D O N ' T P A N I C ;-) LogIt 1.02 Readme ================= LogIt is not a big thing, so this is not a big readme. First of all: This program is FREEWARE. It is NOT guaranteed that it does anything, anything useful or anything dangerous on your system. I tested it, and it's so simple that I don't think it could cause any damage to your system. But in spite of that, I'm absolutely NOT responsible for anything. To make it quite clear: YOU USE THIS PROGRAM ON YOUR OWN RISK. You have the license to use it and to copy it. But you MUST NOT sell this program or charge a copy fee >2 US$. Please inform me if you want to copy it on a shareware publication. What it does: LogIt writes a message with time and date to a textfile. It's purpose is to log system / program activities. For example you want to log every startup time/date of your system: just put a LogIt-Call into you startup.cmd. Or you have a cmd-script for polling via UUCP - just put a LogIt-Call into this script. I found several usages for this small tool, and I'm glad if you have some usage for it too ;-) The call is quite simple: LogIt "" For example to log every start of your system: LogIt c:\logs\startup.log "My system started." After a startup you will find in c:\logs a textfile named startup.log. It contains something like that: + 13 Aug 23:34:10 LOG My system started. I think there's no need for further explanations. If you find a bug or have a nice idea for this tool, write to: julian@10vorne.shnet.org Julian Buss@2:240/5210 snail-mail: Julian Buss Tinsdaler Weg 127 22880 Wedel Germany NOTE: this addresses are guaranteed until 01.01.1998.