═══ 1. Introduction ═══ This NTS/2 BonusPak contains MAC drivers for OEM adapter cards, new applets, an updated SRVIFS, and an upgraded CID installation utility. It consists of a series of ZIP files located in subdirectories of the NTS/2 BonusPak diskette. Each of the NTS/2 BonusPak ZIP files include fixed deliverables or new NTS/2 deliverables that are not installed with the LAPS install utility. ═══ 2. BonusPak Contents ═══ The following list describes the directory structure of the NTS/2 BonusPak and the content of the ZIP files contained in each subdirectory: o APPLETS\CASSETUP.ZIP - CASSETUP files (provided on 3.5 inch media) 211nnts.scr 211nts2.scr 21nnts.scr 21nts2.scr 30fmpts.scr 30fnts2.scr 30wmpts.scr 30wnts2.scr casbootd.exe caseng1.cmd caseng2.exe caseng3.cmd caseng4.exe caseng6.cmd casinst.cmd casldls.cmd casnif.lst casrxrm.cmd cassetup.dat cassetup.dll cassetup.exe cassetup.ico cassetup.inf cassetup.msg cassetup.str cassfunc.dll cmsgbox.exe ls40a.pro ls40areq.pro ls40cda.pro ls40cde.pro ls40e.pro ls40ereq.pro mpts10.pro mpts10cd.pro nts2.pro nts2sp2.pro os221.pro os2211.pro os221sp.pro os2f30.pro os2f30cd.pro os2w30.pro os2w30cd.pro o APPLETS\MPTSAPLT.ZIP - Applet modules. casadv.fil casbase.fil casbasic.fil casprep.cmd dtf4.exe lapsdump.exe os2sniff.exe mcl.exe nbjdstat.exe ncd.msg ncd.dll netping.exe readme.utl sniffle.exe o LCU\LCU.ZIP - LAN CID Utility fixed modules. cas.msg casagent.dll casagent.exe casckrex.cmd casdelet.exe casguide.inf cash.msg casinstl.exe cassamp1.cmd cassamp2.cmd casskel.cmd getboot.cmd getfix.cmd getoscid.cmd getrexx.cmd srvrexx.exe syslevel.lcu o SAMPLE\SAMPLE.ZIP - Sample files lapsrsp.rsp service.ini service.lst o SRVIFS\SRVIFS.ZIP - SRVIFS fixed modules ifsdel.exe service.exe srvifs.sys srvifsc.ifs syslevel.sif srvattch.exe thinifs.exe thinsrv.exe xi1.msg xi1h.msg o DRIVERS\3COM.ZIP - 3Com MAC drivers. elnk3.os2 el3ibmo2.nif - IBM 3Com EtherLink III Family OS/2 o DRIVERS\CABLETRN.ZIP - Cabletron MAC drivers. e11nd.os2 e11.nif - Cabletron E11 Ethernet Adapter - OS/2 e21nd.os2 e21.nif - Cabletron E21 Ethernet Adapter - OS/2 e31nd.os2 e31.nif - Cabletron E31 Ethernet Adapter t20nd.os2 t20.nif - Cabletron T20 Tokenring Adapter - OS/2 t30nd.os2 t30.nif - Cabletron T30 Tokenring Adapter - OS/2 o DRIVERS\CRAY.ZIP - CRAY MAC drivers. pc04.os2 pc04.nif - Dowty Network Systems PC/PS-x1x4/x5 o DRIVERS\IBM.ZIP - IBM MAC drivers. ibmtokmp.os2 ibmtokmp.nif - IBM SMP Token-Ring Network Adapter ibmtokmp.txt lt2.msg lt2h.msg ibmeni.os2 ibmeni.nif - IBM LAN Adapter for Ethernet ibmeni.txt ibmenii.os2 ibmenii.nif - IBM LAN Adapter/A for Ethernet ibmenii.txt ibmmpc.os2 ibmmpc.nif - IBM Streamer Family Adapter ibmmpc.txt ltc.msg ltch.msg dualstrm.os2 o DRIVERS\INTEL.ZIP - Intel MAC drivers. exp16.os2 exp16.nif - Intel EtherExpress 16 Family Adapter exp16.txt intel16.os2 intel16.nif - Intel TokenExpress(tm) 16/4 Adapter intel32.os2 intel32.nif - Intel TokenExpress(tm) EISA/32 Adapter intel.txt o DRIVERS\OLICOM.ZIP - Olicom MAC drivers. olitok16.os2 olitok.nif - Olicom Token-Ring Network 16/4 Adapters o DRIVERS\RACORE.ZIP - Racore MAC drivers. rtr16nds.os2 rtr16nds.nif - Racore 16/4 Token-Ring Adapter rtr16nds.msg rtr16nds.txt o DRIVERS\TI.ZIP - Texas Instrument MAC drivers. tr2kndis.os2 tr2kndis.nif - Texas Instruments TokenLite Compatible Token-Ring Adapter tr2kndis.msg tr2kndis.txt ═══ 3. Installation ═══ To install the NTS/2 BonusPak files from a ZIP file, perform the following steps: -- To unpack the BonusPak files into the desired directory, insert the NTS/2 BonusPak diskette into drive A: and issue the following command: PKUNZIP2 A:\subdir\xxxxxxxx.ZIP \ where xxxxxxxx.ZIP is the BonusPak ZIP file to unpack. Note: If PKUNZIP2.EXE is not in a directory that is in the current path, you may copy the PKUNZIP2.EXE program from the \IBMCOM directory where NTS/2 was originally