═══ 1. General Help ═══ Select Help For Key Assignments (by pressing the key now) or from the Table of Contents to get generic information of keys specific to all help menus. The Table of Contents will also inform the user of all help available. You may return to the Table of Contents by pressing the key now. The key always returns the user to the previous help screen. Highlighted items are selected by pressing the key. Selectable items are "green" when not highlighted, and "black" with white lettering when highlighted. Switch from one selectable item to another by using the key. Select Services, Options or Help from this (or any) Help Menu to obtain useful background information to make accessing these menus more profitable. Select Extended Help to obtain more in-depth instruction on the various Crossword functions. Select Keys Help to discover how to access the various menu items and how to manuever the cursor (or mouse) from field to field on a particular display. To discover the results of any particular action or to get more detailed information, access pertinent help for the screen in question. ═══ 2. Help For Help ═══ Help is always available. You can obtain help at any time by pressing the F1 key. When you request help, a help window is displayed. The kind of help you get is determined by what you selected before you requested help or what task you were doing when you requested help. If the selection cursor is on an action bar choice, a pull-down choice, or on a field in a pop-up window, the help will specifically relate to that choice or field. To get help for an action bar choice or a pull-down choice, highlight the choice and then press F1. To get help for a field, click on the field (or press the Tab key to move the cursor to the field). Then, press F1. If the cursor is already on a field when the pop-up window is displayed, simply press F1 to obtain help on that field. Within some help windows, certain words or phrases are highlighted. To obtain additional information about a word or phrase, double-click on the word or phrase. (Or press the Tab key until the cursor is on the word or phrase, and then press Enter). A Help choice appears on the action bar of every window. The associated Help pull-down includes these additional help choices: o Extended help o Keys help o Help index USING EXTENDED HELP Extended help provides general information about the application you are using. Click on Extended help from the Help pull-down. (Or select Extended help from the pull-down and press Enter.) You can also press F2 from within a Help window. USING KEYS HELP Keys help displays a list of key assignments for the application you are using. Click on Keys help from the Help pull-down. (Or select Keys help from the pull-down and press Enter.) You can also press F9 from within a Help window. USING THE HELP INDEX Help index provides a list of help topics. You can also press F11 from within a Help window. To search the list of topics, do the following: 1. Click on Search from the Services pull-down. (Or select Search from the pull-down and press the Enter key.) 2. Type the word or phrase to be searched for in the Search for field. 3. Click on the Index radio button (or press the Tab key to move the cursor to the radio button). 4. Click on Search (or select it and press Enter). USING THE HELP FACILITY The Help facility also has other features you can use. For information about these features, select one of the following reference phrases: Using the Help facility Using the Help facility keys ═══ 3. Help for Using the Help Facility ═══ Whenever you are looking at a help window, you have the following action bar choices available: Services Prints one or more help windows, searches through the help windows, or copies sections of the help windows to a file that you can edit. Options Expands or contracts the list of available help windows, or displays the list of help windows you have viewed during the session. Help Provides help on using the Help facility. If you want to see information on any of these choices, click on the choice and press F1. (If you are using a keyboard, press F10 to move to the action bar. Then, if necessary, press the Right Arrow key to highlight the action bar choice you want help for. Finally, press the F1 key.) If you select Contents from the Options pull-down, the Contents window appears. This window lists all available help topics. A plus sign (+) next to a topic indicates that additional entries are available for that topic. Click on the plus sign to see the complete list. If you are using a keyboard, press the Up or Down Arrow key to highlight the topic, and then press the + key. If you want to view a topic, double-click on the topic (or press the Up or Down Arrow key to highlight the topic and then press the Enter key). After you select a topic, the information for that topic appears in a window. The topic title appears at the top of the window to remind you of the topic you are viewing. Highlighted words or phrases indicate that additional information is available for a topic. If you are using a mouse, double-click on the highlighted word or phrase. If you are using a keyboard, press the Tab key to move to the word or phrase, and then press the Enter key. Additional information can appear in a pop-up window or in a related help topic window. To close a help window, press the Esc key. The previous help topic appears if one is available. If not, the previous window appears. To exit the Help Facility without viewing previous help topics, click on Close from the system menu pull-down, or press Alt+F4. ═══ 4. Help for Key Assignments ═══ The following Help keys are available: F1 Get help F2 Get extended help on using the Help facility (from within any help window) F9 Go to a list of keys (from within any help window) F11 or Alt+F1 Go to the help index (from within any help window) Esc Display previous help (Press Alt+F4 to close the Help window.) Alt+F6 Go to/from help and programs Shift+F10 Get help for help ═══ 5. Help For Extended Help ═══ Select Extended Help on the Help Pull-Down Menu To obtain extended (in-depth) help on the Crossword Program. ═══ 6. Keys Help ═══ The function invoked or the action initiated by the pressing of action keys namely: Enter, Tab, Esc, F1 thru F12 etc... is usually depended on the display currently visible to the user. However, certain System Functions are universal, to this, and most OS/2 Applications. Menu Items may be selected by: 1) clicking with the mouse 2) using the key and simultaneously depressing the underscored letter. 