IBM - OS/2 v2.x Workstation, mixed environment ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º º º TokenExpress: Driver Installation, IBM - OS/2 v2.x Workstation º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ About this Document ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This file contains instructions for installing the TokenExpress driver. It contains information specific to the installation and operation of Intel's TokenExpress adapters only. Please refer to the appropriate Network Operation System documentation for any NOS-specific questions or other information. These instructions apply to Release 4.0 of the software. You'll always find the most current version of the driver instructions on FaxBACK (the FaxBACK document number is listed at the bottom of this document). If the driver software has changed, you can get the latest drivers and instructions from the BBS or CompuServe. Always check the revision date of the document to make sure you have the most updated copy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extended Services / 2 -- Communications Manager IBM OS/2 LAN Requestor -- To connect to IBM LAN Server (using OLITOK32.OS2) NetWare OS/2 LAN Requestor -- To connect to NetWare Server (using LANSUP.SYS) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using Intel TokenExpress(tm) adapter drivers with IBM OS/2 2.x. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- To connect in a mixed IBM/Novell operating environment, several adapter drivers and protocols must co-exist concurrently. This document describes how to install and configure the TokenExpress adapter NDIS driver and the ODI driver from Novell. The configuration files may vary slightly depending on your particular network. Also included are sample configuration files (config.sys, protocol.ini, net.cfg). It is important to follow the sequence for installation described in this document in order to minimize manual modifications. If it is not followed, additional modifications to the configuration files will need to be made manually. The basic steps are: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Install IBM OS/2 2.x Base Operating System 2. Install Extended Services /2 and Communications Manager and configure for network connectivity depending on your needs, ie.. 3270 or 5250 terminal emulation. 3. Install the TokenExpress adapter and NDIS driver 4. Install IBM OS/2 LAN Requestor (if connecting to IBM LAN Server) 5. Install NetWare OS/2 LAN Requestor and ODI driver 6. Manually modify the config.sys file Detailed Steps: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Install IBM OS/2 2.0 Base Operating System: Use the IBM OS/2 2.0 Installation Manual to install the operating system. 2. Install Extended Services /2 and Communications Manager and configure for network connectivity depending on your needs, ie.. 3270 or 5250 terminal emulation: Use the IBM ES/2 Communications Manager installation manual to install 3270 or 5250. When installing communications manager you are asked to select a network adapter. Choose the IBM 16/4 adapter. The config.sys will be modified to include drivers for the IBM adapter. When you reboot your system, you will receive errors indicating this adapter is not installed when these drivers try to load. Ignore these messages and go on, we will be replacing the IBM adapter drivers with Intel adapter drivers. At that time you will reboot and no longer receive these errors. 