═══ 1. Introduction ═══ SelectPak IP07005 IBM PTF IP07005 October 1993 This SelectPak contains fixes to IBM OS/2 LAN Server 3.0 and includes HPFS386 File System fixes that are required for the IBM LAN NetView family of products. Like the LAN NetView products, this package is distributed for worldwide use. IBM LAN Server 3.0 ServicePak IPx7001(where x is country identifier) is a prerequisite to this SelectPak. ═══ 1.1. Affected SYSLEVEL Files ═══ SYSLEVEL.SRV IBM LAN 3.0 Server Note: Use the SYSLEVEL command to display the current SYSLEVEL file on the target system. After successful completion of the Installation Aid (SRV.CMD), SYSLEVEL.SRV should indicate a current service level of IPx7005(where x indicates country code). The Installation Aid (HPFS.CMD) for the HPFS386 File System does not alter SYSLEVEL files. ═══ 1.2. Trademarks ═══ The following are trademarks of IBM Corporation: o IBM o OS/2 o Operating System/2 o LAN NetView o System Performance Monitor/2 The following is a trademark of WordPerfect Corporation: o WordPerfect Office The following is a trademark of Computer Associates International,Inc.: o SuperCalc ═══ 2. Preparing the Target System ═══ Before installing IP07005, perform the following steps to ensure the target system is ready to upgrade: 1. Check the SYSLEVEL to guarantee that the target system contains the prerequisite software - IBM LAN Server 3.0 ServicePak IPx7001(where x indicates country code.) 2. If the IPx7001 server is an OS/2 2.1 RIPL Server, then assure that RPLS7001.CMD has been run before applying IP07005. (This does not apply to Double Byte Character Set countries - Japan, Taiwan, and Korea.) 3. If local security is installed at the target server, assure a LAN Administrator is logged on locally. 4. Stop the LAN Server. 5. Assure that the OS/2 file ATTRIB.EXE is in the search path. ═══ 3. Installation ═══ After the target system is ready to upgrade, install IP07005 as follows: 1. Unzip the SelectPak container file, IP07005, using a form of PKUNZIP. The following files should be present in a single directory: File Name Description SRV.CMD REXX SelectPak Installation Aid for Server HPFS.CMD REXX Installation Aid for HPFS386 File System IP07005.INF This Information File IP07005.SPK A PKZIP file containing the fixes SELPAK.MSG Message file used by SRV.CMD and HPFS.CMD SPKLOCK.ZIP A Locked File replacement tool 2. Ensure that the SelectPak Files are in the current directory - on disk or diskette. NOTE: SELPAK.MSG file is used by more than one SelectPak. Unzipping multiple SelectPaks into the same temporary directory may cause a message that this file already exists. The SELPAK.MSG from this package must replace any previously existing versions or be the first version accessed by the search path. 3. Install the fixes using one of the methods below: o To update LAN SERVER 3.0 Entry servers, execute SRV.CMD from the OS/2 command line. o To update LAN SERVER 3.0 Advanced servers, execute SRV.CMD followed by HPFS.CMD. 4. If RIPL is installed on the server, invoke GETRPL after applying IP07005. ═══ 3.1. Upgrade LAN Servers (SRV.CMD) ═══ Begin SelectPak installation by entering the OS/2 command "SRV" and responding to the prompts provided or by entering "SRV" with input parameters. "SRV ?" may be entered at the OS/2 command prompt to display more help information and command line parameters. Completion of the SelectPak install process is indicated including instructions to reboot when Locked Files are encountered. ═══ 3.2. Upgrade HPFS386 (HPFS.CMD) ═══ Begin installation of the HPFS386 File System changes by entering the OS/2 command "HPFS" and responding to the prompts provided or by entering "HPFS" with input parameters. "HPFS ?" may be entered at the OS/2 command prompt to display more help information and command line parameters. Completion of the SelectPak install process is indicated including instructions to reboot when Locked Files are encountered. ═══ 4. Installing Multiple SelectPaks ═══ Additional SelectPaks can be installed after