ABSTRACT:PMR05149->ANTI-SPASM FEATURES DOES NOT WORK AS DESIRED. ---------------------------------------------------------------- FILES PROVIDED: --------------- 2-22-02 12:20p 1084 0 readme.txt 2-22-02 12:04p 15116 35 sendmail.cf 2-22-02 11:56a 362932 61 sendmail.dll INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION: ------------------------------ 1)Copy the sendmail.dll file to c:\tcpip\dll directory. 2)Make the changes in sendmail.cf file as suggested below. 3)Run the sendmail daemon. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CHANGING IN SENDMAIL.CF FILE: ---------------------------------------------- #If you are using the class file LocalIP define it as F{LocalIP} c:\mptn\etc\localIP #Define the dequote as follows in sendmail.cf file Kunquote dequote #Make changes in the ruleset as suggested SCHECK_RCPT R<$*@$* $=R> $@ok R$*@$* $=R $@ok R$* $: $(unquote "" $&client_addr $) R$={{LocalIP}} $@ok R$*$={{LocalIP}}$* $@ok R$* $: $(unquote "" $&client_ifc $) R$={{LocalIfc}} $@ok R$*$={{LocalIfc}}$* $@ok #Anything Else will be denied R$* $#error $:"550 Relaying is denied "