRO directory or into the directory you specified. Grammar check Installs the grammar check program files into the WORDPRO directory or into the directory you specified. Dialog editor Installs the Windows-based dialog editor program files into the WORDPRO directory or into the directory you specified. The dialog editor enables you to create dialog boxes for use in Word Pro scripts. PostScript fonts Install PostScript fonts into the WORDPRO directory or into the directory you specified. SmartMasters/sample documents Installs Word Pro SmartMasters into a SMASTERS directory under the WORDPRO directory or under the directory you specified. Install also copies several sample documents into a DOCS directory under the WORDPRO directory or under the directory you specified. Even if you do not select the SmartMasters option, Install creates a SMASTERS directory and installs two SmartMasters (_DEFAULT.STY, DEFAULT.MWP). Text filters Installs text import and export filters into the WORDPRO directory or into the directory you specified. Graphic import filters Installs graphic import filters into the WORDPRO directory or into the directory you specified. 3. Choose OK. Install copies the program files to the path you specified and installs the options you selected. See also: Installation help contents Installing Word Pro on a network Overwriting existing paths Completing the installation ═══ 12. Specifying name and initials information ═══ Specifying name and initials information Install prompts you for your name and initials. 1. Type your name and initials. The Name and Initials dialog box only displays if you have not previously specified your name and initials in the Word Pro User Setup or during a Word Pro installation. Install automatically places the first character of each word you type in the Initials text box. You can edit the initials. Note The name and initials you type appears in the User Setup dialog box after you start Word Pro. 1. Choose OK. Install displays the Main Menu dialog box. See also: Installation help contents Using the main menu Installing Word Pro on a network ═══ 13. Specifying the program directory ═══ Specifying the program directory You can specify the path where you want to install Word Pro. Install displays the amount of disk space required and the amount of disk space available. If you do not have sufficient available disk space, you can choose Main Menu and then choose Custom Word Pro Install, or you can exit Install and create additional space by deleting unnecessary files. 1. Specify the complete path to the directory where you want to install Word Pro. Install displays the drive where your OS/2 program files are located as the default drive, and \WORDPRO as the default directory. 2. Choose OK. Install copies the Word Pro program files to the path you specified. See also: Installation help contents Installing Word Pro on a network Overwriting existing paths Completing the installation ═══ 14. Specifying the type of installation ═══ Specifying the type of installation You can specify the type of installation you want to perform. The type of installation you specify determines which Word Pro features you can use. Click the desired icon or press ENTER when the icon is selected. Complete Word Pro Install Choose Complete Word Pro Install if you have sufficient available hard disk space and you want to install the basic Word Pro program and all features. You can specify the path where you want to install Word Pro in the Specify the Program Directory dialog box. Laptop Word Pro Install Choose Laptop Word Pro Install if you want to install the basic Word Pro program and Spell Check. Laptop Word Pro takes up less than 20MB of disk space. You can select additional features in the Specifying Installation Options dialog box. Custom Word Pro Install Choose Custom Word Pro Install if you do not have sufficient available hard disk space or if you want to specify the features that should be installed. You can select the desired features in the Specifying Options and Directories dialog box. Options Only Install Choose Options Only Install if you previously installed Word Pro for OS/2 but omitted certain features. You can install just the desired features without reinstalling the entire program. DO NOT select Options Only Install if this is the first time you are installing Word Pro for OS/2. See also: Installation help contents Specifying the program directory Specifying installation options Installing Word Pro on a network Overwriting existing paths ═══ 15. System requirements ═══ Overview: System requirements Your stand-alone computer or network must meet the following hardware, system software, memory, and disk space requirements.  An 80486 (or higher) computer certified for use with OS/2й Warp or higher (66 mhz clock speed or faster recommended)  A minimum of 8MB of RAM (16MB recommended)  A minimum of 18MB of available hard disk space Depending upon the options you choose to install, you may need up to 40MB of available hard disk space.  