═══ 1. NOTICE OF SUPERCEDENCE - READ THIS ═══ This HODstar Products Catalog is dated 2:15pm USA CST, February 14, 1995. The information and terms detailed in this document SUPERCEDES and REPLACES any and all previously published HODstar Product Catalogs. This document is updated regularly to reflect changes in HODstar policies and pricing. Mutually signed and agreed-upon contract may be excluded by this Notice of Supercedence. ═══ 2. Introduction ═══ The Introduction section discusses the HODstar company, its products, and its policies and contact information. HODstar welcomes reseller inquiries. Call our automated FAX-back system via our voice line to receive a copy of the HODstar Qualified Resellers Agreement. ═══ 2.1. Who is the HODstar(TM) Support Solutions company? ═══ HODstar(TM) Support Solutions has provided quality services and products for the PC industry since 1983. Founded by individuals experienced with providing support for business users, HODstar matured as the PC industry itself did. All along HODstar has maintained a commitment to ensure protection for our customers' software investment as technology rapidly changed. Our commitment to preserving our customers' software investment fueled HODstar's entry to the OS/2 network industry in 1987. This leading edge experience in GUI client-server database, as well as our decade-long involvement in support services, brings to you an advanced support platform that can be easily mastered by your support staff. It is this commitment and this experience that guides us as we add multi-platform support to our products for the evolving Windows standards as well. Telephony, and its impact on automation and efficiency, is very important to us and we look forward to showing you our solutions as we adapt our products to them! HODstar(TM) Support Solutions is first and foremost a services-oriented company. Long before we offered pre-packaged products to modern business, HODstar offered tailor-made solutions. Market demands have if anything intensified your need to tailor a solution more than ever. We're prepared to meet that challenge. Call us! ═══ 2.2. What makes HODstar(TM) Support Solutions products competitive? ═══ Our design philosophy ensures your long-term investment. All HODstar products are designed and implemented along a common framework. Each product seamlessly integrates into the next. All products utilize the mainstream market's most powerful SQL client-server environment, IBM's DB2, to drive a common master database across your enterprise network. This utilization means HODstar products can access data from a wide variety of platforms, from mainframe to UNIX to desktop PC, and do so faster and more flexibly than any other SQL engine on the market. For non-DB2 environments HODstar provides it's own alternative database engine. This database can be used in stand-alone or shared network modes. Additionally all products are developed in a manner providing quick and seamless migration to other operating environments. HODstar products are just as applicable to Windows and UNIX environments as they are to OS/2. HODstar products are continually re-evaluated so that they adapt to changes in technology as they happen. Our design philosophy shows our commitment to your success! Perhaps more importantly, we're prepared to take our products and adapt them to your needs and environments. Need something added or changed? Call us! HODstar is about uniqueness and adding the competitive advantage to your needs! ═══ 2.3. How does HODstar provide product and customer support? ═══ HODstar(TM) Support Solutions provides support via the following internationally-accessible channels - o CompuServe(R) o HODstar's HODNet BBS o Prodigy(R) All are available 24-hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days of the year. Note that the Internet is available from most major commercial services such as MCIMail and American Online (AOL). To reach HODstar Customer support via CompuServe, go to the Other Vendors part of the OS/2 Vendors A section in the 'OS/2 Forums' area (GO:OS2AVE -> Other Vendors). Customers on CompuServe can also browse the online database to search for issues related to their questions, or download information to review offline on their local machines. You can directly contact all HODstar departments using CompuServe email addressed to '76711,426'. To reach HODstar Customer Support via the Internet, address all email to '76711,426@compuserve.com', or 'pmsh30a@prodigy.com'. To reach HODstar Customer Support via Prodigy, address all email to PMSH30A. Our BBS line is USA +1 817-431-5832, and is open to all callers. Registered customers have access to current updates for the products they purchased. Electronic calls are automatically routed to HODstar staff support members, and their electronic response provided within five business days. Customers requiring more immediate response will want to consider the HODstar STAR Response Plan. Customers enrolled in this program receive same-day phone support as well as the standard electronic support. On-site installation, education, and support also are contracted for as additional options. Contact the HODstar Sales and Services department for more detail. ═══ 3. Explanation of Licensing ═══ 1. Single-User Licensing Permits one person to run the product. The product may NOT be put on a network. User may make any number of backup copies for archival. Sharing of the program is NOT permitted. Typically product functionality is a subset of the Site-wide and 'Unlimited-Use' license versions. 2. 100-User Licensing Permits use by up to 100 users directly employed by a single department or business unit at a single physical site location. Product may be put on a local-area-network, but NOT on an enterprise or wide-area-network. Department may make any number of backup copies for archival. Non-employees such as temporaries or contractors may NOT use the product. Typically product functionality is a subset of the Site-wide and 'Unlimited-Use' license versions. 3. Site-wide Licensing Same as 100-user license except that typically all product features are implemented, and there is no limit on the number of users employed by the single department or business unit at that site location. Non-employees such as temporaries or contractors may NOT use the product. Always includes 5 hours of free same-day phone support (check product catalog for more information). 4. 'Unlimited-use' Licensing Same as Site-wide license except that staff employed by the department or business unit may be at any location, and that non-employees such as temporaries and contractors may also use the product. Product may be put on both local and wide-area networks. Always includes 5 free hours of same day telephone support. Product may NOT be used staff employed by another department or business unit. 5. 