═══ 1. Copyright ═══ Welcome to HelpNet! Copyright (c) 1994-1995. Enlighten Development ═══ 2. Installation ═══ Installation Instructions for HelpNet!: 1. First Time Installation. 2. Network Workstation Installation. ═══ 2.1. First-Time Install ═══ First-Time installation instructions: 1. Insert the HelpNet! Install diskette into drive A: . 2. At an OS/2 Command Prompt change to drive A: and type INSTALL. A: INSTALL 3. Enter in the required information. 4. Press OK. Note: You may wish to read the Database Considerations section of this reference for information regarding Support Tables during the Installation Process. ═══ 2.2. Network Install - Workstation ═══ Network Installation Procedures: 1. At an OS/2 Command prompt, change to the drive and directory in which the HelpNet! system has been installed. 2. At the prompt, type HNINST. 3. Enter the User Name in the entry field provided. 4. Press OK. Note: This type of installation can also be used to Recreate the HelpNet! icons on the users Desktop, or re-initialize the User Preferences file. ═══ 3. Logging in to the HelpNet! application ═══ o After starting the application, enter your Name (case Insensitive) and Password. Note: If this is your first time logging in to the system, your password has been set to HELPNET. If this is the first time logging in after the initial installation of the application, you must enter SUPERVISOR (Case sensitive) as the User Name and HELPNET as the Password. o Press the OK pushbutton or press the Enter key to initiate the login. o If you get an INVALID password and are unable to login, contact your Help Desk personnel and have them reset your password. o After a successful login, the Main Menu will appear and you may begin working with the HelpNet! system. ═══ 4. How do I? ═══ Select an item from the list below for a brief tutorial on how to, Basic Functions o Add a Call Ticket. o Search for a Call Ticket. o Configure HelpNet! o Change my Password. o Find past resolutions. Administrative Functions: o Add a Specialist. o Add a Client. o Add an Outside Customer. o Configure this Site. o Add Support Data: - Priority - Severity - Problem Categories - State - Department - Specialist Group - Server Types - Servers - CPUs - Monitors - Operating Systems - Printers - Applications - Peripherals - Adapters o Archive Call Tickets. o Reindex Tables. o Use Automatic Call Escalation. o Check for Follow Ups. o Database Maintenance. ═══ 4.1. How do I Change My password? ═══ From the Main Menu, select HelpDesk followed by Change Password... From there: o Enter in your current password in the entry field entitled Current Password. o Enter in your New Password in the entry field entitled NEW password. o Retype your password in the entry field entitled Retype Password. o Press the OK pushbutton. ═══ 4.2. How Do I Add a Specialist? ═══ The following procedures depict how you add a NEW specialist when you are at the Specialist Setup screen: Note: You must have Administrative Access to set up a New Specialist. If you don't have these rights, your Help Desk Personnel can set this up for you OR you may log in to the HelpNet! system under the name SUPERVISOR. o From the Main Menu, select Adminstration - Specialist Setup to open the Specialist Setup screen. o In the Enter New Specialist Entry field, enter the First and Last name of the NEW Specialist. o In the Password entry field, enter the password the New Specialist will use to log in to the HelpNet! System. o In the Phone Number entry field, enter the Phone Number of the New Specialist, with or without the Area code. o In the Ext entry field, enter the Extension of the New Specialist. o If the specialist has a Numeric pager, enter the Pager number in the entryfield provided. o Select the Access Priviledge for the New Specialist. Access priviledges are setup under the Site Configuration. o Select the skills of the New Specialist. To do this, hold the key down while selecting the Categories you wish linked to the New Specialst. Note: In order for a Specialist to list on the Call Ticket when all of the Categories are selected, he MUST be linked to each of the selected Categories. o Select the Save push button. As the Specialist is saved, the links to each of the categories will be deselected. Simply double click on the Saved Specialist to reload the linked categories. o You have now Added a New Specialist. ═══ 4.3. How Do I Add a Client? ═══ Select the HelpDesk item from the Main Menu, then select Client Information. This will bring up the Client Information screen. From here: o Press the RIGHT mouse button and select New from the Popup menu. This will bring up the Support Edit Client window. o Select the Salutation that best fits the new client. o Enter the First and Last Name fo the client in the field entitled Name. o Enter the Initials of the Client in the field entitled Initials. (Optional) o Enter the UserId of the Client in the field entitled UserId. o Enter the Title of the Client in the field entitled Title. (Optional) o Select the Department in which the Client works in the Drop down box entitled Department. o Enter the Phone number where the Client can be reached in the field entitled Phone. o Enter the Extension of the Client in the field entitled Ext. (Optional) o Select the State in which the Client resides in the drop down box entitled State. o Enter the Name of the client as it appears in your Email system in the entry field entitled Email Name. (This field may