installed, into a directory that is in the current path. Example of putting the SRVIFS fix files onto drive C: in the SRVIFS directory: PKUNZIP2 A:\SRVIFS\SRVIFS.ZIP C:\SRVIFS ═══ 3.1. Installing Additional Network Drivers ═══ Additional network drivers may be installed by diskette or by using the unattended or redirected installation method. These installation methods are described in the following sections. ═══ 3.1.1. Diskette Installation of Additional Drivers ═══ Once LAPS.EXE has installed the basic LAN Transport Files, selection of the Install button will bring up the Install Additional Network Drivers panel. Enter the drive and path information (d:\path) to the desired network drivers. The drivers must be in Final Form as opposed to the Packed Form on the BonusPak. Use PKUNZIP2 to unpack the BonusPak files. Note: Alternatively, additional network adapter drivers and associated files, except message files, can be transferred (copied) directly to the target \IBMCOM\MACS subdirectory. Message files must be copied to the IBMCOM subdirectory. ═══ 3.1.2. Unattended or Redirected Installation of Additional Drivers ═══ Copy the additional network adapter drivers and associated files, except message files, to the IBMCOM\MACS subdirectory of the LAPS diskette image on the code server. Copy message files to the IBMCOM subdirectory. The additional network adapter drivers and associated files must be in Final Form. Please refer to Chapter 3 of the LAN Adapter and Protocol Support Configuration Guide for additional details. To install additional drivers via response files after LAPS installation, you must specify INSTALL=ADDITIONAL in the LAPS response file. All required network driver files must be stored in a single subdirectory. The /S: parameter for LAPS specifies the source drive and directory of the drivers. The /T: parameter (or TARGET keyword in a response file) specifies the target drive letter where the drivers are to be placed. CAUTION: Files must be in Final Form when the INST_SECTION of the response file has INSTALL = ADDITIONAL. ═══ 4. APPLETS ═══ Files that changed or additional applets: APPLETS\MPTSAPLT\CASPREP.CMD APPLETS\MPTSAPLT\LAPSDUMP.EXE APPLETS\MPTSAPLT\DTF3.EXE APPLETS\MPTSAPLT\NBJDSTAT.EXE APPLETS\MPTSAPLT\OS2SNIFF.EXE APPLETS\MPTSAPLT\NCD.DLL APPLETS\MPTSAPLT\NCD.MSG APPLETS\MPTSAPLT\MCL.EXE APPLETS\MPTSAPLT\SNIFFLE.EXE APPLETS\MPTSAPLT\NETPING.EXE ═══ 4.1. Enhancements to Existing Applets ═══ o LAPSDUMP FORMAT NETBEUI DATA SEGMENT LAPSDUMP was modified to format the latest netbeui.os2 data segment. o DTF3 REPLACED WITH ENHANCED VERSION DTF4 DTF4 is an enhanced version of DTF3. o NBJDSTAT GATHERS REMOTE NETBIOS STATUS NBJDSTAT was enhanced to include the ability to gather the netbios status of a remote workstation. ═══ 4.2. CASPREP defects ═══ Files that changed: APPLETS\MPTSAPLT\CASPREP.CMD ═══ 4.2.1. APAR fixes ═══ The following APAR fixes were first provided with the WRx7040 Manufacturing Refresh. o IC05437 - CASPREP Does Not Remove All Comments From Output File CASPREP did not remove comments from all of the lines found in an input file when creating the output file. The comment was appended to the input file data on that line. A line was changed to increase the line count of the file being read and remove the comment. ═══ 4.2.2. Other fixes ═══ The following CASPREP non-APAR fixes were first provided with this BonusPak. o CASPREP DIDN'T ALWAYS CREATE CMD FILES CORRECTLY WITH USERLINE In some instances, the CASPREP output was not correct when userline keyword was used. o CASPREP.CMD WASN'T ACCEPTING EXTRA BLANKS BETWEEN 2ND AND 3RD PARAMETER CASPREP.CMD wasn't accepting extra blanks between the second and third parameter. ═══ 4.3. New Applets ═══ The following sections describe applets that have been added since the original version of NTS/2. ═══ 4.3.1. OS2SNIFF UTILITY ═══ Network