3. Install the TokenExpress adapter and driver: To install the Intel TokenExpress adapter, refer to the adapter installation guide. Once the adapter has been installed and diagnostics have been run, you are ready to install the adapter drivers. NOTE: When running the diagnostics, be sure to write down the adapter's burned in address. You will need this when you create the net.cfg file during Netware Requestor installation. Also, do not run diagnostics from a DOS window from OS/2. You will need to reboot with a DOS diskette and run the diagnostics with no autoexec.bat or config.sys. a. Reboot your system. b. Start the Communication Manager and select "Advanced", "Configuration", "LAN Adapter and Protocol Support". Then select "Copy additional network adapter drivers". When requested, type in the path to the driver: A:\NDIS\OS2. Insert the TokenExpress Adapter Driver Diskette. The adapter drivers will be copied to the hard drive. c. Next, select "Configure workstation". After the TokenExpress adapter drivers have been copied to the hard drive you will need to "REMOVE" the protocols and adapter driver for the IBM adapter from the "Current Configuration" window then "ADD" the Intel adapter driver and protocols. Follow the instructions on the screen to REMOVE and ADD adapter protocols and drivers. d. Configure your workstation in accordance with your needs (refer to the IBM documentation). If you want more information about the parameters which may be used for configuring your adapter driver, please refer to the section "Configuring the MAC Driver" at the end of this document. e. When you have completed the installation, the following files will have been copied to the \IBMCOM\MACS directory: OLITOK32.OS2 OS/2 NDIS driver for EISA/32 adapter only INTEL32.NIF Network interface file (used by config utility) for the EISA/32 adapter OLITOK16.OS2 OS/2 NDIS driver for all other TokenExpress adapters INTEL16.NIF Network interface file (used by config utility) for all other TokenExpress adapters. f. The config.sys and protocol.ini files have been modified to reflect removing the IBM adapter drivers and adding the Intel TokenExpress NDIS driver. g. This ends the NDIS driver installation. 4. Install IBM OS/2 LAN Requestor (if connecting to IBM LAN Server): Use the IBM OS/2 LAN Requestor Installation Manual for installation instructions. Use LANINST. This process copies the LAN Requestor files needed to connect to LAN Server. No driver installation is needed since you installed the adapter driver through Communications Manager. 5. Install NetWare OS/2 Lan Requestor a. Follow Novell's installation instructions for installing Netware Requestor. During the installation you are asked to enter the name of the Network Interface Card driver. Enter "LANSUP.SYS", this is the ODI driver for OS/2. b. Choose the kind of session support you prefer depending on your configuration. c. Click on "Save" to save the configuration. d. When prompted enter the path\filename for the ODI driver. This is the same path you chose when you installed the Netware Requestor files, probably "C:\NETWARE\LANSUP.SYS". The config.sys file will be modified to include the statement "DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\LANSUP.SYS". e. Continue with the installation. When the installation is complete select "Configuration", "This Workstation". Now enter the following in the NET.CFG file. Note the "Node Address" parameter. This is where you enter the node address of your adapter. Either use the Universal Address you wrote down during adapter hardware diagnostics, or use a locally administered address. The Net.cfg file will look like this: Link Driver LANSUP Frame Token-Ring Frame Token-Ring_SNAP Node Address nnnnnnnnnnnn Link Support Buffers 15 4210 f. Netware Requestor installation is now complete. You will need to modify the config.sys file before rebooting. 6. Manually modify the config.sys file so that all the Netware Requestor statements are at the bottom. The main idea here is to make sure the TokenExpress NDIS driver (OLITOK32.OS2 or OLITOK16.OS2) is loaded before the ODI driver "LANSUP.SYS". Sample Config.sys, Protocol.ini, Net.cfg. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFIG.SYS IFS=C:\OS2\HPFS.IFS /CACHE:384 /CRECL:4 /AUTOCHECK:C PROTSHELL=C:\OS2\PMSHELL.EXE SET USER_INI=C:\OS2\OS2.INI SET SYSTEM_INI=C:\OS2\OS2SYS.INI SET OS2_SHELL=C:\OS2\CMD.EXE SET AUTOSTART=PROGRAMS,TASKLIST,FOLDERS SET RUNWORKPLACE=C:\OS2\PMSHELL.EXE SET COMSPEC=C:\OS2\CMD.EXE LIBPATH=C:\IBMLAN\NETLIB;C:\MUGLIB\DLL;.;C:\OS2....... SET PATH=C:\IBMLAN\NETPROG;C:\OS2;C:\MUGLIB;C:\OS2\...... SET DPATH=C:\IBMLAN\NETPROG;C:\IBMLAN;C:\OS2;C:\MUGLIB\...... SET PROMPT=$i[$p] SET HELP=C:\CMLIB\APPN;C:\OS2\HELP;C:\OS2\HELP\TUTORIAL; SET GLOSSARY=C:\OS2\HELP\GLOSS; PRIORITY_DISK_IO=YES FILES=20 DEVICE=C:\ibmcom\lanmsgdd.os2 /I:C:\ibmcom DEVICE=C:\ibmcom\protman.os2 /I:C:\ibmcom DEVICE=C:\ibmcom\protocol\LANDD.OS2 DEVICE=C:\ibmcom\protocol\LANDLLDD.OS2 DEVICE=C:\OS2\R0CSDD.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\TESTCFG.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\DOS.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\PMDD.SYS BUFFERS=30 IOPL=YES DISKCACHE=64,LW MAXWAIT=3 MEMMAN=SWAP,PROTECT SWAPPATH=C:\OS2\SYSTEM 2048 4096 BREAK=OFF THREADS=256 PRINTMONBUFSIZE=134,134,134 COUNTRY=001,C:\OS2\SYSTEM\COUNTRY.SYS SET KEYS=ON REM SET DELDIR=C:\DELETE,512; BASEDEV=PRINT01.SYS BASEDEV=IBM1FLPY.ADD BASEDEV=IBM1S506.ADD BASEDEV=OS2DASD.DMD SET BOOKSHELF=C:\IBMLAN\BOOK;C:\OS2\BOOK; SET EPATH=C:\OS2\APPS REM DEVICE=C:\OS2\APPS\SASYNCDA.SYS PROTECTONLY=NO SHELL=C:\OS2\MDOS\COMMAND.COM C:\OS2\MDOS /P FCBS=16,8 RMSIZE=640 DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VEMM.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VMOUSE.SYS DOS=LOW,NOUMB DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VDPX.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VXMS.SYS /UMB DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VDPMI.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VWIN.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VCDROM.SYS DEVINFO=SCR,VGA,C:\OS2\VIOTBL.DCP SET VIDEO_DEVICES=VIO_VGA SET VIO_VGA=DEVICE(BVHVGA,BVHSVGA) DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VSVGA.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\POINTDD.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\MOUSE.SYS SERIAL=COM1 DEVICE=C:\OS2\COM.SYS DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VCOM.SYS CODEPAGE=437,850 DEVINFO=KBD,US,C:\OS2\KEYBOARD.DCP DEVICE=C:\CMLIB\ACSLDLAN.SYS RUN=C:\OS2\EPW.EXE RUN=C:\ibmcom\protocol\landll.exe RUN=C:\ibmcom\protocol\netbind.exe RUN=C:\ibmcom\lanmsgex.exe DEVICE=C:\IBMCOM\PROTOCOL\NETBEUI.OS2 DEVICE=C:\IBMLAN\NETPROG\RDRHELP.200 IFS=C:\IBMLAN\NETPROG\NETWKSTA.200 /I:C:\IBMLAN /N DEVICE=C:\IBMCOM\PROTOCOL\NETBIOS.OS2 DEVICE=C:\IBMCOM\MACS\OLITOK32.OS2 *or* DEVICE=C:\IBMCOM\MACS\OLITOK16.OS2 DEVICE=C:\CMLIB\APPN\CMKFMDE.SYS RUN=C:\IBMLAN\NETPROG\LSDAEMON.EXE REM --- NetWare Requester statements BEGIN --- DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\LSL.SYS RUN=C:\NETWARE\DDAEMON.EXE DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\LANSUP.SYS rem DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\OCTOK16.SYS DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\IPX.SYS rem DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\SPX.SYS rem RUN=C:\NETWARE\SPDAEMON.EXE rem DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\NMPIPE.SYS rem DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\NPSERVER.SYS rem RUN=C:\NETWARE\NPDAEMON.EXE NP_COMPUTERNAME DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\NWREQ.SYS IFS=C:\NETWARE\NWIFS.IFS RUN=C:\NETWARE\NWDAEMON.EXE rem DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\NETBIOS.SYS rem RUN=C:\NETWARE\NBDAEMON.EXE DEVICE=C:\NETWARE\VIPX.SYS REM --- NetWare Requester statements END --- PROTOCOL.INI [PROT_MAN] DriverName = PROTMAN$ [IBMLXCFG] INTEL32_nif = INTEL32.nif (if using the EISA/32 adapter) *or* INTELTOK_nif = INTEL16.nif (if using any other TokenExpress adapter) LANDD_nif = LANDD.nif NETBEUI_nif = NETBEUI.nif ;*----------------------------------------------* ;*------------- PROTOCOL SECTION ---------------* ;*----------------------------------------------* [LANDD_nif] DriverName = LANDD$ Bindings = INTEL32_nif (if using the EISA/32 adapter) *or* Bindings = INTEL16_nif (if using any other TokenExpress adapter) ETHERAND_TYPE = "I" SYSTEM_KEY = 0x0 