═══ 1. Overview ═══ What is CreativeAV? About CreativeMidi ═══ 1.1. What is CreativeAV? ═══ CreativeAV is a suite of playback utitlities that allows you to control the multimedia devices on your PC. It consists of five players: CreativeWave, CreativeMidi, CreativeCD, CreativeOverlay and CreativeMovie. CreativeWave plays WAVE files, CreativeMidi plays MIDI files, CreativeCD plays audio CD tracks, CreativeOverlay controls the video overlay device and CreativeMovie plays digital video files. ═══ 1.2. About CreativeMidi ═══ CreativeMidi is the MIDI sequence player of the CreativeAV suite of multimedia playback utilities. Some of the advanced features of this player are:  "Touch-Sensitive" Display  Multiple display formats  Fast Track Selection  Fine control of playing positions  Different modes of Playlist playback: namely, Introduction, Repeat and Shuffle  Playlist Management ═══ 2. The Interface ═══ The CreativeMidi interface appears as shown below: Related Topics: "Touch-Sensitive" Display Fast Track Selector Playback Control Playlist Button Power-Off Button Menu Button Minimize Button ═══ 2.1. "Touch-Sensitive" Display ═══ The "Touch-Sensitive" Display consists of several "touch-sensitive" controls as well as indicators that show the current playback status and track information. By clicking on the "Touch-Sensitive" Display, you can toggle among the different views. CreativeMidi has three "touch-sensitive" views. They are: View 1. Graphical display of player status Playing a file Idle View 2. Current Playlist and track title. View 3. Current track number and duration of the track. In addition to the collection and track titles, Views 2 and 3 also offer the following controls: Volume Control Repeat Mode Selector Introduction Mode Selector Shuffle Mode Selector Progress Slider ═══ 2.2. Fast Track Selector ═══ Fast Track Selector buttons allow direct selection of a MIDI sequence in the playlist. Related Topics: Playing Tracks Using Track Selector Buttons ═══ 2.3. Playback Control ═══ The Playback Control buttons are: Stop button Play button Pause button Skip-Reverse button Rewind button Fast-Forward button Skip-Forward button Related Topics: Playing Tracks Using Track Selector Buttons ═══ 3. Working With CreativeMidi ═══ Playing Tracks Using Track Selector buttons Adjusting the Volume Changing a Track's Playing Position Compiling a Playlist Moving the CreativeMidi Window Keyboard Shortcuts ═══ 3.1. Playing Tracks ═══ The tracks in the current Playlist are played in sequence. You can start, stop, or skip the playback of these tracks by choosing the Playback Control buttons on CreativeMidi. If you wish to play a specific track, you can enter the track number by choosing the right Fast Track Selector buttons. Note: If you enter a track number that is larger than the number of tracks in the MIDI player, the last track will be selected automatically. ═══ 3.2. Using Track Selector Buttons ═══ The Track Selector buttons let you play a specific track directly. To pick a certain track, choose a button on the Fast Track Selector that has the right track number. After a brief delay of about one second, the track will start playing. To select a multi-digit track number, choose the buttons for the track number one by one. For example, if you want to select track number 128, choose 1 first, then 2 and then 8. As you choose the buttons, the track numbers will be shown in the "Touch-Sensitive" Display. However, the track selection logic uses a delay of one second to decide whether the track selection process has completed. Therefore, you must choose the buttons quickly, each within a second of choosing the previous button. ═══ 3.3. Adjusting the Volume ═══ You can adjust the volume of the player by using the Volume Control slider in the "Touch-Sensitive" Display. Volume Control behaves like a standard slider control in OS/2. To change the volume, use your left mouse button to drag the slider up or down, as required. Alternatively, you can also click your right mouse button at the desired level to force a jump to that position. You can also use the keyboard to adjust the Volume Control slider. The Up and Down arrow keys move the volume up and down respectively. For minimum volume, press the Home key, and for the maximum, use the End key. ═══ 3.4. Changing a Track's Playing Position ═══ You can change the playing position of a track before you play it or while it is playing. If you want to start playing from a certain position of the track, move the Progress Slider at the bottom of the "Touch-Sensitive" Display to the corresponding position. To change the track's playing position: 1. Use your left mouse button to drag the Progress Slider to the position where you want the track to start playing. 2. Release the mouse button only when the highlighted portion of the Progress Slider reaches the position that you have chosen. 3. If your player is already playing, the player will immediately go to the position that you have chosen and start playing. If your player is not playing, choose the Play button to start playing the track at the position you have chosen. Note: You can also use hot keys to change the track's playing position. Press to select the Progress Slider and use the left and right arrow keys to go to the position that you want. Tip To force the Progress Slider to jump to a desired position immediately, click your right mouse button at that location. This is more efficient than using your left mouse button to drag the mouse to the desired location. ═══ 3.5. Compiling a Playlist ═══ What is a Playlist The Playlist Dialog ═══ 3.5.1. What is a Playlist? ═══ An EmsembleMidi playlist is a collection of .MID files which might reside in different drives or directories on the system. It also serves as a way for you to group and save tracks of a similar nature under a meaningful name. After a playlist has been compiled, you only need to choose the Play button once to play all the tracks in the list sequentially. You can also vary the method of playback by choosing one