successful completion of this SelectPak and before reboot. Consideration should be given to the disk space required for handling potential Locked Files and/or for performing backup. ═══ 5. Cleanup ═══ All SelectPak files (originally in IP07005.ZIP) and files backed up for the SelectPak may be erased when the updated system is working properly. Note: PLEASE DON'T ERASE THE LOG FILE, IP07005.LOG, LOCATED IN \OS2\INSTALL. The log file serves as a history of installed fixes and will be useful should problems occur. ═══ 6. Backout ═══ If backup copies of the original product files are available, move them over the files that the SelectPak(s) changed. If the Installation Aid was chosen to perform the backup, the changed files will be located in the backup directory specified on invocation. ═══ 7. Locked File Handling ═══ If the Installation Aid encounters files which are Locked, the replacement files are temporarily stored on hard disk and CONFIG.SYS is altered to invoke the Locked File Replacement tool during the next boot cycle. Locked File updates are not completed until the system is rebooted and CONFIG.SYS is restored to pre-install content. The original CONFIG.SYS is found saved as Config.nnn where "nnn" guarantees a unique name. ═══ Locked Files ═══ Sometimes it is essential that programs own (become the master of) system resources such as Memory Blocks, Communication Ports, and Files. When a program stakes claim to a file, that file is said to be Locked; no other program is allowed to alter (replace or write to) it until the owning program explicitly removes the lock. .DLL Files can become Locked by residing in a directory that is included in the LIBPATH string of CONFIG.SYS. For example, NETAPI.DLL can be locked when \MUGLIB\DLL exists in the LIBPATH of CONFIG.SYS. ═══ Input Parameters ═══ The parameters for the SRV and HPFS Installation Aids are: SRV ─────┬───────────────────┬── or ├─────/B:DRIVE ─────┤ HPFS ├─────/T:DRIVE ─────┤ ├─────/D:DRIVE ─────┤ (SRV only) ├─────/S:PATH ──────┤ ├─────/K:PREF ──────┤ └─────/V:VER ───────┘ Note: Input parameters for the "HPFS" command are the same as for the "SRV" command except for the RIPL (/D:) parameter. The RIPL parameter is not applicable to the "HPFS" command and should be omitted when issuing the "HPFS" command. Where /B:DRIVE Specifies the drive on which the Base Operating System exists. If \OS2\INSTALL exists on drive C: type "/B:C" /T:DRIVE Specifies the drive on which the product being serviced is installed. /D:DRIVE Specifies the drive on which the RIPL files exist. If RIPL is not installed, set this parameter to zero. If \IBMLAN\RPL exists on drive C: type "/D:C". This parameter is not used with the "HPFS" Installation Aid. /S:PATH Specifies where the file IP07005.SPK resides. This must be the fully qualified path to the .SPK file. /K:PREF specifies backup preference. PREF can be set as follows: 0 no backup 1 backup to targetdrive:\SRV_BAK (or HPFS_BAK for "HPFS" command) PATH fully qualified preferred backup path /V:VER provides a last chance to modify input. Acceptable values for VER are: 0 input incorrect, prompts for the above information will be provided 1 SelectPak installation will begin without further prompts See EXAMPLES for assistance in using these input parameters. ═══ EXAMPLES ═══ To preset the base drive, RIPL drive, target drive, and source path, and be prompted for backup and a chance to verify or change the input: SRV /B:C /D:C /T:C /S:\Service\IP07005 To preset the base drive as C, use the default backup path of \SRV_BAK and be prompted for the remaining input: SRV /B:C /K:1 To install the SelectPak from the A disk with no backup, and be prompted for remaining input: SRV /S:A: /K:0 To install the SelectPak in an unattended environment for an ADVANCED Server: SRV /B:C /S:\Service /T:C /D:C /K:\ibmlan\backup /V:1 HPFS /B:C /S:\Service /T:C /K:\ibmlan\backup /V:1 ═══ SelectPak Files ═══ Ensure that the SelectPak files are in the current directory. Typing "DIR" with no path parameters should display