The file contains the following files, 12-19-02 6:20p 19844 0 afinet.sym 12-19-02 6:19p 320000 61 afinet.sys 12-19-02 6:20p 19892 0 afinetk.sym 12-19-02 6:20p 318464 61 afinetk.sys 12-19-02 6:20p 16100 0 aflean.sym 12-19-02 6:19p 219136 61 aflean.sys 12-19-02 1:18p 3652 0 afos2.sym 12-19-02 1:18p 13312 61 afos2.sys 12-19-02 1:17p 11220 0 sockets.sym 12-19-02 1:17p 120320 61 sockets.sys 12-19-02 1:17p 12100 0 socketsk.sym 12-19-02 1:17p 128512 61 socketsk.sys The files may be installed as follows, 1. Take the backup of files in the directory \mptn\protocol. 2. Copy the given files in that directory. 3. Reboot the system. 4. Enable SACK option through inetcfg.exe. 5. Check for mbuf allocation through netstat -m.