****************************************************************** IBM Neural Network Utility Version (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1990, 1995 readme.txt February 15, 1995 ****************************************************************** IMPORTANT INFORMATION - PLEASE READ ME ______________________________________ This file contains important information not contained in the Neural Network Utility Installation and User's Guide or Programmer's Reference. In order for IBM to provide you with information about new versions of the Neural Network Utility, please complete and return the registration card. User comments may be sent via Internet to nninfo@vnet.ibm.com or via IBMMAIL to IBMMAIL(USIB5JK4). Faxes may be sent to 800-937-3430 in the United States and Canada, and to 1 507 253 5192 in other countries. When you send informa- tion to IBM, you grant IBM a non-exclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obli- gation to you or restricting your use of it. The following topics are addressed in this README: 1. AS/400: Fixes REQUIRED for client/server 2. AS/400: GetNodeParams API is QNWGDNP 3. AS/400: STRNNURUN command added 4. AS/400: Server runs in QNWNNU subsystem 5. AS/400: Server jobs started by STRNNU 6. AS/400: Sample code in QNWCSRC, QNWCBLSRC, and QNWRPGSRC 7. AS/400: Use InfoSeeker to access online Programmer's Reference 8. AS/400: Sample custom model stub program renamed 9. Migration from V2 to V3 product using XLT2TO3 10. Tools pull-down menu does not allow custom tools 11. Translate editor changes all selected entries 12. Help pulldown from Fuzzy and Translate editor 13. Preferences help error 14. Windows** Client/Server issues 15. AIX: Perceptron sample network graphic not available 16. AIX: No failure message saving fuzzy rulebase without write authority 17. AIX: Demonstration access 18. AIX: HELP support 19. AIX: SVDAEMON does not register on AIX 4.1 systems 20. AIX: Use nnuenv file to setup environment variables 21. Median not computed in histogram inspector 22. Learn rate range not provided 23. Windows** and/or OS/2 VGA Inspector windows not visible ****************************************************************** 1. AS/400: Fixes REQUIRED for client/server Access to the AS/400 from any of the supported client platforms (OS/2, AIX, or Windows**) requires fixes to be installed on the client. Contact us through the Internet ID or by FAX as described earlier to find out how to obtain these fixes. 2. AS/400: GetNodeParams API is QNWGDNP The name of the GetNodeParams API for AS/400 non-ILE languages is QNWGDNP. 3. AS/400: STRNNURUN command added The STRNNURUN command has been added to the AS/400 environment and is similar to the NNURUN command documented in the user's guide. See the panel help for the STRNNURUN command for more information. 4. AS/400: Server runs in QNWNNU subsystem The NNU server runs in a subsystem called QNWNNU, not the QSYSWRK sub- system. 5. AS/400: Server jobs started by STRNNU Use the Start Neural Network Utility (STRNNU) command to start the NNU server, optionally specifying an alternate port for client/server commu- nications. STRNNU starts the QNWNNU subsystem as well as server jobs named QNWNNUSVR and QNWNNUSJB. QNWNNUSVR listens on the port defined until a client connection request is made. At that time it passes the connection to the waiting QNWNNUSJB job and submits another QNWNNUSJB job to provide the connection to a future client request. 