------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ CONFIGURATION CONTROL FILE USER'S GUIDE ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This file contains information which in previous releases was located in APPNV.CTL. This file gives a description of the node definitions file (.NDF) and the format of the commands that can be placed in it. APPNV.CTL itself defines the command, parameter, and value names that are allowed in the node definitions file, along with the delimiters used in the node definitions file to separate commands, parameters, values, and comments. You can customize the format of the commands and delimiters used in the node definitions file by changing the delimiters and keywords contained within APPNV.CTL (the configuration control file). This file (CMVERIFY.TXT) can be used as a reference on how to modify a node definitions file or on how to customize APPNV.CTL. It provides information on customization, node definitions file command syntax, and command examples. APPNV.CTL is a free-format (not column or line dependent) file. Comments are allowed in APPNV.CTL and the node definitions file by using the (//) delimiter to comment an entire line. The node definitions file also allows the (/* */) delimiters to comment a section of a line or extend a comment over several lines. For example: /* This is an allowed comment. When using (/*), all characters are ignored until the matching end comment delimiter is given: */ The (/* */) form of commenting lines is NOT supported within APPNV.CTL because it would limit the values you could specify when configuring your delimiter values (see below). WARNING: Comments are ignored when the node definitions file is parsed, so any utilities that create or re-create the node definitions file will erase all comments in the file. Use the DESCRIPTION parameter to annotate your configuration files, or make backups of your files so that when they are re-written you can restore the comments. The CMSETUP.EXE, APPNRST.EXE, and CMUPGRAD.EXE utilities will all replace the node definitions file. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- The NODE DEFINITIONS FILE -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The node definitions file is a free-format file containing the commands used to define a Communications Manager/2 configuration. The syntax of these commands are defined using the information in APPNV.CTL, along with the values of the delimiters used to delineate the information in the file. The commands in the file can be specified in any order. Likewise, spaces are not significant in the node definitions file unless explicitly stated for a particular command, parameter, or value. For example NODE_TYPE(EN) is the same as NODE_TYPE (EN ). APPNV.CTL defines the syntax of the node definition commands. For more information on the commands and the system management verbs they represent, refer to the Communications Manager/2 System Management Programming Reference (SC52-1111). There will be some differences between the syntax of the node definition commands and their corresponding system management verbs. Some of the verb parameters may be combined into a single command parameter parameter (for example, the xxx_MIN and xxx_MAX parameters of the DEFINE_COS verb are combined into the xxx_RANGE parameters of the DEFINE_COS command) or are implied and not explicitly specified on the command. Another difference is that the configuration utilities will handle all conversions from ASCII to EBCDIC when reading the node definitions file, and will perform any necessary padding of values. ------------------------------- Delimiters ----------------------------------- The following delimiter characters are used in the node definitions file: Delimiter character name default value Description ------------------------ ------------- ----------- LPAREN '(', x'28' Left parenthesis RPAREN ')', x'29' Right parenthesis COMMA ',', x'2C' Comma SEMI ';', x'3B' Semicolon SLASH '/', x'2F' Forward slash ASTERISK '*', x'2A' Asterisk QUOTE ''', x'27' Single quotation mark BLANK ' ', x'20' Blank The value for these delimiters is defined in APPNV.CTL, and can be changed if you want to (excluding the BLANK delimiter). Unfortunately, these delimiters are referenced in this section when describing