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public class StreamTokenizer
extends Object
A class to turn an input stream into a stream of tokens. There are a number of methods that define the lexical syntax of tokens.
1.10, 08/15/95
James Gosling

Variable Index

The End-of-file token.
The End-of-line token.
The number token.
The word token.
 o nval
The number value.
 o sval
The Stream value.
 o ttype
The type of the last token returned.

Constructor Index

 o StreamTokenizer(InputStream)
Creates a stream tokenizer that parses the specified input stream.

Method Index

 o commentChar(int)
Specifies that this character starts a single line comment.
 o eolIsSignificant(boolean)
If the flag is true, end-of-lines are significant (TT_EOL will be returned by nexttoken).
 o lineno()
Return the current line number.
 o lowerCaseMode(boolean)
Examines a boolean to decide whether TT_WORD tokens are forced to be lower case.
 o nextToken()
Parses a token from the input stream.
 o ordinaryChar(int)
Specifies that this character is 'ordinary': it removes any significance as a word, comment, string, whitespace or number character.
 o ordinaryChars(int, int)
Specifies that characters in this range are 'ordinary'.
 o parseNumbers()
Specifies that numbers should be parsed.
 o pushBack()
Pushes back a stream token.
 o quoteChar(int)
Specifies that matching pairs of this character delimit String constants.
 o resetSyntax()
Resets the syntax table so that all characters are special.
 o slashSlashComments(boolean)
If the flag is true, recognize C++ style( // ) comments.
 o slashStarComments(boolean)
If the flag is true, recognize C style( /* ) comments.
 o toString()
Returns the String representation of the stream token.
 o whitespaceChars(int, int)
Specifies that characters in this range are whitespace characters.
 o wordChars(int, int)
Specifies that characters in this range are word characters.


 o ttype
  public int ttype
The type of the last token returned. It's value will either be one of the following TT_* constants, or a single character. For example, if '+' is encountered and is not a valid word character, ttype will be '+'
  public final static int TT_EOF
The End-of-file token.
  public final static int TT_EOL
The End-of-line token.
  public final static int TT_NUMBER
The number token. This value is in nval.
  public final static int TT_WORD
The word token. This value is in sval.
 o sval
  public String sval
The Stream value.
 o nval
  public double nval
The number value.


 o StreamTokenizer
  public StreamTokenizer(InputStream I)
Creates a stream tokenizer that parses the specified input stream. By default, it recognizes numbers, Strings quoted with single and double quotes, and all the alphabetics.
I - the input stream


 o resetSyntax
  public void resetSyntax()
Resets the syntax table so that all characters are special.

 o wordChars

  public void wordChars(int low,
                        int hi)
Specifies that characters in this range are word characters.
low - the low end of the range
hi - the high end of the range

 o whitespaceChars

  public void whitespaceChars(int low,
                              int hi)
Specifies that characters in this range are whitespace characters.
low - the low end of the range
hi - the high end of the range

 o ordinaryChars

  public void ordinaryChars(int low,
                            int hi)
Specifies that characters in this range are 'ordinary'. Ordinary characters mean that any significance as words, comments, strings, whitespaces or number characters are removed. When these characters are encountered by the parser, they return a ttype equal to the character.
low - the low end of the range
hi - the high end of the range

 o ordinaryChar

  public void ordinaryChar(int ch)
Specifies that this character is 'ordinary': it removes any significance as a word, comment, string, whitespace or number character. When encountered by the parser, it returns a ttype equal to the character.
ch - the character

 o commentChar

  public void commentChar(int ch)
Specifies that this character starts a single line comment.
ch - the character

 o quoteChar

  public void quoteChar(int ch)
Specifies that matching pairs of this character delimit String constants. When a String constant is recognized, ttype will be the character that delimits the String, and sval will have the body of the String.
ch - the character

 o parseNumbers

  public void parseNumbers()
Specifies that numbers should be parsed. This method accepts double precision floating point numbers and returns a ttype of TT_NUMBER with the value in nval.

 o eolIsSignificant

  public void eolIsSignificant(boolean flag)
If the flag is true, end-of-lines are significant (TT_EOL will be returned by nexttoken). If false, they will be treated as whitespace.

 o slashStarComments

  public void slashStarComments(boolean flag)
If the flag is true, recognize C style( /* ) comments.

 o slashSlashComments

  public void slashSlashComments(boolean flag)
If the flag is true, recognize C++ style( // ) comments.

 o lowerCaseMode

  public void lowerCaseMode(boolean fl)
Examines a boolean to decide whether TT_WORD tokens are forced to be lower case.
fl - the boolean flag

 o nextToken

  public int nextToken() throws IOException
Parses a token from the input stream. The return value is the same as the value of ttype. Typical clients of this class first set up the syntax tables and then sit in a loop calling nextToken to parse successive tokens until TT_EOF is returned.

 o pushBack

  public void pushBack()
Pushes back a stream token.

 o lineno

  public int lineno()
Return the current line number.

 o toString

  public String toString()
Returns the String representation of the stream token.
toString in class Object

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