MKMSGF "g#c$ %l&$( 2 4053506 BeChCkCnCqCtCwCzC G(I+I.IxJ RpU"X emgpgsgvgyg|g n?q,rGs urwuw LT0h.MSG ICause: An initialization error has been reported, which has caused the device driver to not install. Action: Check the FFST/2 message log if you are using FFST/2 or the LANTRAN.LOG to identify the specific condition that caused the failure. A message detailing that condition will be logged prior to this message. ICause: This message will be displayed when the system service DosOpen request to the PROTMAN.OS2 device driver fails for any reason. This can also happen when another device driver has opened PROTMAN with exclusive rights and has failed to close it. Action: Check your CONFIG.SYS file and ensure that the PROTMAN.OS2 device driver is active. For additional information about the return code displayed with the message for a specific cause, type HELP nnnn from the OS/2 command prompt. ICause: The protocol manager failed to honor a request from this protocol stack. Action: Check the FFST/2 message log if you are using FFST/2 or the LANTRAN.LOG for additional messages from the protocol manager that will indicate the cause for failure. Correct the error and try the operation again. ICause: The protocol manager did not honor the request for the configuration image. Action: Verify that the PROTOCOL.INI file exists and that it is valid; then retry the operation. ICause: An attempt to register the device name with the protocol manager was unsuccessful. Action: Ensure that the bracketed names in PROTOCOL.INI are unique and try the operation again. ICause: There were no media access control (MAC) names specified on the BINDINGS= statement in the IBM LANDD section of PROTOCOL.INI. Action: Correct the PROTOCOL.INI file to ensure that a valid MAC driver name is specified on the BINDINGS= statement. ICause: The number of media acess control (MAC) drivers specified on the BINDINGS= statement in PROTOCOL.INI exceeds the maximum number of devices to bind (MAXBIND). Action: Correct the PROTOCOL.INI file to ensure that the number of MAC names specified in the BINDINGS= statement does not exceed ICause: Each value for a keyword in the PROTOCOL.INI file represents a configuration parameter for a media access control (MAC) device driver. The maximum number of MAC drivers allowed is determined by the value specified for the MAXBIND parameter or defaults to 16. Action: Correct the PROTOCOL.INI file to ensure that the number of values for the keyword is less than or equal to the maximum number of MAC drivers allowed. Check your release information for the number of adapters supported by this system. ICause: Either the sum of the configuration parameters require more than 64KB, or there is not enough memory to allocate the necessary storage for the device driver. If this is a 286 processor system, the sum of all of the configuration parameters must fit in 64KB. If this is a 386 or higher processor system, all parameters except the links and timer control blocks must fit in 64KB. Action: Refer to your network planning and administration guides for additional information about suggested values. Reduce the resources required by changing PROTOCOL.INI, or add more memory, and try the operation again. ICause: The node address specified must be a hexadecimal number. An incorrect hexadecimal character was specified in the node address value. Action: Change the NETADDRESS parameter in PROTOCOL.INI to ensure that the value is correct. Hexadecimal numbers can consist of the digits 0 through 9 only and the letters A through F (uppercase or lowercase). ICause: The value specified for the node address (NETADDRESS) must be 12 hexadecimal numbers in length. Hexadecimal numbers can consist of the digits 0 through 9 only and the letters A through F (uppercase or lowercase). Action: Correct the node address and try the operation again. ICause: The parameter that identifies ETHERAND type in PROTOCOL.INI must be configured for DIX or 802.3. This parameter is not configured correctly. Action: Either remove the ETHERAND type parameter from PROTOCOL.INI to allow the value to default to 802.3, or change the parameter to reflect the appropriate value. If the ETHERAND type is DIX, a D must be specified. If the ETHERAND type is 802.3, an I (IEEE format) must be specified. ICause: A keyword was found in PROTOCOL.INI that is not recognized as a valid parameter. Action: Review the PROTOCOL.INI file to locate the incorrect parameter. Correct or delete the unrecognized keyword and try the operation again. ICause: The keyword specified has required parameters. No parameter values were found for this keyword. Action: Add the proper value to the keyword and try the operation again. ICause: The value provided for the parameter is not the correct type or is not a valid value. Action: Change the value for the parameter in PROTOCOL.INI. ICause: The value specified for the parameter is either larger than the maximum allowed or smaller than the minimum allowed for that parameter. Action: Correct the value specified and try the operation again. ICause: The parameter occurred more than once in PROTOCOL.INI. Only one occurrence of the parameter is allowed. Action: Change PROTOCOL.INI so that it contains only one reference to the parameter and try the operation again. ICause: No section was found defining