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public class File
extends Object
This class represents a file name of the host file system. The file name can be relative or absolute. It must use the file name conventions of the host platform.

The intention is to provide an abstraction that deals with most of the system-dependent file name features such as the separator character, root, device name, etc. Not all features are currently fully implemented.

Note that whenever a file name or path is used it is assumed that the host's file name conventions are used.

1.34, 10/22/95
Jonathan Payne, Arthur van Hoff

Variable Index

 o pathSeparator
The system dependent path separator string.
 o pathSeparatorChar
The system dependent path separator character.
 o separator
The system dependent file separator String.
 o separatorChar
The system dependent file separator character.

Constructor Index

 o File(String)
Creates a File object.
 o File(String, String)
Creates a File object from the specified directory.
 o File(File, String)
Creates a File object (given a directory File object).

Method Index

 o canRead()
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not a readable file exists.
 o canWrite()
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not a writable file exists.
 o equals(Object)
Compares this object against the specified object.
 o exists()
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not a file exists.
 o getAbsolutePath()
Gets the absolute path of the file.
 o getName()
Gets the name of the file.
 o getParent()
Gets the name of the parent directory.
 o getPath()
Gets the path of the file.
 o hashCode()
Computes a hashcode for the file.
 o isAbsolute()
Returns a boolean indicating if the file name is absolute.
 o isDirectory()
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not a directory file exists.
 o isFile()
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not a normal file exists.
 o lastModified()
Returns the last modification time.
 o length()
Returns the length of the file.
 o list()
Lists the files in a directory.
 o list(FilenameFilter)
Uses the specified filter to list files in a directory.
 o mkdir()
Creates a directory and returns a boolean indicating the success of the creation.
 o mkdirs()
Creates all directories in this path.
 o renameTo(File)
Renames a file and returns a boolean indicating whether or not this method was successful.
 o toString()
Returns a String object representing this file's path.


 o separator
  public final static String separator
The system dependent file separator String.
 o separatorChar
  public final static char separatorChar
The system dependent file separator character.
 o pathSeparator
  public final static String pathSeparator
The system dependent path separator string.
 o pathSeparatorChar
  public final static char pathSeparatorChar
The system dependent path separator character.


 o File
  public File(String path)
Creates a File object.
path - the file path
Throws: NullPointerException
If the file path is equal to null.

 o File

  public File(String path,
              String name)
Creates a File object from the specified directory.
path - the directory path
name - the file name

 o File

  public File(File dir,
              String name)
Creates a File object (given a directory File object).
dir - the directory
name - the file name


 o getName
  public String getName()
Gets the name of the file. This method does not include the directory.
the file name.

 o getPath

  public String getPath()
Gets the path of the file.
the file path.

 o getAbsolutePath

  public String getAbsolutePath()
Gets the absolute path of the file.
the absolute file path.

 o getParent

  public String getParent()
Gets the name of the parent directory.
the parent directory, or null if one is not found.

 o exists

  public boolean exists()
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not a file exists.

 o canWrite

  public boolean canWrite()
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not a writable file exists.

 o canRead

  public boolean canRead()
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not a readable file exists.

 o isFile

  public boolean isFile()
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not a normal file exists.

 o isDirectory

  public boolean isDirectory()
Returns a boolean indicating whether or not a directory file exists.

 o isAbsolute

  public boolean isAbsolute()
Returns a boolean indicating if the file name is absolute.

 o lastModified

  public long lastModified() throws IOException
Returns the last modification time. The return value should only be used to compare modification dates. It is meaningless as an absolute time.

 o length

  public long length() throws IOException
Returns the length of the file.

 o mkdir

  public boolean mkdir() throws IOException
Creates a directory and returns a boolean indicating the success of the creation.

 o renameTo

  public boolean renameTo(File dest) throws IOException
Renames a file and returns a boolean indicating whether or not this method was successful.
dest - the new file name

 o mkdirs

  public boolean mkdirs() throws IOException
Creates all directories in this path. This method returns true if all directories in this path are created.

 o list

  public String[] list() throws IOException
Lists the files in a directory. Works only on directories.
an array of file names. This list will include all files in the directory except the equivalent of "." and ".." .

 o list

  public String[] list(FilenameFilter filter) throws IOException
Uses the specified filter to list files in a directory.
filter - the filter used to select file names
the filter selected files in this directory.
See Also:

 o hashCode

  public int hashCode()
Computes a hashcode for the file.
hashCode in class Object

 o equals

  public boolean equals(Object obj)
Compares this object against the specified object.
obj - the object to compare with
true if the objects are the same; false otherwise.
equals in class Object

 o toString

  public String toString()
Returns a String object representing this file's path.
toString in class Object

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