Qu-Player Daemon Page

  Thanks to sehh@altered.com for help in translating the page into English

  Some time ago in a FIDO conference I had seen a tag line showing the song that was been played when sender wrote the letter.

  But all programs that generated these tag lines where designed for Windoze. So I decided to write my own small program that will generate a file containing the artist's name and title of the song.

  Some time ago I tryed the PM123 player (sorry, I lost link to its page), but I don't like PM-programs because they use too much space on my desktop (don't think that I work on black and white 640x480 desktop, it is not true ;-). In FIDO conferences I heard about Qu-Player/2 (that page is in Russian) that can run in a VIO window and has a very accurate implementation.

  There are two versions of Qu/2 Daemon:

  1. Qu/2 daemon for QuVIO/2 0.99b. Archive contains .exe-file and small configuration file
  2. Qu/2 daemon for Qu-Player/2 0.99c (for all implementations of Qu-Player: QuVIO/2, Qu123, etc)

  At the current time there are some problems with Qu-Player 0.99c because 0.99c is in the beta-testing state. There are bugs in 0.99c that disallow receiving filenames of the song that plays. Once the problem is solved, I'll update this page (see the update date at the top of page)

  Download links:

Contacting the author

  You can reach the author by using these ways: