MKMSGF ?HCause: The version of the base operating system currently installed is not compatible with the version of LAN Services being installed. Action: Install OS/2 2.0 and then reinstall LAN Services. HCause: The LAN Services installation/configuration program is already running. You cannot start the installation/configuration program again at this time. Action: Run only one copy of the LAN Services installation/configuration program at a time. HCause: The LAN Services installation/configuration program is unable to continue because there is not enough fixed-disk space on this workstation. Action: Make fixed-disk space available on this workstation by moving or deleting files, and then try the installation again. HCause: The LAN Services installation/configuration program is unable to open or read this required file, or you have not logged on with sufficient privilege to allow this required file to be copied. Action: Make a new copy of the product diskettes and try the installation again, or log on with sufficient privilege and then try the installation again. HCause: The LAN Services installation/configuration program is unable to load this dynamic link library (DLL). Action: Make a new copy of the product diskettes try the installation again. HCause: The LAN Services locked file device driver is unable to continue because there is not enough fixed-disk space on this workstation. Action: Make fixed-disk space available on this workstation by moving or deleting files and then start the workstation again. HCause: This error code indicates that LAN Services has detected an parameter that is not correct. The install command syntax is: [d:\path\]LANINSTR {/SRV | /REQ} [/R:d:\path\filename /G:d:\path /L1:d:\path\filename /L2:d:\path\filename] where: /SRV specifies you are remotely installing server code. /REQ specifies you are remotely installing requester code. /R specifies the fully qualified file name of a response file. /G specifies the fully qualified path of an INCLUDE file directory used by the response file. /L1 specifies the fully qualified file name of an error log file. /L2 specifies the fully qualified file name of a history log file. Action: Try the command again using the correct parameters. HCause: This error code indicates that LAN Services has detected an access denied error while copying files to the fixed-disk on this workstation. You have not logged on with sufficient privilege to allow the files to be copied. Action: Log on with sufficient privilege and then try the installation again. HCause: This error code indicates that LAN Services has detected an illegal value for the OS/2 environment variable REMOTE_INSTALL_STATE. Action: SET REMOTE_INSTALL_STATE=. Then try the installation again. HCause: The LAN Services installation/configuration program could not initialize history and error logging due an error accessing the specified file. Action: Ensure that the file name specified is correct and that you have access privileges for the file. Then try the installation again. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????HHHHHHCause: The file specified on the /B parameter does not have the format required to restore ACLs. Action: Specify the correct file name on the /B parameter or correct the format of the specified file. HCause: An error occurred because of a request made to the operating system. Action: Type Help followed by the error number to determine the cause of the error. HCause: The APIs are not on this workstation or their path is not in LIBPATH in CONFIG.SYS. Action: Verify that the LIBPATH statement in CONFIG.SYS contains a pointer to the APIs. If you are using the 386 boot diskette, make sure that the APIs have been copied to the fixed disk. HCause: There is an error in the command syntax. Action: Type the command followed by a ? to display the proper syntax. HCause: The file or subdirectory specified on one of the command parameters could not be found. Action: Reissue the command with the proper file or subdirectory name. HCause: The operating system returned an error on a file request for the specified file. Action: Type Help followed by the error number to determine the cause of the error. HCause: A request to create the specified file or subdirectory failed. Action: Ensure that the proper file or subdirectory was specified and that you have the proper authority to create the file or subdirectory. HCause: The required amount of disk space is not available on the specified drive. Action: Move or erase files to increase the available disk space or specify a different drive.