A VGA, XGA, or 8514/A OS/2-compatible graphics card  An OS/2-compatible mouse  A 1.44MB 3.5" disk drive Note If you need 5.25" disks, Lotus will provide you with one set of high-density 5.25" disks at no charge. For information, refer to "Media Exchange" in the Lotus Customer Support Guide. See also: Installation help contents Installing Word Pro Installing Word Pro on a network ═══ 16. Using install help ═══ Using install help The Word Pro Install program provides online Help. 1. Choose the Help command button in a dialog box. 2. Choose the desired Help button to display or print Help topics. Previous Displays the last Help topic you viewed. Search Searches for the text you specify in the section you select. Type a word or phrase in the text box. Choose Search to display a list of Help topics that contain the text. Double-click the Help topic you want to display. Print Prints the Help topic you select. Index Displays an alphabetical list of all the Help keywords for Word Pro. If a keyword appears in multiple Help topics, the Index displays a list of Help topics that contain the keyword. Double-click the desired keyword or topic to display that Help topic. See also: Installation help contents Installing Word Pro Installing Word Pro on a network ═══ 17. Using licenser ═══ Using licenser Lotus Licenser tracks software licensing for all Lotus applications. Licenser determines the number of users that can concurrently run Word Pro from their workstations. In addition, Licenser monitors software usage and tracks the number of users that are denied access to a Lotus application because all licenses were in use. Licenser creates a directory named LOTSHARE. Each Lotus application creates a license directory off LOTSHARE. Each license directory contains license files for that product and a log file. LOTSHARE must appear as a root directory to all users. You can manage the licenses using the Windows-based Licenser utility located in \AMIPRO\INSTALL. For additional information on Licenser, start Licenser and choose Help. 1. Specify a network drive letter for LOTSHARE. If Install locates a LOTSHARE directory, but it does not contain active OS/2 licenses, a path displays instead. 2. Specify the number of licenses you purchased. 3. Choose OK. The Node Install Information dialog box displays. See Also: Installation help contents Installing Word Pro on a network Using node install information Customizing node install paths Customizing additional user paths Using Word Pro on a network Completing the installation ═══ 18. Using node install information ═══ Using node install information After installing Word Pro on the network file server, there are several methods of setting up each individual user's workstation to run Word Pro. You can use the Administrator's Node Install to automate copying scripts, documents, SmartMasters, SmartIcons, or clip art to each user's node directory on the file server. You can also instruct each user to run Node Install from their local workstation and copy scripts, documents, SmartMasters, SmartIcons, or clip art from the network server. You can configure each user differently. For example, you can configure all users in the Sales Department to share common directories on the network. You can configure all users in the Marketing Department to share common SmartMaster and script directories on the network, but store other files locally. For additional information about installing Word Pro on a network, refer to the READNET.TXT file located on Install Disk 1. 1. Choose Install to copy the Word Pro program files to the network file server. Install copies the Word Pro program files to the path you specified. 2. Choose Customize Node to specify default paths for the user Node Install. Install displays the Customizing Node Install Paths dialog box. See Also: Installation help contents Installing Word Pro on a network Using licenser Customizing node install paths Customizing additional user paths Using Word Pro on a network Completing the installation ═══ 19. Using the main menu ═══ Using the main menu You can install Word Pro on a stand-alone computer or on a network server. Click the desired icon or press ENTER when the icon is selected. Install Word Pro Installs a functional copy of the Word Pro program on a stand-alone computer. Install Word Pro on server Installs Word Pro program files on a network server. To run Word Pro from the network server, you must install a node for each user's workstation. Make sure you have Administrator (Read-Write-Delete-Access Control) access to the network path where you want to install Word Pro. See also: Installation help contents Specifying the type of installation Installing Word Pro on a network ═══ 20. Using Word Pro on a network ═══ Using Word Pro on a network Once you install Word Pro on the server and set up each user node, multiple users can run Word Pro from their workstations. All users must have Read-Write-Create-Delete-Attribute rights to directories that contain documents they need to edit. If the users on a network are sharing documents, Word Pro provides file locking to protect against the possibility of simultaneous data update attempts. When a user opens a document, the original file changes to read-only and can be modified only by that user. When the original user closes the document, Word Pro changes the rights to read-write so another user may edit it. Another user can open a read-only file and save changes to it only if the changes are saved to a different file name. If Word Pro is terminated abnormally, as in the case of a power failure, some documents may be left in read-only mode. You can change the files back to read-write using the Word Pro File Manager. See also: Installation help contents Installing Word Pro on a network Using licenser Using node install information Customizing node install paths Customizing additional user paths Completing the installation ═══ 21. ═══