not be present if the Email module is not installed). o Use the mouse to select the Tab entitle System Info on the right of the Notebook control. (You may also press the pagedown key or click on the right arrow in the lower right hand corner of the notebook.) Note: This entire page is optional. o At the System Info page, select the computer that the client uses in the drop down box entitled Computer. o Enter the Serial number of the computer in the entry field entitled Serial No. directly below the Computer drop down box. o Select the Monitor that the Client uses in the drop down box entitled Monitor. o Enter the Serial number of the monitor in the entry field entitled Serial No. directly below the Monitor drop down box. o If any printers are attached or used locally, follow these steps: 1. Select the printer in the drop down box entitled Printer. 2. Select the Port it is attached to in the drop down box entitled Port. 3. If it is a network printer, Check the box entitled Network. 4. Press the Add pushbutton under the container in the group entitled Printers. 5. Repeat Steps 1-3 for any additional printers up to Three total. o Use the mouse to select the Tab entitle Lan Info on the right of the Notebook control. (You may also press the pagedown key or click on the right arrow in the lower right hand corner of the notebook.) Note: This entire page is optional. o If the system is connected to a Server via a LAN, follow these steps: 1. Select the server the Client is attached to using the drop down box entitled Server. 2. Press the Add pushbutton under the container in the Group entitled Servers Connected to - Max 4. 3. Repeat Steps 1-2 for up to Four servers. o Enter the Requester name for the clients computer in the field entitled Requester Name. o Enter the Cable No of the cable that runs to the Clients system. (Optional). o Enter the Network Interface Card address of the Clients system in the field entitled NIC Address. o Use the mouse to select the Tab entitle Applications on the right of the Notebook control. (You may also press the pagedown key or click on the right arrow in the lower right hand corner of the notebook.) Note: This entire page is optional. o For any applications the Client uses, follow these steps: 1. Select the application the client uses in the drop down box entitled Application. 2. Enter the Serial Number of the copy of the application that the Client uses in the field entitled Serial No. 3. Press the Add push button under the container in the group entitled Applications. 4. Repeat steps 1-3 for all applications up to Six. o Use the mouse to select the Tab entitle Notes on the right of the Notebook control. (You may also press the pagedown key or click on the right arrow in the lower right hand corner of the notebook.) Note: This entire page is optional. o Enter any additional information that you may wish to keep on file for the Client. Limit is 65536 characters. ═══ 4.4. How do I Add an Outside Customer? ═══ ═══ 4.5. How Do I Add a Call Ticket? ═══ The following procedures depict how you can enter a NEW Call Ticket when you are at the Call Ticket screen: o Use the Main menu, Select HelpDesk, and then Call Ticket - Open/Close. This will bring up the Call Ticket Screen. You may also use the push button on the Title Bar of the Main Menu. o Check the Origination Time to make sure the Date and Time stamp is what you want for the Call Ticket Origination Date and Time. If not, either Press the Orig push button or press the down arrow on the combo box to bring up a calendar which will allow you to select a date. You may also enter directly into either the Date entry field or the Time entry field. o Select wether the ticket is an OUTSIDE call or an INSIDE call. HelpNet! defaults to an INSIDE call - if you want your ticket to depict a problem with an OUTSIDE caller, then press the Outside call check box in the Client Information section of the screen. o Press the Name push button. There are two options here: 1. INSIDE CALL - A window will popup requiring you to select a Client Name. Either double click with the left mouse button on the name you wish to choose or highlight the name by clicking once and pressing the Select push button. The Select Name window will dissappear and your Ticket will be populated with the information regarding the selected user. 2. OUTSIDE CALL - The Phone Book window will popup allowing you to select any one of the Outside customers entered to be selected for this Ticket. You may either double click with the left mouse button on the Customer you wish to select, or highlight the customer by clicking once with the left mouse button on the customer you wish to select, and pressing the Select push button. The Phone Book will dissappear and your Ticket will be populated with the information regarding the selected customer. o Select the Problem Categories that best describe what the Ticket is regarding: 1. Press the down arrow on the drop down box labled 1. A drop down list will show you which items for this category are selectable. Click once with the Left mouse button on the item you wish to depict for category one. After selecting the item, category two will populate with items that have been linked to category one and the drop down box will appear allowing you to select category two. 2. Click once with the left mouse button on the item you wish to depict for category two. After selecting the item, category three will poulate with items that have been linked to category two and the drop down box will appear for category three allowing you to select the next category. 