them. NOTE: SELPAK.MSG file is used by more than one SelectPak. Unzipping multiple SelectPaks into the same temporary directory may cause a message that this file already exists. The SELPAK.MSG from this package must replace any previously existing versions or be the first version accessed by the PATH statement in CONFIG.SYS. ═══ PKUNZIP ═══ PKUNZIP2.EXE is required by the Installation Aid (IP07005.) If it has been erased, replace it by copying it from Diskette 1 of either Extended Services 1.0 or LAN Services 3.0 to a directory in the PATH. Type "PKUNZIP2 IP07005" on an OS/2 command line to unzip the files in IP07005.ZIP to the current directory. To determine what files are being shipped as fixes, use PKUNZIP2 with the -v option to view the IP07005.SPK content. The entire syntax of the PKUNZIP2 command is presented if PKUNZIP2 is typed with no parameters. ═══ 8. Important Information about This SelectPak ═══ This document lists the contents of the SelectPak. The APAR numbers for problems that are corrected by this SelectPak are listed numerically. ═══ 8.1. APAR Fixes ═══ The following list describes APARs for the Server component that are fixed by this SelectPak. o IC06194 The Ring 3 server appears to hang after a set of PCLP requesters fail to establish sessions with the server. o IC05536 DOS programs running on DLR 3.0 workstations may return "file not found" or other unexpected errors when accessing files on an HPFS386 server. Problems have been found using the WordPerfect Office and SuperCalc applications. o IC05759 Problems dealing with a "split cache". When a workstation has more than 16MB of physical memory and the cache cannot fit within the 16MB to the end of physical memory range, a split cache results. A split cache is the separation of the cache memory into two chunks that are managed together. Depending on the amount of memory and the cache size requested, the workstation may hang and eventually trap during OS/2 startup. In conditions involving disk errors, incorrect data may be written to the disk. o IC05760 The FNODE for the paging file (SWAPPER.DAT) was not being updated with the file size. During CHKDSK, this may result in lost or orphaned disk space which would require a second CHKDSK at level 2 or above to reclaim. o IC05857 Under extremely rare conditions, it is possible for a page frame within the page file to be overwritten, causing page faults or damaged data. o IC05858 Under conditions in which an HFS0108E (severe disk errors) occurs, the workstation may trap. o IC05864 A trap occurs in UnlockBuffer on a workstation that is doing both heavy local I/O and heavy paging. This only affects local I/O operations. o IC05865 A trap occurs in ClrBit when trying to free space in a bitmap. o IC05867 A deadlock condition may occur if I/O requests are failing because of disk errors. When transferring to a user's buffer during a Read or Write operation, the I/O operation may deadlock, causing the thread issuing the request to stop. This only affects local I/O operations. ═══ 8.2. Other Fixes Without APAR Numbers ═══ The following have no associated APARs but correct the defects described below: o Defect #1135 While running CHKDSK on a shared volume, an attempt to access the volume may result in a trap. o Defects #2227, #71660 A workaround for a problem with the OS2DASD manager where the file system was not being correctly notified of errors on disk I/O requests. This could result in traps or damaged data. o Defect #2407 Updates to the SPM Timer handling to avoid negative timer values. ═══ ═══ The item in the title line is a trademark of IBM Corporation ═══ ═══ The item in the title line is a trademark of IBM Corporation ═══ ═══ The item in the title line is a trademark of WordPerfect Corporation ═══ ═══ The item in the title line is a trademark of Computer Associates International, Inc. ═══ ═══ The item in the title line is a trademark of Lotus Development Corporation ═══ ═══ The item in the title line is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation