1.0 CONTENTS _____________ 1.1 About This File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Card Services-Aware Device Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2.1 IBMTOKCS.DOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Error Indications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2.2 TOKENCS.COM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2.3 IBMTOKCS.OS2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Error Indications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.2.4 TOKENCS.SYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.3 Connectivity Enabler Software for DOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.4 Connectivity Enabler Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.4.1 POINTTR.SYS syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.4.2 TOKENRNG.SYS syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.4.3 TOSHTR.SYS syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.4.4 CS20TOK.SYS syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.5 Diagnostic Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.6 System Pitfalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1.6.1 Super Client Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1.6.2 OS/2 TCP/IP 1.2.1 Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1.6.3 Memory Conflicts and Memory Managers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.6.4 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 1.7 Where to find Card Services and Socket Services . . . . . . . . . 27 1.8 OS/2 Device Driver Statement Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 1.9 Hot-Plugability and Suspend/Resume Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 1.9.1 DOS ODI Hot-Plugability and Suspend/Resume . . . . . . . . . . 29 1.9.2 OS/2 NDIS Hot-Plugability and Suspend/Resume . . . . . . . . . 29 1.10 Remote Program Load (RPL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 1.10.1 Related Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 1.10.2 Configuring OS/2 Lan Server 3.0 for RPL Support . . . . . . . 30 1.11 Requesting Device Error/Status Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 1.11.1 Requesting Device Message Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . 42 1.1 ABOUT THIS FILE ____________________ This file describes additional information on the IBM 16/4 Token Ring Credit Card Adapter. It also describes the Card Services-aware device drivers, Connectivity Enabler Software and Diagnostic Software. 1.2 CARD SERVICES-AWARE DEVICE DRIVERS _______________________________________ The device drivers on this diskette (IBMTOKCS.DOS, TOKENCS.COM, IBMTOKCS.OS2, and TOKENCS.SYS) are Card Services Aware and can be used with Card Services for configuration. The DOS drivers (IBMTOKCS.DOS and TOKENCS.COM) can also be used with Connectivity Enabler software if Card Services is unavailable. Contents 1 1.2.1 IBMTOKCS.DOS IBMTOKCS.DOS is the NDIS token-ring device driver for DOS; it is derived from that for full-sized adapters (IBMTOK.DOS) but some new keywords have been added for the PROTOCOL.INI file that is used to pass parameters to the driver. These keywords are active only if you are using Card Services. The new keywords are: o MMIO o RINGSPEED o PROMPT o INTERRUPT o RAMSIZE o PCMCIA MMIO allows the user to select where the Memory Mapped I/O / BIOS domain is located. The default value is D000 for primary adapters and DC00 for alter- nate adapters. RINGSPEED allows the user to select the ring speed; the default is 4 Mbps. PROMPT allows the user to be prompted for the ring speed during boot-up. The default is to NOT prompt the user. INTERRUPT allows the user to select the interrupt used by the workstation for this adapter. The default value is 2 (9). RAMSIZE allows the user to select the size of the Shared RAM that is seen by the workstation. The default is 16K. PCMCIA is the keyword that tells the driver to look for Card Services before looking for the adapter. Please refer to the IBMTOKCS.NIF file for valid values for these keywords. Below is a sample PROTOCOL.INI entry for this driver: [IBMTOKCS_NIF] <-- This is the PROTOCOL.INI DriverName = IBMTOK$ entry for the NDIS driver. EARLYRELEASE RAM = 0xD800 <-- this is the optional Shared Ram address MMIO = 0xD000 <-- this is the optional MMIO address RAMSIZE = 16 <-- this is the optional Shared RAM size MAXTRANSMITS = 6 RECVBUFS = 2 RECVBUFSIZE = 256 XMITBUFS = 1 2 XMITBUFSIZE = 2040 INTERRUPT = 9 <-- this is the requested IRQ level (optional) RINGSPEED = 16 <-- set the ring speed here PCMCIA <-- this tells the driver not to look for standard cards and to use Card Services PROMPT <-- put this in if you want to be prompted for the ring speed Most of the parameters can be commented out by placing a ";" (semi-colon) in front of the entry. The default values are: RINGSPEED = 4 (4 Mbps) INTERRUPT = 2(9) <-- if these parameters are NOT specified, the RAM = 0xD800 <-- driver searches for a valid address or available MMIO = 0xD000 <-- interrupt value until one is found (Autoset mode) or until the valid values tried are exhausted. Error Indications The NDIS driver signals the user when a Card Services call fails; the error signal is an alternating beep. If you hear this sound, a problem is occurring during configuration of the card and you must review your PROTOCOL.INI and CONFIG.SYS to verify that the parameters are correct. It is vitally impor- tant that memory areas requested are available. Try commenting out the RAM and MMIO keywords and reboot. If this doesn't help, check for any programs (e.g. EMM386.EXE) that may be conflicting with the memory requested. 1.2.2 TOKENCS.COM TOKENCS.COM is the DOS ODI token-ring driver for Novell environments. It uses the NET.CFG to get specific configuration information and two new keywords have been added for Card Services support: o PCMCIA o DATA RATE The PCMCIA keyword was added to tell the driver to use Card Services for con- figuration. If you don't want to use card services, take out this keyword. The DATA RATE keyword is used to set the ring speed of the card; it has two possible values: 4 or 16. If you don't use card services, take out this keyword. Here is a sample NET.CFG file for Card Services: Link Driver TOKEN PCMCIA DATA RATE 4 Contents 3 You can specify the MMIO and Shared RAM addresses by using the MEM keyword in NET.CFG; note that this keyword is not used in the same way as for full-sized adapters (for which MEM #1 and #2 are used for the shared RAM address of the primary and alternate adapters). Note, however, that you can use the INT option, to change the interrupt level, in the same way as for a full-sized adapter - INT #1 for the primary card (although INT alone is also valid). Here is a sample NET.CFG in which the MMIO and the Shared RAM memory areas and the interrupt level are set: Link Driver TOKEN PCMCIA DATA RATE 16 INT 5 <-- This sets the interrupt level to 5 MEM #1 D4000 <-- This sets the MMIO/ROM area to D4000. MEM #2 CC000 <-- This sets the Shared RAM to CC000. 1.2.3 IBMTOKCS.OS2 IBMTOKCS.OS2 is the NDIS token-ring device driver for OS/2 2.1; it is derived from that for full-sized adapters (IBMTOK.DOS) but some new keywords have been added for the PROTOCOL.INI file that is used to pass parameters to the driver. These keywords are active only if you are using Card Services. The new keywords are: o MMIO o RINGSPEED o INTERRUPT o RAMSIZE o PCMCIA MMIO allows the user to select where the Memory Mapped I/O / BIOS domain is located. The default value is D000 for primary adapters and DC00 for alter- nate adapters. RINGSPEED allows the user to select the ring speed; the default is 4 Mbps. INTERRUPT allows the user to select the interrupt used by the workstation for this adapter. The default value is 9. RAMSIZE allows the user to select the size of the Shared RAM that is seen by the workstation. The default is 16K. PCMCIA is the keyword that tells the driver to look for Card Services before looking for the adapter. 4 Please refer to the IBMTOKCS.NIF file for valid values for these keywords. Below is a sample PROTOCOL.INI entry for this driver: [IBMTOKCS_nif] <-- This is the PROTOCOL.INI DriverName = IBMTOK$ entry for the NDIS driver. PRIMARY RAM = 0xD800 <-- this is the optional Shared Ram address MMIO = 0xD000 <-- this is the optional MMIO address RAMSIZE = 16 <-- this is the optional Shared RAM size MAXTRANSMITS = 6 RECVBUFS = 2 RECVBUFSIZE = 256 XMITBUFS = 1 INTERRUPT = 9 <-- this is the requested IRQ level (optional) RINGSPEED = 16 <-- set the ring speed here PCMCIA <-- this tells the driver not to look for standard cards and to use Card Services Most of the parameters can be commented out by placing a ";" (semi-colon) in front of the entry. The default values are: RINGSPEED = 4 (4 Mbps) INTERRUPT = 9 <-- if these parameters are NOT specified, the RAM = 0xD800 <-- driver searches for a valid address or available MMIO = 0xD000 <-- interrupt value until one is found (Autoset mode) or the valid values tried are exhausted. Error Indications The NDIS driver signals the user when a Card Services call fails; the error signal is an alternating beep. If you hear this sound, a problem is occurring during configuration of the card and you must review the LANTRAN.LOG file in your \IBMCOM sub directory to determine what is wrong. Depending on the error, you may see one or more of the following statements: LTG0091E: Card Services could not be found. LTG0093E: No sockets were found by Card Services. LTG0083E: Token-Ring Credit Card RequestIO failed. Return code xx. LTG0084E: Token-Ring Credit Card RequestIRQ failed. Return code xx. LTG0085E: Token-Ring Credit Card RequestWindow failed. Return code xx. LTG0086E: Token-Ring Credit Card RequestConfiguration failed. Return code xx. LTG0090E: Token-Ring Credit Card RegisterClient failed. Return code xx. You should review your CONFIG.SYS to verify that the statements are in the correct order (especially that the IBM Socket Services and Resource Map Utility statements come later than those for all the client drivers, such as IBMTOKCS.OS2) and you should check the parameters in PROTOCOL.INI. It is vitally important that resources requested (interrupt, memory areas) are available. Below are suggested actions to help resolve these error conditions: Contents 5 o LTG0091E: Card Services could not be found. The statement DEVICE=x:\OS2\PCMCIA.SYS is missing from CONFIG.SYS. Make sure that the device driver is present on your hard drive and that this statement is in your CONFIG.SYS. o LTG0093E: No sockets were found by Card Services. Your workstation has no sockets, the socket-services device driver is not installed, or the socket-services device driver is incorrectly installed. Make sure that the socket-services device driver comes later than the token-ring driver (IBMTOKCS.OS2) in CONFIG.SYS and can be found on your hard drive. o LTG0083E: Token-Ring Credit Card RequestIO failed. Return code xx. Another adapter is using either ports A20-A23 for a PRIMARY adapter or ports A24-A27 for an ALTERNATE adapter. Either remove the other adapter or change this adapter from PRIMARY to ALTERNATE. o LTG0084E: Token-Ring Credit Card RequestIRQ failed. Return code xx. The interrupt you requested is being used by another adapter. Try com- menting out the INTERRUPT= statement or change the value used. o LTG0085E: Token-Ring Credit Card RequestWindow failed. Return code xx. The MMIO or RAM memory window requested could not be acquired. Try com- menting out these statements or changing their values. o LTG0086E: Token-Ring Credit Card RequestConfiguration failed. Return code xx. The card could not be configured with the IO/IRQ/Memory Windows requested. Try using different values. o LTG0090E: Token-Ring Credit Card RegisterClient failed. Return code xx. The device driver could not register with Card Services. Make sure you have Card Services 2.0 (PCMCIA.SYS) properly installed. 