Simple CD Player for OS/2 v.1.07 (c) Dmitry Kubov 1996-1998 PUBLIC BETA / 24 march New Features: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Controlling CDP/2 using PIPE. Simple example: echo eject > \pipe\cdp00 Implemented commands (all without parameters): eject load play pause stop next prev +ar -ar (same as in command line) +ap -ap status (return current status: 'No Disk'/'Play'/'Stopped'/'Paused' at Track Min:Sec) Network pipe feature also working - run cdp on "server" and try "echo play > \\server_name\pipe\cdp00" on the client machine. * NOTE: pipe name will be changed in release for supporting multiple drives, 1st player uses cdp00 name, next - cdp01 .... thru - cdp09 * NOTE: use pipe in message mode in your application (echo uses message mode) pipe_c.exe included for testing "status" feature. Sample session (last quit command used only for pipe_c.exe): [D:\vp\out]pipe_c \pipe\cdp00 Enter command : status Playing 05 03:13 Enter command : next OK Enter command : quit OK * NOTE: Binary pipes will be added in next release. * NOTE: You can detach cdp/2 now and control drive using pipe I'm looking for: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * REXX script for Juke-BOX support. Main idea: /* run 1st cdp */ cdp e: -ap -ar /* run 2nd cdp */ cdp f: -ap -ar /* now loop between two or more drives */ echo play > \pipe\cdp00 /* wait for status = Stopped .... */ /* dunno how to do this, not enought free time */ echo next > \pipe\cdp00 /* rewind to track 1 */ /* now playing 2nd drive */ echo play > \pipe\cdp01 /* etc.... */ * FeedBack - discussing API for binary style pipe in cdp-daemon (new programm w/o any interface) How to contact me: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E-mail :