═══ 1. Create Installation Response File - Main panel ═══ Response files are used to install products remotely (CID install) or to provide a customized install. This tool will help you create a response file with all the keywords necessary for a basic install. The complete list of keywords will be inserted in the file as comment lines. If you need to customize the response file further, you can edit the resulting file using any text editor. Following is a description of each field in the main panel: o Product This is a drop-down list with the available DB2 products for which a response file may be created. Select the product for which you wish to create a response file. o Optional Components This is a list of the optional components that you can select to have installed. Zero or more components may be selected. The contents of the list depend on the product you have selected in the Product list. o File directory This entry field allows you to select the target directory for installation of the product. The specified drive need not exist on this system, however, it must be available at install time on the target system. o Update CONFIG.SYS Place a check in this box if you would like changes applied directly to the CONFIG.SYS file. Uncheck the box if you would like the changes to be made to a backup of the CONFIG.SYS file. o Save backup if product is already installed If you have checked this box and the product being installed is already installed on the target system, the installed version will be backed up. This response file keyword is ignored if the product is not currently installed.