1.2.4 TOKENCS.SYS TOKENCS.SYS is the OS/2 ODI token-ring driver for Novell environments; it uses the NET.CFG to get specific configuration information. One new keyword has been added for Card Services support. The new keyword is: o DATA RATE This keyword is used to set the ring speed of the card; it has two possible values: 4 or 16. 6 You can specify the MMIO and Shared RAM addresses by using the MEM keyword in NET.CFG; note that this keyword is not used in the same way as for full-sized adapters (for which MEM #1 and #2 are used for the shared RAM address of the primary and alternate adapters). Note, however, that you can use the INT option, to change the interrupt level, in the same way as for a full-sized adapter - INT #1 for the primary card (although INT alone is also valid). Here is a sample NET.CFG in which the MMIO and the Shared RAM memory areas and the interrupt level are set: Link Driver TOKEN PCMCIA DATA RATE 16 INT 5 <-- This sets the interrupt level to 5 MEM #1 D4000 <-- This sets the MMIO/ROM area to D4000. MEM #2 CC000 <-- This sets the Shared RAM to CC000. You must specify the card's Universally Administered Address (UAA) or a Locally Administered Address (LAA) in the Netaddress field; the installation program will fill in a default value that you should change. To find out your adapter's UAA, you should boot this diskette and run the Diagnostics program. Contents 7 1.3 CONNECTIVITY ENABLER SOFTWARE FOR DOS __________________________________________ Connectivity Enablers can be used instead of card-services-aware device drivers to configure the PCMCIA socket hardware and the Card. Once an Enabler has run successfully, the Card behaves like a full-sized shared RAM adapter. Four Enablers are provided (they are described fully below): o POINTTR.SYS o TOKENRNG.SYS o TOSHTR.SYS o CS20TOK.SYS The purpose of the Enablers (with the exception of CS20TOK.SYS, which needs the card-services interface), is to enable the Card to be used when Card Ser- vices is not available or is incompatible with some software or hardware that you want to use. Please note that, if you want to use POINTTR.SYS or TOSHTR.SYS, you MUST NOT load Socket and Card Services. For TOKENRNG.SYS, you must load a device driver that provides Socket Services 1.01, which is supplied with some com- puters. The Enablers must be loaded as CONFIG.SYS device drivers BEFORE any adapter- support device drivers (such as the IBM LAN Support Program) and, in the case of CS20TOK.SYS, AFTER the Socket and Card Services device drivers. With the exception of CS20TOK.SYS, which remains in memory to handle card insertions and removals, the Enablers remove themselves from memory. Although they are card-services aware, the NDIS (IBMTOKCS.DOS) and ODI (TOKENCS.COM) device drivers can be used with the Enablers (with the excep- tion of CS20TOK.SYS, which requires the LAN Support Program/Native inter- face). For the card to function properly in systems without Card Services, it is essential that the correct enabler be used and that enabler and the adapter- support software agree on two parameters - the IRQ level and the Shared RAM address. IRQ (interrupt) Level. The default value, 2 (redirected to 9) works for all current software. Please note that device drivers that are not card-services aware - such as DXMC0MOD.SYS - can use only the default IRQ value, 2; this is because such software will always determine that the card is using IRQ 2. Shared RAM Address. The adapter-support software defines where the shared RAM will reside in the computer's memory; this is not done by the enabler. However, the Shared RAM address set by the enabler must nevertheless match the memory location defined by the adapter-support software; if it does not, communication will not be successful. 8 Here is a description of the connectivity enablers: POINTTR.SYS is an enabler that communicates directly with Intel 82365SL (or equivalent) hardware; this is a PCMCIA socket controller common to many systems. It should be used when Card and Socket services do not exist on your computer or when the versions that you have do communicate correctly with CS20TOK.SYS or the relevant card-services-aware driver. TOKENRNG.SYS is an enabler that uses the Socket Services 1.01 interface, which is provided with some computers to configure the socket and card. It is used on computers with DATABOOK PCMCIA controllers that support the Socket Services 1.01 interface and not Card Services. TOSHTR.SYS is an enabler that is used with the Toshiba T3300SL computer. CS20TOK.SYS is an enabler that uses the Card Services 2.X interface. It should be used when the Token-ring device driver that you want to use does not itself interface with card services; one such driver is DXMC0MOD.SYS, part of the IBM LAN Support Program. 1.4 CONNECTIVITY ENABLER PARAMETERS ____________________________________ Each enabler has parameters that allow it to be customized to the adapter- support software; the parameters allow you to choose such things as which socket and memory areas are to be used and the ring speed required. The default parameters will probably be satisfactory but, if you use a memory manager, you may want to optimize the use of memory by moving the MMIO and/or Shared RAM addresses. 1.4.1 POINTTR.SYS SYNTAX Complete Syntax (- and defaults): Contents 9 DEVICE=\path\POINTTR.SYS [SA/SB/SC/SD] [RS=16/RS=4] [PROMPT] [MMIO=XXXX] [PRI/ALT] [IRQ=X] [SRAM=XXXX,Y[Y]] [WS=0,1,2,3,4] [DS=16/DS=8] [PCIC=XXXX] SA/SB/SC/SD - Socket A, Socket B, Socket C, or Socket D - A RS - Ring Speed (16 or 4 MBPS) - 4 PROMPT - Prompt for ring speed selection at boot time - No prompt MMIO - Memory Mapped IO Address - D000 PRI/ALT - Primary/ Alternate adapter - PRI IRQ - Interrupt Level (PCMCIA controller interrupt) - 9 (2) SRAM - Shared Ram address [XXXX] and size [Y[Y]] in kbytes - D800,16 WS - Wait state selection - 1 DS - Data size (16 or 8 bit bus) - 16 PCIC - PC Card Interface Controller base I/O port - 03E0 Note: X is a hexadecimal number Y is a decimal number Here is an example: DEVICE=C:\LAN\POINTTR.SYS SB RS=16 MMIO=D000 SRAM=D800,16 WS=0 This would configure the card for socket B, a ring speed of 16 Mbps, MMIO address at the D000 segment, Shared RAM at the D800 segment and using 16K bytes of PC memory and no wait states. NOTE: For the IBM ThinkPad 750, you must specify WS=0. The PCIC parameter has been added to support the Port Replicator Model I, that attaches to the IBM ThinkPad 750 notebook computer, and any other Intel 82365SL-based device that does not use 3E0 as its base I/O port. The Port Replicator uses 3E2 as its I/O port base address. Here is a sample invocation on a machine using the Port Replicator. sample: DEVICE=C:\LAN\POINTTR.SYS RS=16 PCIC=03E2 1.4.2 TOKENRNG.SYS SYNTAX Complete Syntax (- and defaults): 10 DEVICE=\path\TOKENRNG.SYS [SA/SB] [RS=16/RS=4] [PROMPT] [MMIO=XXXX] [PRI/ALT] [IRQ=X] [SRAM=XXXX,Y[Y]] [DS=16/DS=8] SA/SB Socket A or Socket B - A RS Ring Speed (16 or 4 MBPS) - 4 PROMPT Prompt for ring speed selection at boot time - No prompt MMIO Memory Mapped I/O Address - D000 PRI/ALT Primary/ Alternate adapter - PRI IRQ Interrupt Level (PCMCIA controller interrupt) - 9 (2) SRAM Shared Ram address [XXXX] and size [Y[Y]] in kbytes - D800,16 DS Data size (16 or 8 bit bus) - 16 Note: X is a hexadecimal number Y is a decimal number Memory Mapped I/O and Shared RAM addresses are valid between C000 and DE00. Here is an example: DEVICE=C:\LAN\TOKENRNG.SYS SA RS=16 MMIO=CC00 SRAM=D800,16 This would configure the card for socket A, a ring speed of 16 Mbps, MMIO address at the CC00 segment, and Shared RAM at the D800 segment using 16K bytes of PC memory. 1.4.3 TOSHTR.SYS SYNTAX Complete Syntax (- and defaults): DEVICE=\path\TOSHTR.SYS [RS=16/RS=4] [PROMPT] [MMIO=XXXX] [PRI/ALT] [SRAM=XXXX,Y[Y]] RS - Ring Speed (16 or 4 MBPS) - 4 PROMPT - Prompt for ring speed selection at boot time - No prompt MMIO - Memory Mapped Address - D000 PRI/ALT - Primary/ Alternate adapter - PRI SRAM - Shared Ram address [XXXX] and size [Y[Y]] in kbytes - D000,16 Note: X is a hexadecimal number Y is a decimal number Memory Mapped I/O and Shared RAM addresses are valid between C000 and DE00. Here is an example: DEVICE=C:\LAN\TOSHTR.SYS PROMPT MMIO=D000 SRAM=D800,16 This would configure the card for a ring speed of 4 Mbps, MMIO address at the D000 segment, Shared RAM at the D800 segment using 16K bytes of PC memory. During CONFIG.SYS processing, the user would be prompted to either accept the default 4 Mbps ring speed or change it to 16 Mbps. Contents 11 1.4.4 CS20TOK.SYS SYNTAX Complete Syntax (- and defaults: DEVICE=\path\CS20TOK.SYS [RS=16/RS=4] [PROMPT] [MMIO=XXXX] [PRI/ALT] [IRQ=X] [SRAM=XXXX,Y[Y]] [DS=16/DS=8] RS Ring Speed (16 or 4 MBPS) - 4 PROMPT Prompt for ring speed selection at boot time - No prompt MMIO Memory Mapped I/O Address - D000 PRI/ALT Primary/ Alternate adapter - PRI IRQ Interrupt Level (PCMCIA controller interrupt) - 9 (2) SRAM Shared Ram address [XXXX] and size [Y[Y]] in kbytes - D800,16 DS Data size (16 or 8 bit bus) - 16 note: X is a hexadecimal number Y is a decimal number Memory Mapped I/O and Shared RAM addresses are valid between C000 and DE00. Here is an example: DEVICE=C:\LAN\CS20TOK.SYS RS=16 MMIO=CC00 SRAM=D800,16 This would configure the card for a ring speed of 16 Mbps, MMIO address at the CC00 segment, and Shared RAM at the D800 segment using 16K bytes of PC memory. 