___________ MP3PM v0.55 =========== Author: Dean Lamper, (c) 1998 L3enc.exe: copyright by FraunHofer-IIS 1994 MP3PM is a PM shell for producing MP3 files. These files offer CD quality and require MUCH less space (at 128 kbps it is normal to get 12-times smaller mp3 file than the input wav file). Mp3pM currently supports L3enc for OS/2 from Fraunhofer for encoding. To better understand MP3PM read the manual for encoder. Zip file is 71k in size and is available at: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/os2/apps/mmedia/sound/convert/l3en4os2.zip MP3PM is still under development. This is public alpha release so expect unexpected. I can not and do not guarantee anything will work or that it will not blow up your system. Please let me know what you think of my work. Are you happy with planned supported encoders? Know some other? The future of this program depends on your feedback. Any mail is very welcomed. I can be contacted via e-mail: dean.lamper@kiss.uni-lj.si The latest version is usually available on my homepage: http://www.kiss.uni-lj.si/~k4fe0470 There is also a FAQ available at my homepage with FGA about MP3PM. Check there to see if your question has already been answered. If you think it was not then feel free to e-mail me. ____________ Installation ============ Make a directory for Mp3pM and unzip the files in there. You can run the install.cmd to create a desktop object for Mp3pM or just run the exe file. If you have previous Mp3pM.ini file in there, DELETE IT or Mp3pM will probably crash or behave eratically (more than normal). When you first run the program, you will be presented with the settings window. First You have to set paths under Paths tab. Currently only L3enc for OS/2 is supported, others to come.. You have to enter complete path to encoder - WITHOUT it's name. It is added automatically. Now this is done via open directory dialog box. The OutPut Path is where all mp3 files will go. The Temp path is where tracks from CD will go. You should have a lot of free space there, if you are going to grab tracks. Note that five minute CD-track needs about 55 MBytes of space! Take a walk through all pages to check if everything is set as you desire. I think I do not have to explain each feature, they are pretty straightforward or non-functional ;-) It is possible to grab tracks from CD. For this you need leech version 1.2 or more. You can get it from hobbes archive. Again, encoder selection is NOT done yet so it wont do anything good. For now the encoder of choice is l3enc for os/2. You should also register l3enc for os/2 to make it stop asking for registration code. In it's archive there is register.inf which contains registration code. When you start l3enc from command line it requests this code. If it resides on HPFS volume it will generate a special file named l3encregister.inf and register itself, on FAT partittions the registration will fail. But you can nevertheless use it with Mp3pM (without problems related to this). ___________ Using Mp3pM =========== When the main window apeares there are two ways to get things done. Through pull-down or pop-up menus. Click with right button to bring up the pop-up menu. There are various options to play with. The same you get from pull-down menu. You can also double click with the mouse over the white window to add a file to compress-list. There are some switches you can play with. If some file does not want to encode you may try some other combination of switches. Read l3enc manual. Note that l3enc doesn't like windows wav files... At the begining of such encoded wav a click is heared. I will see what can I do about this. If you are grabbing CD-tracks be sure that RAW OutPut check-boxin Leech settings is checked, so you wont hear that click at the beginning... If you are encoding whole CD be sure to mark Erase files after encoding check box or you'll need about 1 GB of free space to do it ;-) For now all selected files have same switches! Then push Run button and all selected files will be compresed.. (or they should be..) _____ To Do ===== - GET RID OF BUGS! (still a lot of work) - support for some other CD-grabber (maybe, but I doubt it) - support for mp3enc 3.0 for NT/W95 converted to OS/2 with pe2lx.exe (thanks to Win32-Os2 project, experiences people?) - support for tompg.exe (soon - this program is convertable via Win32Os2!!) - support for l3enc for DOS (I see it over horizon) - support for OS2enc (I see it over horizon) - multiple file selection (still far away, do not know how to do it via file-open dialog, any suggestion?) - status reporting (came closer) - auto convert all files in selected dir - striping wav header to avoid strange sound at begging of a wav converted with l3enc for os/2 - mp3 tag info adding, editing - autodetecting incoming files (wav-rav,little-big endian) - ? (your suggestions - I WANT THEM!!!) ___________ Legal stuff =========== This program is free for personal use. It may not be sold in any way or reverse engenered WITHOUT contacting me first. Please let me know what you think of it... Dean Lamper