3) pressing the key, which high-lights the menu-bar, and then transverse the selections using the arrow keys and finally, pressing the key. Some Menu Items, when selected, have further Pull Down Menus which may be selected as in 1-3) above. System Menu Items are accessed by pressing the key and These choices are used primarily to move and size windows. Depending on the window you are in, you can also close windows and switch to another window. Restore Takes a minimized or maximized window back to its previous size. Move Moves a window around on the screen. Size Changes the size of the window. Minimize Makes a window as small as possible. Maximize Makes a window as large as possible. Close Ends the window and returns you to the previous window. Window List Displays the Task List. ═══ 7. Crossword Help ═══ Menu Items and their associated tasks are as follows: File Load - Loads a previously saved puzzle, Save - Saves the puzzle in progress, Print - Prints the current puzzle and Exit - Closes all open files and quits the program. New Random - Generate a puzzle randomly. Specific - Select a puzzle from a list of available puzzles. Options Current Score - Gauges your momentary success. Top Ten - Displays the top ten puzzlers. Difficulty - Sets the difficulty level of the puzzle. Size - Sets puzzle size to 15X15, 19X19 or 21X21. Finished - Calculates total score and completes puzzle (if necessary). Queries Search - Scan word list for possible matches. Select Extended Help for a description of the main Crossword window and the order and function of various key-presses. ═══ 8. Extended Help ═══ The main crossword window is a near-standard window. In that it is movable, has a menu bar and has access to system menu items; Close, Minimize, Task List, etc... The first order of business in crossword-puzzle solving is to obtain a puzzle. This is accomplished by selecting New from the menu and thence either Random or Specific. Once a puzzle has been selected, the screen will contain a 15X15 square puzzle on the right and two scrollable list-boxes containing the ACROSS and DOWN clues on the left. The puzzle squares may be filled in two ways. Simply positioning the mouse over a square and clicking the left button will allow a one character input. Lower case letters will be converted to upper for readability. The second way is to select an ACROSS or DOWN clue from the list boxes either with the arrow keys and or double-clicking the left mouse button. This action initiates two further actions: one is to outline the pertinent area on the display in a distinguishing color and the second is to open up an entry field beneath the puzzle proper re-displaying the clue. The entry field will not allow more characters than the puzzle requires. Less characters are considered padded with blanks. Upon pressing of an Enter key, the puzzle squares gain the answer and the program automatically selects the next clue in succession, Down or Across depending on the previous selection. When the last clue (either Down or Across) has been entered, the program will return to the first clue. When entering an answer in the entry field provided, the puzzler must enter the entire answer regardless of whether any squares for this clue contain previous entries. For the computer does not know which squares you might want to retain. The input will overwrite any existing answers unless of course a square has been "peeked". The user can interrupt either the single or multiple entry by simply selecting another square or another clue, by pointing and clicking with the mouse or using the key to abandon the action. "Escaping" from the entry field returns the user to the clues selection list- boxes where he may scroll to another clue or by use of the key move to the clues of the adjoining list-box. Puzzles may be saved (or abandoned) at any stage and the current score may be checked at any time. Happy puzzling! Comments (of whatever kind) can be addressed to the authors c/o Barken Enterprises, Inc. 1238 Starlit Dr. Laguna Beach, CA 92651 ═══ 9. File ═══ The FILE menu item expands to four sub-menu items: Load - Load a previous puzzle Save - Save the current puzzle Print - Print the puzzle in progress Exit - Quit the program ═══ 10. Load ═══ Only those puzzles that have been saved by the "Crossword" program are loadable. They will have the three character extension, "pzl". Upon selection of the LOAD command, the current directory and all its associated "pzl"s will be displayed. Select one with the mouse or tab + arrow keys and press . If the puzzle that you wish to load is not in the current directory, select another. Only files with the "pzl" extension will be displayed. Upon selection of a puzzle from another directory, that puzzle will be loaded and the directory of origin will become the current directory. If no puzzle of interest is found, select . ═══ 11. Save ═══ Selecting the SAVE command will present a listing of previously saved puzzles in a scrollable list-box on the right side of the dialog screen and an entry field. Select a name from those presented, it will appear in the entry field; or type a new name in this field. Puzzles are saved with the three character extension "pzl" and only those files having this extension are displayed. If entering a new name, the "pzl" extension will be concatenated and needn't be typed. In fact, if a different extension is supplied, it will be discarded and the proper extension supplied. Upon selection of the name of