the format of the node definitions file. This section will use the delimiter description followed by the delimiter character name to identify delimiters. For example, left parenthesis (LPAREN) refers to the '(' character if you are using the default delimiter definitions. A few of the delimiters are used in combination with other delimiters or characters to form other delimiters. These combinations are: Complex delimiter name Description of syntax Default value ---------------------- -------------------------------- ------------- LINE COMMENT A forward slash (SLASH) followed // by another forward slash (SLASH) LEFT COMMENT A forward slash (SLASH) followed /* by an asterisk (ASTERISK) RIGHT COMMENT An asterisk (ASTERISK) followed */ by a forward slash (SLASH) HEX INDICATOR The letter x (in upper or lower X' or x' case) followed by a single quotation mark (QUOTE) The values of these delimiters are implicitly changed when you change the values of the character delimiters. These delimiters will be referred to within this file using their complex delimiter name. The value of the letter x is not configurable (x'78' lower case, x'58' upper case). The value of these delimiters can be any valid "printable" ASCII character (0x20 - 0xFF) except for the following characters: a-z lowercase letters A-Z uppercase letters 0-9 digits ' ' space (this is always set to the blank (BLANK) delimiter) '.' period '$' dollar sign '#' pound or numeric sign '@' at sign ':' colon '\' back slash Note: Changing the value of the LINE COMMENT, LEFT COMMENT, or RIGHT COMMENT delimiters does NOT change their values within APPNV.CTL. This file always uses the default settings for these delimiters. ----------------------- General Command Syntax ------------------------------- The general format of a command is the command name, followed by one or more command parameters, and terminated with a semicolon (SEMI). The parameters may be specified in any order. The general format of a command parameter is the parameter name, followed by the parameter value enclosed in a left parenthesis (LPAREN) and right parenthesis (RPAREN). Parameter values may be one or more numbers, hexadecimal numbers, hexadecimal strings, value keywords, strings, or sub-parameters. Command names, parameter names, and value keywords are all case insensitive (the strings "DEFINE_LOCAL_CP" and "define_local_cp" both identify the same command). ----------------------------- Parameter values ------------------------------- Numbers may be specified as unsigned decimal values (e.g. 256) or as hexadecimal numbers (which are translated to their integer equivalent). Integer numbers consists of one or more of the decimal digits 0 - 9. Hexadecimal numbers are specified by enclosing two or more hexadecimal digits (0 - 9, a - f, A - F) within a HEX INDICATOR and a single quotation mark (QUOTE). For example, using the default values for the delimiters, a valid hex number would be X'2B'. X'2B' would indicate the same hexadecimal value. Hexadecimal numbers must be specified using an EVEN number of hexadecimal digits. Hexadecimal strings are specified the same as hexadecimal numbers except hexadecimal strings may be specified using an EVEN or ODD number of hexadecimal digits. Value keywords are specified using the names of the keywords (specified in APPNV.CTL). Value keywords are used to indicate a specific value without worrying about its internal representation within Communications Manager/2. When describing the syntax of the commands (see below), the allowed value keywords for each parameter will be given. Strings are specified as one or more characters (making sure the characters are part of the character set valid for that parameter). Specify string values as is, do not enclose them in quotes, etc. You may specify a string with the same value as a command name, parameter name, or value keyword. For example, (using the default values), EN is a value keyword which can be specified for the NODE_TYPE parameter of the DEFINE_LOCAL_CP command. The Communications Manager/2 support will translate the value keyword EN into some internal representation. The value of the CP_ALIAS parameter of the DEFINE_LOCAL_CP command is specified using a string. Therefore, specifying EN for the CP_ALIAS parameter, will instruct