3. Click once with the left mouse button on the item you wish to depict for Category three. After selecting the item, the Assigned To combo box will poulate with specialists that have been linked to ALL THREE categories. Note: If Linking has been turned off (By pressing the check box entitled Linking, next to the Assigned To drop down box) then the Assigned To drop down box will poulate with ALL specialists entered in the database. o Select the Specialist you wish to assign to this Call Ticket by clicking once on the name with the left mouse button. o Select the Severity of the Call Ticket by pressing the down arrow on the combo box entitled "Severity" and clicking once with the left mouse button on the severity you wish to use. o Select the Priority of the Call Ticket by pressing the down arrow on the drop down box entitled "Priority" and clicking once with the left mouse button on the priority you wish to use. Note: After selecting the Priority, the entry field Priority Time will automatically be populated with the Time alotted for this ticket to be completed. This information is entered when adding Priorities under the Support menu. o Enter the Problem Description by either: 1. Entering the information directly into the Area provided. 2. Pressing the Expand push button directly above the Problem Description Entry Box. This will bring up an EXPANDED entry field that allows more text to be displayed. Note: You are limited to 32,000 characters for both the Problem Description and Problem Resolution. Note: You may press the Stamp push button to incorporate a Specialist Stamp in the entry box. o Enter the Problem Resolution: 1. This is the same as entering the Problem Description. Note: Entering a Resolution is not neccessary in any case - unless you are CLOSING the call Ticket. 2. You may enter a follow up procedure at any time. you can do this by pressing the "Follow Up" check box directly above the Problem Resolution. o Select the Lookup Importance for this Call Ticket. If you have entered in a resolution, then select the appropriate importance. o You may now SAVE your ticket by pressing the SAVE push button located in the lower left corner of the Call Ticket Screen. Note: After saving your Ticket, the SAVE push button is changed to an UPDATE pushbutton. In order for you to enter a NEW Ticket, you must select the CLEAR push button located near the lower right corner of the Call Ticket Screen. o You have now successfully entered in a Call Ticket! ═══ 4.6. How Do I Search For A Call Ticket? ═══ There are two ways of Searching for and viewing a Call Ticket. First: o From the Call Ticket screen, select the Ticket pushbutton. o A window will pop up requesting a Ticket Number. o Enter in the Ticket number of the Ticket you wish to view. o Press enter. Second: o Bring up the Search for Call Tickets screen using one of the following methods: 1. Select the HelpDesk item on the Main Menu, then select Search for Call Tickets... 2. Select the pushbutton on the Title Bar of the Main Menu. 3. Select the Search pushbutton on the Call Ticket screen. o Choose the criteria at the top of the screen that you wish to search for tickets on. o Press the List pushbutton in the lower left hand corner of the screen. o A list of Tickets meeting your criteria will appear in the container in the center of the screen. o You can now view anyone of the tickets by pressing the RIGHT mouse button and choosing View Ticket from the popup menu. ═══ 4.7. How Do I Find Resolutions? ═══ Select HelpDesk on the Main Menu of HelpNet!. Select the Knowledge Base... menu item. When the Knowledge Base window comes up, select the Category or categories you wish to search on or enter in a key work or phrase. Check the boxes next to the importance of which resolutions you wish to display. Push the List push button in the lower left hand corner of the screen. From there, a list will appear of all of the Problem Descriptions that have the same criteria you have selected. To view the Resolution to a specific description, double click on that description. ═══ 4.8. Add Support Data... ═══ ═══ 4.8.1. How do I Add a Priority? ═══ From the Main Menu, select Support Tables, then select Priorities... The Add Priorities window will appear and you may: o Enter in the description of the NEW Priority in the field entitled Enter Description. o Enter in the turnaround Time in the entryfield provided in the Turnaround Time group. o Select wether the time represents Hours, Minutes, or Days by selecting the appropriate radial button. o Press the Add push button. ═══ 4.8.2. How do I Add a Severity? ═══ From the Main Menu, select Support Tables, then select Severities... The Add Severities window will appear and you may: o Enter in the description of the NEW Priority in the field entitled Enter Severity. o Enter in the Importance of the Severity in the entry field entitled Importance. o Press the Add push button. ═══ How do I link Severities and Priorities? ═══ From the Add Severities OR Add Priorities window, Press the Link pushbutton. The Link Severities window appears. From there: o Select a Severity listed in the LEFT list box. o Select Any or ALL priorities in the RIGHT list box using the mouse. o press the Update pushbutton. Note: What occurs: The Selected Severity on the LEFT is linked to the selected Priorities on the