6. AS/400: Sample code in QNWCSRC, QNWCBLSRC, and QNWRPGSRC Sample code is not provided in QNWSAMPLE but in the files mentioned above. The Perceptron model example is in QNWCSRC. 7. AS/400: Use InfoSeeker to access online Programmer's Reference Enter STRINFSKR *BOOK BOOK(QNWNNREF) to see the online Programmer's Ref- erence. 8. AS/400: Sample custom model stub program renamed The sample custom model stub program QNWMSTUB described on page 144 of the Programmer's Reference has been renamed MODLSTUB. It is located in the QNWCSRC file. 9. Migration from V2 to V3 product using XLT2TO3 Contact us for more information about migrating from version two to this product level. The XLT2TO3.EXE file was not provided with the product but is available on request to convert version 2 translation templates to the version 3.1 format. 10. Tools pull-down menu does not allow custom tools The Tools pull-down menu does not support custom tools as described in the product hardcopy documentation. Custom tools cannot be specified in the Preference Notebook. Use the method supplied by your operating system to access tools outside the NNU environment. 11. Translate editor changes all selected entries When changing a value in the Translate editor, the change applies to all selected fields. There is no option to selectively apply the change to the fields selected. 12. Help pulldown from Fuzzy and Translate editor The Help pulldown from these editors does not bring up the correct help topic. Use the Help pulldown from the IDE main window or select the Help Index topic you wish. 13. Preferences help error If you press the Help key from the Preferences Notebook page, an incor- rect help topic is displayed. To see the help for the Preferences Note- book, select that topic from the Help Index from the Help pull-down on the IDE main window. 14. Windows** Client/Server issues If you are using TCP/IP, you must copy two files from the NNU product directory to your TCPIP/BIN directory: WFTPAPI.DLL and WFTP.EXE. Contact the developers through the contacts mentioned above if you expe- rience further difficulty with client/server use. 15. AIX: Perceptron sample network graphic not available The PERCEPTRON network graphic is available only for the OS/2 and Micro- soft** Windows** environments. The Programmer's Reference, Appendix C Example Programs is corrected accordingly. 16. AIX: No failure message saving fuzzy rulebase without write authority When fuzzy rule bases are saved in the AIX environment, no failure message is posted if the user does not have write authority to the library. The user is incorrectly led to believe the rulebase was saved. 17. AIX: Demonstration access Select Preferences Notebook from the Options pull-down menu. Click on the Demonstrations tab. You must enter the path for each demonstration module. Select each demonstration module and add /usr/lpp/nnu/demos/ as a prefix to each module. Press the Add pushbutton to make the change. Then delete the old entries by selecting each entry and pushing the Remove pushbutton. 