MKMSGF ILicensed Materials - Property of IBM I(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1990, 1993. IAll rights reserved. IUS Government Users Restricted Rights -Use, duplication or Idisclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. EThe value specified for the parameter %1 in PROTOCOL.INI is not the correct character type. EAn unrecoverable error occurred in the IBM Streamer Family NDIS device driver program. EAll IBM Streamer Family adapters must be set to the same interrupt level. ISlot %1: IBM Streamer Family adapter universal address is %2 ISlot %1: IBM Streamer Family adapter is using a local address of %2 EThe parameter values have forced the control-block size to exceed the allowable limit. ESlot %1: IBM Streamer Family adapter is not responding. WSlot %1: Receive overrun(s) detected, current count is %2(hex). WDuplicate device driver statements exist in CONFIG.SYS. EThe required parameter DRIVERNAME was not found in PROTOCOL.INI. EThe protocol manager could not be opened. EAn unrecoverable error occurred while attempting to register the IBM Streamer Family adapter NDIS device driver program with the Protocol Manager. ENo adapter that is supported by this device driver was found in the system. WThe unrecognized parameter %1 was found in PROTOCOL.INI. WThe value specified for the network address in PROTOCOL.INI is not valid. The universal address will be substituted. IIBM Streamer Family adapter NDIS device driver Version %1 ESlot %1: A duplicate network address was found while inserting into the ring. ESlot %1: Ring failure or beaconing was encountered while inserting into the ring. ESlot %1: A hardware failure occurred while attempting to open the adapter. ESlot %1: A lobe media error has occurred. Ensure that the adapter is connected to the network. ESlot %1: The data rate of the Token Ring does not match the data rate configured for the adapter. ESlot %1: A new adapter cannot be opened in Token Ring autosense mode if it is the only station on the ring. IInitialization proceeding for section %1 in PROTOCOL.INI ISlot %1: Using local transmit buffers to access data above 16 megabytes. WSlot %1: Overriding MAXTRANSMITS in PROTOCOL.INI with a value of %2. EOEMHLP could not be accessed. ISlot %1: The high priority transmit channel is enabled, maximum priority %2 EThe configuration values have forced the control-block size to exceed the available memory. ESlot %1: Could not configure the high priority transmit channel. ESlot %1: Did not respond when configuring the high priority transmit channel. ECould not determine the system I/O bus type. EThe IBM Streamer Family adapter is configured for I/O mode in a 10-bit ISA system. EThe adapter card did not complete its hardware set up. ISlot %1: IBM Streamer Family adapter opened for: Token Ring, UTP, %2 Mbps. ISlot %1: IBM Streamer Family adapter opened for: Token Ring, STP, %2 Mbps. ISlot %1: IBM Streamer Family adapter opened for: Ethernet, UTP. ISlot %1: IBM Streamer Family adapter opened for: Ethernet, COAX. ISlot %1: IBM Streamer Family adapter opened for: Ethernet, AUI. ISlot %1: IBM Streamer Family adapter opened for: Token Ring, %2 Mbps. ESlot %1: A media error has occurred. Check the connection between the adapter card and the network. ESlot %1: The adapter has stopped transmitting.