Simple CD Player for OS/2 v.1.05 (c) Dmitry Kubov 1996-1998 FREEWARE Features: ~~~~~~~~ Play CD Audio disks Use basic functions of the CD Works without MultiMedia support Works without Presentation Manager You can run CDP/2 for each CD drive in your system (useful for playing several audio CDs at one time, thanks to John Kellam for this note) System requirements: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OS/2 Warp CD-ROM Drive Command line options: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Usage: CDP [Drive:] [-AP] [-AR] [+LT] Where Drive: - CD-ROM Drive letter -AP - NO AutoPlay NewDisk -AR - NO AutoRepeat Play +AR - Force AutoRepeat Play +LT - Lock CD-ROM Tray Example: CDP F: +LT Default modes: AutoPlay NewDisk AutoRepeat Play No Locking CD-ROM Tray Note: Use +AR only if AutoRepeat not works. You can't stop playing if you run more than one CD Player for this CD-ROM drive. Hot Keys: ~~~~~~~~ Play - P Stop - S Pause - U Next Track - Up, PgUp, grayPlus, >, N Prev Track - Down, PgDn, grayMinus, <, V FF - Right, ], F RW - Left, [, B Eject - J Load - L Track 1 - 1 ... Track 9 - 9 Exit - ESC How to contact me: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E-mail :