'Blanket-Use' Licensing Permits all employees of all departments or business units employed by a company to use the product, irregardless of location. Always includes 5 free hours of same day telephone support. By negotiation only. 6. Reseller Licensing This is a license for resale of HODstar products. Includes bundling HODstar products into your own package of services and products offered to your customers (i.e. integrating HODstar standalone paging procedures with your products), or resale of HODstar products for profit. This document details pricing strictly for resale of HODstar products for profit. Contact HODstar to negotiate bundling of HODstar products into your products. ═══ 4. OS/2 Products Listing ═══ The OS/2 Products listing describes HODstar(TM) Support Solutions's products for the OS/2 platform. In some cases these product descriptions overlap with the identical products developed for other platforms. ═══ 4.1. HODstar Broadcaster v1.01 - released October 1994! ═══ Display message-of-the-day information to your users when they logon! Maintains unlimited message history, permits users to browse message archives, message printing, and electronic copying of messages to their personal information managers or other productivity-oriented applications. Keep your people up to-date on your company's activities! Available as site-wide or 'unlimited-use' license only. Site-wide license: $225 'Unlimited-use' license: $375 ═══ 4.2. HODstar Loader v1.0 - Released January 1995! ═══ Automatically loads the HODstar master database by interrogating one or more of your OS/2 LAN Servers! HODstar Loader provides an excellent boost to your staff's productivity by minimizing manual data entry. Applicable for all HODstar products if yours is an OS/2 LAN Server environment! Available as 'unlimited-use' license only for a single domain. You must buy one copy for each additional Domain to be managed. First Domain: $745 Each additional Domain: $125 ═══ 4.3. HODstar Monitor v1.02 - Released January 1995! ═══ Perfect tool to help your support staff quickly profile network resources! HODstar Monitor provides support staff a view on all resources maintained on your network. Resources include detailed profiles for Users, Network systems, Printers, Serial Ports, and Drives. HODstar Monitor is ideal for companies already using another call tracking product but still needing the ability to cross-reference and profile the network resources relevant to customer calls. Helps tie-in asset management with a network perspective! Applicable for any type of network! See the related HODstar Loader product if you have an OS/2 LAN Server environment. 100-user license: $485 Site-wide license: $1,350 'Unlimited-use' license: $3,350 ═══ 4.4. HODstar Pager v1.02 - Released October, 1994! ═══ The perfect addition to your OS/2 electronic personal information manager or other time-critical project! HODstar Pager quickly and easily permits users to leave a message on today's standard pagers! Use interactively from the OS/2 desktop, or create standalone paging programs that can be called from any OS/2 batch file, REXX program, or application! The HODstar Pager user database integrates with the HODstar common database used by all our products, or can use it's own standalone database for users on the go! Works with all 'true' AT-command set compatible modems and FAX/modems. Note that the next release of Pager will support flexible alphanumeric paging. Customers upgrading from this version receive a significant discount. Single-User license: $75 Site-wide license: $625 'Unlimited-use' license: $1,450 ═══ 4.5. HODstar Supporter 1.02 - Released January 1995 ═══ Call tracking for both your support staff and your end-users. Your support staff uses Queries and Calls to maintain and track customer calls. Your end-users can use any part or the entire call tracking system to enter and track their own calls. When combined with HODstar Monitor your staff also can instantly view detailed profiles for network resources relevant to the customer's call no matter what kind of network you use. Can be used in stand-alone, network, or client-server modes. Includes built-in support for automatic event notification and self-updating queues! As with all HODstar products you can either use our internal database or instead use your company-wide DB2 database. Support for DB2 means you can access platforms from mainframes to UNIX to Windows NT or OS/2! DB2 support also means immediate access to help desk data from your other applications! Fully compatible with the HODstar Pager. Applicable for any type of network! See the related HODstar Loader product if you have an OS/2 LAN Server environment. Note that the next release of Supporter will feature programmable fields and VIM email support. Customers upgrading from this version receive a significant discount. Contact HODstar for a full list of planned upgrades. 100-user license: $685 Site-wide license: $3,650 'Unlimited-use' license: $6,250 ═══ 4.6. HODstar Scheduler (3Q95) ═══ Program and application task scheduling for any user! Administrators and users both can setup when and how any OS/2, DOS, or DOS/Windows programs automatically runs on their system. Ideal for off-hour execution of applications to keep them from slowing down your network. Fully compatible with all other HODstar products such as HODstar Supporter and Pager! Product order information not available at this time. ═══ 4.7. HODstar Distributor (3Q95) ═══ Expands upon the HODstar Monitor product by adding application distribution and version control management. Permits administrators to schedule and even roll-back application software maintained on each end-user PC from centralized servers. Keep your costs low by installing your users' software from a single location instead of going to each individual machine! Supports both OS/2 native and DOS-DOS/Windows application management. Also provides audit reporting of end-user's hard drive contents. Integrates with the existing HODstar products common database. Product order information not available at this time. ═══ 5. Contacting HODstar(TM) Support Solutions ═══ HODstar(TM) Support Solutions contact information - Voice orders: (817) 379-0220 FAX: (817) 379-4020 Electronic mail - Internet: 76711,426@compuserve.com (private email only) pmsh30a@prodigy.com (private email only) Compuserve: 76711,426 (private email only) GO CIS:OS2AVE -> Other Vendors (conference/demos) Prodigy: PMSH30A (private email only) HODNet BBS: USA +1 817-431-0546 (email/conference/update/demo) Overland mail - HODstar(TM) Support Solutions Sales and Services dept. 417 Hovenkamp Keller, TX 76248-3422 U.S.A All callers are welcome to call the HODNet BBS to ask questions on products and for using demo products. Registered customers are automatically able to download updates for the products they've purchased. We welcome money order, purchase order, company-issued check, and MasterCard/VISA. All non-credit card purchases receive a 10% discount off the total amount of sale before shipping and handling.