the parameters for the IBM LANDD device driver in PROTOCOL.INI. Action: Insert a section in PROTOCOL.INI with the appropriate values for the IBM LANDD device driver. Minimum entries are the module name, driver name, and bindings statements. ICause: The message handling device driver is not installed or cannot be accessed. Action: Check the FFST/2 message log if you are using FFST/2 or the LANTRAN.LOG for a failure message. Check the CONFIG.SYS file to ensure that a DEVICE= statement exists for LANMSGDD.OS2. For additional information about the return code displayed with the message, type HELP nnnn from the OS/2 command prompt. Correct the problem and try the operation again. ICause: The system service SetTimer returned an unsuccessful error code. Action: Try the operation again. If the error persists, contact your vendor sales representative. ICause: The device driver tried to allocate one or more GDT selectors and the system service returned an unsuccessful error code. Action: Reduce the number of GDTs used by device drivers that install before LANDD.OS2. It may be possible to do this by changing the configuration options in PROTOCOL.INI for the drivers that install before LANDD.OS2, or it may be necessary to change CONFIG.SYS to have LANDD.OS2 load earlier. For additional information about the return code displayed with the message, type HELP nnnn from the OS/2 command prompt. ICause: The operating system could not map a physical address to a GDT selector. Action: Try the operation again. For additional information about the return code displayed with the message, type HELP nnnn from the OS/2 command prompt. If the problem persists, note the message number and return code value and contact your vendor sales representative. ICause: The operating system could not convert a physical address to a virtual LDT ring three selector. Action: Try the operation again. For additional information about the return code displayed with the message, type HELP nnnn from the OS/2 command prompt. If the problem persists, note the message number and return code value and contact your vendor sales representative. ICause: The offset returned from the system service PhysToVirt request was not 0. Action: Try the operation again. If the problem persists, note the message number and contact your vendor sales representative. ICause: The address to the system global information segment is not valid. Action: Try the operation again. If the problem persists, note the message number and contact your vendor sales representative. ICause: This program requires that a compatible version of OS/2 be loaded in order to run. Action: Refer to your documentation to determine the compatible OS/2 version and install that version, or delete the IBM LANDD section from CONFIG.SYS. ICause: The request to lock a memory segment failed because the segment was unavailable or the lock handle was not valid. Action: Change the number of links or adapters being used to reduce memory usage and try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your vendor sales representative. ICause: The system service VirtToPhys returned an unsuccessful error code. Action: Try the operation again. If the problem persists, note the message number and contact your vendor sales representative. ICause: A system service request to allocate memory for the group SAP receive buffer failed because the memory was not available. Action: Change the number of links or adapters being used to reduce memory usage and try the operation again. For additional information about the return code displayed with the message, type HELP nnnn from the OS/2 command prompt. If the problem persists, contact your vendor sales representative. ICause: The sytem has run out of GDT selectors. Action: Increase the available number of GDT selectors by changing the SELECTORS= parameter in PROTOCOL.INI to a larger number. Try the operation again. ICause: The system could not map a physical address to a GDT selector because either the physical address or the GDT is not valid. Action: Try the operation again. For additional information about the return code displayed with the message, type HELP nnnn from the OS/2 command prompt. If the problem persists, note the message number and return code and contact your vendor sales representative. ICause: The ETHERAND type specified for this adapter in PROTOCOL.INI is DIX, but the MAC driver requires 802.3 frame formats. Action: Either remove the ETHERAND type parameter from PROTOCOL.INI to allow the value to default to 802.3 or change the parameter to allow 802.3 frame formats for this MAC. ICause: The ETHERAND type specified for this adapter in PROTOCOL.INI is 802.3, but the MAC driver requires DIX frame formats. Action: Change the ETHERAND type keyword to allow DIX frame formats for this MAC. If the parameter does not exist in PROTOCOL.INI, it must be created; the default value for this parameter is 802.3. ICause: A node address (NETADDRESS) has been configured for a MAC driver that does not support the SetStationAddress function. Action: Remove the node address statement from PROTOCOL.INI. Check the MAC parameters to see if the node address can be configured directly through the MAC driver. ICause: An unexpected error occurred when the protocol manager tried to bind to the MAC driver. Action: Check for additional messages from the MAC driver indicating an error, and check the bindings list in PROTOCOL.INI for an incorrect name. Correct the error and try the operation again. If the condition persists, contact your MAC vendor sales representative. ICause: IBM LANDD and NETBEUI require that the packet filter function be supported by the MAC device driver. The MAC driver installed on this system does not support the receiving of packets of the type requested. Action: Install a version of the MAC device driver that supports the required level of function. ICause: NDIS requires that MAC device drivers support a 256 byte lookahead buffer. An error code was returned when the program tried to set this buffer size. Action: Install a version of the MAC device driver that supports the required level of function. ICause: The MAC device driver indicates that it will accept a user-defined node address but is unable to process the request. Action: To use the burned-in address from the adapter, change PROTOCOL.INI to remove the configured node address. ICause: The unexpected error occurred when the program attempted to open the adapter for the MAC device driver. Action: Check for additional messages from the MAC driver indicating an error. Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your MAC vendor sales representative. ICause: An open adapter request was issued before the bind to the MAC driver was successfully completed. Action: Change CONFIG.SYS to ensure that the RUN= statement exists for NETBIND.EXE. This will ensure that the bind process completes as quickly as possible. ICause: The high-memory GDT selector for this MAC could not be found in the logical MAC cross-reference array. Binding to this MAC will fail. Action: Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your vendor sales representative. ICause: The node address specified in the PROTOCOL.INI file already exists on the network. Each node address must be unique for the network. Action: Either change the node address for this MAC device driver to be a unique or locate the other system with the same node address specified in the PROTOCOL.INI file and change that node address. Try the operation again. ICause: LANDD received an unexpected return code when trying to transmit the duplicate node address test. Action: Correct the error and try the operation again. If the condition persists, contact your MAC vendor sales representative. ICause: The OpenAdapter request made to the MAC Driver did not complete within the specified time limit. Action: Check the adapters for possible hardware conflicts and try the operation again. If the condition persists, contact your MAC vendor sales representative. ICause: An error occurred during device driver initialization. This error is preventing the device driver from installing properly. Action: Check for additional messages indicating a specific problem. Correct that problem and try the operation again. ICause: There are no configuration parameters defined for NETBEUI in PROTOCOL.INI. Action: Change PROTOCOL.INI to add a section of configuration information for NETBEUI. The minimum statements required for this section are MODULENAME=, DRIVERNAME=, and BINDINGS=. Try the operation again. ICause: An incompatible version of the redirector is installed on this system. NETBIOS will not run with this version. Action: Install the proper version of the redirector and try the operation again. ICause: This error usually occurs when an additional adapter is installed in the machine, but none of the Netbios Command resources have been reserved by the Requester configuration. This causes the Netbios commands for all adapters to be absorbed by the NETBIOS.OS2 file, which reaches an overflow condition for its 64K resource area. Action: If LAN Server or Requester is installed, configure resources to support the new adapter. The LS configuration utility will add a new NET statement to the IBMLAN.INI file reducing the number of Commands passed to NETBIOS.OS2. If LAN Server or Requester is NOT installed, reduce the number of Netbios Commands per adapter using the MPTS configuration utility. This will reduce the Netbeui NCBs parameter in the PROTOCOL.INI file. ICause: The path \IBMCOM or the default override path specified on the DEVICE= statement in CONFIG.SYS for the message device driver is not valid. Action: Change the DEVICE= statement in CONFIG.SYS to an existing path or create the directory specified as the path. Re-IPL the system and try the operation again. ICause: An error occurred when the program tried to open or write from the message device driver. Action: Check the root directory and ensure that adequate space exists for operation. Try the operation again. ICause: A program was unable to use FFST/2 to handle messages because it is not started. An ASCII file named LANTRAN.LOG is being created to hold messages. This file may be viewed or printed using OS/2 commands. Action: No action is required. If logging to FFST/2 is desired, include a RUN=d:\OS2\EPW statement in CONFIG.SYS. ICause: The IBM LANDLLDD was not able to open or attach to the IBM LANDD device driver. Action: Change the CONFIG.SYS file to ensure that the DEVICE= statements exist for both LANDLLDD and LANDD and that the LANDD statement is specified first. Retry the operation. If