adapter detection (OS2SNIFF.EXE) is one of the new applets of NTS/2. This applet will detect network adapters installed on the user workstation. To execute OS2SNIFF.EXE, the files NCD.DLL and NCD.MSG must be in a directory that is in the PATH/DPATH statement of the config.sys. From an OS/2 command prompt execute OS2SNIFF. The following information will be displayed: CARD TITLE: LS SUPPORTED: NIF FILENAME: I/O LENGTH: RAM LENGTH: BUS TYPE: SLOT: ID NUMBER: Network adapter detection has the ability to recognize different types of adapters installed in micro-channel architecture (MCA), extended industry standard architecture (EISA), and industry standard architecture (ISA) bus computers. Different methods are used to detect network adapters on MCA, EISA, and ISA computers. Network adapters used in MCA bus computers are detected via their programmable option select (POS) ID. Each MCA network adapter has a unique POS ID. This POS ID corresponds to an adapter definition file (ADF) shipped with each MCA adapter. In detecting the network adapters, each slot that contains an adapter in the computer is interrogated for its POS ID. The returned POS IDs from the interrogation are cross checked with an internal table specifically for MCA network adapters to determine if they are recognizable. The network adapter detection function then passes the detected adapters along with their specific information back to the configuration/installation program. Network adapters used in EISA bus computers are detected via their expansion board identifier (product ID). Each EISA network adapter has a unique product ID. This product ID corresponds to a configuration (CFG) file shipped with each EISA adapter. Detecting EISA network adapters is similar to detecting MCA network adapters. Each slot containing an adapter is interrogated. The returned product IDs from the interrogation are cross checked with the internal table specifically for EISA network adapters to determine if they are recognizable. There are some ISA network adapters that have a CFG file so that the network adapter could be configured as an EISA network adapter via the EISA configuration utility. These network adapters are also recognized using the EISA detection methodology. Network adapters used in ISA bus computers are detected via information returned from the combination of the adapter input/output (I/O) ports, the range of the read-only memory (ROM) address, and the range of the random access memory (RAM) address. Information such as I/O port, range of ROM and RAM addresses are obtained from technical specifications from the network adapter's manufacturer. A specific routine is written for each recognizable network adapter. This routine may manipulate the adapter's I/O ports and scan the ROM and RAM address ranges to find the unique signature that is identified with the card. ═══ 4.3.2. SNIFFLE ═══ SNIFFLE is a standalone utility that is intended to aid in the development of network information files (NIFs). Invoked against one or more NIFs, SNIFFLE ensures that the NIF sections, keywords, and values are consistent both with the extended NIF format definition and with each other. For more information on the extended NIF format definition, see the "IBM OS/2 NDIS Driver Implementation Package". If an error is detected, SNIFFLE indicates the location of the error and provides a description of the error condition. An example of its use for the IBMTOK.NIF would be to type the following at an OS/2 command prompt: SNIFFLE IBMTOK.NIF ═══ 4.3.3. NETPING ═══ NETPING is a NETBIOS utility that executes a NETBIOS NCB.FIND.NAME. Command line options provide the capability of searching for various application's NETBIOS names, such as LAN Server and DB2/2. If the NETBIOS name is present on the LAN, the following information will be displayed. o NETBIOS name type o Node Address