============================================================================== ////// /////// ////// // /////// ////// // // // // // // // // // // // /////// ////// // // //// // // // // // // // // // ////// // // // // // ////// ////// What's new? ============================================================================== Version 3.10: General: ~~~~~~~~ - Callback implemented. - Callback could be configurated timedependent - Fixed some minor bugs. - Fixed some bugs on time-dependent functions. - Support of DDI (Direct Dial In) - Year 2000 approved OS/2: ~~~~ - % Win 95/NT: ~~~~~~~~~ - New configuration shell. - Fix one bug, when starting a program over dtmf. - French version (autodetect) - Spanish version (autodetect) ============================================================================== Version 3.01: General: ~~~~~~~~ - Capiel as Caller-ID now is FREEWARE! (you have to set up ANSWER DELAY to 999 seconds) ============================================================================== Version 3.00: General: ~~~~~~~~ - Capiel is now also a full caller-ID programm ============================================================================== Version 2.29: General: ~~~~~~~~ - DTMF-borders configurable ============================================================================== Version 2.28: General: ~~~~~~~~ - Some bugfixes on time depending functions. - New HELP-menu. - After REMOTE-CONTROL CapiTel sends now "beep beep beep beep beep" instead of "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep". - Switch for A-Law or U-Law codec's. - Bug in german REMOTE CONTROL fixed. - Some fixes for wrong input of the configuration. - CapiTel now can beep, if new calls are available (see CapiTel.CFG). - CAPI 2.0: "Unknown"-entry, if no CallerID is available. - CAPI 2.0: some fixes on CallerID. - CapiTel now can be deactivated on startup (see CapiTel.CFG). - Some fixes on DTMF-Codes. - Priority of CapiTel now can be set in CapiTel.CFG. - CTI-support. OS/2: ~~~~ - CapiTel now can be installed and started multiple times. Win 95/NT: ~~~~~~~~~ - Deleted Calls now goes to Recycled-Bin. - Fixed: protection fault on exit of CapiTel. - Setup-program don't overwrites old configuration now. - Fixed: wrong buttons in CapiTel. - Fixed: "ignore empty calls" doesn't work. - Now you can shut down also on Window/NT (if you have rights to do this). - Fixed: parameter for dtmf-started programs don't work. - Fixed: ENABLE/DISABLE-Flag on remote-actions don't work. - New and better installation. ============================================================================== Version 2.27: General: ~~~~~~~ - OS/2: ~~~~ - Capitel fails on FAT-partitions. - Workaround for Diehl CAPI 2.0 (100% CPU-load) Win 95/NT: ~~~~~~~~~ - ============================================================================== Version 2.26: General: ~~~~~~~ - New button/menu-entry to play ALL new calls - New button/menu-entry to add an unknown number to the Callers-Database OS/2: ~~~~ - Win 95/NT: ~~~~~~~~~ - ============================================================================== Version 2.25: General: ~~~~~~~ - Support of all versions (english, german and textmode) in one distribution-archive. - New installation procedure - Small problem fixed, when capi*.dll is present, but driver is not running. OS/2: ~~~~ - Capitel now can handle capi 1.1 and capi 2.0 in one exe-file. - Automatic detection of capi 1.1 and capi 2.0. Win 95/NT: ~~~~~~~~~ - ============================================================================== Version 2.24: General: ~~~~~~~ - OS/2: ~~~~ - Support of capi20.dll (capi 2.0). Tested on Diehl DIVA Pro 2.0. Win 95/NT: ~~~~~~~~~ - First german version. ============================================================================== Version 2.23: General: ~~~~~~~ - fixes the bug, that the maximum record time does not work. OS/2: ~~~~ - workaround for the os/2-bug, that sometimes capitel cannot play the wav' from the incomming call. - a little bug in the workaround of the change in 2.20. - first german version (no german readme at this time) (german w95/nt version is still in work). Win 95/NT: ~~~~~~~~~ - fixes the problem, that capitel not accept wav's comming from windows-recorder. - capitel now runs on eicon/diehl-cards. (tested with diehl diva pro 2.0). ============================================================================== Version 2.10: General: ~~~~~~~ - Important information in the ReadMe, under 'Availability': You are explicitly allowed to distribute the unmodified CapiTel ZIP-archive on the Internet, on Shareware CD-Roms, on Bulletin Board Systems and so on. - No more german special characters in CAPITEL.NUM - Time dependent settings now also work in CAPITEL.CFG - New entry in CAPITEL.CFG: debug_data_b3, set it to 1 if you want to debug B3 Data Packets. OS/2: ~~~~ - EAZ 0 is usable again - Callers-Container did not always refresh correctly - Empty Strings in the Properties are now exchanged with correct values, ie. '*' for default - Bubble-Help was not available for the "Remote Actions"-Button Win 95/NT: ~~~~~~~~~ - Also listening to 3,1 KHZ Audio Service now - "Max. Recording Time" and "Answer Delay" columns were mixed ==============================================================================