12 1.5 DIAGNOSTIC SOFTWARE ________________________ The diagnostic software is used to determine if a properly installed IBM 16/4 Token-Ring Credit Card is performing correctly. It is not used to determine problems with the configuration. A special enabler is executed when the diagnostics are run. This enabler opens up more of the workstation memory so that the diagnostics can run more tests; it has the same defaults, except for memory size, as an enabler such as POINTTR.SYS. If you change the socket or ring speed from the defaults, be sure to add those same parameters to the enabler line in TRCCTEST.BAT (the enabler is the first file to be run). For DOS, TRCCTEST checks to see if Card Services, Socket Services, or enablers are present in the system. If none of these is present, you will be asked if you would like to run the installation program, because your computer must be configured to run with the Card before you can use the diagnostics. If your computer is running OS/2, TRCCTEST will not work; you must boot the computer from this diskette (which includes DOS boot files). You will be asked for your machine type and the socket in which the Card is installed. One of the options is to run the Ring Diagnostic, which tests the ring itself and your connection to it. This program needs ANSI.SYS in order to display its output properly. Since ANSI.SYS must be loaded from CONFIG.SYS and, in most cases, will not normally be loaded, you will have to edit CONFIG.SYS and reboot if you want to run the Ring Diagnostic. However, you will find it easier just to boot the PC from this diskette - the code to format the output will then be loaded automatically. Please note that ANSI.SYS is not necessary for the Card Diagnostic. It is best not to load your adapter support software when running diagnostics because this can interfere with the operation of the diagnostic software. After using the diagnostics, turn off the system power, remove the diskette and then turn on the system power. Contents 13 1.6 SYSTEM PITFALLS ____________________ Some of the new systems that support PCMCIA 2.0 I/O cards have features that the user must be aware of when using the IBM 16/4 Token-Ring Credit Card: For the PCMCIA socket to receive power, many computers must have the power to the socket enabled; this is often done with a setup utility that comes with the computer. If you are using Card and Socket Services, make sure that your PCMCIA socket is enabled. If it is not, Socket Services will not load and will not display an error message; IBM Card Services will not load, but will display an error message that Socket Services is not present. 1.6.1 SUPER CLIENT DRIVERS Many vendors are providing customers with Super Client Drivers; these are drivers that will enable many different PCMCIA cards. PC-DOS 6.1 includes one called PCMSCD.EXE, for example. They are best used for modems and other cards that do not have a card- services client driver of their own. If you use a super client driver, try to disable support for the token ring credit card and use our client driver. Our drivers have been written to take advantage of card services and this advantage is taken away when a super client driver is used. Look at the documentation for your super client driver to find out whether you can disable token-ring support. 1.6.2 OS/2 TCP/IP 1.2.1 USERS If you are using the TCP/IP LAN Adapter and Protocol Support, TCPLAPS V1.0 for OS/2 TCP/IP, you must not use the Install option of LAPS to install the Token-Ring Credit Card driver: it will fail to copy the driver files from the diskette. You must first install LAPS, then copy the following files: COPY A:IBMTOKCS.NIF C:\IBMCOM\MACS COPY A:IBMTOKCS.OS2 C:\IBMCOM\MACS COPY A:LTG.MSG C:\IBMCOM COPY A:LTGH.MSG C:\IBMCOM After copying the files, re-enter LAPS and use the Configure option. 14 1.6.3 MEMORY CONFLICTS AND MEMORY MANAGERS USING A MEMORY MANAGER WITH YOUR CREDIT CARD ADAPTER If your computer comes with a memory manager (preinstalled), or if you would like to use one, you must configure your computer so the memory manager does not use the same memory as your card. If you do not configure your computer properly, there will be memory conflicts, and your card will not operate. To prevent memory conflicts, there are some guidelines you must follow. It is not possible to describe here the requirements for all cards and all memory managers but these guidelines should help you to make the necessary deci- sions. This information is also included in the READ.ME. The following 4 sections address the use of a memory manager with different machine configurations. Please read the section appropriate for your config- uration. Section 1: a Point Connectivity Enabler with a memory manager (If you do not install Card and Socket Services on your DOS computer, the installation program will install a point connectivity enabler for you.) Section 2: IBM Card and Socket Services with a memory manager (ThinkPad 720 and ThinkPad 750) Section 3: Phoenix Card and Socket Services with a memory manager (ThinkPad 350 and PC DOS 6.1) Section 4: Using Expanded Memory (EMS) It is recommended you read the appropriate section above (section 1, 2, or 3) before reading this section. Note: Throughout these 4 sections, you will see a given memory address specified different ways. For example, you will see the same address, D8000, specified as D8000, D800, or D8. It is important for you to realize these are all the same. It's just that, depending on the option used, it may have to be specified a certain way. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 1: a Point Connectivity Enabler with a memory manager --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. If you have a DOS machine without Card and Socket Services installed, the installation program will install a point connectivity enabler for you. On DOS machines, you have the option of using either the point connectivity enabler OR Card and Socket Services with your token-ring card. Please see the installation guide for more information on these two options. 2. Your card requires memory in order to operate. You must configure your computer so a memory manager and/or other PC cards do not use the same memory range(s) as your card, otherwise, your card will not operate. Contents 15 To prevent the memory manager from using the same memory as your card, you must exclude the memory range(s) being used by your card for Memory Mapped I/O (MMIO) and Shared RAM (SRAM). Important: For computers with multiple PC cards, you must exclude the memory ranges being used by all of them. To prevent other PC cards from using the same memory, the memory ranges of all cards in use in your machine cannot conflict (overlap) with one another. 3. To add the required excludes on your memory manager line, you must edit your CONFIG.SYS file after completing the installation. A. If you use the default values for the card, the following exclusions are required on the memory manager line: D000-D1FF for 8KB MMIO range (MMIO base address default of D000) D800-DBFF for 16KB SRAM range (SRAM base address default of D800) The required exclusions are shown in the example below (using EMM386, this is done using the "X=" parameter): DEVICE=C:\POINTTR.SYS SA RS=4 MMIO=D000 IRQ=9 SRAM=D800,16 WS=0 : DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS : DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE 1024 RAM X=D000-D1FF X=D800-DBFF B. If you do not use the default values, but instead specify the base addresses of the memory you want your card to use (this capability is provided on a screen during the installation), you must exclude the memory ranges that start at the base addresses that you specified. Please see the table below. Important: When specifying the base addresses, you must make certain that the MMIO and SRAM memory ranges being used by your card do not conflict (overlap) with memory that is being used by any other cards in your computer. Also, the MMIO and SRAM base addresses cannot be the same. MEMORY RANGES TO EXCLUDE ON THE MEMORY MANAGER LINE (for EMM386, use the "X=" option) If If SRAM, exclude If MMIO, exclude Shared RAM or the following the following Memory Mapped I/O range range Base Address is... (16KB size) (8KB size) ------------------ ----------- ---------------- C0000 C000-C3FF C000-C1FF C4000 C400-C7FF C400-C5FF C8000 C800-CBFF C800-C9FF CC000 CC00-CFFF CC00-CDFF D0000 D000-D3FF D000-D1FF 16 D4000 D400-D7FF D400-D5FF D8000 D800-DBFF D800-D9FF DC000 DC00-DFFF DC00-DDFF ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 2: IBM Card and Socket Services with a memory manager ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. You must use the /MA option. The /MA option gives the memory range which IBM Card Services (IBM CS) can use for its own purposes and from which it allocates portions, as required, to the PC cards installed in your computer. You must specify the /MA range on the Resource Map Utility (RMU) line by editing the CONFIG.SYS file after completing the installation. 2. To prevent memory conflicts between IBM CS and the memory manager, you must EXCLUDE the entire range specified by the /MA option from the memory manager. This is done by adding the required excludes on your memory manager line in your CONFIG.SYS file after completing the installation. There are several things you must know when using the /MA option: 1. The /MA option should be placed on the following line in the CONFIG.SYS file: For the IBM ThinkPad 720, "DEVICE=C:\DICRMU02.SYS" For the IBM ThinkPad 750, "DEVICEhigh=C:\THINKPAD\DICRMU01.SYS" (The ThinkPad 750 comes preinstalled with a /MA option range. Given what you read here and the requirements for your PC cards, you may decide to change it.) 2. For the IBM ThinkPads, the /MA range you specify must be within the range C000-DFFF. 3. The memory used by ALL your PC cards must be WITHIN the range specified by the /MA option. Also, the memory ranges of the cards in use in your machine must not conflict (overlap) with one another. A. The default autoset mode for Memory Mapped I/O (MMIO) and Shared RAM (SRAM) base addresses will automatically find memory for your token-ring card within the /MA range. In addition, provided you load the token-ring (ODI or NDIS) driver AFTER you load all other PC card drivers (in the CONFIG.SYS), autoset will prevent conflicts between your token-ring card memory and the other PC cards' memory. One limitation of autoset is that you will not know the MMIO and SRAM range your card is using. B. Or...you can specify the base address for the MMIO and SRAM memory range (this capability is provided on a screen during installation). You must specify the base addresses so that the MMIO and SRAM memory ranges are WITHIN the range specified by the /MA option. (The IBM LSP/NATIVE mode environment requires you to specify Contents 17 the memory addresses.) 