o Routing Information (if name was not found on local segment) NETPING is case sensitive and the command line options are: /a# Specifies adapter, where # can be 0|1|2|3 (default is 0) /n Name is NOT padded with blanks but with 0x00 /m IBM LS messenger name /q IBM LS requester name /v IBM LS server name /rxy IBM DB2/2 requester name x can be: s (sql name); i (interrupt name) y can be: p (primary); s (secondary) /sxy IBM DB2/2 server name x can be: c (catcher name); b (callback name) y can be: 0 (adapter 0); 1 (adapter 1) An example of its use for LS Server NETBIOS name SERVER1, searching on adapter 1 is: netping SERVER1 /a1 /v ═══ 5. CASSETUP (provided on 3.5 inch media) ═══ The CASSETUP utility for Redirected Installation is an applet that provides a Presentation Manager interface for installing and configuring a code server for redirected installation. The setup utility also provides a user interface to assist administrators in creating bootable diskettes for use by clients to initailize and process redirected installation sessions. Use the OS/2 VIEW command to look at the Code Server Setup User Guide (CASSETUP.INF) found in the APPLETS\CASSETUP.ZIP file on this BonusPak for additional information on CASSETUP. For example, if the CASSETUP.ZIP file was unzipped to the D: drive, APPLETS\CASSETUP subdirectory, the VIEW command is issued from an OS/2 Command prompt as follows: VIEW D:\APPLETS\CASSETUP\CASSETUP.INF ═══ 6. LCU\SRVIFS ═══ The following sections provide a brief summary of the changes to SRVIFS and LCU. VIEW the LAN CID UTILITY GUIDE (CASGUIDE.INF) from the SRVIFS zip file on the SRVIFS subdirectory of this BonusPak for more detailed information related to LAN CID Utility and SRVIFS. ═══ 6.1. SRVIFS - Supports a maximum of 15 alphanumeric characters for NetBIOS names ═══ SRVIFS has been enhanced to support server and client NetBIOS names up to a maximum of 15 alphanumeric characters (a maximum of 8 alphanumeric characters was supported). NTS/2's SRVIFS utility THINIFS has also been enhanced to support a maximum of 15 alphanumeric characters for NetBIOS names. This includes values for the /req parameter and the /srv parameter. If using the code server alias format "\\servername\alias" for the /srv parameter, the server name can support up to 15 alphanumeric characters, however, the alias name still has the restriction of a maximum of 8 characters. ═══ 6.2. LAN CID Utility (LCU) Defects ═══ Files that changed: LCU\GETREXX.CMD LCU\GETBOOT.CMD LCU\GETOSCID.CMD ═══ 6.2.1. APAR fixes ═══ There are no APAR fixes for LAN CID Utility in this BonusPak. The following APAR fixes were first provided with the WRx7045 ServicePak. o IC07130 - LCU Logging Stopped at EOF Marker LCU logging routine did not check to see if the last byte in the log file was a 0x1a. When the file pointer was moved to the end of the file and written to, the text after the EOF marker was not viewable with a text editor. LCU now checks for the EOF marker and if present, it will overwrite it with the new log text. The following APAR fixes were first provided with the WRx7040 Manufacturing Refresh. o IC05671 - LCU Logs Erroneous error When Setboot Is Executed A LCU message was added to say 'SETBOOT returned to the REXX program.' o IC05761 - LCU Command File Message Causes Confusion The message 'the command file %1 was not found' was displayed when casagent couldn't find the client specific command file. If the /d parameter was specified, then casagent will run the default command file and a LCU message was added to indicated this. ═══ 6.2.2. Other fixes ═══ The following LCU non-APAR fixes were first provided with this BonusPak. o GETFIX.CMD CAN EXECUTE UNPACK.EXE FROM CSD CID DIRECTORY GETFIX.CMD was modified to execute unpack.exe from the CSD CID directory if it was not found in the target directory. o UPDATE THE GETxxx.CMD PROGRAMS GETREXX.CMD, GETOSCID.CMD and GETBOOT.CMD were updated as follows: 1. If the target directory exists, but no files are in it, the programs exit with an error. 