______________________ L3EncFE v0.52 ReadMe! ======================== Author: Dean Lamper, (c) 1998 L3enc.exe: copyright by FraunHofer-IIS 1994 L3EncFE is a PM front-end to Fraunhofer's ISO/MPEG Audio Layer III Software Only Encoder or in other words it compresses wav files into mp3 files, which can be about 12-times smaller without any loss of quality in sound. To better understand L3encFE read the manual for encoder. Zip file is 71k in size and is available here: http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/os2/apps/mmedia/sound/convert/l3en4os2.zip L3EncFE is still under development. This is public alpha release so expect unexpected. I can not and do not guarantee anything will work or that it will not blow up your system. Because of future planned functionality (read the ToDo list) I am looking for a new more suitable name (any sugestions?). Please let me know what you think of my work. Are you happy with planned supported encoders? Know for some other? The future of this program depends on your feedback. Any mail is very welcomed. I can be contacted via e-mail: dean.lamper@kiss.uni-lj.si The latest version is usually available on my homepage: http://www.kiss.uni-lj.si/~k4fe0470 There is also a FAQ available at my homepage with FGA about L3EncFE. Check there to see if your question has already been answered. If you think it was not then feel free to e-mail me. ____________ Installation ============ Make a directory for l3encfe and unzip the files in there. You can run the install.cmd to create a desktop object for L3encFE or just run the exe file. If you have previous l3encfe.ini file in there, DELETE it or l3encfe will probably crash. When you first run the program, you will be presented with the settings window. First You have to set paths. This is done under Paths tab. Currently only L3enc for OS/2 is supported, others to come.. You have to enter complete path to encoder including it's name (like: d:\utils\mp3\l3enc.exe ). The OutPut Path may be optional, if it is left blank all compressed files go to c:\. If you do not like this then enter a complete path where you want to have your mp3 files (like e:\data\audio\mp3 ). This directory MUST exist before you start encoding! There are also some other things to play with. I think I do not have to explain each one of them, they are pretty straitforward. Again, encoder selection is NOT done yet so it wont do anything good. Then the main window will apear. Double click with the mouse over the white window to add a file to compress-list or click with right button to bring up the pop-up menu. There are various options to play with... Some of them do not work yet, so be patient.. _______ History ======= (N- new F- fixed C- changed KB- known bug) 1.3. 1998 - v0.4 - First closed alpha test 7.3. 1998 - v0.45 - First opened alpha test F - fixed stupid bug with bitrate selection F - somehow fixed batch file compression (still needs improvement, I know) C - changed settings window C,F,N - a lot of small changes and additions.. 8.3. 1998 - v0.46 - Second public alpha release N - conected MS RIFF input switch and mode selection C - small changes to documentation C - changed settings window (Hmm, I missed something here, if someone know how these two 0.46 versions were released please let me know) 10.3.1998 - v0.46 - Public alpha release N - added control thread separate of main thread (batch compression works as up to now) N - added running options to settings window (12.3.1998 - v0.50 - MISTAKE!!) (By mistake this uploaded code was wrong. This was not v0.50 nor v0.46. It was somewhere down the road and almost nothing worked... Sorry to All that DL-ed this.) 13.3.1998 - v0.50 - Public alpha release N - batch compression works as it should (in basics, possible bugs) C - control thread lost it's functionality.. .. it's future uncertain.. C - changed compiler switch {H-} ->{H+} KB- when first opening settings window, selected swithches does not show (but they work) 13.3.1998 - v0.50a - Public alpha release F - compressing only one file now works (as far L3encFE is concerened) F - preselected switches now visible when first opening settings window C,F- changed Enabling and Disabling user interface 22.3.1998 - v0.51 - First release to Hobbes N - added instalation script C - changed settings window (added place for other encoders, leech) 27.3.1998 - v0.52 - Public alpha release N - added led status diode N - optional sound at end NC- completely reworked settings window F - dirty fix for bug in new INI file not being saved C - changed font - WarpSans C - changed INI format (not compatible with previous!!) KB- selecting About from pop-up and going to Encoders Tab in settings for first time - selected things are not shown, (hmmm.. sounds familiar..) _____ To Do ===== - name change (still have not decided on it) - reporting errors from l3enc (still far away) - support for leech (c) v1.00 (a CD grabber for direct CD -> .mp3) (coming closer and closer) - support for l3enc for DOS (I see it over horizon) - support for tompg.exe or ? (another .mp3 encoder) (maybe someday..) - multiple file selection (still far away) - status reporting (still far away) - ? (your suggestions - I WANT THEM!!!) ___________ Legal stuff =========== This program is free for personal use. It may not be sold in any way or reverse engenered without contacting me first. Please let me know what you think of it... Dean Lamper