the Communications Manager/2 support to use the actual string "EN" for the control point alias name. Most parameters that accept strings as their values also restrict the characters that may be specified in the string (referred to as the parameter character set). The next section describes the character sets used in the node definitions file. Sub-parameters are used when a parameter is actually a set of parameters. Sub parameters are specified the same as parameters and can take on any of the values a parameter can, including sub-parameters. For example, (using the default values), the value of the ADAPTER_INFO parameter of the DEFINE_CONNECTION_NETWORK command is two sub-parameters (DLC_NAME and ADAPTER_NUMBER). To specify a ADAPTER_INFO parameter which uses a DLC named IBMTRNET and adapter number 1, you would specify: ADAPTER_INFO (DLC_NAME(IBMTRNET) ADAPTER_NUMBER(1)) Finally, some parameters accept (or require) more than one value, where the values are not sub-parameters. The values are specified as a list of values separated by commas (COMMA). For example, (using the default values), the value of the COST_PER_BYTE_RANGE parameter of the DEFINE_COS command is actually two numbers. Therefore, to specify a range between 0 and 255, you would specify: COST_PER_BYTE_RANGE(0,255) -------------- Notes on string values and their character sets --------------- Some special notes on entering string values: 1) It is not necessary to pad strings with blanks, as required when using the programming interface. The Communications Manager/2 support will perform any necessary padding. 2) In some of the string types described below, the allowed characters include some of the node definition file delimiters. Unless noted in the string definition, the delimiters are not allowed to be a part of the string, even if they are a part of the string's defined character set. This is the main reason Communications Manager/2 allows you to change the delimiter definitions. You can change the delimiters such that they no longer clash with the characters you wish to place in your names. Strings cannot contain the ASCII line feed (LF), carriage return (CR), tab (HT or VT), or end-of-text-file (x'1A') characters. 3) Type-a strings are entered in ASCII. The Communications Manager/2 support will translate the strings to EBCDIC. Although type-a strings are uppercase only, the Communications Manager/2 support will accept type-a strings in lower or upper case. They will be converted to uppercase when they are translated to EBCDIC (therefore the type-a strings "appn" and "APPN" are equivalent). Type-a strings consist of the uppercase letters (A-Z), digits (0-9), and the special characters $, #, and @. Fully-qualified names that are type-a strings also allow a period '.'. Type-a strings cannot start with a digit. Type-a strings are being phased out in favor of character set 01134 strings within SNA. To best prepare for this migration, try to only use characters that are in both character sets. 4) Type-ae strings are entered in ASCII. The Communications Manager/2 support will translate the strings to EBCDIC. Type-ae strings are case sensitive, so the Communications Manager/2 support will convert mixed case ASCII type-ae strings to mixed case EBCDIC strings. Type-ae strings consist of the upper case and lower case letters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9), and the special characters $, #, @, and period '.'. The first character of a type-ae string can be any type-ae character. Type-ae strings are being phased out in favor of character set 00640 strings within SNA. To best prepare for this migration, try to only use characters that are in both character sets. 5) Character set 01134 strings are entered in ASCII. The Communications Manager/2 support will translate the strings to EBCDIC. Although character set 01134 strings are uppercase only, the Communications Manager/2 support will accept character set 01134 strings in lower or upper case. They will be converted to upper case when they are translated to EBCDIC (therefore the character set 01134 strings "appn" and "APPN" are equivalent). Character set 01134 strings consist of the uppercase letters (A-Z) and digits (0-9). Fully-qualified names that are character set 01134 strings also allow a period '.'