XMP - eXtended Module Player (OS/2 Port) This is a port of the eXtended Module Player to OS/2. Requirements: 1. OS/2 Warp 3 (FP17 and up) OS/2 Warp 4 OS/2 WSeB 2. Sound Card with DART drivers 3. EMX Runtime (exmrt.zip from hobbes) 4. Module Files (http://www.scene.org) See the XMP Home Page @ http://xmp.helllabs.org/ Notes: 1. When using the -b 8 or --bits 8 option insure that you also use the -u option or the output will sound REALLY bad!! 2. Look at the xmp.conf file for configuration options. 3. The configuration files (xmp.conf & xmp-modules.conf) can be located in the HOME path as described in the headers of the files OR in the current drive and directory. The /etc directory is NOT used as the headers claim! 4. I think Have have eliminated all the bugs causing XMP to crash on SOME types of files but still it's always wise to be prepared for a crash when using XMP. 5. Corrupt files may cause XMP2 to generate a trap. 6. I give no guarantees that the software will work. Use this software at your own risk. Plus all the other standard disclaimers :) Please send your comments to: langman@earthling.net http://go.to/langman