18. AIX: HELP support The svdamemon process must be running for help access. Start the daemon by entering svdaemon in the usr/lpp/nnu directory. Help can be accessed only once. After you exit the help application, you are unable to reenter until you leave the Interactive Development Environment and return. The active directory in the AIX environment should be /usr/lpp/nnu. In AIX, you must copy all files with an extension of .hlp from /usr/lpp/nnu/help to /usr/lpp/nnu. This will allow you to open the model-specific help files, the Programmer's Reference, and the Installa- tion and User's Guide within the Interactive Development Environment. 19. AIX: SVDAEMON does not register on AIX 4.1 systems If you experience this error starting the svdaemon process, rlogin and restart svdaemon from the root directory. 20. AIX: Use nnuenv file to setup environment variables Before running nnu you must properly set your PATH, LIBPATH, and XENVIRONMENT environment variables. For example, C shell users would enter: source /usr/lpp/nnu/nnuenv To see current environment values for a variable, use the echo command as follows: echo $LIBPATH 21. Median not computed in histogram inspector Statistical data displayed by the histogram inspector does not include median. 22. Learn rate range not provided Each model has its own unique range for the learn rate parameter. Ranges are usually either 0 to 10 or 0 to 100. Online help to be updated next release to provide specifics for each model. 23. Windows** and/or OS/2 VGA Inspector windows not visible In the Windows environment, inspectors may inadvertantly be placed off the screen. While selectable from the Windows pull-down menu in the IDE, their XY placement coordinates are outside of the screen limitations. To view these inspectors, edit the .ENV file to change the X-Y coordinates to within the screen limits. 1 Bug Fixes _________ Version ID TITLE ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3974259 APPGEN-OS2 CANCEL STILL CREATES IMPORT AND FILTER 3973723 APPGEN-OS2 MULTIPLE GENERATES CREATE SAME NAME NODES 3978865 CLISERV - BLOW OUT WHEN SAVEAS ON NEWLY CREATED MODULE 3978875 CLISERV - CHANGE MODULE SETTINGS DOESN'T WORK 3979574 DEMOS - CREDIT SCORING DEMO, BKP NETS SHOULD HAVE 0-1 OUTPUT 3979452 DEMOS CRDSCR FILTER FOR NETWORTH GARBLED, SCRIPT ERRORS 3979449 DEMOS MKTANA FILTERS CONNECTED WRONG 3975043 FILTERSETTINGS-OS2 CUSTOM PARAMETERS END UP IN FILE NAME 3975044 FILTERSETTINGS-OS2 CUSTOM PARAMETERS TRUNCATED PREMATURELY 3975032 FILTERSETTINGS-OS2 FILE NAME AVAILABLE WHEN CUSTOM CHECKED 3975045 FILTERSETTINGS-OS2 QNWXLATE NOT ALLOWED AS CUSTOM PROGRAM 3974603 FUZZY - CIRCULAR RULE REFERENCES ARE NOT DETECTED CORRECTLY 3978223 FUZZY - OS/2 - ERROR MESSAGE IS BLANK 3972990 FUZZY - UNABLE TO DESELECT VARIABLE/SET 3973380 FUZZY-AIX GRAPH DOES NOT CHANGE WHEN VALUES CHANGE 3973539 FUZZY-AIX INVALID FUZZY SET MEMBER FUNCTIONS ALLOWED 3973585 FUZZY-AIX LARGE DISCRETE NUMBERS ARE TREATED AS SYMBOLS 3973352 FUZZY-AIX MULTIPLE APPEARANCE OF EDIT VARIABLE DIALOG 3973350 FUZZY-AIX NO ACTION WHEN ADDING VARIABLE WITH SPACE IN NAME 3973358 FUZZY-AIX NO X-AXIS WHEN DISPLAYING VARIABLE 3973508 FUZZY-AIX STATUS AREA FUZZYSETS HAS INCORRECT COUNT 3973510 FUZZY-AIX VALUES APPEAR AS FUZZY SETS WHEN CHANGE DEFINITION 3973639 FUZZY-AIX VARIABLE LOOKS SELECTED, BUT IS NOT SELECTED 3973534 FUZZY-AIX HAVE FUZZY SETS PARAMETERS BE SAME AS VARIABLE 3975134 HELP-AIX