OPEN_OPTIONS = 0x2000 TRACE = 0x0 LINKS = 8 MAX_SAPS = 3 MAX_G_SAPS = 0 USERS = 3 TI_TICK_G1 = 255 T1_TICK_G1 = 15 T2_TICK_G1 = 3 TI_TICK_G2 = 255 T1_TICK_G2 = 25 T2_TICK_G2 = 10 IPACKETS = 250 UIPACKETS = 100 MAXTRANSMITS = 6 MINTRANSMITS = 2 TCBS = 64 GDTS = 30 ELEMENTS = 800 [NETBEUI_nif] DriverName = netbeui$ Bindings = INTEL32_nif (if using the EISA/32 adapter) *or* Bindings = INTEL16_nif (if using any other TokenExpress adapter) ETHERAND_TYPE = "I" USEADDRREV = "YES" SESSIONS = 40 NCBS = 95 NAMES = 21 SELECTORS = 5 USEMAXDATAGRAM = "NO" ADAPTRATE = 1000 WINDOWERRORS = 0 TI = 30000 T1 = 500 T2 = 200 MAXIN = 1 MAXOUT = 1 NETBIOSTIMEOUT = 500 NETBIOSRETRIES = 8 NAMECACHE = 0 PIGGYBACKACKS = 1 DATAGRAMPACKETS = 2 PACKETS = 350 PIPELINE = 5 MAXTRANSMITS = 6 MINTRANSMITS = 2 DLCRETRIES = 5 ;*----------------------------------------------* ;*--------------- MAC SECTION ------------------* ;*----------------------------------------------* [INTEL32_nif] | DriverName = OLISRV$ | Add this section if you are using MAXTRANSMITS = 30 | an Intel TokenExpress EISA/32 RECBUFSIZE = 2048 | adapter. RECBUFCOUNT = 10 | [INTELTOK_nif] | DriverName = OLITOK$ | Add this section if you are using MAXTRANSMITS = 30 | any other member of the Intel RECBUFSIZE = 2048 | TokenExpress adapter family. RECBUFCOUNT = 10 | NET.CFG Link Driver LANSUP Frame Token-Ring Frame Token-Ring_SNAP Node Address nnnnnnnnnnnn Link Support Buffers 15 4210 Configuring the MAC driver ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section explains how to modify the NDIS driver configuration file (PROTOCOL.INI) to use the TokenExpress adapter drivers. A sample file, containing the recommended entries for configuring the TokenExpress DOS NDIS and OS/2 NDIS drivers, is included on the Intel driver diskette. The Intel-specific parameters needed to customize the PROTOCOL.INI file are listed below. If you need to change any of the TokenExpress adapter's parameters after installation, find the appropriate section in the PROTOCOL.INI for the TokenExpress adapter. This section will have a heading "[INTEL32_NIF]" or "[INTEL16_NIF]" and should begin with the statement "drivername = OLISRV$" or "drivername = OLITOK$". Add any new keywords or change their values as necessary. REQUIRED PARAMETERS The TokenExpress adapter driver requires only one entry in PROTOCOL.INI: drivername = OLITOK$ (for NDIS DOS) or drivername = OLISRV$ (for NDIS OS/2). "Drivername" can be any characters (up to 7) followed by a dollar sign ($). The default drivername is OLITOK$. The driver name identifies the network driver. The drivername (with small or capital letters) is the prefix portion of the filename of the network driver in the DRIVERS directory followed by $. The MAC drivername is OLITOK$ or olitok$. Since the TokenExpress adapter driver implements the loopback function, the [DLC] section of PROTOCOL.INI does not need a "loopback =" entry. OPTIONAL PARAMETERS The optional entries for this adapter may be divided into two groups: I. entries related to the configuration of the adapter itself II. entries related to the driver software. The entries and syntax for the two groups are listed below. I. Adapter Card Configuration Entries: Adapter = [adapter number] NetAddress = "[12 hexadecimal digits]" NodeAddress = [hex value] [hex value] [hex value] EarlyRelease = [YES/NO] Adapter Selects the board to configure. [adapter number] must be 0 - 7, where 0 = "Primary" adapter (default, I/O address 0A20H) 1 = "Alternate" adapter (I/O address 0A24H) 2 = "Second primary" adapter (I/O address 0A50H) 3 = "Second alternate" adapter (I/O address 0A54H) ** 4 = "Third primary" adapter (I/O address 1A20H) ** 5 = "Third alternate" adapter (I/O address 1A24H) ** 6 = "Fourth primary" adapter (I/O address 1A50H) ** 7 = "Fourth alternate" adapter (I/O address 1A54H) ** Note: These addresses are only available with the Intel TokenExpress EISA/32 adapter. For an ISA board, use this parameter if you change the board's