Digital Television Version 1.0.004 This application expects that the Hauppauge Wincast/TV drivers are installed on your system. If you have not installed the Wincast/TV drivers please do so before installing this application. INSTALLATION The installation of this product is done with the OS/2 MultiMedia Installation Utility MINSTALL.EXE. Run the installation utility and select the directory where you have unzipped the application files. There are two products available for installation in this distribution: Digital TV Media Device - this is the Media Control Device and a Vendor Specific Driver for the Hauppauge Wincast/TV drivers. Digital TV Applications - this is the Television Application YADTV that is tailored to take advantage of the capabilities of the Digital TV Media Device. FEATURES The Digital TV Media Device will use either the GRADD direct draw capabilities of the Hauppauge Wincast/TV drivers or, if you are not using a GRADD video driver, will use DIVE for the display of the video image on the screen. The use of GRADD or DIVE is done automatically by the Digital TV Media Device. MINSTALL problems There may be a problem with the MINSTALL program crashing with an error in PMMERGE.DLL. We have found that if you move the selection screen displayed by MINSTALL partly off the desktop the installation will continue normally without an error. This appears to be a bug in some versions of MINSTALL. HISTORY of CHANGES Release 1.0.006 - Provide Clipping support for WCAST driver 1.041V and above - minor bug fixes Release 1.0.005 - Corrected problems in YADTV/2 Release 1.0.004 - Corrected a problem in YADTV/2 - Changed timing for wait to allow DIVE thread to start - Increased stack allocation for MCD Monitor thread - Increased stack allocation for VSD DIVE thread - Changed MCD monitor so all cliplist processing done in line Release 1.0.003 - Corrected a problem in the installation files. - added the yadtv2.txt information file to the installation. - added icons for the "readme" and "yadtv2.txt" to the program folder. - added URL icon for the Wincast/TV drivers to the program folder. Release 1.0.002 - Corrected a problem with the rapid open/close of the device when DIVE display was active. Release 1.0.001 - Layout of Monitor Window changed to have a wider border. - Video Display Image on Monitor Window limited to the maximum X and Y extents of the digitized video image. - Corrected a problem that would allow the TV image to be displayed outside of the Monitor window when the window was moved off the screen to the left. - Corrected an error that caused a gratuitous error return when the "put destination at x y cx cy move size" command was processed. - Corrected an error that did not invalidate the prior display region when the "put destination" command was processed and the default MCD monitor window was in use. Release 1.0.000 - First Release