PRODUCT INFO DIALOG TOO HIGH/GHOST 3978870 IDE - AFTER SAVE OR SAVEAS, STATUS LINE STILL SAYS MODIFIED 3981278 IDE - CAN'T SEE WINNER PARAMETER FOR FEATURE MAP NETWORK 3979231 IDE - CYCLE IN PROGRESS BUT GO BUTTONS ARE GREEN 3974197 IDE - INTERACTIVE OPTIONS DIALOG MISSING DATA TYPE & LENGTH 3979230 IDE - SCROLL BARS DISAPPEAR IN MODULE EDITOR (REFRESH PROBS) 3978565 IDE CANNOT CHANGE BREAKPOINT 3978645 IDE MODULE TRANSFER DOESN'T WRITE FILES 3974301 IDE-AIX CLOSE ALL DOES NOT CLOSE EDITORS 3974143 IDE-AIX CLOSING MULTIPLE INSPECTORS CAUSES NNU TO CORE DUMP 3974306 IDE-AIX MISSING MODULE SETTINGS PREFERENCES 3973197 IDE-AIX MOST ICONS CREATED PARTIALLY OUT OF WINDOW 3974490 IDE-AIX NODE CREATED WHEN YOU EXCEED THE MAXIMUM ALLOWED 3974910 IDE-AIX/OS2 OLD NAME NOT CLEARED FROM SCREEN 3974195 IDE-C/S CAN'T RUN CONTROL SCRIPT WHEN IN C/S MODE 3974256 IDE-OS2 EDITOR OPTIONS STILL AVAILABLE BUT DO NOTHING 3973860 IDE-OS2 MODIFIED DOES NOT APPEAR FOR FIRST IMPORT NODE 3975204 IDE-SETTINGS-AIX/OS2 DEFAULTS BUTTON DOES NOTHING 3974939 IMPORTSETTINGS-AIX MISSING ACCELERATOR ON HELP BUTTON 3974991 IMPORTSETTINGS-AIX MISSING ACCELERATOR ON SPREADSHEET PARAMS 3975150 IMPORTSETTINGS-AIX PROGRAM OPTIONS DISAPPEAR 3975146 IMPORTSETTINGS-AIX UNABLE TO DELETE LAST VALUE ON EXT OPTION 3974942 IMPORTSETTINGS-AIX/OS2 INVALID SPREADSHEET RANGES ALLOWED 3975005 IMPORTSETTINGS-AIX/OS2 ADD FILES... TO INTERACTIVE OPTS 3975010 IMPORTSETTINGS-OS2 BLANK IMPORT NAME ALLOWED - CAUSES PROBS 3975008 IMPORTSETTINGS-OS2 SPREADSHEET TYPE NOT SAVED 3975028 IMPORTSETTINGS-OS2 VIEW BUFFER ACCURATE ONLY WHEN ON 3972754 INSP-ALL ADD A CLOSE OPTION UNDER OBJECT MENU ITEM 3971660 INVALID ARRAY INDEX MESSAGE ON INPUT DATA 3981953 MODELS - GAMMA PARAMETER MISSING FROM TDL SETTINGS 3979030 MODELS - ART GETS FLOATING POINT UNDERFLOW ERROR MKTANA DEMO 3974098 MULTIPLE OBJECTS CREATED UPON INITIALIZATION OF "STAMPING" 3975068 NETWORKSETTINGS-BACKPROP-OS2 TOLERANCE RANGE IN ERROR 3975060 NETWORKSETTINGS-OS2 INITIALIZE SHOULD NOT CHANGE ENTERED VAL 3975061 NETWORKSETTINGS-OS2 SETTINGS CHANGE WITH ERROR INPUTS 3975072 NETWORKSETTINGS-OS2 RADIAL BASIS FUNCTION BAD RANGE 3979214 OS/2 - ACCELERATOR KEYS NOT WORKING 3974105 PATH PROBLEMS RUNNING DIALOG AND TRANSLATE TEMPLATE / DEMOS 3974238 README-AIX COMMENTS MISSING - SVDAEMON/NNUENV 3974108 RUNTIME-AIX CRASHES WITH INVALID STRING LENGTH FOR NO FILENAME 3974128 RUNTIME-AIX OK BUTTON DOES NOT ACCEPT ENTER KEY ON DLG_MOD 3974126 RUNTIME-AIX/OS2 SCROLLBAR PROBLEM WITH VERTICAL BAR 3979518 RUNTIME - CAN'T READ PANEL DEFS WITH /N OR /R/N 3981468 SCRIPT - USE OF UNDEFINED VARIABLE IS NOT MARKED AS INVALID 3974560 SCRIPT EDITOR ABENDS WHEN CONTROL SCRIPT TO EDIT NOT FOUND 3979028 SCRIPT- RUN SCRIPT, PAUSE THEN CANCEL, WON'T WORK NEXT TIME 3974633 SPIRAL ICON NOT SHOWING UP IN NOTEBOOK 3974161 TRANSFER-AIX THE MODULE FILE SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN FILE LIST 3974163 TRANSFER-AIX USER SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO TRANSFER NONEXISTING FILES 3974159 TRANSFER-AIX NO INDICATION OF SUCCESS 3974311 TRANSFER-AIX PRINT SHOULD BE PRINT ALL 3974891 TRANSFER-AIX/OS2 EXISTING FILES ARE NO LONGER SELECTED 3981241 XLATE - SYMBOL TO NUMBER WITHOUT TABLE DEFINED CAUSES CRASH 3974904 XLATE-AIX STATUS AREA VALUES NOT INITIALIZED FULLY