2. Add a SETLOCAL to the beginning and an ENDLOCAL to the end of the programs. 3. Add a path=;%path% statement to the beginning so that UNPACK2.EXE will always be found. 4. Update GETREXX.CMD to unpack OSO001.MSG. 5. Unpack was spelled incorrectly in GETREXX.CMD. 6. GETBOOT wasn't unpacking XCOPY from OS/2 2.1 The following fixes were first provided with the WRx7040 Manufacturing Refresh. o New Return Codes Added To LCU In order to be compatible with NVDM/2, the following return codes were added: 00 04 Successful Program Termination -Warning Messages Logged - No Reboot 00 08 Successful Program Termination -Error Messages Logged - No Reboot 00 12 Successful Program Termination -Severe Error Messages Logged - No Reboot ═══ 6.3. SRVIFS Defects ═══ Files that changed: SRVIFS\IFSDEL.EXE SRVIFS\THINIFS.EXE SRVIFS\THINSRV.EXE SRVIFS\SERVICE.EXE SRVIFS\SRVATTCH.EXE SRVIFS\SRVIFS.IFS SRVIFS\XI1.MSG SRVIFS\XI1H.MSG ═══ 6.3.1. APAR fixes ═══ The following SRVIFS APAR fixes are new with this BonusPak. o IC06336 - SRVATTCH FAILS ON NLS VERSIONS USING DEFAULT SERVER NAME NLS versions of SRVIFS, SRVATTCH failed when attempting to attach to a SRVIFS server when the default alias format was used. o IC06654 - RENAME FUNCTION FAILS ON PREVIOUS SRVATTCH DRIVES The OS/2 rename command failed on a SRVIFS redirected drive after srvattching to a different alias. The APAR fixes in this section were first provided with the WRx7045 ServicePak. o IC04918 - Removal Of IFSDEL Target Directory IFSDEL was changed to remove all SRVIFS files from the target directory (except XI1.MSG on OS/2 2.0 due to OS/2 2.0 problem), attempt to remove the target directory if empty, and update the path/dpath statements in the config.sys if the path was removed. o IC04965 - CID SRVATTCH Fails With Return Code = 250 SRVATTCH received error XI10066: Attach failed with rc=250 during bootup on a HPFS machine. SRVATTACH was attempting to execute prior to netbind.exe finishing. o IC05559 - Line Number Not Present In Error Message For SERVICE.EXE An error within the service ini file caused an error message without the line number. Error message now provides the line number where the error occurred. o IC05819 - Trap D in SERVICE.EXE Trap D occurred while executing SERVICE.EXE. ═══ 6.3.2. Other fixes ═══ The following SRVIFS non-APAR fixes are new with this BonusPak. o XI1 MESSAGES CORRECTED XI1 messages XI10069 and XI10143 had grammatical and spelling errors fixed. XI10051 was changed from an error message to an informational message so that the message number doesn't appear when asking to enter server name. XI10070 was modified to indicate invalid client name instead of a client name that is too long error. o SERVICE STATUS COMMAND FIELDS INDICATED INCORRECT INFORMATION The Authorizations and Shutdown Requested fields indicated incorrect information when issueing service status command. o THINSRV UTILITY RETURNS INCORRECT ERROR CODE FOR OUT OF DISK SPACE THINSRV utility returned a successful return code instead of an bad return code when target drive was out of disk space and THINSRV failed. o THINSRV UTILITY FAILED TO SUPPORT VERY LONG DIRECTORY NAMES THINSRV utility failed to support a 256 character directory name. The following fixes were first provided with the WRx7045 ServicePak. o Trap D in IFSDEL.EXE Trap D occurred while executing IFSDEL.EXE. ═══ ═══ Flat files ready for use; needing no additional processing such as Unpacking or Expanding from a Metafile format. For example: LAPS.EXE IBMTOK.NIF IBMTOK.OS2 ═══ ═══ Files compressed into a Metafile that must be preprocessed by PKUNZIP2.EXE before use. Generally these files have a File Name Extension of ZIP. For example: SRVIFS.ZIP 3COM.ZIP MPTSAPLT.ZIP