. Character set 01134 strings cannot start with a digit. The Communications Manager/2 support allows the '#' character in character set 01134 strings to identify IBM-supplied names, although '#' is not a part of character set 01134 (first character only). 6) Character set 00640 strings are entered in ASCII. The Communications Manager/2 support will translate the strings to EBCDIC. Character set 00640 strings are case sensitive, so the Communications Manager/2 support will convert mixed case ASCII character set 00640 strings to mixed case EBCDIC strings. Character set 00640 strings consist of the uppercase and lower case letters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9), and the following special characters: ' ' space (not supported by Communications Manager/2) '.' period '<' less than '>' greater than '(' left parenthesis ')' right parenthesis '+' plus '-' dash or minus '&' ampersand '*' asterisk ';' semicolon '/' slash ',' comma '%' percent '_' underscore '?' question mark ':' colon ''' single quote '"' double quote The Communications Manager/2 support does not allow the space character in character set 00640 strings, even though the SNA definition of character set 00640 includes the space character. Many of the characters in character set 00640 are also default delimiters. To minimize these conflicts and the need to redefine the delimiters, the following exceptions have been made for character set 00640 strings: a) A character set 00640 string can start with any character set 00640 character EXCEPT when the character is also one of the following delimiters: left parenthesis (LPAREN) right parenthesis (RPAREN) semicolon (SEMI) line comment (SLASH,SLASH) left comment (SLASH,ASTERISK) right comment (ASTERISK,SLASH) (if a comment is active) b) After the first character, a character set 00640 string can contain any character in character set 00640 EXCEPT when the character is also one of the following delimiters: following delimiters: right parenthesis (RPAREN) line comment (SLASH,SLASH) left comment (SLASH,ASTERISK) 7) ASCII strings can be any valid "printable" character. The Communications Manager/2 support allows any character to be specified as part of a ASCII string except characters that are also defined as a delimiter. The forward slash (SLASH), asterisk (ASTERISK), and single quotation mark (QUOTE) delimiters can be a part of an ASCII string as long as they are not combined to form the line comment (SLASH,SLASH), left comment (SLASH,ASTERISK), or HEX INDICATOR (letter x,QUOTE) delimiters. Some ASCII strings are uppercase only. The Communications Manager/2 support will accept uppercase only ASCII strings in lower and upper case, and convert them to uppercase. 8) Free form strings are ASCII strings with fewer character restrictions. Free form strings can be any valid "printable" character with the following exceptions: a) A free form string can start with any valid ASCII character EXCEPT when the character is also one of the following delimiters: blank (BLANK) left parenthesis (LPAREN) right parenthesis (RPAREN) semicolon (SEMI) line comment (SLASH,SLASH) left comment (SLASH,ASTERISK) right comment (ASTERISK,SLASH) (if a comment is active) b) After the first character, a free form string can contain any ASCII character EXCEPT when the character is also one of the following delimiters: right parenthesis (RPAREN) line comment (SLASH,SLASH) left comment (SLASH,ASTERISK) SPACES ARE SIGNIFICANT IN FREE FORM STRINGS!!! 9) A few parameters (e.g. MODE_NAME) allow a blank name to be specified. Since the node definitions file is free-format, blank (BLANK) characters are ignored (except for free form strings). To specify a blank name, use the BLANK value keyword (of course, you can change the value keyword BLANK to any name you wish). For example, using the default definitions, to use the blank mode name as the default mode name, specify DEFAULT_MODE_NAME(BLANK) on the DEFINE_DEFAULTS command. 10) Command names, parameter names, and value keywords are case insensitive ASCII strings with the restriction that these names cannot contain any delimiters (either character delimiters or complex delimiters). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- The CONFIGURATION COMMANDS ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following is a very brief description of the configuration commands, showing each command's command name, its parameter names, and their value keywords. The names shown here are the DEFAULT names defined in APPNV.CTL. You may customize any of these names to fit your requirements. Also shown is the syntax of each command, listing all the valid parameters. For each parameter is an indication whether it is required or optional (along with its default value, if one exists), any restrictions/dependencies with other parameters or their values, and the parameter's valid values. Note: Although the command names, parameter names, and value keywords may be changed, the overall syntax of the commands is not altered. You can change this section in APPNV.CTL, although this is not recommended. All parameters for a command are shown indented underneath the command name, with an indication to the left of the parameter name indicating whether the parameter is required (R), optional (O), or has special restrictions described at the end of the command description (digit). To the right of each parameter are the allowed parameter values. The special restrictions and default values for the parameters are listed below the command description, along with an example of the command. Note: Each command example is syntactically correct. The command examples are not meant to be combined to form a viable configuration. All valid value keywords and sub-parameters for a parameter are shown indented underneath their associated parameter name. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, a parameter may be specified only once per command. Likewise, a sub-parameter may be specified only once per PARAMETER (not command) unless explicitly stated otherwise. Note: The required, optional, or restrictions indications applies to the command or parameter "containing" the parameter (in other words, the command or parameter the parameter is indented underneath). For example, a required sub-parameter indicates that if its associated parameter is specified, then the sub-parameter must be specified as part of the parameter's value. Note: String sizes are given in byte values. For most languages, a byte is the same as a single character. But some languages use two bytes to represent a character. Therefore, if you are using a language that uses more than one byte to represent a character, you must take that into account when specifying string values. For example, if your language uses two bytes for every character, you can only specify four characters for an eight byte string value. Also shown in each command description is whether this command is dynamic. When you verify a configuration (using CMUPGRAD, which automatically verifies the created configuration, CMVERIFY, or the verify options of CMSETUP), you can optionally dynamically update the Communications Manager/2 active configuration with the new configuration. Therefore, in most cases, you do not have to stop and start the Communications Manager/2 support to make your changes active. The verify function will only attempt to update the Communications Manager/2 active configuration with the dynamic (as indicated below) commands, and only if you specify that the active configuration should be dynamically updated. If you make changes to commands which are not dynamic, then you must stop and start Communications Manager/2 to make your changes active. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- DEFINE_LOCAL_CP ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE_LOCAL_CP (R) FQ_CP_NAME (3-17 byte type-a string) (must be fully-qualified (netid.name)) (R) CP_ALIAS (1-8 byte ASCII string) (1) HOST_FP_LINK_NAME (1-8 byte type-a string) (O) HOST_FP_SUPPORT (see keywords) YES NO (O) NAU_ADDRESS (number between 1 & 254 or INDEPENDENT_LU) INDEPENDENT_LU (O) NODE_ID (5 or 8 digit hex string) (O) NODE_TYPE (see keywords) EN NN (2) NW_FP_SUPPORT (see keywords) NONE NW_UPSTREAM NW_DOWNSTREAM (O) NW_SERVER_NAME (1-128 byte ASCII string) (O) MAX_COMP_LEVEL (see keywords) NONE RLE LZ9 (O) MAX_COMP_TOKENS (0-3800) (4) FREE_UNUSED_SESSIONS (YES/NO) (O) DESCRIPTION (1-64 byte free format string) Notes: 1) Specify HOST_FP_LINK_NAME only if HOST_FP_SUPPORT(YES). The host focal point link can not have a PUNAME other than CP_NAME. 2) Specify HOST_FP_SUPPORT(YES) if NW_FP_SUPPORT(NW_DOWNSTREAM). Specify HOST_FP_SUPPORT(NO) if NW_FP_SUPPORT(NW_UPSTREAM). Also, if NW_FP_SUPPORT(NW_UPSTREAM) or NW_FP_SUPPORT(NW_DOWNSTREAM) then you must configure one of these DLCs: TR, Ethernet, or PC-Net Leaving NW_FP_SUPPORT unspecified has the same effect as setting it to NONE. 3) The setting for MAX_COMP_TOKENS must be large enough to handle one session at the MAX_COMP_LEVEL configured. For RLE the minimum is 5 and for LZ9 it is 38. 