right. When the Severity is selected in the Call Ticket windo, only the LINKED priorities will populate the Priorities drop down box. ═══ 4.8.3. How do I Add Problem Categories? ═══ From the Main Menu, select Support Tables, then select Problem Categories... The Add Problem Categories window appears. From there: o Select which category number you wish to add to by pressing the appropriate Radio button. o Enter the description of the New category in the entry field entitled Enter Category. o Press the Add pushbutton. ═══ How Do I Link Categories? ═══ The linking of categories is actually the most complex procedure in the HelpNet! system. But once it is understood, it becomes very easy. Purpose: When selecting categories on the Call Ticket Screen, once you select Category 1, the drop down box for Category 2 will populate with ALL categories that are linked to the selected Category 1. In order for this to happen, you must save the links in a separate data file. This is done be following these simple procedures when at the Link Categories Screen. o If you are linking Categories from Category 2, press the pushbutton entitled Cat 1 in the upper left hand corner of the Link Categories screen. This will populate the LEFT listbox with ALL Categories in Category 1 and the RIGHT list box with all categories in Category 2. o Double-click on any ONE of the categories listed in the LEFT list box. If any links have been defined, the list on the RIGHT side of the screen will have categories selected that are already linked to the selected category on the LEFT. o To link categories to the selected Category on the LEFT side of the screen, simply HIGHLIGHT the categories you wish linked on the RIGHT side of the screen. o After selecting all of the categories, press the Update pushbutton to update the Linking. o To update links from Category 2, press the push button labled Cat 2 in the upper left hand corner of the screen and follow the above procedures to save the linking. ═══ 4.8.4. How do I Add a State? ═══ From the Main Menu, select Support Tables, then select States... The Add States window will appear and you may: o Enter in the TWO character representation for the state in the field entitled Enter State. o Press the Add push button. ═══ 4.8.5. How do I Add a Department? ═══ From the Main Menu, select Support Tables, then select Department... The Add Departments window will appear and you may: o Enter in the Description for the department in the field entitled Add New Department. o Press the Add push button. ═══ 4.8.6. How do I Add a Specialist Group? ═══ From the Main Menu, select Support Tables, then select Specialist Group... The Support - Specialist Group window will appear and you may: o Enter in the Description for the Group in the field entitled New Group. o Press the Add push button. ═══ 4.8.7. How do I Add Server Types? ═══ From the Main Menu, select Support Tables, then select Server Types... The Support - Add Server Types window will appear and you may: o Enter in the Description for the Server Type in the field entitled New Server Type. o Press the Add push button. ═══ 4.8.8. How do I Add Servers? ═══ From the Main Menu, select Support Tables, then select Servers... The Add Server window will appear and you may: o Enter in the Name of the server in the field entitled New Server Name. o Enter the Domain name for the Server in the field entitled New Domain Name. (Optional) o Select the Server Type in the drop down box entitled Type. o Press the Add push button. ═══ 4.8.9. How do I Add CPUs? ═══ From the Main Menu, select Support Tables, then select CPUs... The Add Machine window will appear and you may: o Enter in the Description for the CPU in the field entitled New Machine. o Press the Add push button. ═══ 4.8.10. How do I Add Monitors? ═══ From the Main Menu, select Support Tables, then select Monitors... The Add Monitors window will appear and you may: o Enter in the Description for the Monitor in the field entitled New Monitor. o Press the Add push button. ═══ 4.8.11. How do I Add Operating Systems? ═══ From the Main Menu, select Support Tables, then select Operating Systems... The Add Operating System window will appear and you may: o Enter in the Description for the department in the field entitled New Operating System. o Press the Add push button. ═══ 4.8.12. How do I Add Printers? ═══ From the Main Menu, select Support Tables, then select Printers... The Add Printer window will appear and you may: o Enter in the Description for the Printer in the field entitled New Print Server. (optional) o Enter the name of the printer in the field entitled New Printer. o Press the Add push button. ═══ 4.8.13. How do I Add Applications? ═══ From the Main Menu, select Support Tables, then select Applications... The Add Applications window will appear and you may: o Enter in the Description for the Application in the field entitled New Application. o Press the Add push button. ═══ 4.8.14. How do I Add Peripherals? ═══ From the Main Menu, select Support Tables, then select Peripherals... The Add Peripherals window will appear and you may: o Enter in the Description for the Peripheral in the field entitled New Peripheral. o Press the Add push button. ═══ 4.8.15. How do I Add Adapaters? ═══ From the Main Menu, select Support Tables, then select Adapters... The Add Adapter window will appear and you may: o Enter in the Description for the Adapter in the field entitled New Adapter. o Press the Add