================================================================================ Gravis Ultrasound Mixer (for OS/2 2.x) Freeware, Version 1.1 (c) 1994, Robert Turner rdturner@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca ================================================================================ DESCRIPTION: This is a simple line mixer for the Gravis Ultrasound. It allows the user to enable and disable the input and output lines on their Ultrasound card. It requires OS/2 2.x (with Presentation Manager installed) to run. This product is intended to hold over until an MMPM mixer for the Ultrasound arrives. This software is *FREE*. The author can be contacted at the above Internet electronic mail address for at least the next year. Comments, bug reports, and suggestions are all welcome. I hope this proves useful to someone other than myself. DISCLAIMER: (Just in case someone thinks about sueing me for something...) THE AUTHOR (ROBERT TURNER) PROVIDES NO GUARRENTEE THAT THIS SOFTWARE WILL PERFORM AS DESCRIBED, ALTHOUGH EVERY ATTEMPT HAS BEEN MADE TO ENSURE THAT IS DOES. THE AUTHOR ALSO WARNS THAT IMPROPER USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, CAUSED BY SETTING UP THE OPTIONS INCORRECTLY, OR BY HAVING INCOMPATIBLE HARDWARE, MAY CAUSE MALFUNCTIONS, AND POSSIBLY DAMAGE (ALTHOUGH HE HOPES NOT) TO THE USER'S HARDWARE. BY USING THIS SOFTWARE, IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT THE USER UNDERSTANDS THAT HE/SHE UNDERTAKES COMPLETE RESPONSABILITY FOR WHATEVER HAPPENS THROUGH USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, BE IT BENEFICIAL OR DETREMENTARY. INSTALLATION: Copy the GUSMixer.EXE file into a directory or your choice. You may want to put it in a directory on your path. You can add it to your startup folder or your CONFIG.SYS file so that is gets run every time you start your system. Before playing with the line settings, select "Options..." from the system menu of the GUSMixer window, and make sure that the "Port" setting corresponds to the I/O port where your Ultrasound card is located. USAGE: The program is fairly self explanatory. The main window contains three check boxes which correspond to the outputs and inputs on the back of the Ultrasound card. "Line Out" When checked, enables output to the line out jack, and the headphone out jack. "Line In" When checked, enables input to the Ultrasound from the line in input. "Mic. In" When checked, enables input to the Ultrasound from the Microphone input. The check boxes can be in three states. Normally you will only see the two determinate states, checked and unchecked. These correspond to the lines being enabled and disabled respectively. The other state is the grayed sate for the check box. This indicates the GUSMixer does not know what state the line is in. (NOTE: The Ultrasound does not allow querying of the line states, so until you set them to something, they will be indeterminate.) Two extra menu items are attached to the system menu, 'Options..." and "Product Information...". OPTIONS Restore Window Position on Startup If this option is set, when GUSMixer starts, it will restore the window to the last saved position. If the window was minimized, this state will be preserved. The window position is saved when you press "Save Now", or if "Save Options on Exit" is set, when GUSMixer terminates. Save Options on Exit If this option is set, the options displayed in this window will be saved. Options are saved in the OS2.INI file. Port This specifies the I/O port where your Ultrasound is located. Currently GUSMixer does not attempt to locate the Ultrasound, and hence requires the user to set this variable. The default is 0x220. The user should ensure that this is set up correctly before trying to change the line settings. Set Lines on Startup If this option is set, when GUSMixer starts, it will set the Ultrasound input/output lines to reflect the "Initial Line Settings". Initial Line Settings Line Out \ Line In > These are the same as in the main window. Except Mic. In / that you cannot leave the line in an indeterminate state. Refresh Lines If this option is on, GUSMixer will refresh the Ultrasounds lines periodically to the current state shown by the main window. The refresh interval is specified by the "Refresh Interval" field. Refresh Interval Specifies the refresh interval in tenths (1/10) of a second. Save now Saves the current settings. Useful if you don't want to save settings every time you close GUSMixer (or shut down you system with it running). COMMAND LINE OPTIONS The command line options always override the saved settings. So if you've got the port saved wrong, or you're having problems, you can use these to force a known state. All options must be specified separately (sorry...), ie. -l -o -i -s instead of -lois If any parameters are invalid, they are ignored and no error is reported. Parameters may be specified in any order. Parameters are processed in the order they are specified, and the last occurance of the parameter is the one that takes effect. The parameters all correspond (with the exception of "-i") to options in the "Options" window. -pNNNNN Port: Replace NNNNN with the port number, valid choices are: 0x210, 0x220, 0x230, 0x240, 0x250, 0x260. -fNNNNN Refresh: Replace NNNNN with the desired refresh interval (in tenths (1/10) of a second). If 0 is specified, the refreshing of the lines is disabled. -o[0|1] Line Out: Enables ("1") or disables ("0") the line out. Defaults to enable if "0" or "1" not specified. Note that for the line to actually be enabled or disables, the "-s" option must also be specified. -l[0|1] Line In: Enables ("1") or disables ("0") the line in. Defaults to enable if "0" or "1" not specified. Note that for the line to actually be enabled or disables, the "-s" option must also be specified. -m[0|1] Mic. In: Enables ("1") or disables ("0") the microphone in. Defaults to enable if "0" or "1" not specified. Note that for the line to actually be enabled or disables, the "-s" option must also be specified. -i[0|1] Iconic: Minimizes ("1") or Restores ("0") the window. Defaults to Minimize if "0" or "1" not specified. Note that the "-r" option must be specified for this option to take effect. -r[0|1] Restore: Restores the window settings to the saved or overridden ones. -s[0|1] Set Lines: Sets the Ultrasound input and output lines to the saved or overidden settings. OTHER PEOPLES TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS (These are not quite exact, but are intended to give an idea who owns what.) Gravis, and Gravis Ultrasound are either registered trademarks, or copyrighted names of Advanced Gravis or Forte. All rights reserved. OS/2 and Presentation Manager are either registered trademarks, or copyrighted names of International Buisiness Machines Corp. All rights reserved.