4. The memory size specified by the /MA range must be equal to or greater than the memory required by all PC cards in use in your machine PLUS 4KB which is required by IBM CS for its own purposes. (This 4KB should only be added once regardless of the number of cards in your computer. You do NOT need to add 4KB for IBM CS for each card.) Your token-ring card requires 24KB (using default 8KB MMIO and 16KB SRAM). IBM CS will take the first 4KB block it finds that is available and within the /MA range. 18 Some example /MA, MMIO, and SRAM ranges: (You may choose other ranges to fit your requirements. In all examples, the token-ring card MMIO and SRAM base addresses were specified to the first address shown in their respective columns.) -------------------------------------------------------------------- | /MA range on | /MA | Token-ring| Token-ring| Memory range | Size | | RMU line in | range| card | card | available for| of | | CONFIG.SYS | size | SRAM range| MMIO range| other cards | avail | | | in | (16KB) | (8KB) | and IBM CS's | memory| | This range | KB | | | 4KB | for | | must also be | | Must be | Must be | | other | | excluded on | | specified | specified |(IBM CS will | cards | | memory | | within | within |take whatever | in KB | | manager line | | /MA range | /MA range |4KB block it | | | in CONFIG.SYS| | (during | (during |finds that is |*See | | | | installa- | installa- |available in | note 1| | | | tion) | tion) |this range) | below | |--------------+------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-------| | Best use of memory (SRAM and MMIO range are contiguous and at | | lower boundary of C000): | | | | | | | | | C000-CFFF | 64KB | C000-C3FF | C400-C5FF | C600-CFFF | 36KB | |--------------+------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-------| | If another PC card requires C000-C3FF: | | | | | | | | | C000-CFFF | 64KB | C400-C7FF | C800-C9FF | C000-C3FF & | 36KB | | | | | | CA00-CFFF | | |--------------+------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-------| | Using ThinkPad 750 /MA default: | | | | | | | | | C800-CFFF | 32KB | C800-CBFF | CC00-CDFF | CE00-CFFF | 4KB | |--------------+------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-------| | Using autoset mode (Autoset described in 3A above; to prevent | | memory conflicts, you must load your token-ring driver after | | you load all other PC card drivers; your card will take 24KB | | and IBM CS will take 4KB somewhere in the C000-CBFF range | | leaving 20KB for other cards in this range): | | | | | | | | | C000-CBFF | 48KB | autoset | autoset | C000-CBFF | 20KB | |--------------+------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-------| | 28KB is minimum /MA range size that can be used: | | | | | | | | | C000-C6FF | 28KB | C000-C3FF | C400-C5FF | C600-C6FF | 0KB | | | | | |used by IBM CS| | |--------------+------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-------| | Using SRAM and MMIO default values for LSP/Native environment: | | | | | | | | | D000-DBFF | 48KB | D800-DBFF | D000-D1FF | D200-D7FF | 20KB | |--------------+------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-------| | Another example in the D-Block range: | | | | | | | | | D000-DFFF | 64KB | D000-D3FF | D400-D5FF | D600-DFFF | 36KB | |--------------+------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-------| Contents 19 | Allocating more memory for PC cards (Expanded memory, EMS, NOT | | required and cannot be used in this example): | | | | | | | | | C000-DFFF |128KB | C000-C3FF | C400-C5FF | C600-DFFF |100KB | -------------------------------------------------------------------- Note 1: The number of KB remaining for your other cards. (The 24KB required for your token-ring card and the 4KB required by IBM CS have been subtracted from the total KB specified by the /MA range; depending on the memory range boundaries, another 4KB may be required.) Example CONFIG.SYS, PROTOCOL.INI, and NET.CFG files: (All are ThinkPad 720 examples.) 1. IBM LSP/NATIVE mode environment Using the token-ring card default values of D0000 for MMIO and D8000 for SRAM, here is a sample CONFIG.SYS: DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE 1024 RAM X=D000-DBFF : DEVICE=C:\IBMDOSCS.SYS DEVICE=C:\DICRMU02.SYS /MA=D000-DBFF : DEVICE=C:\CS20TOK.SYS RS=16 MMIO=D000 IRQ=9 SRAM=D800,16 : DEVICE=C:\LSP\DXMC0MOD.SYS N ,D800,0,0,0 Note the ranges taken: 8KB MMIO range of D000-D1FF 16KB SRAM range of D800-DBFF 4KB for IBM CS within /MA range 2. NDIS environment (this example is Other NDIS Environments/IBM LSP) Using the token-ring card default values of autoset for MMIO and SRAM, here is a sample CONFIG.SYS and PROTOCOL.INI: (The default value autoset will find memory locations within the range specified by the /MA option.) CONFIG.SYS: DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE 1024 RAM X=D000-DBFF : DEVICE=C:\IBMDOSCS.SYS DEVICE=C:\DICRMU02.SYS /MA=D000-DBFF : DEVICE=C:\LSP\IBMTOKCS.DOS Note: 8KB MMIO and 16KB SRAM are taken by the token-ring card 4KB is taken by IBM CS PROTOCOL.INI: 20 [IBMTOKCS_MOD] ;IBM Token-Ring 16/4 Credit Card DriverName=IBMTOK$ : PCMCIA : 3. NDIS environment (this example is Other NDIS Environments/IBM LSP) Specifying token-ring card values of C8000 for SRAM and CC000 for MMIO, here is a sample CONFIG.SYS and PROTOCOL.INI: CONFIG.SYS: DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE 1024 RAM X=C800-CFFF : DEVICE=C:\IBMDOSCS.SYS DEVICE=C:\DICRMU02.SYS /MA=C800-CFFF : DEVICE=C:\LSP\IBMTOKCS.DOS Note the ranges taken: 16KB SRAM range of C800-CBFF 8KB MMIO range of CC00-CDFF 4KB for IBM CS within /MA range PROTOCOL.INI: [IBMTOKCS_MOD] ;IBM Token-Ring 16/4 Credit Card DriverName=IBMTOK$ RAM = 0xC800 MMIO = 0xCC00 : PCMCIA : 4. ODI environment Specifying the token-ring card values of C8000 for SRAM and CC000 for MMIO, here is a sample CONFIG.SYS and NET.CFG: CONFIG.SYS: DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE 1024 RAM X=C800-CFFF : DEVICE=C:\IBMDOSCS.SYS DEVICE=C:\DICRMU02.SYS /MA=C800-CFFF Note the ranges taken: 16KB SRAM range of C800-CBFF 8KB MMIO range of CC00-CDFF 4KB for IBM CS within /MA range Contents 21 NET.CFG: Link Driver TOKEN PCMCIA : MEM #1 CC000 MEM #2 C8000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 3: Phoenix Card and Socket Services with a memory manager ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Your card requires memory in order to operate. You must configure your computer so a memory manager and/or other PC cards do not use the same memory range(s) as your card, otherwise, your card will not operate. It is recommended that you do not use the default value of "autoset," but instead specify the base addresses of the Memory Mapped I/O (MMIO) and Shared RAM (SRAM) memory ranges you want your card to use (this capability is provided on a screen during the installation). Important: When specifying the base addresses, you must make certain that the MMIO and SRAM memory ranges being used by your card do not conflict (overlap) with memory that is being used by any other cards in your computer. Also, the MMIO and SRAM base addresses must NOT be equal to (or within a 4KB range above) the value set by the /ADDR option. (The /ADDR option may be found on the "DEVICE=C:\DOS\PCMCS.EXE" line in your CONFIG.SYS. For the IBM ThinkPad 350, it is set to C8 in the preinstalled CONFIG.SYS.) Also, the MMIO and SRAM base addresses cannot be the same. 2. To prevent the memory manager from using the same memory as your card, you must exclude the memory range(s) being used by your card starting at the base addresses that you specified. The memory ranges are used by your card for Memory Mapped I/O (MMIO) and Shared RAM (SRAM). Important: For computers with multiple PC cards, you must exclude the memory ranges being used by all of them. 3. To add the required excludes on your memory manager line, you must edit your CONFIG.SYS file after completing the installation. A. If you are using the preinstalled CONFIG.SYS on the IBM ThinkPad 350: 1. You must specify the SRAM base address to C8000 and the MMIO base address to CC000 (during installation). The SRAM range of C800-CBFF and MMIO range of CC00-CDFF are already excluded on the memory manager line in the preinstalled CONFIG.SYS as "X=C800-CFFF." 2. You must change the /ADDR option on the PCMCS line in your 22 CONFIG.SYS to be set to CE as follows: DEVICE=C:\DOS\PCMCS.EXE /WAIT=12 /ADDR=CE /IRQ=10 3. You must also "remark" out the super client driver line in the CONFIG.SYS by changing it to the following: rem DEVICE=C:\DOS\PCMSCD.EXE /BEEP /COM=3 /RS=4 B. If you are not using the preinstalled CONFIG.SYS on the ThinkPad 350 (or change the memory manager options), you may decide to use other SRAM and MMIO base addresses. If so, the table below tells you what you should exclude on the memory manager line in the CONFIG.SYS. MEMORY RANGES TO EXCLUDE ON THE MEMORY MANAGER LINE FOR MMIO and SRAM (for EMM386, use the "X=" option) If If SRAM, exclude If MMIO, exclude Shared RAM or the following the following Memory Mapped I/O range range Base Address is... (16KB size) (8KB size) ------------------ ----------- ---------------- C0000 C000-C3FF C000-C1FF C4000 C400-C7FF C400-C5FF C8000 C800-CBFF C800-C9FF CC000 CC00-CFFF CC00-CDFF D0000 D000-D3FF D000-D1FF D4000 D400-D7FF D400-D5FF D8000 D800-DBFF D800-D9FF DC000 DC00-DFFF DC00-DDFF You must ALSO exclude the 4KB that Phoenix Card and Socket Services requires. The /ADDR parameter that is on the card services line in your CONFIG.SYS gives the base address for the 4KB. Depending on the /ADDR value you specify, the table below tells you what should exclude on the memory manager line in the CONFIG.SYS. (For example, if your card services line is as follows: DEVICE=C:\DOS\PCMCS.EXE /WAIT=12 /ADDR=C8 /IRQ=10 then you must exclude C800-C8FF from your memory manager.) MEMORY RANGES TO EXCLUDE ON THE MEMORY MANAGER LINE FOR /ADDR PARAMETER (for EMM386, use the "X=" option) If Exclude the If Exclude the If Exclude the /ADDR following /ADDR following /ADDR following is... range is... range is... range (4KB size) (4KB size) (4KB size) ----- ----------- ----- ----------- ----- ----------- C0 C000-C0FF CB CB00-CBFF D6 D600-D6FF C1 C100-C1FF CC CC00-CCFF D7 D700-D7FF Contents 23 C2 C200-C2FF CD CD00-CDFF D8 D800-D8FF C3 C300-C3FF CE CE00-CEFF D9 D900-D9FF C4 C400-C4FF CF CF00-CFFF DA DA00-DAFF C5 C500-C5FF D0 D000-D0FF DB DB00-DBFF C6 C600-C6FF D1 D100-D1FF DC DC00-DCFF C7 C700-C7FF D2 D200-D2FF DD DD00-DDFF C8 C800-C8FF D3 D300-D3FF DE DE00-DEFF C9 C900-C9FF D4 D400-D4FF DF DF00-DFFF CA CA00-CAFF D5 D500-D5FF 4. After you have completed the above, it is recommended that you turn off your computer. Upon power on, your new configuration will be set up. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 4: Using expanded memory (EMS) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Expanded memory (EMS) requires a contiguous 64KB block of memory in the range from C000-DFFF to use as a page frame. Therefore, when using EMS, you should be careful when specifying the memory range you want your PC cards to use. You must leave a contiguous 64KB block of memory "free." "Free" means that you cannot specify any card memory ranges within this 64KB block. With EMM386, you can then set the page frame base address via the "FRAME=" option on the memory manager line in the CONFIG.SYS. If you do not specify the page frame base address, EMM386 will automatically try to find a 64KB block of contiguous memory. Both the ThinkPad 350 and 750 come with EMM386 preinstalled and the page frame specified to the range D000-DFFF (via the "FRAME=D000" option on the memory manager line). To understand EMM386 and all its options, please see your IBM DOS manual. Some example memory ranges: (You may choose other ranges to fit your requirements.) -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ALL PC cards memory must | Memory | 64KB page frame range | | be within this range | range size| | | | for PC | You must NOT specify any | | See note 1 below | cards in | PC card memory to be in | | | KB | this range | |--------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------| | C000-CFFF | 64KB | D000-DFFF | |--------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------| | C800-CFFF | 32KB | D000-DFFF | |--------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------| | C000-C6FF | 28KB | If "FRAME=CC00" option used,| | | | CC00-DC00 | | | | If "FRAME=D000" option used,| | | | D000-DFFF | |--------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------| | D000-DFFF | 64KB | C000-CFFF | -------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 Note 1: 1) If you are using IBM Card Services, this range must be specified as the /MA range on the RMU line and excluded on the memory manager line in the CONFIG.SYS. Please see section 2 above. 2) If you are using a point connectivity enabler or Phoenix Card Services, all memory ranges you specify your PC cards to use (within this memory range) must be excluded on the memory manager line in the CONFIG.SYS. When using Phoenix Card Services, you must also exclude the 4KB it requires. Please see the appropriate section, 1 or 3, above. If you are using EMM386, and do not follow the steps above, you may see one of the following error messages: 1) One message you may see is "Warning: Option ROM or RAM within page frame." This means that EMM386 could not find a 64KB block of contiguous memory using the page frame base address you specified (you have a card taking memory within the 64KB block). However, EMM386 has gotten around the problem (and your configuration should work). EMM386 is just flagging that it is not using its 64KB contiguous block of memory starting at the base address you specified. It does require and has found 64KB for its use, however. 2) If you see the message, "Unable to set page frame base address," you must follow the steps above and free a 64KB block of memory. Examples: 1. Using a point enabler and the default values for the token-ring card leaves the C0000-CFFFF range "free" for the EMS page. A sample memory manager line in your CONFIG.SYS follows: DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE RAM 1024 X=D000-D1FF X=D800-DBFF FRAME=C000 Note: The token-ring card uses D0000-D1FFF for 8KB MMIO and D8000-DBFFF for 16KB SRAM. The "FRAME=" parameter sets the base address of the EMS page frame (the page frame uses C0000-CFFFF). So, no PC cards should be set to use memory in the range from C0000-CFFFF. 2. Using IBM Card Services, you can set the /MA option such that a 64KB block is free for the EMS page frame. A sample CONFIG.SYS follows: DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE RAM 1024 X=D000-DBFF FRAME=C000 : DEVICE=C:\DICRMU01.SYS /MA=D000-DBFF Note: Because of the /MA option, IBM CS will only use memory in the range from D0000-DBFFF. The "FRAME=" parameter sets the base address of the EMS page frame (the page frame uses C0000-CFFFF). No PC cards should be set to use memory in the range from C0000-CFFFF. Contents 25 1.6.4 MISCELLANEOUS It is important to have a token-ring credit card adapter inserted in your computer before starting some Local Area Network software; results will be unpredictable if the card is not present when the software is executed. It is also important not to remove your card once communication on a LAN has begun. Operation will be unpredictable if you do so (possible system hang). Please study the exceptions in the section entitled "Hot-Plugability and Suspend/Resume Issues." The IBMTOKCS.NIF file is intended for use only with the IBM 16/4 Token-Ring Credit Card Adapter. Errors may result if it is used with other Token-Ring adapters. The IBM ThinkPad 750/750C notebook computer typically uses Card and Socket Services. If you do not want to use Card and Socket Services, you can use POINTTR.SYS but you must use the WS=0 parameter on the command line of the enabler for the card to function properly in this computer. A system hang may result if POINTTR.SYS is used with Card Services. If you upgrade to Card Services, you should use the Credit Card Installation program to remove any connectivity enablers. The Toshiba T3300SL computer uses a special version of MS-DOS 5.0 and its CONFIG.SYS includes a statement that executes a utility called SETVER.EXE. This particular version of SETVER.EXE is incompatible with network operating environments like DOS LAN Requester - an error occurs that indicates an incorrect DOS version. This has not been found on other MS-DOS machines. The installation utility will remark out this utility in CONFIG.SYS on the Toshiba. If you use two cards in a single machine with Card Services and you are using the NDIS driver, it is important to edit the section for the second card [IBMTOKCS2_NIF] in the PROTOCOL.INI to remark out the references to MMIO and RAM. This is to ensure that the drivers can allocate the memory resources necessary for each driver. If you use two cards in a single machine, we recommend that you set each card to a different interrupt level. You can do this in PROTOCOL.INI and NET.CFG when using Card Services. The following computers have two PCMCIA sockets; here are their socket assignments: 26 Socket A (or 1) Socket B (or 2) --------------- --------------- AST Powerexec Bottom Top IBM ThinkPad 720 Top Bottom IBM ThinkPad 750 Top Bottom NEC UltraLite VERSA Bottom Top The PS/2-E Model 9533 has four PCMCIA sockets. Here are its socket assign- ments: Socket A - Front Top Socket B - Front Bottom Socket C - Back Top Socket D - Back Bottom The IBM Port Replicator has two PCMCIA sockets. If you are using a point enabler, they have the following assignments: Socket A - Top Socket Socket B - Bottom Socket With the POINTTR.SYS enabler, you must use the PCIC=03E2 parameter for the Port Replicator. Single-socket machines use Socket A. If you plan to use the Personal Computer LAN Program (PCLP) as a server on a computer with an IBM Token-ring Credit Card adapter, it is recommended that you use the LAN Support Program native token-ring driver (DXMC0MOD.SYS). Contents 27 1.7 WHERE TO FIND CARD SERVICES AND SOCKET SERVICES ____________________________________________________ Device Driver | Description -----------------+--------------------------------------------------------- PCMCIA.SYS | OS/2 Card Services. This device driver ships with | OS/2 2.1. It can be installed either when you first | install OS/2 2.1 or by using 'Selective Install'. | IBMDOSCS.SYS | IBM DOS Card Services. This device driver ships on a | diskette included with your PC. For example, | the diskette is labeled 'IBM ThinkPad 750/750C/750P | Utility Diskette' if you purchased an IBM ThinkPad | 750, 750C, or 750P. | IBM2SS01.SYS | IBM OS/2 Socket Services. This device driver ships on a IBM2SS02.SYS | diskette included with your workstation. For example, | the diskette is labeled 'IBM ThinkPad 750/750C/750P | Utility Diskette' if you purchased an IBM ThinkPad | 750, 750C, or 750P. The driver ending in 01 is | for ISA-bus machines. The driver ending in 02 is for | Micro Channel machines. | IBMDSS01.SYS | IBM DOS Socket Services. This device driver ships on a IBMDSS02.SYS | diskette included with your workstation. For example, | the diskette is labeled 'IBM ThinkPad 750/750C/750P | Utility Diskette' if you purchased an IBM ThinkPad | 750, 750C, or 750P. The driver ending in 01 is | for ISA-bus machines. The driver ending in 02 is for | Micro Channel machines. | ICRMU01.SYS | IBM OS/2 Resource Map Utility. This device driver ships ICRMU02.SYS | on a diskette included with your workstation. For | example the diskette is labeled 'IBM ThinkPad | 750/750C/750P Utility Diskette' if you purchased an | IBM ThinkPad 750, 750C, or 750P. The driver ending in | 01 is for ISA-bus machines. The driver ending in 02 is | for Micro Channel machines. | DICRMU01.SYS | IBM DOS Resource Map Utility. This device driver ships DICRMU02.SYS | on a diskette included with your workstation. For | example the diskette is labeled 'IBM ThinkPad | 750/750C/750P Utility Diskette' if you purchased an | IBM ThinkPad 750, 750C, or 750P. The driver ending in | 01 is for ISA-bus machines. The driver ending in 02 is | for Micro Channel machines. 