push button. ═══ 4.9. How do I Check Follow Ups? ═══ ═══ 4.10. How do I Maintain the Database? ═══ Maintaining the Database is of vital importance and should be done approximately every 1000 tickets. Response time can be improved and maintained when you follow these steps: 1. Archive Call Tickets around every 30 days, depending on how your response time is. 2. Re-index the datafiles when possible AFTER you archive Call Tickets. Note: This improves repsonse time to end-users because the CALLTICK datafile is the only datafile normally scanned for tickets. The CALLPRGE datafile is for keeping data on-line for Reporting purposes. (The data in the CALLPRGE datafile CAN be changed and updated, but most of the processing is done through the CALLTICK datafile). So keeping the CALLTICK datafile Re-indexed and packed will greatly improve performance no matter HOW large the actual database becomes. ═══ 4.10.1. How Do I Archive Call Tickets? ═══ The following procedures depict how you Archive Call Tickets when you are at the Archive Call Tickets screen: Note: You must have Administrative Access to Archive Data. If you don't have these rights, your Help Desk Personnel can set this up for you OR you may log in to the HelpNet! system under the name SUPERVISOR. o From the Main Menu, select Adminstration- Archive Call Tickets. This will open the Archive Call Tickets Screen. o Enter the data from which you wish to Archive all CLOSED Call Tickets. The date searched for is the Origination Date of the Call Ticket. You can enter this date directly into the Entry Field, or press the down arrow to the right of the entry field to open the HelpNet! Calendar. From the Calendar, you can select the date. o Press the Begin push button to begin the archiving of the Call Tickets. CAUTION: THIS OPERATION IS DISK INTENSIVE! DO NOT HIT CONTROL-ESCAPE DURING THE PROCESS OF ARCHIVING RECORDS AS IT MAY CORRUPT YOUR CALL TICKET DATA FILES! o The status bar near the bottom of the window will inform you of when the operation has completed. ═══ 4.10.2. How Do I Reindex Database Tables? ═══ The following procedures depict how you Reindex Database Tables when you are at the Reindex Tables screen: Note: You must have Administrative Access to Reindex Database Tables. If you don't have these rights, your Help Desk Personnel can set this up for you OR you may log in to the HelpNet! system under the name SUPERVISOR. o From the Main Menu, select Adminstration - Reindex Tables to open the Reindex Tables Screen. o Select which tables you wish to Re-index and Pack by checking the box next to the tables desired. o Press the Start Push button. CAUTION: THIS OPERATION IS DISK INTENSIVE! DO NOT HIT CONTROL-ESCAPE DURING THE PROCESS OF ARCHIVING RECORDS AS IT MAY CORRUPT YOUR CALL TICKET DATA FILES! o The status bar near the bottom of the window will inform you of when the operation has completed. ═══ 4.11. How do I Configure this Site? ═══ ═══ 4.12. How Do I Escalate Calls Automatically? ═══ The following procedures depict how you Escalate Call Tickets : Note: To be efficient, the HNAESC.EXE utility should be run from the computer or Server on which the HelpNet! database resides. Note: If no icon is available for this utility, it can be run from an OS/2 window from the directory in which HelpNet! resides. More help is available within the Escalate Application. o Note: Automatic Call Escalation will search for OPEN Call Tickets that have not been completed within the time alotted them through the Priority they have been given. Escalating them will escalate the PRIORITY ONLY of the Call Ticket to the NEXT HIGHEST Priority. Note: Call Tickets that have already been Escalated and have not been looked at by the Assigned specialist will NOT be escalated again. NEW Call Tickets will also not be escalated. ═══ 5. HelpNet! - Main Menu ═══ The Main Menu for HelpNet! alllows you to select from any of the following Options: o HelpDesk o Reports o Administration o Support Tables o Menu o Help ═══ 5.1. Main Menu - Helpdesk ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Call Ticket window allowing you to Enter and Update Call Tickets. ═══ 5.1.1. CallTicket - Open/Close... ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Call Ticket window allowing you to Enter and Update Call Tickets. This has the same effect as the pushbutton on the Title Bar. ═══ 5.1.2. Search for Ticket... ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Call Ticket window along with the Search window allowing you to search for Call Tickets from the entered criteria. ═══ 5.1.3. Knowledge Base... ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Knowledge Base window allowing you to search for resolutions regarding the selected criteria. ═══ 5.1.4. Specialist Availability... ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Call Ticket Specialist Availability window allowing you to use the IN/OUT board. ═══ 5.1.5. Client Information... ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Client Information window alloing you to enter NEW in-house clients, update and search for client Information based on the selected criteria. ═══ 5.1.6. Time Tracker... ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Time Tracker window allowing you to Enter,view or Update Time Tracking data regarding Call Tickets. This has the same effect as the pushbutton on the Title Bar. ═══ 5.1.7. Phone Book... ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Phone Book window allowing you to Enter, view and update data in the Phone Book regarding Outside Vendors and clients. ═══ 5.1.8. Configure HelpNet... ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Configure HelpNet! window allowing you to configure the HelpNet! application according to your needs. ═══ 5.1.9. Change Password... ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Change Password window allowing you to change your password. Note: If you are curretnly logged in as the administrator, you will be capable of changing ANY users password. ═══ 5.1.10. Login Email... ═══ If the E-mail option is installed, this Menu Item will open the E-mail login window allowing you to login to your specified e-mail package. ═══ 5.2. Main Menu - Reports ═══ Selecting this Menu option will drop down the following Menu Items: o Standard Reports o Basic Data Lists ═══ 5.2.1. Standard Reports ═══ Standard Reports ═══ Daily Open/Closed ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Call Ticket window allowing you to Enter and Update Call Tickets. ═══ Incoming Call Analysis ═══ MenuItem - ═══ Problem Category Analysis ═══ MenuItem - Problem Category Analysis ═══ Response Time ═══ MenuItem - Response Time ═══ Time Log ═══ MenuItem - Time Log ═══ Monthly Category ═══ MenuItem - Monthly Category ═══ Yearly Category ═══ Yearly Category ═══ Yearly Specialist ═══ Yearly Specialist ═══ 5.2.2. Basic Data Lists ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the following Sub-Menu: o Problem Category List o Customer List o Client List o Priority List o Severity List o Department List o State List o Specialist List o Specialist Group List ═══ Problem Category List ═══ Selecting this Sub-Menu will open the Print Screen allowing you to print a report listing all of the Problem Categories defined in the database. ═══ Customer List ═══ Selecting this Sub-Menu will open the Print Screen allowing you to print a report listing all of the OUTSIDE customers defined in the database. ═══ Client List ═══ Selecting this Sub-Menu will open the Print Screen allowing you to print a report listing all of the In-house clients defined in the database. ═══ Priority List ═══ Selecting this Sub-Menu will open the Print Screen allowing you to print a report listing all of the Priorities defined in the database. ═══ Severity List ═══ Selecting this Sub-Menu will open the Print Screen allowing you to print a report listing all of the Severities defined in the database. ═══ Department List ═══ Selecting this Sub-Menu will open the Print Screen allowing you to print a report listing all of the Departments defined in the database. ═══ States List ═══ Selecting this Sub-Menu will open the Print Screen allowing you to print a report listing all of the States defined in the database. ═══ Specialist List ═══ Selecting this Sub-Menu will open the Print Screen allowing you to print a report listing all of the Specialists defined in the database. ═══ Specialist Group List ═══ Selecting this Sub-Menu will open the Print Screen allowing you to print a report listing all of the Specialist groups defined in the database. ═══ 5.3. Main Menu - Administration ═══ Selecting this Menu Option will open the following menu: o Who's Logged In? o Specialist Setup o Follow Up o Configure Site o Automatic Call Escalation o Import Data o Archive Data Files o Reindex Tables ═══ 5.3.1. Lock Database... ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Who's Logged In? window allowing you to view who is currently logged in to the HelpNet! system. ═══ 5.3.2. Specialist Setup ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Specialist Setup window allowing you to Add, update and view Specialists in the database. ═══ 5.3.3. Follow Up ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Follow Up window allowing you to view any follow ups defined for the selected specialist. ═══ 5.3.4. Configure Site ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Configure Site window allowing you to configure the way in which HelpNet! Operates at this particular Site. ═══ 5.3.5. View Escalation Log... ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Automatic Call Escalation window allowing you to run the automated call escaltion routine which will search the OPEN tickets that have been viewed and if neccessary, escalate them to the next highest Priority. ═══ 5.3.6. Import Data ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Import window allowing you to import data from a comma delimmeted ASCII file. ═══ 5.3.7. Archive Data Files ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Archive Data Files window allowing you to move data from the ACTIVE Call Ticket data file to the Purged Call Ticket Data File. ═══ 5.3.8. Reindex Tables ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Reindex Tables window allowing you to do maintenance on the main Indexed tables in the database. ═══ 5.4. Main Menu - Support Tables ═══ Selecting this Menu option will open the following Menu: o Priority o Severity o Problem Categories o State o Department o Specialist Groups o Server Types o Servers o CPUs o Monitors o Operating Systems o Printers o Applications o Peripherals o Adapters ═══ 5.4.1. Priority ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Priority Support Table window allowing you to enter update and delete Priorities in the Database. ═══ 5.4.2. Severity ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Severity Support Table window allowing you to enter update