This is a modified version of IBM's OS/2 driver (Jan-06-99) for USB modems. Summary of modifications ------------------------ * fixed bug that caused system trap when connecting hardware other than 3Com. * disabled detection of optional "COMM_FEATURE". My test hardware pretends to support this command set, but it doesn't respond to them. * fixed bug in send buffer handling (underflow during flush) * enlarged receive buffer from 5K to 32K, because many communication programs do not handle very well buffer overflow conditions. Known problems -------------- * no VDD support for MSDOS/WinOS2 ****************************************************************** *** WARNING: This software is provived without any warranties. *** *** It has not been proven to be free of defects. *** *** Any use is at the user's own risk! *** ****************************************************************** "PMFax", "Faxworks", "3Com", "MSDOS", "WinOS2", "IBM", "USB", "OS/2" are trade marks of their respective owners. October 1999 Robert Lalla, Loerrach, Germany