1.8 OS/2 DEVICE DRIVER STATEMENT ORDER _______________________________________ For OS/2, the order of statements in your CONFIG.SYS is very important. The order must be: 28 DEVICE=C:\OS2\PCMCIA.SYS <-- Card Services . . DEVICE=C:\IBMCOM\MACS\IBMTOKCS.OS2 <-- Client Token-Ring Driver . . DEVICE=C:\IBM2SS02.SYS <-- Socket Services DEVICE=C:\ICRMU02.SYS <-- Resource MAP utility The installation program will examine your CONFIG.SYS and move Socket Ser- vices and the Resource Map Utility to the bottom of the file, if they are not there already. They do not have to be the last statements in CONFIG.SYS but they must be after every PCMCIA client driver you have installed; the bottom of CONFIG.SYS is the obvious place to ensure this. 1.9 HOT-PLUGABILITY AND SUSPEND/RESUME ISSUES ______________________________________________ The DOS ODI and OS/2 NDIS drivers on this diskette support a level of hot- plugability and Suspend/Resume. Hot-plugability refers to the ability to remove and insert your card at any time while the machine is running. If you follow these guidelines, no damage will occur to your card, machine, or soft- ware. Hot-plugging has the advantage of allowing you to remove your card when you are using battery power, thus reducing the drain on your battery. It also provides greater freedom in using portable computers in a portable manner. To use the hot-plugging features of this card, you must: o Use Card and Socket Services. If you are using a point enabler, DO NOT attempt to unplug your card while the machine is powered on. You may damage both your card and the machine if you do. o Use either the DOS ODI environment or the OS/2 NDIS environment. At the present time the OS/2 ODI, DOS Native, and DOS NDIS environments do not support hot-plugability. Removing your card while using any of these may result in a system hang or the inability to access your LAN applications. o Boot your machine with your card inserted. The current hot-plugging fea- tures do not support the ability to insert your card for the first time after the machine has been powered on. o Close all of your LAN applications before removing the card. Presently, this card supports hot-plugability at the device driver level. Until LAN applications such as LAPS, Novell, or Banyan begin to support hot- plugability at the application level, it is necessary to stop the appli- cation BEFORE removing the card. If you fail to do this, you may not be able to use your application without rebooting your machine or you may hang your system. o Remove your card before going into suspend. Some machines may hang if the card remains inserted when the machine is put into suspend. For hot- plugging to work properly, it is recommended that you remove the card before using the suspend feature. Contents 29 The following sections describe, in more detail, the exact procedure to follow for each of the supported hot-plugging environments. 1.9.1 DOS ODI HOT-PLUGABILITY AND SUSPEND/RESUME To remove the card or go into a suspend mode, you must first unload all the drivers. This is done by removing them in the reverse order of installation by typing the following at the DOS prompt: netx u (route u) ipxodi u tokencs u lsl u At this point, you may remove the card from your machine. Once the card is removed, you may enter and exit suspend mode as often as you like before reinstalling the card. It is best to reinstall the card while the machine is not in suspend mode. After re-inserting the card or resuming, you can restart your network soft- ware by typing the following at the DOS prompt: lsl tokencs ipxodi (route) netx 1.9.2 OS/2 NDIS HOT-PLUGABILITY AND SUSPEND/RESUME To remove the card or go into Suspend, you must first shut down all of your applications that are using the card. This could be any of IBM LAN Server, IBM Communications Manager/2, or IBM PC/3270 for Windows (running on the OS/2 desktop). After the applications have shut down, you can safely remove the card or go into suspend mode. After you re-insert the card and resume, you can re-start your applications. If you experience a TRAP 0003 in the IBMS506$ device when you Resume or re- insert the adapter, you can either replace the BASEDEV=IBM1S506.ADD statement in CONFIG.SYS with BASEDEV=IBMINT13.I13, or contact IBM for an updated IBM1S506.ADD. As of this writing, an updated IBM1S506.ADD was under test. One scenario that does not work is suspending and then removing the card. The card will not be recognized when it is re-inserted. If you want to do something like this, you must first remove the card and then suspend. You can then resume later and re-insert the card later. 30 1.10 REMOTE PROGRAM LOAD (RPL) _______________________________ The card supports the use of remote program load, the downloading of an oper- ating system from a server when you turn the computer on. NOTE 1: This is only possible on a computer that supports Remote Program Load with PCMCIA devices. Currently, the IBM PS/2 E and the ThinkPad 750 support RPL. NOTE 2: You cannot use Card Services on the computer which has been IPLed remotely; you must use a Point Enabler such as POINTTR.SYS for the Token-ring card and for any other cards you want to use. From an IBM LAN Server, you may download either a DOS or an OS/2 image. If you are using a Novell Server, however, you can load only a DOS image. The IBM Token-Ring Credit Card Adapter II supports RPL from the following types of servers: o OS/2 Lan Server 3.0 o Novell NetWare v3.11 and v4. 1.10.1 RELATED DOCUMENTATION In addition to the instructions provided here, you may want to refer to "The IBM Token-Ring Network Remote Program Load User's Guide" for information regarding the operation of RPL. You can obtain a copy of this booklet by ordering IBM publication No. SK2T-0333-00. 1.10.2 CONFIGURING OS/2 LAN SERVER 3.0 FOR RPL SUPPORT NOTE to OS/2 users: To RIPL OS/2 to a requester with a token-ring credit card adapter, you must install OS/2 version 2.1 (or later) for RIPL on your server. In addition, LAN Server 3.0 requires a patch to allow it to RIPL OS/2 2.1. This patch can be found both on CompuServ and TALKLINK, as well as in 'IBM LAN Server Version 3.0 Select Pack IP07001'. Please consult the README file that comes with the patch concerning how and when the patch is applied. SECTIONS: I) Installing LAN Adapter and Protocol Support II) Installing LAN Server 3.0 RIPL Workstation Support III) Copying Files to Support OS/2 RIPL Workstations IV) Setting Up RIPL Files A) Installing the Required Files B) Creating Files for DOS and OS/2 RIPL C) Updating Files for DOS RIPL D) Creating Files for OS/2 RIPL Contents 31 E) Updating Files for OS/2 RIPL V) Starting the Server VI) Creating a Model for OS/2 Requester Profiles VII) Configuring a DOS RPL Requester Profile VIII) Configuring an OS/2 RPL Requester Profile IX) Configuring a Selectable Boot RPL Requester Profile X) Starting RIPL Service XI) Running the Token-Ring Credit Card Adapter Diagnostics (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1993 +--- WHERE TO START ---------------------------------------------+ | | | o If you are installing a new server, go to section I, | | "Installing LAN Adapter and Protocol Support". | | | | o If your server already has LAPS installed, but needs | | to have LS 3.0 DOS RIPL or OS/2 RIPL support installed, | | go to section II, "Installing LAN Server 3.0 RIPL | | Workstation Support". | | | | o If your server already has LAPS and LS 3.0 OS/2 RIPL | | support installed, but you need to RIPL a different | | version of OS/2, go to section III, "Copying Files to | | Support OS/2 RIPL Workstations". | | | | o If the above conditions do not apply, go to section IV, | | "Setting Up RIPL Files". | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I) Installing LAN Adapter and Protocol Support To install LAN adapter and protocol support (LAPS), refer to the LAN Server 3.0 documentation for detailed information. Be sure to shut down and restart the system before continuing with the next section. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- II) Installing LAN Server 3.0 RIPL Workstation Support To install the LAN Server 3.0 RIPL workstation support, do the following: 1. Insert the "LAN Server 3.0 Install Disk" into drive A. 2. Run LANINST.EXE (located in the A:\ directory). 3. Select OK, then ADVANCED. 4. Select INSTALL OR CONFIGURE THIS WORKSTATION; then select OK. 5. If the message "HPFS partition not created" appears, select OK. 6. Choose the server type DOMAIN CONTROLLER; then select OK. 32 7. Choose INSTALL OR REMOVE A COMPONENT; then select OK. 8. Select OS/2 REMOTE IPL and DOS REMOTE IPL. 9. Select INSTALL; then select OK. 10. Select CONFIGURE A COMPONENT; then select OK. 11. Select SERVER; then select CONFIGURE. 12. Type your server name and domain name; then select OK. 13. Select one of the following, then select OK: o "START SERVER AUTOMATICALLY" to start the server at the time the machine is first started o "DO NOT START THE SERVER AUTOMATICALLY" to not start the server at the time the machine is first started 14. In the SERVER SERVICES panel: a. Select REMOTE IPL; then select ON b. Select OK 15. Select OK to leave the CONFIGURE panel. 16. Select APPLY THE CHANGES; then select OK. 17. Insert the appropriate diskettes into drive A when prompted to do so; then select OK after inserting each diskette. 18. Note the information in the FILE BACKUP panel; then select OK. 19. Note the information in the DEFAULT USER ID AND PASSWORD panel; then select OK. 20. Note the information in the SHUTDOWN REQUIREMENTS panel; then select OK. 21. Remove any diskette remaining in drive A; then shut down and restart the workstation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- III) Copying Files to Support OS/2 RIPL Workstations NOTE: The following assumes that the LS 3.0 server is running OS/2 2.1, as opposed to running OS/2 2.0 with 2.1 RIPL support. If your server is not running OS/2 2.1, please consult the README file in the LS 3.0 patch concerning the exact sequence needed to install OS/2 for RIPL support. To copy the files necessary to support OS/2 RIPL workstations, do the following: Contents 33 1. Restart the workstation. 2. Insert the "OS/2 2.1 Diskette 7" in drive A. 3. Enter CD OS2\INSTALL on the C disk to change the directory. 4. Run UNPACK A:\RIPLINST. 5. Run RIPLINST.EXE. This program installs an OS/2 2.1 image on the hard disk drive. 6. Select INSTALL to accept the default directories listed in the panel. 7. Insert the appropriate diskettes into drive A when prompted to do so; then select OK after inserting each diskette. 8. When the installation is complete, remove the last diskette from drive A; then select OK followed by EXIT. 9. Run the command file contained in the LS 3.0 patch to install the OS/2 2.1 RIPL support code. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV) Setting Up RIPL Files The following sections describe the procedures for installing, creating, and updating RIPL files. Please note that the OS/2 token-ring credit card drivers are not installed; for OS/2 the standard token-ring driver IBMTOK.OS2 is used. A) Installing the Required Files -------------------------------- Insert the adapter Options Diskette in drive A, and copy the following files: 1. From the A:\DOS subdirectory: +------------+----------------------------+ |FILE NAME | COPY TO SUBDIRECTORY | +------------+----------------------------+ |IBMTOKCS.DOS| C:\IBMLAN\RPL\DOS | +------------+----------------------------+ |LTG.MSG | C:\IBMLAN\RPL\DOS | +------------+----------------------------+ |LTGH.MSG | C:\IBMLAN\RPL\DOS | +------------+----------------------------+ |IBMTOKCS.NIF| C:\IBMLAN\RPL\DOS | +------------+----------------------------+ B) Creating Files for DOS RIPL ------------------------------ 34 To create the necessary files for DOS RIPL, do the following: 1. In the C:\IBMLAN\RPL directory, copy the file DOSNDTR.CNF to DOSNTRCA.CNF. 2. Edit C:\IBMLAN\RPL\DOSNTRCA.CNF as follows: Line 1 Change "(IBM Token Ring)" to "(IBM Token Ring Credit Card)". Line 8 Change "DAT DOS\TOKENRNG\PROTOCOL.INI" to "DAT DOS\TOKENRGC\PROTOCOL.INI". Line 12 Change "DRV DOS\IBMTOK.DOS ~ ~ ~" to "DRV DOS\IBMTOKCS.DOS ~ ~ ~". Note: the driver statement *must* be followed by "~~~", where "" is a single blank space character. Line 6 Insert the following lines between lines 6 and 7: "DAT DOS\LTG.MSG" "DAT DOS\LTGH.MSG" 3. Save the modified file. NOTE: This configuration does not support DOS 802.2. 4. In the C:\IBMLAN\RPL directory, copy the file DOSBBET.CNF to DOSNTR2C.CNF. 5. Edit C:\IBMLAN\RPL\DOSNTR2C.CNF as follows: Line 1 Change "(IBM PS/2 Adapters for Ethernet)" to "(IBM Token Ring Credit Card/802.2)". Line 6 Change "DAT DOS\PROTOCOL.INI" to "DAT DOS\TOKENRGC\PROTOCOL.INI". Line 11 Change "DRV DOS\MACETH.DOS ~ ~" to "DRV DOS\IBMTOKCS.DOS ~ ~ ~". NOTE: The driver statement *must* be followed by "~~~", where "" is a single blank space character. Line 6 Insert the following lines between lines 6 and 7: "DAT DOS\LTG.MSG" "DAT DOS\LTGH.MSG" 6. Save the modified file. 7. Using XCOPY, copy the files in the C:\IBMLAN\RPL\DOS\TOKENRNG directory to a new directory C:\IBMLAN\RPL\DOS\TOKENRGC. Contents 35 8. Edit C:\IBMLAN\RPL\DOS\TOKENRGC\PROTOCOL.INI as follows: a. Add the following statements before the [IBMTOK_MOD] section: [DXME0_MOD] DriverName = DXME0$ Bindings = IBMTOK_MOD b. Edit the [IBMTOK_MOD] section as follows: 1. After the line "DriverName = IBMTOK$", add the line "RingSpeed = <##>" (where "<##>" is either "4" or "16" depending upon your ring speed). 9. Save the modified file. C) Updating Files for DOS RIPL ------------------------------ To update the necessary files for DOS RIPL, do the following: 1. Edit C:\IBMLAN\RPL\RPL.MAP as follows: a. Locate the line "YYYYYYYYYYYY DOSNDTR.CNF ..."; then copy and insert it as the next line just below itself. b. Change this new line as follows: 1) Change "dosndtr.cnf" to "dosntrca.cnf". 2) Change "DOS~TOKEN~RING~NDIS" to "DOS~TR~CREDIT~CARD~NDIS". 3) Change "R_DTK_NDIS" to "R_DTKCC_NDIS". 2. Save the modified file. D) Creating Files for OS/2 RIPL ------------------------------- To create the necessary files for OS/2 RIPL, do the following: 1. In the C:\IBMLAN\RPL directory, copy the file OS221ET.CNF to OS221TRC.CNF. 2. Edit C:\IBMLAN\RPL\OS221TRC.CNF as follows: Line 1 Change "(IBM PS/2 Adapters for Ethernet)" to "(IBM Token Ring Credit Card)". Line 8 Change "DAT DOS\PROTOCOL.INI" to "DAT DOS\TOKENRGC\PROTOCOL.INI". 36 Line 14 Change "DRV DOS\MACETH.DOS ~ ~ ~" to DRV DOS\IBMTOKCS.DOS ~ ~ ~". NOTE: The driver statement *must* be followed by "~~~", where "" is a single blank space character. Line 7 Insert the following lines immediately below line 7: "DAT DOS\LTG.MSG" "DAT DOS\LTGH.MSG" 3. Save the modified file. 4. Using XCOPY, copy the files in the C:\IBMLAN\RPL\IBMCOM\TOKENRNG directory to a new directory C:\IBMLAN\RPL\IBMCOM\TOKENRGC. 5. Edit C:\IBMLAN\RPL\IBMCOM\TOKENRGC\CONFIG.20 as follows: Line 45 Delete the REM at the beginning of the statement. Line 47 Add a REM at the beginning of the statement. Lines 58-60 Delete the REM at the beginning of each line. Lines 63-66 Add a REM at the beginning of each line. 6. Save the modified file. 7. Edit C:\IBMLAN\RPL\IBMCOM\TOKENRGC\CONFIGRI.20 as follows: Lines 55, 57 and 60 Delete the REM at the beginning of each line. Lines 56, 58, 59 and 61 Add a REM at the beginning of each line. 8. Save the modified file. 9. Edit C:\IBMLAN\RPL\IBMCOM\TOKENRGC\PROTOCOL.INI as follows: 1. After the last parameter in the [IBMTOK_nif] section, add the line "ram = 0xd800". 10. Save the modified file. E) Updating Files for OS/2 RIPL ------------------------------- To update the necessary files for OS/2 RIPL, do the following: 1. Edit C:\IBMLAN\RPL\RPL.MAP as follows: Contents 37 a. Locate the line "YYYYYYYYYYYY OS221TR.CNF ..."; then copy and insert it as the next line just below itself. b. Change this new line as follows: 1) Change "os221tr.cnf" to "os221trc.cnf". 2) Change "OS2~2.1~TOKEN~RING" to "OS2~2.1~TR~CREDIT~CARD". 3) Change "R_21_OTK" to "R_21_OTKCC". 2. Save the modified file. 3. Edit C:\IBMLAN\RPL\NDISDD.PRO as follows: a. Add the line, "IBMTOKCS.DOS TOKENRGC", before the line containing "IBMTOK.DOS TOKENRNG". b. Leave one blank line at the end of the file. 4. Save the modified file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- V) Starting the Server To start the server, do the following: 1. Run NET START SRV if you didn't choose to automatically start the server during machine startup. 2. Run LOGON.EXE and log onto the network using a userid of USERID and a password of PASSWORD. 3. Run GETRPL.EXE. 4. From a full-screen OS/2 session, run NET.EXE. NOTE: In the NET.EXE screens, use the Spacebar to select or deselect a list item. Use function key F10 to switch to menu bar items. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI) Creating a Model for OS/2 Requester Profiles To create a Family 1 (non-PS/2) OS/2 requester profile, you first need to create a model machine. Do the following: 1. At the NET MAIN PANEL screen, select DEFINITIONS, and then MACHINE PARAMETERS. 2. Select --NEW--, ACTIONS, and CREATE. 38 3. Select REMOTE IPL WORKSTATION. 4. Complete the following fields as shown: Machine Id : FAM1_21 Description : Model for non-PS/2 RIPL workstation Network Adapter Number: (pick an adapter number that will not be used and that will not conflict any existing default model machines in C:\IBMLAN\RPL\RPL.MAP (example: 10005FFFFFFE)) Remote IPL Server Id : (the server's name) (press F4 to list) Server Record Id : R_21_OTK (press F4 to list) 5. Press ENTER. 6. Complete the following field as shown: File Index Table to model: FITS\DEFALT21 (press F4 to list) 7. Press ENTER; then exit NET.EXE. 8. Edit C:\IBMLAN\RPL\FITS\FAM1_21.FIT as follows: a) Insert a semicolon at the beginning of the line beneath "PS/2 Machines". b) Remove the semicolon at the beginning of the line beneath "AT Machines". 9. Save the modified file. 10. Edit C:\IBMLAN\RPL\MACHINES\FAM1_21\CONFIG.20 as follows: Line 45 Delete the REM at the beginning of the statement. Line 47 Add a REM at the beginning of the statement. Lines 58-60 Delete the REM at the beginning of each line. Lines 63-66 Add a REM at the beginning of each line. 11. Save the modified file. 12. Edit C:\IBMLAN\RPL\MACHINES\FAM1_21\CONFIGRI.20 as follows: Lines 55, 57 and 60 Delete the REM at the beginning of each line. Lines 56, 58, 59 and 61 Add a REM at the beginning of each line. 13. Save the modified file. Contents 39 14. Run NET.EXE from a full-screen OS/2 session. +--- WHAT TO DO NEXT --------------------------------------------+ | | | o If you want to configure a DOS RPL requester file, | | continue with the next section, "Configuring a DOS RPL | | Requester Profile". | | | | o If you want to configure an OS/2 RPL requester file, go | | to section VIII, "Configuring an OS/2 RPL Requester | | Profile". | | | | o If you want to configure a selectable RPL requester file, | | go to section IX, "Configuring a Selectable Boot RPL | | Requester Profile". | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII) Configuring a DOS RPL Requester Profile To configure a DOS RPL requester profile, do the following: 1. At the NET MAIN PANEL screen, select DEFINITIONS, followed by MACHINE PARAMETERS. 2. Select --NEW--, ACTIONS, and CREATE. 3. Select REMOTE IPL WORKSTATION. 4. Complete the following fields as shown: Machine Id : (choose a unique machine ID) Network Adapter Number: (see the label on the adapter; it should begin with 10005AF or 08005AF) Remote IPL Server Id : (the server's name) (press F4 to list) Server Record Id : R_DTKCC_NDIS (press F4 to list) 5. Press ENTER. 6. Complete the following field as shown: Image Id : STD3H500 (press F4 to list) 7. Press ENTER. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII) Configuring an OS/2 RPL Requester Profile To configure an OS/2 RPL requester profile, do the following: 1. At the NET MAIN PANEL screen, select DEFINITIONS, followed by MACHINE PARAMETERS. 40 2. Select --NEW--, ACTIONS, and CREATE. 3. Select REMOTE IPL WORKSTATION. 4. Complete the following fields as shown: Machine Id : (choose a unique machine ID) Network Adapter Number: (see the label on the adapter; it should begin with 10005AF or 08005AF) Remote IPL Server Id : (the server's name) (press F4 to list) Server Record Id : R_21_OTKCC (press F4 to list) 5. Press ENTER. 6. Complete the following field as shown: File Index Table to model: FITS\FAM1_21 (press F4 to list) 7. Press ENTER. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- IX) Configuring a Selectable Boot RPL Requester Profile You can start both OS/2 and DOS on the same requester. To configure a single RPL requester profile that allows you to start either OS/2 or DOS, do the following: NOTE: This procedure assumes that an OS/2 requester profile has already been created for your RPL workstation. If this is not the case, go back to section VIII, "Configuring an OS/2 RPL Requester Profile". Although in this procedure the OS/2 requester configuration is performed before the DOS requester configuration, either order will work. 1. Run NET.EXE from a full-screen OS/2 session. 