the problem persists, reinstall the device drivers. ICause: The system service AllocPhys returned an unsuccessful error code to the program. Action: Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your vendor sales representative. ICause: The system service DosGetInfoSeg returned an unsuccessful error code. Action: Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your vendor sales representative. ICause: The system service PhysToGDT returned an unsuccessful error code. Action: Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your vendor sales representative. ICause: The program was unable to open the IBM LANDLLDD device driver. Action: Check the CONFIG.SYS file to ensure that the DEVICE= statement exist for LANDLLDD. Retry the operation. If the problem persists, reinstall the device driver. ICause: There is not adequate memory for LANDLLDD to run properly. Action: There are several things that might fix this error: - Add additional memory to this system. - Reduce the number of active applications and devices. - Reconfigure the MAC parameters to reduce resource requirements. ICause: There are not enough system resources for NETBIOS to continue running. Refer to the message log for total resources currently allocated for all NETBIOS applications. Action: To resolve the problem, increase the resource requirements (SESSIONS=, NAMES=, and COMMANDS=) in PROTOCOL.INI. Try the operation again. ICause: NETBIOS requires the presence of either a NETBEUI or NETBIOS section in the PROTOCOL.INI file. Action: Ensure that the configuration parameters are present in the PROTOCOL.INI file for either NETBIOS or NETBEUI or both; then retry the operation. If the NETBIOS API is not needed, remove the DEVICE= statement for NETBIOS.OS2 from the CONFIG.SYS file. ICause: The device driver specified is not valid. The specified device driver may not be compatible with the network adapter or the version may not be supported. Action: Install a supported version of the device driver and retry the operation. ICause: NETBIOS could not open the device driver. Action: Change the CONFIG.SYS file to ensure that the DEVICE= statement exists and contains the correct path and name for the device driver. Ensure that the device driver entry is before the NETBIOS.OS2 entry. Retry the operation. ICause: The NETBIOS section of the PROTOCOL.INI file contains an error on the line specified by the adapter number. Action: Specify a valid adapter line and try the operation again. The following is the syntax of the adapter line in the NETBIOS section: ADAPTER# = Driver,Adp,Sess,NCBs,Names Where: # - Digit to be used as the NETBIOS API NCB adapter number. Driver - String specifing driver name that NETBIOS will bind to. Adp - Digit adapter number that NETBIOS uses to bind to the Driver. Sess - Digit specifing Sessions requested for the NETBIOS API. NCBs - Digit specifing NCBs requested for the NETBIOS API. Names - Digit specifing Names requested for the NETBIOS API. ICause: There were no media access control (MAC) names specified on the BINDINGS= statment in the IBM NETBEUI section of PROTOCOL.INI. Action: Correct the PROTOCOL.INI file to ensure that a valid MAC driver name is specified on the BINDINGS= statement. ICause: The number of media acess control (MAC) drivers specified on the BINDINGS= statement in PROTOCOL.INI exceeds the maximum number of devices to bind (MAXBIND). Action: Correct the PROTOCOL.INI file to ensure that the number of MAC names specified in the BINDINGS= statement does not exceed ICause: Either the sum of the configuration parameters require more than 64KB, or there is not enough memory to allocate the necessary storage for the device driver. If this is a 286 processor system, the sum of all of the configuration parameters must fit in 64KB. If this is a 386 or higher processor system, all parameters except the link and session control blocks must fit in 64KB. Action: Refer to your network planning and administration guides for additional information about suggested values. Reduce the resources required by changing PROTOCOL.INI, or add more memory, and try the operation again. ICause: The device driver tried to allocate one or more GDT selectors and the system service returned an unsuccessful error code. Action: Reduce the number of GDTs used by device drivers that install before NETBEUI.OS2. It may be possible to do this by changing the configuration options in PROTOCOL.INI for the drivers that install before NETBEUI.OS2, or it may be necessary to change CONFIG.SYS to have NETBEUI.OS2 load earlier. For additional information about the return code displayed with the message, type HELP nnnn from the OS/2 command prompt. If the problem persists, reduce the number of GDT selectors specified in the NETBEUI section of the PROTOCOL.INI file. ICause: This program requires a compatible version of OS/2 in order to Action: Check your documentation and install the proper version of OS/2 and try the operation again, or delete the IBM NETBEUI section from CONFIG.SYS. ICause: The value specified for the node address (NETADDRESS) must contain 12 hexadecimal numbers. Hexadecimal numbers can consist of the digits 0 through 9 and the letters A through F (uppercase or lowercase). Action: Correct the node address and try the operation again. ICause: The value for the keyword