4) Specify FREE_UNUSED_SESSIONS(YES) if you want unused sessions to be freed even if the link is not defined as a limited resource link. Defaults: HOST_FP_SUPPORT (NO) NAU_ADDRESS (INDEPENDENT_LU) NODE_ID (X'00000') NODE_TYPE (EN) NW_FP_SUPPORT (NONE) MAX_COMP_LEVEL (NONE) MAX_COMP_TOKENS (0) FREE_UNUSED_SESSIONS(NO) Dynamic: NO Example: DEFINE_LOCAL_CP fq_cp_name(appn.home) cp_alias(home) host_fp_link_name(homelan) host_fp_support(yes) nau_address(independent_lu) node_id(x'00001') node_type(en) max_comp_level(RLE) max_comp_tokens(10) free_unused_sessions(yes) description(local cp definition for node home); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ DEFINE_CONNECTION_NETWORK --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE_CONNECTION_NETWORK (R) FQ_CN_NAME (3-17 byte type-a string) (must be fully-qualified (netid.name)) (R) ADAPTER_INFO (see sub-parameters) (more than one ADAPTER_INFO parameter may be specified). (R) ADAPTER_NUMBER (for the following DLCs, number between: IBMTRNET - 0 & 1 ETHERAND - 0 & 1 IBMPCNET - 0 & 1 ) (R) DLC_NAME (1-8 byte ASCII string) (The following names are currently supported by Communications Manager/2). IBMTRNET - IBM Token-Ring Network ETHERAND - ETHERAND Network IBMPCNET - IBM PC Network (O) DESCRIPTION (1-64 byte free format string) Notes: none Defaults: none Dynamic: NO Example: DEFINE_CONNECTION_NETWORK fq_cn_name(appn.cn1) adapter_info(dlc_name(IBMTRNET) adapter_number(1)) adapter_info(dlc_name(IBMTRNET) adapter_number(0)) description(connection network cn1); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- DEFINE_LOGICAL_LINK ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE_LOGICAL_LINK (R) LINK_NAME (1-8 byte type-a string) (R) DLC_NAME (1-8 byte ASCII string) (The following names are currently supported by Communications Manager/2). SDLC - SDLC IBMIDLC - IBM IDLC IBMTRNET - IBM Token-Ring Network ETHERAND - ETHERAND Network IBMPCNET - IBM PC Network X25DLC - X.25 TWINAX - Twinaxial (R) ACTIVATE_AT_STARTUP (see keywords) YES NO (1) CP_CP_SESSION_SUPPORT (see keywords) YES NO (2) ADAPTER_NUMBER (for the following DLCs, number between: SDLC - 0 & 127 IBMIDLC - 0 & 127 IBMTRNET - 0 & 1 ETHERAND - 0 & 1 IBMPCNET - 0 & 1 TWINAX - 0 & 1 ) (O) ADJACENT_NODE_TYPE (see keywords) LEARN LEN NN (3) PREFERRED_NN_SERVER (see keywords) YES NO (4) DESTINATION_ADDRESS (1-16 byte hex string) (4) ADJACENT_NODE_ID (5 or 8 digit hex string) (4) FQ_ADJACENT_CP_NAME (3-17 byte type-a string) (must be a fully-qualified (netid.name)) (5) X25_DIRECTORY_ENTRY (1-8 byte type-a string) (6) OCDT_ENTRY_NAME (1-15 byte free format string) (7) PERMANENT_CONNECTION_NAME (1-15 byte free format string) (8) SOLICIT_SSCP_SESSION (see keywords) YES NO (8) PU_NAME (1-8 byte type-a string) (8) HOST_BACKUP_LINK (see keywords) YES NO (9) ETHERNET_FORMAT (see keywords) YES NO (10) INIT_WITH_SNRM (see keywords) YES NO (O) LIMITED_RESOURCE (see keywords) YES NO USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION (O) LINK_STATION_ROLE (see keywords) NEGOTIABLE PRIMARY SECONDARY USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION (O) NODE_ID (5 or 8 digit hex string) (O) MAX_ACTIVATION_ATTEMPTS (number between 0 & 254, INFINITE or USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION) (O) USE_PUNAME_AS_CPNAME YES NO (O) EFFECTIVE_CAPACITY (number between 0 and 16000000 or USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION) USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION (O) COST_PER_BYTE (number between 0 and 255 or USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION) USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION (O) COST_PER_CONNECT_TIME (number between 0 and 255 or USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION) USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION (O) PROPAGATION_DELAY (see keywords) MINIMUM LAN TELEPHONE PACKET_SWITCHED_NETWORK SATELLITE MAXIMUM USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION (O) SECURITY (see keywords) NONSECURE PUBLIC_SWITCHED_NETWORK UNDERGROUND_CABLE SECURE_CONDUIT GUARDED_CONDUIT ENCRYPTED GUARDED_RADIATION USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION (O) USER_DEFINED_1 (number between 0 and 255 or USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION) USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION (O) USER_DEFINED_2 (number between 0 and 255 or USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION) USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION (O) USER_DEFINED_3 (number between 0 and 255 or USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION) USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION (O) IDLC_PARMS (see keywords) (O) T200 (primary timer) (number between 1 and 300) (O) N200 (retransmit threshold) (number between 1 and 127) (O) N201 (max. I field size) (number between 265 and 4105) (O) T203 (inactivity timer) (number between 1 and 65) (O) K (max. outstanding I frames) (number between 1 and 127) (O) Nw (dynamic window step size) (number between 1 and 127) (O) DESCRIPTION (1-64 byte free format string) Notes: 1) CP_CP_SESSION_SUPPORT is always set to NO if the adjacent node is a LEN node (ADJACENT_NODE_TYPE(LEN)). 2) If DLC_NAME(X25DLC) is not specified, then ADAPTER_NUMBER must be specified. If DLC_NAME(X25DLC) is specified, then ADAPTER_NUMBER parameter is ignored since it is in the X25 directory entry. 3) Specify PREFERRED_NN_SERVER(YES) only if ADJACENT_NODE_TYPE(NN). You can specify PREFERRED_NN_SERVER(YES) only if CP_CP_SESSION_SUPPORT(YES) is specified. 4) DESTINATION_ADDRESS is optional if DLC type is LAN. If specified then the address must be a valid LAN address - a 6 byte MAC address or a 6 byte MAC address appended with a one byte remote SAP address. If a remote SAP address is specified, it must be in the range X'04' to X'9C', and must be divisible by 4. If no remote SAP is specified, the default of X'04' is used. The names of the LAN DLC types are: IBMTRNET - IBM Token-Ring Network ETHERAND - ETHERAND Network IBMPCNET - IBM PC Network If DLC type is LAN and DESTINATION_ADDRESS is not specified then either ADJACENT_NODE_ID or FQ_ADJACENT_CP_NAME is required. In this case ACTIVATE_AT_STARTUP cannot be YES and LINK_STATION_ROLE cannot be PRIMARY. The remote node must activate the link. DESTINATION_ADDRESS is optional if DLC_NAME(IBMIDLC) is specified. If specified the address must be a valid IBMIDLC address (range X'0010' to X'03EF'). If not specified then DESTINATION_ADDRESS defaults to X'0020'. If DLC_NAME is SDLC and adapter link station role is primary, then the DESTINATION_ADDRESS specifies the secondary link station address. The valid range is X'01' to X'FF' and defaults to the broadcast address X'FF'. Values except for X'FF' must match the remote's local station address. This field is ignored when the adapter link station role is secondary or negotiable. DESTINATION_ADDRESS is ignored if one of the following names is specified for DLC_NAME: X25DLC - X.25 TWINAX - Twinaxial If DLC type is not LAN or DLC type is LAN and DESTINATION_ADDRESS is specified, then FQ_ADJACENT_CP_NAME and ADJACENT_NODE_ID are optional. They are used to identify the remote station during XID negotiation during link activation. 5) X25_DIRECTORY_ENTRY is required if DLC_NAME(X25DLC) is specified, otherwise X25_DIRECTORY_ENTRY is ignored. 6) OCDT_ENTRY_NAME is required if the link is using SNA ISDN services. This extends to DLC_NAME(SDLC) and ADAPTER_NUMBERs greater than 1 and DLC_NAME(IBMIDLC) and ADAPTER_NUMBERs greater than 15. If a switched link is used only for an incoming link, the OCDT_ENTRY_NAME is not required. OCDT_ENTRY_NAME and PERMANENT_CONNECTION_NAME are mutually exclusive, (if one is specified, the other cannot be specified). 7) PERMANENT_CONNECTION_NAME is required if the link is using SNA nonswitched or leased line services. This extends to DLC_NAME(SDLC) and ADAPTER_NUMBERs greater than 1. If the link is nonswitched, it cannot be used as an incoming link. PERMANENT_CONNECTION_NAME is required. OCDT_ENTRY_NAME and PERMANENT_CONNECTION_NAME are mutually exclusive, (if one is specified, the other cannot be specified). 