choice, press . The program will return to the current puzzle. If a directory other than the current one is desired for saving, select the directory of choice from the directory list box on the left, and continue as above. The selected directory will become the "current" directory for future savings and loadings. If the user decides he does not want to save the puzzle in its present state, select . ═══ 12. Print ═══ This option is, as yet, inactive with version 1.0 Selecting this option will print the puzzle in progress along with the Across and Down clues to the system default printer. The user will be notified upon the successful completion (or not) of his printing. ═══ 13. Exit ═══ Selecting EXIT will quit the program, and close all files. The user is NOT asked if he wants to save the work in progress. This feature will be added if user response demands it. ═══ 14. New ═══ The NEW menu item expands to two sub-menu items: Random - Select a randomly generated puzzle Specific - Select a puzzle from a specific list of pre-made puzzles. ═══ 15. Random ═══ The randomly generated puzzle is inactive with this release. It will become available in the second quarter of 1993. In the interim, one of the pre-made puzzles will be selected at random. ═══ 16. Specific ═══ Upon selection of this item, the user is presented with a list of 20 puzzles whose major theme is delineated in a scrollable list-box. The difficulty level is related to that chosen under Options-Difficulty of which there are three. There are, likewise, three sizes selectable under Options-Size Giving the user (20X3X3) or 180 puzzles upon which to test his/her mettle.High-light the puzzle of choice with the mouse or arrow keys and press . If the user decides against loading a new puzzle, press . The user will be returned to the puzzle in progress. ═══ 17. Across/Down Clues ═══ Select a clue by double-clicking with the right mouse button. Or highlight a clue via the up/down arrow keys and press enter. The destination squares of the puzzle proper will be outlined in green. The clue will be re-printed on the right along with an entry field. The entire answer must be input even if a partial answer already exists. Until an key is pressed, the answer may be modified by use of the key. Pressing the key will return the user to the Across/Down clues. The key moves the user from one set of clues to the other. ═══ 18. Options ═══ This menu item contains 5 sub-menu items: Current Score - An evaluation based on current answers vs. total possible Top Ten - The 10 highest scores to date Difficulty - Average, Hard, Expert Finished - The puzzle is to be completed and scores calculated. ═══ 19. Current Score ═══ An award is made for each square in which the user has placed a correct answer. Minor penalties are imposed for wrong guesses and major penalties assessed for "peeking". A bonus is applied (if appropriate) when a user has decided he is "FINISHED". The puzzler may check his score after each answer if he chooses, thus giving him an inkling as to the correctness of his choice. ═══ 20. Top Ten ═══ Selecting this item displays to the user a listing of the ten top scores and the puzzle and difficulty level with which they were achieved. A new name can only be added to the list if certain criteria are met. 1) the puzzler has been awarded sufficient points to surmount any of these during the solving of his current puzzle and 2) he has decided that he is "FINISHED". ═══ 21. Difficulty Level ═══ By default the difficulty level is set to AVERAGE. The puzzler can choose tougher puzzles by checking the HARD or EXPERT settings. Naturally, the tougher the puzzle the greater the rewards. Simply move to the selection of choice via the arrow keys and press or "double-click" with the mouse. The current setting is shown "checked". ═══ 22. Puzzle Size ═══ By default the puzzle has 15 squares across and 15 squares down. If the user feels more ambitious, he can ask for larger puzzles. Simply move the cursor to the selection of choice via the arrow keys and press or "double-click" with the mouse. The current setting is shown "checked". ═══ 23. Finished ═══ The computer program is aware when all the squares have been filled, however, it does not know whether the gamester wishes to change an answer. Therefore, a puzzle is not considered finished unless this item has been selected. The user will be queryed to insure that he really wishes to finish. This is especially valuable if the puzzle is incomplete. Once satisfied that the user wants no more to do with this puzzle, the total score (with bonuses if any) is calculated and any wrong (or empty) squares are displayed in a distinguishable color. If the score betters any in the top ten, the user will be prompted to enter his/her name in the space provided. WARNING! Once "FINISHED" a puzzle cannot be changed. No further input is allowed. ═══ 24. Search ═══ This option is, as yet, inactive with version 1.0 It is intended that an upgrade will allow the user to search the master word list for a likely candidate by specifying the search mask utilizing question marks as wild cards. For example, if the required word is five characters long, and the first letter is "A" and the third is "S", the user would input the string "A?S??". A scrollable list-box will be displayed showing all matches. The cost of this search in terms of total puzzle score has yet to be determined. It will be variable and due to many factors. One thing is certain, it will not be cheap. ═══ 25. Peeking ═══ If a particular square (or clue) is giving the user an inordinate amount of trouble, he may forfeit some of his accumulated score by "peeking". This is accomplished by clicking with the right mouse button on the troublesome square. This square will forever after display in red and is unchangeable either singly with a mouse click or via the answer entry field. Sorry! Once peeked always peeked. Of course, a puzzler can peek in one copy of the puzzle and enter it in another. But then why do the crossword puzzle at all?!?