in the PROTOCOL.INI file represents a configuration parameter for a media access control (MAC) device driver. The maximum number of MAC drivers allowed is 12. Action: Correct the PROTOCOL.INI file to ensure that the number of values for the keyword is less than or equal to the maximum number of MAC drivers allowed. ICause: A remote node received responses to a Netbios Call from more than one address. Action: If the remote node sending the NIC frame is across a bridged link, the NETBIOSTIMEOUT and T1 timers may need to be increased on the remote node. Make sure if the server has multiple adapters, that the topology of the LAN was not changed to connect two separate LAN segments together during server operation. Be sure that there is not a duplicate address on the network matching the address of the remote node sending the NIC frame. Be sure there is not a genuine duplicate name on the network. ICause: The workstation received a name-recognized frame from more than one node address which has the same NETBIOS unique name registered, or a NETBIOS name is registered as both a group name and a unique name in the network. For example, two workstations may have specified the same COMPUTERNAME in the IBMLAN.INI file. Action: Check the workstations at the node addresses for duplicate NETBIOS names and change them to be unique. ICause: NETBEUI attempted to use one or more NETBEUI GDT selectors, and the resource was not available. Action: Increase the available number of GDT selectors specified in the NETBEUI section of the PROTOCOL.INI file by changing the SELECTORS parameter. Then, restart the workstation and try the operation again. ICause: A NETBIOS acknowledgment was not received within the response timer (T1) value set in the NETBEUI section of the PROTOCOL.INI file. The local link station disconnected the link with the remote link station. The lack of receiving an acknowledgment may be because of heavy network traffic. Action: Increase the response timer value specified in the NETBEUI section of the PROTOCOL.INI by changing the T1 parameter. This parameter has the following relationship with the T2 and Ti parameters: T2 < T1 < Ti Then, restart the workstation and try the operation again. ICause: A change in the network status has occurred, and NETBEUI has been notified of the change. If the change indicates a critical network status, the adapter may close. Action: Ensure the cable is securely connected to the network adapter card. Otherwise, ensure that the network is functioning correctly. ICause: NETBEUI attempted to use one or more NETBEUI UI-Frame descriptors, and the resource was not available. Action: Increase the available number of UI-Frame descriptors specified in the NETBEUI section of the PROTOCOL.INI file by changing the DATAGRAMPACKETS parameter. Then, restart the workstation and try the operation again. ICause: The configuration of the namecaching function was enabled, however, an insufficient number of datagram packets were configured to support the namecaching function. The namecaching function was disabled. Action: Increase to at least 10, the number of DATAGRAMPACKETS configured in NETBEUI section of the PROTOCOL.INI file. Then, restart the workstation and try the operation again. ICause: An error occurred during device driver initialization. This error is preventing the device driver from installing properly. Action: Check for additional messages indicating a specific problem. Correct that problem and try the operation again. ICause: There are no configuration parameters defined for TCPBEUI in PROTOCOL.INI. Action: Change PROTOCOL.INI to add a section of configuration information for TCPBEUI. The minimum statements required for this section are MODULENAME=, DRIVERNAME=, and BINDINGS=. Try the operation again. ICause: There were no media access control (MAC) names specified on the BINDINGS= statment in the IBM TCPBEUI section of PROTOCOL.INI. Action: Correct the PROTOCOL.INI file to ensure that a valid MAC driver name is specified on the BINDINGS= statement. ICause: The number of media acess control (MAC) drivers specified on the BINDINGS= statement in PROTOCOL.INI exceeds the maximum number of devices to bind (MAXBIND). Action: Correct the PROTOCOL.INI file to ensure that the number of MAC names specified in the BINDINGS= statement does not exceed ICause: Either the sum of the configuration parameters require more than 64KB, or there is not enough memory to allocate the necessary storage for the device driver. If this is a 286 processor system, the sum of all of the configuration parameters must fit in 64KB. If this is a 386 or higher processor system, all parameters except the link and session control blocks must fit in 64KB. Action: Refer to your network planning and administration guides for additional information about suggested values. Reduce the resources required by changing PROTOCOL.INI, or add more memory, and try the operation again. ICause: The device driver tried to allocate one or more GDT selectors and the system service returned an unsuccessful error code. Action: Reduce the number of GDTs used by device drivers that install before TCPBEUI.OS2. It may be possible to do this by changing the configuration options in PROTOCOL.INI for the drivers that install before TCPBEUI.OS2, or it may be necessary to change