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public class BufferedOutputStream
extends FilterOutputStream
A buffered output stream. This stream lets you write characters to a stream without causing a write every time. The data is first written into a buffer. Data is written to the actual stream only when the buffer is full, or when the stream is flushed.
1.16, 08/10/95
Arthur van Hoff

Variable Index

 o buf
The buffer where data is stored.
 o count
The number of bytes in the buffer.

Constructor Index

 o BufferedOutputStream(OutputStream)
Creates a new buffered stream with a default buffer size.
 o BufferedOutputStream(OutputStream, int)
Creates a new buffered stream with the specified buffer size.

Method Index

 o flush()
Flushes the stream.
 o write(int)
Writes a byte.
 o write(byte[], int, int)
Writes a sub array of bytes.


 o buf
  protected byte buf[]
The buffer where data is stored.
 o count
  protected int count
The number of bytes in the buffer.


 o BufferedOutputStream
  public BufferedOutputStream(OutputStream out)
Creates a new buffered stream with a default buffer size.
out - the output stream

 o BufferedOutputStream

  public BufferedOutputStream(OutputStream out,
                              int size)
Creates a new buffered stream with the specified buffer size.
out - the output stream
size - the buffer size


 o write
  public synchronized void write(int b) throws IOException
Writes a byte. This method will block until the byte is actually written.
b - the byte to be written
Throws: IOException
If an I/O error has occurred.
write in class FilterOutputStream

 o write

  public synchronized void write(byte b[],
                                 int off,
                                 int len) throws IOException
Writes a sub array of bytes.
b - the data to be written
off - the start offset in the data
len - the number of bytes that are written
Throws: IOException
If an I/O error has occurred.
write in class FilterOutputStream

 o flush

  public synchronized void flush() throws IOException
Flushes the stream. This will write any buffered output bytes.
Throws: IOException
If an I/O error has occurred.
flush in class FilterOutputStream

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