I/O address switch setting. For an MCA or EISA board, use this parameter if you change the I/O address with the system configuration utility. NodeAddress Specifies the address which replaces the adapter's Burned-In Address (BIA). (The new address must be locally administered). [hex value] has the form 0xdddd; d = hexadecimal digit. NetAddress Same as NodeAddress, but available for compatibility with IBM EE 1.0 and Lan Server 2.0. Example: NetAddress = "005500876543" EarlyRelease Enables or disables Early Token Release. YES = enable, NO = disable. (Default = YES) II. MAC Driver Configuration Entries: MaxRequests = value MaxTransmits = value RecBufSize = value RecBufCount = value RecBufHigh = value Rpl MaxRequests Sets the maximum number of "General Requests." Can be any value from 1 to 10. (Default = 6). MaxTransmits Sets the maximum number of outstanding "TransmitChain" commands. On a server, this number should equal the product of the following two numbers: [value of NetBEUI DLC.MAXOUT parameter]*[maximum number of sessions] For DOS: Can be any number from 2 to 6. For OS/2: Can be any number from 2 to 100. (Default = 6) RecBufSize Sets the size (in bytes) of the buffers in the Receive Buffer pool. This number ranges from 256 to 5000. (Default = 512) The maximum size of the frames which may be received by the adapter is: min (MaxFs, RecBufSize x (RecBufCount -1)) RECOMMENDED MAX SIZE: The maximum amount of receive buffers, RecBufSize x RecBufCount, should not exceed 64K bytes. In DOS workstations, this number should not exceed 20Kb. In DOS RPL workstations, this number should not exceed 7Kb. RecBufCount Sets the number of buffers in the Receive Buffer Pool. Can be any number from 4 to 10. (Default = 10) The maximum size of the frames which may be received by the adapter is: min (MaxFs, RecBufSize x (RecBufCount -1)) RECOMMENDED MAX SIZE: The maximum amount of receive buffers, RecBufSize x RecBufCount, should not exceed 64K bytes. In DOS workstations, this number should not exceed 20Kb. In DOS RPL workstations, this number should not exceed 7Kb. RecBufHigh Determines where to load the Receive Buffer Pool. Can be either 0 or 1. (Default = 0). 0 = first try loading into high memory; if that fails, try low memory. 1 = first try loading into low memory; try high memory if that fails. EarlyRelease Sets board to use early token release on 16 Mbps LANs. YES = enable ETR, NO = disable ETR. (Default = YES) This parameter is ignored for 4 Mbps LANs. Rpl If present, this postpones adapter initialization from workstation boot-up time to NETBIND execution time. This ensures that the remote boot process is not disturbed by the board's initialization and diagnostics. IF YOU ARE INSTALLING TWO ADAPTERS IN THE SAME COMPUTER You may install up to four TokenExpress adatapters in your PC. To configure the PROTOCOL.INI file for two adapters in the same computer, follow the steps below: 1. Configure the adapters so that they have different I/O addresses and interrupts. (For ISA boards, make sure they also have different DMA channels.) 2. Follow the instructions in the IBM installation manuals for multiple adapters, to establish CONFIG.SYS and PROTOCOL.INI files that support multiple adapters. 3. Edit the PROTOCOL.INI file, and find the Intel adapter sections that begin with "drivername = OLITOK$" and "drivername = OLITOK2$." (If you are installing multiple EISA/32 adapters in your system under OS/2, the parameters should read "drivername = OLISRV$" and "drivername = OLISRV2$"). In each of those sections, add the following: Adapter = [adapter number] where [adapter number] is the number (0-7 for the TokenExpress EISA/32 adapter, 0-3 for all other TokenExpress adapters) you assigned to that adapter in the Adapter Card Configuration entry. (For a description of the [adapter number] parameter, refer to section I under OPTIONAL PARAMETERS, above.) ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ End of file Intel FaxBack # 6219 November 23, 1993