CONFIG.SYS to have TCPBEUI.OS2 load earlier. For additional information about the return code displayed with the message, type HELP nnnn from the OS/2 command prompt. If the problem persists, reduce the number of GDT selectors specified in the TCPBEUI section of the PROTOCOL.INI file. ICause: This program requires a compatible version of OS/2 in order to Action: Check your documentation and install the proper version of OS/2 and try the operation again, or delete the IBM TCPBEUI section from CONFIG.SYS. ICause: The value specified for the node address (NETADDRESS) must contain 12 hexadecimal numbers. Hexadecimal numbers can consist of the digits 0 through 9 and the letters A through F (uppercase or lowercase). Action: Correct the node address and try the operation again. ICause: The value for the keyword in the PROTOCOL.INI file represents a configuration parameter for a media access control (MAC) device driver. The maximum number of MAC drivers allowed is 12. Action: Correct the PROTOCOL.INI file to ensure that the number of values for the keyword is less than or equal to the maximum number of MAC drivers allowed. ECause: Errors occurred when TCPBEUI made TCP/IP calls to open and bind sockets to a TCP/IP network interface. Action: Make certain that TCP/IP is properly installed and configured. Correct the TCP/IP configuration so that at least one network interface is configured. ECause: TCPBEUI tried to resolve a NETBIOS name into a TCP/IP name by asking the TCP/IP Domain Name Server(DNS) but the gethostbyname call returned an error indicating that the DNS did not answer. Action: Make certain that TCP/IP is properly installed and configured. Correct the configuration so that the Domain Name Server is properly identified. Do not use DOMAINSCOPE in your protocol.ini if a DNS is unavailable. ECause: TCPBEUI tried and was unable to determine the TCP/IP lan interface to use for each logical adapter by matching the parameters on the TCPBEUI bindings statement with the parameters on the TCP/IP bindings statement found in the PROTOCOL.INI file. Action: Make sure that the TCPIP section is defined in PROTOCOL.INI and that the DriverName = TCPIP$. Make sure that each parameter defined on the bindings statement in the TCPBEUI section also appears on the bindings statement in the TCP/IP section of PROTOCOL.INI. ECause: TCPBEUI tried and was unable to get the TCP/IP loopback address. Action: Make sure that the TCP/IP loopback address is defined in SETUP.CMD. ICause: The TCP/IP network interface is not available for use by TCPBEUI. Action: Make certain that TCP/IP is properly installed and configured. Correct the TCP/IP configuration so that the network interface is configured. ICause: A remote node received responses to a NETBIOS command from more than one address. Action: If the local workstation is configured to run NETBIOS over TCP/IP on more than one LAN adapter, it is possible that the remote workstation reported a name-in-conflict for more than one adapter on the same workstation. If so, this message is informational and can probably be ignored. If the remote node sending the NIC frame is across a bridged link, the NETBIOSTIMEOUT and T1 timers may need to be increased on the remote node. Make sure if the server has multiple adapters, that the topology of the LAN was not changed to connect two separate LAN segments together during server operation. Be sure that there is not a duplicate address on the network matching the address of the remote node sending the NIC frame. Be sure there is not a genuine duplicate name on the network. ICause: The workstation received a name-recognized frame from more than one TCP/IP address which has the same NETBIOS unique name registered, or a NETBIOS name is registered as both a group name and a unique name in the network. For example, two workstations may have specified the same COMPUTERNAME in the IBMLAN.INI file. If you are running NETBIOS over TCP/IP on another workstation with multiple LAN adapters, this workstation may have received two name-recognized frames from that workstation. Action: Check the workstations at the TCP/IP addresses for duplicate NETBIOS names and change them to be unique. If the TCP/IP addresses reported are from the same workstation, this message is informational and can probably be ignored. ICause: An OS/2 error occurred while updating the specified file. The file was not updated. Action: Switch to another OS/2 session and make sure the file is not in use by another session. Select Retry to perform the operation again. For additional information, see the FFST/2 message log if you are using FFST/2 or the LANTRAN.LOG. Select Cancel to return to the window displayed before the update error occurred. If you cannot correct the error, select Exit to return to the installation/configuration program. ICause: An OS/2 error occurred while attempting to read the specified file. The file could not be read. Action: Switch to another OS/2 session and make sure the file is not in use by another session. Select Retry to perform the operation again. For additional information, see the FFST/2 message log if you are using FFST/2 or the LANTRAN.LOG. Select Cancel to return to the previous window. (Cancel is not available for some configurations.) If you cannot correct the error, select Exit to return to the