and delete Severities in the Database. ═══ 5.4.3. Problem Categories ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Problem Category Support Table window allowing you to enter update and delete Problem Categories in the Database. ═══ 5.4.4. State ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the State Support Table window allowing you to enter update and delete States in the Database. ═══ 5.4.5. Department ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Department Support Table window allowing you to enter update and delete Departments in the Database. ═══ 5.4.6. Specialist Groups ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Specialist Groups Support Table window allowing you to enter update and delete Specialist Groups in the Database. ═══ 5.4.7. Server Types ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Server Types Support Table window allowing you to enter update and delete Server Types in the Database. A Server Type is actually the Operating System that is Running the Server. I.E. UNIX, LAN SERVER, NOVELL... ═══ 5.4.8. Servers ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Server Support Table window allowing you to enter update and delete Servers in the Database. ═══ 5.4.9. CPUs ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the CPU Support Table window allowing you to enter update and delete CPUs in the Database. ═══ 5.4.10. Monitors ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Montiors Support Table window allowing you to enter update and delete Monitors in the Database. ═══ 5.4.11. Operating Systems ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Operating Systems Support Table window allowing you to enter update and delete Operating Systems in the Database. ═══ 5.4.12. Printers ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Printers Support Table window allowing you to enter update and delete Printers in the Database. ═══ 5.4.13. Applications ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Application Support Table window allowing you to enter update and delete Applications in the Database. ═══ 5.4.14. Peripherals ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Peripheral Support Table window allowing you to enter update and delete Peripherals in the Database. ═══ 5.4.15. Adapters ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will open the Adapter Support Table window allowing you to enter update and delete Adapters in the Database. ═══ 5.5. Main Menu - Menu ═══ Selecting this Menu Option will open the following Menu: o View Title Bar o Minimal o Exit ═══ 5.5.1. View Title Bar ═══ When this menu option is selected, the Title Bar of the HelpNet! application is switched between being removed and only the Menu appears across the Top of the Screen to viewing all of the Title Bar. ═══ 5.5.2. Minimal ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will minimze the Title Bar of the Main Menu so that only the Icon Bar is visible. To return to the Maximized Menu, press the pushbutton on the Title Bar. ═══ 5.5.3. Exit ═══ Selecting this Menu Item will exit the HelpNet! Application. This has the same effect as the Push button on the Title Bar. ═══ 5.6. Main Menu - Help ═══ Selecting this Menu Option will open the following Menu: o Help Index o General Help o Using Help o Keys Help o Product Information ═══ 5.6.1. Help Index ═══ Menu - Exit ═══ 5.6.2. General Help ═══ General Help ═══ 5.6.3. Using Help ═══ General Help ═══ 5.6.4. Keys Help ═══ General Help ═══ 5.6.5. Product Information ═══ General Help ═══ 6. Call Ticket Screen ═══ From this screen you are able to Add, Update, View and Delete Call Tickets. ═══ 7. Search for Call Tickets Window ═══ This window when opened will allow you to select search criteria for Call Ticket Lookups. ═══ 8. Specialist Availability ═══ This window when opened will list ALL of the Specialists currently defined within the HelpNet! application. The list viewed consists of the Specialists Name, Extension and whether or not they are currently available. ═══ 9. Resolution - View ═══ This window when opened will populate the screen with the Description and Resolution of the selected Ticket. From this screen you may print out the resolution for on-site reference. ═══ 10. Reindex ═══ This window when opened will allow you to do maintenance on all of the Indexed tables in the database. The following Tables can be Re-indexed: o Call Tickets o User Information o Phone Book o Problem Categories ═══ 11. Configure - HelpNet! Window ═══ The Configuration of your copy of HelpNet! can be acomplished by selecting Configure HelpNet! under the Helpdesk item of the Main Menu. The window that appears allows you to configure how HelpNet! operates on your PC. You may configure the following: o The default login name that will appear when loggin in to the HelpNet! system. o The directory of the database you will be using. Warning: This field, if changed to a directory that does not contain a valid database, can disable HelpNet! entirely. Please use caution when changing. o VGA or SVGA resolution. This will change the font size for easier readability under higher resolutions. o Time on Title Bar. You can choose wether you wish the Time to appear on the HelpNet! Main Menu title bar. o Container Colors. This option will allow you to turn the colors that appear for Severity and Priority colors in container records. Note: Under OS/2 2.11, Container colors do NOT function properly. You must turn