of the three Mode Selector buttons: that is, Introduction, Repeat or Shuffle. ═══ 3.5.2. The Playlist Dialog Box ═══ You can compile a list of tracks in CreativeMidi by using the Playlist dialog box. To bring up the Playlist dialog box, choose the Playlist button. You can activate this button by clicking your mouse or by pressing the key. Playlist Dialog Box The Playlist dialog box consists of the the following components: Components Purpose Collection: combo box Allows you to select a Collection. The current collection title is displayed in the combo box and the files in the current collection are displayed in the Playlist: list box. List Files of Type: combo box Allows you to select the type of files to be displayed in the Files: list box. CreativeMidi plays .MID files only. Playlist: list box. Displays the files in the current collection. Files: list box Displays the files in the current directory. The type of files displayed depends on the type of files selected in the List Files of Type: list box. Drives: Allows you to select the drive. Directories: list box Displays the directories in the current drive selected. To expand a listed directory, double-click on the directory name. Save button Saves the playlist into the currently selected collection. This button is enabled only when the current collection is modified (that is, when files are added or removed). Removing all files from the playlist also disables this button. In other words, you cannot save an empty playlist. Save As button Saves the playlist under a different Collection name. Delete button Delete the current collection. Play button Plays the selected track in the Playlist: or Files: list box. Add button Adds the selected files in the Files: list box to the current collection. The names of the added files appear at the end of the Playlist: list box. This button is enabled only when one or more files in the Files: list box are selected. Add All button Behaves like the Add button, except that choosing this adds all the files in the Files: list box to the current collection. Clear button Removes all of the files from the current collection. Remove button Removes the selected files in the Playlist: list box from the current collection. This button is enabled only when one or more files in the Playlist: list box are selected. Done button Confirms the compilation of the playlist. Any changes that you made to the current collection are saved and the dialog box is closed. Cancel button Closes the Playlist dialog box and abandons all changes made to the current collection. The playlist reverts to its last saved copy. Help button. Displays this Help panel. Drag&Drop in Playlist Dialog Box. The Playlist dialog box supports standard OS/2 drag and drop operations. To add more tracks to the existing playlist, simply select the required item(s) in the Files: list box and then drag them into the Playlist: list box. You can also drag and drop files from the Drives folder. Just open the folder of the directory where you want to drag the files from. Select the files that you want to include in the playlist and drag them into the Playlist: list box. ═══ 3.6. Moving the CreativeMidi Window ═══ To move the CreativeMidi window, use your left mouse button to drag the CreativeMidi window to the new position. ═══ 3.7. Keyboard Shortcuts ═══ Press To do this Pauses a track playback Activates the Menu Plays the previous track Toggles the "Touch-Sensitive" Display mode. Plays the next track Activates the on-line Help Activates the Progress Slider Toggles the Shuffle mode Toggles the Introduction mode Rewinds the track by one second per click Activates the Playlist dialog box Toggles the Repeat mode Minimizes CreativeMidi to an icon Quits CreativeMidi

Plays a selected track Stops a track playback Activates the Volume Control Fast-forwards the track by one second per click <1,..9,0> Enters a track number through the Track Selector buttons 1,..9,0 ═══ ═══ This is an ordered list of tracks. During playback, the player will sequentially play the tracks in this list. ═══ ═══ Name of a playlist. ═══ ═══ Use this control to adjust the volume of your MIDI sequence. ═══ ═══ Use this selector to toggle the Repeat mode of the player. If this mode is active, the player will start playing from the first track of the playlist whenever it has finished playing the last track in the list. If this mode is turned off, the player will stop once the playlist is exhausted. ═══ ═══ Use this selector to toggle the Shuffle mode of the player. When this mode is on, the order of the tracks in the playlist is randomized. When this mode is off, the playlist is restored to its original order. ═══ ═══ Use this selector to toggle the Introduction mode of the player. When this mode is active, the player plays only the first few seconds of each track and then skips to the next track. ═══ ═══ This slider indicates the percentage playback completion of the current track. It can also be used to control the position of the current track. ═══ ═══ Choose this button to stop a track that is being played. The player will begin from the first track in the playlist later. ═══ ═══ Choose this button to start a playback of a chosen track. ═══ ═══ Choose this button to pause the track that is being played. Note that this button can be chosen only when a playback is in progress. ═══ ═══ Choose this button to make the player skip to the previous track. If a playback is in progress when this is selected, the player will start playing the previous track. ═══ ═══ Choose this button to quickly rewind the current track at one second per click. ═══ ═══ Choose this button to fast-forward the current track at one second per click. ═══ ═══ Choose this button to make the player advance by one track. ═══ ═══ Choose the Power-Off button to quit CreativeMidi. ═══ ═══ Choose the Menu button to display the System Menu. ═══ ═══ Choose the Minimize button to reduce the CreativeMidi window to an icon. ═══ ═══ Choose the Playlist button to bring up the Playlist dialog box.