installation/configuration program. ICause: An OS/2 error occurred while copying the specified file to the specified subdirectory. Action: Switch to another OS/2 session and verify that the file is not in use by another session. Select Retry to perform the operation again. For additional information, see the FFST/2 message log if you are using FFST/2 or the LANTRAN.LOG. Select Ignore to continue. Select Cancel to return to the previous window. If you cannot correct the error, select Exit to return to the installation/configuration program. ICause: The value in an entry field is out of range. Action: Select OK to close this message and return to the field indicated by the cursor. Type the correct information as indicated by the message. For more information, press F1 on that field to display help information for the field. ICause: An incorrect or incomplete path was typed in the Path field in the Select Default PROTOCOL.INI File window. Action: Select OK to return to the previous window. Type the path to the PROTOCOL.INI file in the Path field. ICause: An incorrect or an incomplete path was specified in the Copy Additional Network Adapter Drivers window. Ensure that the drivers, initialization (.NIF) files, and supplementary files are all at the specified path. Action: If the path is incorrect or incomplete, select OK to return to the previous window. Type the path in the Path field. If some of the files are not at the path, switch to another session and copy the files to the specified path. Return to this window and select OK. Specify the path again, if necessary. ICause: One of the network adapter and protocol driver combinations in the Current Configuration list is not complete. One of the network adapters does not have a protocol driver. Action: Select OK to close this message. Complete the configuration by assigning a protocol driver to the network adapter driver indicated by the cursor or by removing the network adapter driver from the Current Configuration list. ICause: You tried to remove a network adapter before removing the associated protocol drivers. Action: Select OK to close the message. If you want to remove a network adapter, you must first remove the protocol drivers associated with the network adapter. ICause: You tried to update the PROTOCOL.INI file, but there are duplicate logical adapter numbers for a specific protocol driver. Action: Select OK and change one of the logical adapter numbers. ICause: The value in an entry field is out of range. The range of correct values is indicated in the message. Action: Select OK to close this message and return to the field indicated by the cursor. Type the correct information. If you do not know the correct data, press F1 on that field to display help information for the field. ICause: An OS/2 error occurred during the attempt to update the specified file. Action: Switch to another OS/2 session and ensure that the file is not in use by another session. Select Retry to perform the operation again. For additional information, see the FFST/2 message log if you are using FFST/2, or see LANTRAN.LOG or LAPSHIST.LOG. Select Cancel to return to the window displayed before the update error occurred. If you cannot correct the error, select Exit to return to the installation/configuration program. ICause: An OS/2 error occurred during the attempt to read the specified file. Action: Switch to another OS/2 session and ensure that the file is not in use by another session. Select Retry to perform the operation again. For additional information, see the FFST/2 message log if you are using FFST/2, or see LANTRAN.LOG or LAPSHIST.LOG. Select Cancel to return to the previous window. (Cancel is not available in some installation paths.) If you cannot correct the error, select Exit to return to the installation/configuration program. ICause: An OS/2 error occurred during the attempt to copy the specified file to the specified subdirectory. Action: Switch to another OS/2 session and ensure that the file is not in use by another session. Select Retry to perform the operation again. For additional information, see the FFST/2 message log if you are using FFST/2, or see LANTRAN.LOG or LAPSHIST.LOG. Select Ignore to continue. However, the files may not be copied. Select Cancel to return to the previous window. Select Exit to return to the installation/configuration program. ICause: A syntax error occurred in the configuration parameters supplied to the LTSVCFG configuration tool. Action: Refer to your documentation for additional information about parameter syntax. Correct the syntax and retry the operation. ICause: There is insufficient resources to accommodate a request for fixed contiguous system memory. Action: There are several things that might fix this problem: - Add additional memory to this system. - Reduce the number of active applications and devices loaded on the system. ICause: An unexpected error has been reported which prevents LANVDD from operating in this Virtual Dos Machine. Action: Check LANTRAN.LOG to identify the specific condition that caused the failure. A message detailing that condition will be logged prior to this message. ICause: The protocol stack and device drivers were not loaded. Action: Ensure that the CONFIG.SYS file contains a DEVICE= statement for LANDD.OS2 or NETBIOS.OS2. If