Welcome to my first public domain /and/ OS/2 program, Random Background Graphics (RBG). For a while I had no idea what to call it, infact for a while I was going to call it ??!!??. RBG was what I do best, puns. Horrilbe, awful puns. Oh well, I could be worse, I could program for MS's W95. As you look around my code (HA! - VXRexx wrote more than 95% of it), I'm sure there are a few questions to ask. First, I do need to be clear on one point. I wrote this program just for fun. 1) Why not complie the program icon and bitmap into the program? Good question. I have no idea. Well, I do. For some reason, and as you can see I do include a RC file and a complied RC file to be bined to the code. I don't know why they didn't take hold, during the complie. Problely something stupid, like not setting a feature on VXRexx. 2) Why didn't you take out your remarked lines? Who knows, maybe I thought that someone else would get a kick out of seeing a bit of someone else's system. 3) Why didn't you pre-calculate a constaint? Oh, I'm lazy. Besides, your math chip needs something to do. 4) What's with menu item number 9? Why isn't it in the program. Ahh, that's was to be a secrete. To check for bugs, and being a type A personality, I wanted to have results done quickly, and not kill five minutes. What it does, as it is plainly clear is give the delay value only 5000 msec between changes of the bitmap. A debug tool basically. If you want to access it, Ctrl-H will do the trick. 5) Can't you spell - or run a spell checker? No. 6) What wasn't included? I did want to have a drag n drop directory, but I couldn't figure it out. I also wanted to include a save to OS.INI for the path. Had this mind block you see... 7) What's next? Well, if REXX ever gets an upgrade to include all the math fuctions that basic has, I have a music program which will create music - for as long as you want, and in just about any style you care to choise. It's really really cool. I do have it running in basic, but I want to have it run in OS/2, and not under a dos box. It already has a name too (Fractal Music Factory), and a working OS/2 Rexx shell. Hey Mike, if for what ever chance you do read this, the next upgrade in REXX is math fuctions OR else. Oh, and like just about everyone else, I am looking for a job. I come highly recogmended from my professors, who are equally divided between get-him-out-of-here, and don't-go!-we-still-can't-work-our-PCs-yet! 8) What the icon suppose to be? I really don't know. Maybe I've watched Tron too much. (Or read Neuromancer too many times) 8) Gee, this is no-where nearly as informative as I thought it would be. True. but then again, I'm really zoned out at the momemt. Also, you get what you pay for. Enjoy! Henry