Subject: OS/2 1.3, ES & LS ServicePaks, SelectPaks Status Date: April 28, 1993 IBM OS/2 Extended Edition 1.3 is transformed into "Standard Edition 1.3" by virtue of installing any one of the following IBM products. LAN Server 2.0 (Entry or Advanced) Extended Services 1.0 - Database Manager or Communications Manager Communications Manager/2 1.0 Database Manager/2 1.0 Extended Edition Corrective Service (WRxnnnn) no longer applies to these systems. Standard Edition Service (XRxnnnn) can be used to service the base operating system functions (Kernel, Presentation Manager, etc.). SERVICE FOR EXTENDED EDITION 1.3. WRx5200 Is a cumulative ServicePak that includes all fixes since EE 1.3 was made generally available. This ServicePak supersedes all previous ServicePaks (CSDs). There is one outstanding problem in Comm Mgr that requires a change to DOSCALLS.DLL. This fix will be available on BBSs in the form of a Selective Fix. This ServicePak is available in the US today, and should be in NLV forms by June 1993. We hope to include the DOSCALLS fix in the NLVs (National Language Versions). SERVICE FOR STANDARD EDITION 1.3 XRx5150 Standard Edition fixes only. Can cause Comm Mgr problems unless the DOSCALLS.DLL fix (mentioned above) is applied. All NLV forms are available. SERVICE FOR EXTENDED SERVICES - DATABASE MANAGER: The Database Manager component of Extended Services 1.0 has available six SelectPaks. Essentially these are pieces of what might have been a Database Manager Corrective Service Diskette, but packaged to meet customer demand for granular electronic service. They are available on CompuServe, Internet, and OS2BBSs by the following names (or some derivative to meet naming schemes of the BBS). All supported languages are available. WRx6001 Kernel(Engine), SQLR, SQLZ, SQLQ, and SQLN fixes. WRx6002 Database Manager Pre-Compiler (SQLA). WRx6003 Database Manager Group Utilities (SQLU). WRx6004 Distributed Data Services (SQLC). WRx6014 Database Query Manager. WRx6015 Database Manager PC DOS Requester (PCDR). SERVICE FOR EXTENDED SERVICES - COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER: The Communications Manager component of Extended Services 1.0 currently has SelectPak (PTF = WR06116) on multiple BBSs. A ServicePak is being tested and should be available in the US by mid 1993. WR06116 Is an enhancement that provides a virtual device driver that provides EHLLAPI to Windows applications in OS/2 2.0. The package is named EHLSP016 (sometimes EHLLSP16) on various BBBs. SERVICE FOR LAN SERVER 2.0 IP06030 Services both Entry and Advanced LAN Server 2.0. It includes fixes for LAN Requester and DOS LAN Requester. Installation can be done using CID services, although Domain Controllers and Additional Servers are probably easier to update from diskette. SERVICE FOR LAN SERVER 3.0 Three SelectPaks for LAN Server 3.0 should be available in June 1993. LAN Server, LAN Requester, and DLR respectively will have separate SelectPaks. User Profile Management 3.0 will also have a SelectPak. -------------------------------------------- ServicePaks for Extended Services and LAN Services are now separate, as are the products themselves. The OS/2 components, once included in CSDs, are no longer a part of the ES or LS ServicePaks. Hence, the OS/2 extensions are beginning to depart from the historic CSD approach with the presumption that the Base Operating System function is available at the time service is applied. Future service will evolve toward electronic distribution, media independence (ie. non-diskette), and remote service (CID installs). Initially ServicePaks will require Bootable Standalone Service Diskettes in order to quiesce the systems to be serviced. Users may use either the OS/2 Install Diskette(s) or create custom bootable diskettes to meet this need. Many users already have custom bootable diskettes to perform necessary maintenance like backing up locked files or running CHKDSK /F.