the CONFIG.SYS file contains these statements, check the LANTRAN.LOG file for additional information. If you do not need Virtual 802.2 and Virtual NetBIOS support, delete the DEVICE= statments for LANVDD.OS2 and LANPDD.OS2 from the CONFIG.SYS file. ICause: LANPDD could not register with the Virtual Dos Machine Manager. Registration is required for LANVDD/LANPDD coexistence. Action: Insure that Virtual Dos support was selected at installation. If Virtual Dos Support is not required then remove LANVDD and LANPDD from the Config.sys file. ICause: An unexpected error has been reported which has caused the device driver to not install. Action: Check LANTRAN.LOG to identify the specific condition that caused the failure. A message detailing that condition will be logged prior to this message. ICause: The system can not map a linear address to a 16:16 format or is out of GDT Selectors. If this happens at Device Driver initialization the LANVDD will fail to install. Action: Reduce the number of GDTs used by device drivers that install before LanVDD.OS2. It may be possible to do this by changing the configuration options in PROTOCOL.INI for the drivers that install before LanVDD.OS2. ICause: Netbios is supported in a maximum of 16 VDM sessions. One has surpassed this limit. Action: If Netbios is required, reduce the number of Dos sessions in use or run your Netbios application in an already existing dos session. ICause: A failure occurred when trying to allocate either a Context, Return, or WaitVIRR hook with the VDM Manager. Action: Insure that there are adequate disk and memory resources on your machine before starting an VDM session or run with fewer VDM Sessions. ICause: The version of the operating system required for this program to run is OS/2 2.0 or greater. Action: Install a version of OS/2 which is 2.0 or greater, or delete the IBM LANPDD and LANVDD sections from CONFIG.SYS. ICause: The IBM OS/2 802.2 protocol stack (LANDD.OS2) is not installed or is not operational. LANVDD cannot support the DOS 802.2 API if the OS/2 802.2 protocol stack is not present. Action: Ensure that the CONFIG.SYS file contains a DEVICE= statement for LANDD.OS2. If the CONFIG.SYS file contains the statement, check the LANTRAN.LOG file for additional information. I***Cause: An 802 exception event occurred and there were no status memory elements available to map it from OS/2 to DOS. No action is required. This is a temporary condition and LANVDD will recover. Action: ICause: The operating system may be damaged. Action: Restart OS/2 and retry the request. If this message persists, report this problem and the contents of LANTRAN.LOG to an IBM service representative. ICause: The IBM OS/2 802.2 protocol stack (LANDD.OS2) notified LANVDD of a status event for an application unknown to LANVDD. Action: Restart OS/2 and retry the request. If this message persists, report this problem and the contents of LANTRAN.LOG to an IBM service representative. ICause: The IBM OS/2 802.2 protocol stack (LANDD.OS2) notified LANVDD of a status event for a SAP LANVDD does not own. Action: Restart OS/2 and retry the operation. If this message persists, report this problem and the contents of LANTRAN.LOG to an IBM service representative. ICause: LANVMEM.SYS was not loaded as part of the DOS device settings in this DOS environment. Action: Ensure that the DOS device driver, LANVMEM.SYS, is being loaded as part of the DOS device settings for the specific DOS environment. ICause: The number of active 802.2 applications is the configured maximum. Action: Run the LAPS (Lan and Protocol Support) install program and choose Configure. Increase the value for the OS/2 802.2 resource, Maximum Number of Users. ICause: The number of open 802.2 SAPs is the configured maximum. Action: Run the LAPS (Lan And Protocol Support) install program and choose Configure. Increase the value for the OS/2 802.2 resource, Maximum SAPs. ICause: The operating system could not provide system memory for a LANVDD request. Action: Stop any unnecessary applications and retry the request. If this message persists, add more memory to your system. ICause: The operating system may be damaged. Action: Restart OS/2 and retry the request. If this message persists, report this problem and the contents of LANTRAN.LOG to an IBM service representative. ICause: The operating system could not provide system memory for a LANVDD request. Action: Stop any unnecessary applications and retry the request. If this message persists, add more memory to your system. ICause: LANVDD could not allocate system memory for status elements. Action: Stop any unnecessary applications and retry the request. If this message persists, add more memory to your system. ICause: The IBM OS/2 802.2 protocol stack (LANDD.OS2) notified LANVDD of a status event for a SAP that LANVDD does not own. Action: Restart OS/2 and retry request. If this message persists, report this problem and the contents of LANTRAN.LOG to an IBM service representative. ICause: LANVDD does not have enough internal resources to complete the request. LANVDD received an expected return code from LANDD on a DLC.FLOW.CONTROL. Action: Restart the application and retry the request. If this message persists, report this problem and the contents of LANTRAN.LOG to an IBM service representative.