2. At the NET MAIN PANEL screen, select DEFINITIONS, followed by MACHINE PARAMETERS. 3. At the MANAGE MACHINE PARAMETERS screen, select the requester profile name, then ACTIONS, then UPDATE. 4. Change the Server Record Id field from "R_21_OTKCC" to "R_DTKCC_NDIS". NOTE: Press F4 while in the field to list the possible values. 5. Press ENTER. 6. Complete the following field as shown: Image Id : STD3H500 (press F4 to list) Contents 41 7. Select your requester profile name, then ACTIONS, then DISABLE. 8. Select your requester profile name, then ACTIONS, then ENABLE. 9. Select which Server Record Id you want to use. 10. Press ENTER. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- X) Starting RIPL Service To start the RIPL service, do the following: 1. End NET.EXE. 2. Run NET START RPL or NET START REMOTEBOOT. If more than one server is connected to your requester workstation, make sure that one of the following configurations exist: o Each requester workstation's adapter address is configured on only one server o All servers configured for a given requester workstation's adapter address are configured identically. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- XI) Running the Token-Ring Credit Card Adapter Diagnostics The token-ring credit card diagnostics are currently run under DOS. To run them, simply RIPL DOS to your requester, then run the diagnostics on the requester as you would any other program (from the diskette drive, from the server, etc.). ========================================================================== 1.11 REQUESTING DEVICE ERROR/STATUS MESSAGES _____________________________________________ Each type of message you may see on the requesting device display is shown on the sample screen below and described on the following pages. 42 +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | ET-00:00:45 | | ID-166 | | CE-0085 | | BU-0000 | | AA-10005A000567 | | AL-00 0000 B001253 | | BL-00112233 | | MM-CC00 02 | | IO-8000 | | SR-D800 08 | | OP-0000 04 | | | | RQ-0001 | | SF-0001 | | SN-0023 | | DS-0080 | | RS-0040 | | PC-4020 | | AC-0040 0000 0000 0000 | | | | AE-249 XX-0011 | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1.11.1 REQUESTING DEVICE MESSAGE DESCRIPTIONS Each error message is presented in the same order as shown on the sample screen. ET-00:00:45 EXPLANATION: Elapsed Time. A continuously updated field indicating the elapsed time since the RPL Feature gained control. ID-166. EXPLANATION: Identification. An indication of which adapter is using the RPL function, where nnn is the adapter identifier. ___ o A value of 16n identifies all other Token-Ring adapters where: _ - A value of 166 indicates the primary adapter. - A value of 167 indicates the alternate adapter. Contents 43 CE-0085 EXPLANATION: Configuration Error. A configuration error was found during the computer's Power-On Self Test (POST). If this message is displayed, you will continue to see this message every time the com- puter is powered on, unless you take action to correct your computer's configuration. To correct this error permanently, you need to use con- figuration information from an IBM Personal System/2 Reference Diskette. Configuration information must be requested from the loading device. This request is done automatically by the RPL Feature.(1) If this error occurs on a computer that has a Token-Ring adapter with 16/4 Mbps capability, a message will be displayed in reverse video and you will have the opportunity to temporarily change the adapter data rate to match the ring data rate of the network. Select the adapter data rate matching your network, using the F4 key to select a 4 Mbps rate or the F6 key to select a 16 Mbps rate. To permanently correct this error, proceed as described above. BU-0000 EXPLANATION: Bring-Up. This field is displayed as X'0000' if the adapter has been successfully initialized and opened. If not, a code other than X'0000' is displayed and the field is highlighted. AA-10005A000567 EXPLANATION: Adapter Address. The permanently encoded address of the Token-Ring adapter in the requesting device. This address is always 12 hexadecimal characters (6 bytes) long. AL-00 0000 B001253 EXPLANATION: Adapter Level. The Engineering Change (EC) level of the code on the IBM Token-Ring Network adapter. BL-00112233 EXPLANATION: BIOS Level (Module Level). The Engineering Change (EC) level of the code in the RPL Feature. MM-CC00 02 EXPLANATION: Memory (Read-Only Memory). The first 4 digits are the hexadecimal ROM address set on the adapter. The last 2 digits are the interrupt level set on the adapter. See the operator's guide for your IBM Token-Ring Network adapter. for more information. --------------- (1) If your requesting device has a diskette drive, you may reconfigure your computer directly using an IBM Personal System/2 Reference Diskette. 44 IO-8000 EXPLANATION: I/O Address. This field specifies the base Micro Channel* address in the memory map. SR-D800 08 EXPLANATION: Shared RAM. The first 4 digits are the hexadecimal shared RAM address that the adapter uses. The last 2 digits are the shared RAM size (in decimal). "08" indicates 8 kilobytes (8 KB) of memory, "16" indicates 16 KB of memory, "32" indicates 32 KB of memory, and "64" indicates 64 KB of memory. NOTE: OP-0000 04 EXPLANATION: Open Return Code. The first 4 digits are X'0000' and the last 2 digits identify the adapter data rate, if the adapter has been successfully opened and attached to the ring. If not, a code other than X'0000' is displayed and the field is highlighted, flashing, or in reverse video. If the field is shown in reverse video, the adapter data rate may not match the ring data rate of the network. You may temporarily correct this problem using the F4 key to select a 4 Mbps rate or the F6 key to select a 16 Mbps rate. To correct this problem permanently, you need to use configuration information from an IBM Per- sonal System/2 Reference Diskette. RQ-0001 EXPLANATION: Request Count (FIND Frame Count). The number (in hexadecimal) of FIND frames that have been transmitted. An excessive request count (greater than 10, for instance) indicates that the loading device. is either not present or is congested. SF-0001 EXPLANATION: SEND.FILE.REQUEST Frame Count. The number of SEND.FILE.REQUEST frames that have been transmitted. An excessive SEND.FILE.REQUEST frame count (greater than 10, for instance) indicates that the loading device. is not responding after having been found. SN-0023 EXPLANATION: File Response Sequence Number. This value is displayed when the loading device has responded to the SEND.FILE.REQUEST. It indicates how many times valid FILE.DATA.RESPONSE frames have been received. Contents 45 DS-0080 EXPLANATION: DLC Status. The message provided by the adapter if an unexpected Data Link Control (DLC) condition occurs. NOTE: The values displayed are useful to the person writing the loader program or for analysis of a complex DLC problem on the network. Some values may be displayed that are a combination of the values listed below. NOTE: +-------+--------------------------------------+----------------------+ | HEX | | LOAD REQUESTER | | VALUE | MEANING | ACTION | +-------+--------------------------------------+----------------------+ | X'8000| Link lost | Issue a close | | | | station CCB | +-------+--------------------------------------+----------------------+ | X'4000| DM or DISC | Issue a close | | | | station CCB | +-------+--------------------------------------+----------------------+ | X'2000| FRMR received | Issue a close | | | | station CCB and | | | | PROGRAM.ALERT frames | +-------+--------------------------------------+----------------------+ | X'1000| FRMR sent | Issue a close | | | | station CCB and | | | | PROGRAM.ALERT frames | +-------+--------------------------------------+----------------------+ | X'0800| SABME received | Issue a connect | | | | station CCB | +-------+--------------------------------------+----------------------+ | X'0400| SABME received, link opened | Issue a connect | | | | station CCB | +-------+--------------------------------------+----------------------+ | X'0200| Remote is busy | Ignore | +-------+--------------------------------------+----------------------+ | X'0100| Remote not busy | Ignore | +-------+--------------------------------------+----------------------+ | X'0080| Inactivity Timer (Ti) expired | Ignore | +-------+--------------------------------------+----------------------+ | X'0040| DLC overflow | Ignore | +-------+--------------------------------------+----------------------+ | X'0020| Priority change | Ignore | +-------+--------------------------------------+----------------------+ | X'0001| Local busy | Not set by requester | +-------+--------------------------------------+----------------------+ 46 RS-0040 EXPLANATION: Ring Status. This field displays a code indicating the status of the ring. The field will be highlighted if the operation cannot continue; it will not be highlighted if processing can continue. PC-4020 EXPLANATION: IBM Personal Computer or IBM Personal System/2 computer error. This field displays an error code indicating that the adapter has difficulty in functioning with the computer. In most cases, the screen will be frozen and this field will be highlighted because the adapter cannot continue. AC-0040 0000 0000 0000 EXPLANATION: Adapter Check. The adapter has detected an internal error and cannot continue. Restart your computer. If this problem persists have your computer, including the adapter, serviced. Record the adapter check code to give to the service person when the computer is serviced. AE-249 XX-0011 EXPLANATION: Adapter Error. The adapter in the &rd. could not estab- lish communication with the &ld.. The adapter identifier is nnn, where ___ nnn can have one of the following values: ___ o A value of 16n identifies all other Token-Ring adapters where: _ - A value of 166 indicates the primary adapter. - A value of 167 indicates the alternate adapter. The reason for this error is indicated in the XX message to the right of AE-nnn XX may be either BU or OP. The BU and OP messages were ___ described previously. For a list of compatible notebook computers, dial 1-800-643-7409 (U.S.A. and Canada). Toshiba is a trademark of Toshiba America, Incorporated. Dell is a trademark of Dell Computer Corp, Incorporated. AST is a trademark of AST Research Incorporated. NCR is a trademark of the NCR Corporation. INTEL is a trade- mark of the INTEL Corporation. NEC is a trademark of the NEC Corporation. Contents 47