TMS380/2000 NDIS MAC 2.0x Drivers for DOS and OS/2 General information on optional parameters for TR2KNDIS drivers. 1. Driver File Names and files. DOS: File Name: TR2KNDIS.DOS DOS NDIS 2.0x MAC Driver OEMSETUP.INF WFW Installation file TR2KFPA.COD PacketBlaster adapter code OS2: File Name: TR2KNDIS.OS2 OS2 NDIS 2.0x MAC Driver TR2KNDIS.MSG OS2 Message file TR2KNDIS.NIF OS2 Installation file 2. Typical CONFIG.SYS entries: DEVICE=[drive:directory]TR2KNDIS.OS2 or DEVICE=[drive:directory]TR2KNDIS.DOS This line should be entered immediately following the line which installs the PROTMAN.OS2 or PROTMAN.DOS device driver. OS/2 NOTE: You must specify a DPATH in CONFIG.SYS to the subdirectory containing the TR2KNDIS.MSG file to enable driver error messages and alleviate the "Cannot find message file" error at boot time. 3. Add the following section to PROTOCOL.INI [TR2KNDIS_NIF] DriverName = TR2NDS$ 4. Add TR2KNDIS_NIF to the bindings list of the protocol in the PROTOCOL.INI. An example protocol section follows. [NETBEUI_XIF] DriverName = NETBEUI$ Bindings = TR2KNDIS_NIF TR2KNDIS Parameters The PROTOCOL.INI file defines the configuration of NDIS Protocol and NDIS MAC drivers. The following table summarizes TR2KNDIS parameters. For additional information about the PROTOCOL.INI file and network device drivers, refer to the Microsoft LAN Manager Network Device Driver Guide. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Parameter ³ Range ³ Default ³ Default ³ ³ ³ ³ DOS ³ OS/2 ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ DRIVERNAME ³ TR2NDS$ or TR2NDSn$ ³ Required ³ Required ³ ³ IOADDRESS or PORT ³ See description. ³ 0xA20 ³ 0xA20 ³ ³ BIT16 ³ ³ - ³ - ³ ³ LOOKAHEAD ³ See description. ³ - ³ - ³ ³ MAXTRANSMITS ³ 3 - 50 ³ 3 ³ 6 ³ ³ NETADDRESS ³ "400000000000"-"7FFFFFFFFFFF"³ BIA ³ BIA ³ ³ NOEARLYRELEASE ³ ³ - ³ - ³ ³ NUMRXBUFFERS ³ 3 - 100 ³ 3 ³ 6 ³ ³ PCI ³ See description. ³ N/A ³ 0xA20 ³ ³ PIU ³ 265 - 2048 ³ 265 ³ 265 ³ ³ PROMISCUOUS ³ See description. ³ - ³ - ³ ³ RXBUFFERSIZE ³ 256 - 17960 ³ 2048 ³ 2048 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ DRIVERNAME Identifies the network device driver. The DRIVERNAME is TR2NDS$ for the first driver and TR2NDS2$ for the second, and so on. This parameter is required. IOADDRESS or PORT If no PORT is specified, the driver will assume the default address. Valid addresses reside on a 32-bit boundary between hexadecimal 0x100 and 0xFFE0. This parameter is required when multiple adapter support is desired. BIT16 Directs the driver to use 16 bit I/O data transfers to and from the network adapter. Without this keyword, the driver will attempt to auto-detect the adapter data path width. LOOKAHEAD Directs the driver to use the Receive Lookahead method in lieu of the default Receive Chain method. NDIS requires the upper protocol to support either method. Some protocols have been found to only support Receive Lookahead. Receive Chain will typically give better performance on DMA and PIO based adapters. MAXTRANSMITS Sets the number of transmits that can be queued simultaneously by the driver. NETADDRESS This entry allows the driver to override the burned in address (BIA). The entry must be a 12 character string of hexadecimal digits, and must be enclosed in quotes. NOEARLYRELEASE This entry informs the driver to disable early token release. Early token release reduces the average time another network adapter must wait to transmit a frame. This entry is not followed by an equal sign. NUMRXBUFFERS Sets the number of receive buffers to allocate. PCI (Required for OS/2 only) Instructs the driver that the adapter port given on the PCI line of PROTOCOL.INI is a PCI adapter. Valid I/O addresses for PCI are 0x100 to 0xFFE0. PIU Instructs the driver to implement Lying Sends on all transmits smaller than the given PIU (Program Interchange Unit) size. The driver by default will verify each transmit on the physical ring before confirming the transmit to the upper protocol. Personal Communications 3270 ver 3.0x reqires all PIU transfers to confirm the transmit before it is physically transmitted on the ring. The PIU option enables this 'Lying' send. PROMISCUOUS Enable driver PROMISCUOUS function to allow adapter to copy all frames to the upper protocol. Used for LAN analysis tools. Must install TR2KCAF.COD (or TR2KFPA.COD if PacketBlaster is used) in the root directory of the default drive to support this feature. RXBUFFERSIZE Sets the size of buffers used to queue received frames in the driver. Several buffers may be required to queue a large frame. Performance is improved if a received frame fits in one buffer. Use the following formula to determine maximum frame size. MediaMaxSize equals 17960 @ 16 Mbps, or 4490 @ 4 Mbps. MaxFrameSize = min(min(8, NumReceiveBuffers) x ReceiveBufferSize, MediaMaxSize) Note: Adapters equipped with the FPA PacketBlaster option must use special microcode to enable this feature. Copy the file TR2KFPA.COD to the root directory of the default drive to allow this code to be downloaded to the adapter hardware. This will increase overall adapter performance. Sample PROTOCOL.INI file: [TR2KNDIS_NIF] DRIVERNAME = TR2NDS$ PORT = 0xFCE0 MAXTRANSMITS = 10 NUMRXBUFFERS = 12 RXBUFFERSIZE = 1024 NETADDRESS = "400000000312"