This is the first release of Rexx-Adventure. Please excuse the state of the Documentation files. I figured it was more important to get the program out than to be overly fussy about how pretty the docs were. For those who are beta testing, let me know what to change in the docs as well as the program. I am just looking for general opinions at this time, with a few small specific questions. 1) Should the Global Verb tests be done before or after the verb that has been chosen? That is, should the Nasty Dwarves show up before or after the rod is waved? 2) How important do you think it is that I get it working in multiple re-sizable windows, and if I do use multiple windows, which should have the File and Option menus? The zip file should comtain the following files: RXADV098.EXE The executable file RXADV.ICO The Icon REXXADV.LWP The IBM Works version of the Documentation REXXADV.DOC The ASCII version of the Documentation VROBJ.DLL Watcom's VX-REXX DLL, without which none of this would be possible. SAMPLE.RAD A VERY small sample adventure. FUNCIONS.TXT The funcions list. ReadMe.TXT This file. I would like to note here that all the contents of this archive, with the exception of VROBJ.DLL, are Copyright 1995 by Mike DeSanto. VROBJ.DLL is copyright 1993-1994 by Watcom International Corporation. Please distribute Rexx-Adventure, but do not charge for it beyond the cost of the media it is stored on, and distribute only the entire archive without changes. I hope people like it. Please let me know what you think. I can be contacted on the internet at