STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS CORPORATION DOS and OS/2 NDIS Drivers For TokenCard Elite Master32 LAN Adapters RELEASE INFORMATION This software is licensed by SMC for use by its customers only. Copyright (c) 1994 Standard Microsystems Corporation. All rights reserved. Version 1.01 21 May 1994 This driver conforms to the 3COM/Microsoft LAN Manager Network Driver Interface Specification, version 2.0.1, 8 October 1990. VERSION HISTORY -- Version 1.01 (Current Version) -- Added Windows VDS support. Fixed Cable disconnect problems. -- Version 1.00 -- Initial release. PROTOCOL.INI PARAMETERS Several parameters are typically specified in the SMC8332 section of the PROTOCOL.INI file. The only parameter that must be specified is the 'DriverName'. All others have default values supplied by the driver and can be omitted from the PROTOCOL.INI file if the installed adapter matches the default configuration. Your SMC TokenCard Elite Master32 LAN adapter ignores the values of IRQ, I/O Base Address, and RAM Address and instead uses the values in the POS registers, which are set up when the adapter is installed. Below is a list of parameters and their definitions commonly found in the PROTOCOL.INI file. Both default values and possible value ranges are provided for each parameter. SlotNumber Specifies the number of the slot containing the adapter card in an EISA computer. This parameter is a decimal number in the range of 1 - 10 and is required for all EISA adapters. NetAddress Overrides the factory set network address of the network adapter. The value of this parameter is a hexadecimal string of 12 digits between double quotation marks. The address must be unique among all network addresses on the network. ERROR MESSAGES "Could not find an adapter [at slot ___] [at I/O base address ___]" The driver could not find an adapter at the specified location. "Cannot access adapter RAM properly" The memory test for adapter memory failed. "Adapter hardware failure detected (self-test)" There was an unidentified failure during adapter initialization. "Adapter hardware failure detected during initialization" The hardware did not respond correctly to initialization commands. "Other system RAM already occupies adapter RAM address space" There is a RAM conflict with the adapter RAM. "Other system ROM already occupies adapter RAM address space" There is a rom conflict with adapter RAM. "RAM base address chosen for driver does not match adapter configuration" The RAM base address must be specified by EZStart. The definition in the configuration file must be removed. "IRQ chosen for driver does not match adapter configuration" The IRQ value must be specified by EZStart. The definition in the configuration file must be removed. "RAM size chosen for driver does not match adapter configuration" The RAM size is stored on the adapter and is fixed in size. The definition in the configuration file must be removed. "I/O base address chosen for driver not valid" The adapter I/O base address must be set between 200h-ec0h on a 20h boundary. "RAM base address chosen for driver not valid (out of range)" The RAM base address must be between a000h-c000h. "IRQ chosen for driver not valid (out of range)" IRQ values must be between 2-15. "RAM size chosen for driver not valid (out of range)" RAM size must be either 200h (8k) or 400h (16k). "Adapter configuration information corrupted; run software setup program" The onboard EEROM contents have been corrupted. Please run EZStart to verify and correct. SMC and Standard Microsystems are registered trademarks; and TokenCard, TokenCard Elite, Master32, EliteSeries, EliteView, EZStart, and SuperDisk are trademarks of Standard Microsystems Corporation. Other products and company names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.