OFF container colors in order to see the records that are displayed. o Modem Settings. For use with Paging capabilities, you can select which COM port your modem is connected to as well as a Dialing Prefix needed for an outside Extension. o You may select wether the Main Menu appears in Minimal mode or Maximized mode upon login. o You may select wether to search for Followup items upon logging in to the HelpNet! system. o You may select different colors for your screens and text. ═══ 12. Knowledge Base Window ═══ This window allows the user to search for problem Resolutions using criteria defined for Problem Categories and key words. ═══ 13. Specialist Unavailable Window ═══ This window is displayed if the Specialist the current Call Ticket is assigned to is marked as being OUT when the Ticket is saved. You can check for the availibility of specialist using the Specialist Availibitity Window. ═══ 14. TroubleShooting HelpNet! ═══ Having problems with HelpNet!? Check this list of common erros and failures for recommendations and fixes: o Installation Fails: - Be sure to fill in ALL data as required. - The Installation uses the UNPACK utility supplied with OS/2. Make sure it is installed and in your PATH Statement in yur Config.sys file. - HelpNet! will NOT function on a system running LAN Requester 2.0 with OS/2 2.1 or 2.11. The application appears to work fine, but nothing is written to the Database, and the Database tables Cannot be created. o HelpNet! won't Start!: - Have you rebooted your system since the installation? The Install utility creates an ENVIRONMENT variable called HELPNET. HelpNet! requires this variable to be loaded in memory in order to read your configuration files. Be sure The variable is in your path by type SET at an OS/2 command prompt. If it is not, then check your Config.sys file to be sure it was added. The Line should read something in the order of: o SET HELPNET=C:\DATA\HELPNET - HelpNet! stays away from editing your config.sys as we understand the limitaions your system has, therefore, in order for HelpNet! to run properly, your LIBPATH Statement MUST include a .; somehwere. This tells your system to search for DLLs in the CURRENT directory. If you wish you may add the EXACT directory into which the HelpNet! application resides to your LIBPATH and you won't have to worry about where you run HelpNet! from. - As stated above, your system MUST be able to search for DLLs in the current directory. When Creating an ICON, you must then also make sure that the WORKING DIRECTORY is set the directory in which HelpNet! is installed. o Lists Cannot Be Read: - If you are running OS/2 2.11 (You may check this by typing VER at the OS/2 command prompt), then Container Colors need to be turned off using the HelpNet! configuration option under the HelpDesk menu Item on the Main Menu. This is a Bug that has been reported to IBM and they will be working on fixing it. o HelpNet! Doesn't Save ANYTHING to the Database: - HelpNet! will not function properly if you are running LAN Requester 2.0 on top of OS/2 2.1 or 2.11. The fix for this is to upgrade LAN Requester to a Newer Version. ═══ 15. Database Access Error Listing ═══ Here is a list of ERROR CODES and what they mean: GENERAL DISK ERRORS o -10 Closing File - An error occurred while attempting to close a file o -20 Creating File - This error could be caused by specifying an illegal file name, attempting to create a file which is open, having a full directory, or by having a disk problem o -30 Determining File Length - An error occured while attempting to determine the length of a file. o -40 Setting File Length - An error occurred while setting the length of a file. o -50 Locking File - An error occurred while trying to lock a file. o -60 Opening File - This problem is usually caused by specifying a file which does not exist. Another possible cause is an attemp to open more files than the operating system can handle. o -70 Reading File - An error occurred while reading a file. This could be caused by trying to locate a non-existent record in the Database. Run the Re-index or PACKDB utility on the suspect datafile. o -80 Removing File - An error occurred while attempting to remove a file. o -90 Renaming File - An error occured while attempting to rename a file. o -100 Seeking to File Position - - An error occured while attempting to position to a spot in a file. o -110 Unlocking File - An error occurred while unlocking part of a file. o -120 Writing to File - This error occurs when the dis is full. DATA FILE SPECIFIC ERRORS o -200 File is not a Data File - This error occurs when attempting to open a file as a .DBF file, if the file is not actually a true data file. If the file is a data file, its header and possible its data is corrupted. o -210 Unrecognized Field Name - A Field does not exist in the Data File, you may have an out-of-date Database. o -220 Unrecognized Filed Type - Same as -210 o -230 Record Length too Large - The total record length is too large. Tha maximum is 65535. INDEX FILE SPECIFIC ERRORS o -310 Not a Correct Index File - This error indicates that a file specified as an index file is not a true index file. Some internal index file inconsistency was detected. (Re-index the database) EXPRESSION EVALUATION ERRORS o -400 Comma or Bracket Expected o -410 Expression not Complete o -420 Data File Name not Located ANY OTHER FAILURES SHOULD BE REPORTED IMMEDIATELY TO ENLIGHTEN DEVELOPMENT FOR FURTHER INSPECTION.