8) PU_NAME is an optional field if SOLICIT_SSCP_SESSION is set to YES. If SOLICIT_SSCP_SESSION is set to NO, PU_NAME is ignored. SOLICIT_SSCP_SESSION is always set to YES if the link is defined as the host focal point link (DEFINE_LOCAL_CP HOST_FP_LINK_NAME). If the link is defined as the host focal point link, the PU_NAME must be equivalent to the CP name of this node. More than one logical link or dependent LU server may be defined without a PU_NAME or with CP_NAME = PU_NAME, but only one such definition may have active SSCP-PU sessions at any moment in time. For PU_NAMEs other than the CP, only one logical link or dependent LU server can be defined with each PU_NAME. HOST_BACKUP_LINK(YES) will allow the link to be used a backup host link for another host link with the same PU_NAME and HOST_BACKUP_LINK(NO). 9) ETHERNET_FORMAT is optional if DLC_NAME is LAN, and is ignored if DESTINATION_ADDRESS is not specified. Specify this option if DESTINATION_ADDRESS should be interpreted as being in Ethernet format (least significant bit). If ETHERNET_FORMAT is not set to YES, then DESTINATION_ADDRESS is interpreted as being in Token-Ring format (most significant bit). ETHERNET_FORMAT is ignored if DLC_NAME is anything other than ETHERAND, IBMTRNET, or IBMPCNET, or if DESTINATION_ADDRESS is not specified. 10) INIT_WITH_SNRM is optional if DLC_NAME is SDLC, and is not allowed if DLC_NAME is anything different. Also, Adapter link station role must be primary and the DESTINATION_ADDRESS cannot be set to the broadcast address (X'FF') or INIT_WITH_SNRM is ignored. Defaults: ADJACENT_NODE_TYPE (LEARN) PREFERRED_NN_SERVER (NO) LIMITED_RESOURCE (USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION) (if CP_CP_SESSION_SUPPORT(NO) is specified) (NO) (if CP_CP_SESSION_SUPPORT(YES) is specified) LINK_STATION_ROLE (USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION) SOLICIT_SSCP_SESSION (NO) USE_PUNAME_AS_CPNAME (NO) HOST_BACKUP_LINK (NO) MAX_ACTIVATION_ATTEMPTS (USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION) EFFECTIVE_CAPACITY (USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION) COST_PER_BYTE (USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION) COST_PER_CONNECT_TIME (USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION) PROPAGATION_DELAY (USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION) SECURITY (USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION) USER_DEFINED_1 (USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION) USER_DEFINED_2 (USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION) USER_DEFINED_3 (USE_ADAPTER_DEFINITION) PU_NAME (CP_NAME on DEFINE_LOCAL_CP) (if SOLICIT_SSCP_SESSION(YES) is specified) ETHERNET_FORMAT (NO) INIT_WITH_SNRM (NO) NODE_ID (NODE_ID on DEFINE_LOCAL_CP) Dynamic: YES Example: DEFINE_LOGICAL_LINK link_name(link1) ADAPTER_NUMBER(1) DLC_NAME(IBMTRNET) ACTIVATE_AT_STARTUP(NO) CP_CP_SESSION_SUPPORT(yes) ADJACENT_NODE_TYPE(nn) preferred_nn_server(no) DESTINATION_ADDRESS(x'400000000000') FQ_ADJACENT_CP_NAME(appn.neighbor) effective_capacity(4000000) cost_per_byte(255) cost_per_connect_time(use_adapter_definition) propagation_delay(lan) security(NONSECURE) user_defined_1(use_adapter_definition) user_defined_2(use_adapter_definition) user_defined_3(use_adapter_definition) limited_resource(no) link_station_role(secondary) solicit_sscp_session(yes) pu_name(host1) description(link to host one); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------- DEFINE_DEPENDENT_LU_SERVER --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE_DEPENDENT_LU_SERVER (R) LINK_NAME (1-8 byte type-a string) (R) ACTIVATE_AT_STARTUP (see keywords) YES NO (1) FQ_ADJACENT_CP_NAME (3-17 byte type-a string) (must be a fully-qualified (netid.name)) (2) PU_NAME (1-8 byte type-a string) (2) NODE_ID (5 or 8 digit hex string) (O) DESCRIPTION (1-64 byte free format string) Notes: 1) FQ_ADJACENT_CP_NAME is required if ACTIVATE_AT_STARTUP is set to YES. If FQ_ADJACENT_CP_NAME is not specified, ACTIVATE_AT_STARTUP cannot be YES and the dependent LU server must activate the PU. If the dependent LU server activates the PU, the name supplied by the dependent LU server will be used. 2) PU_NAME and NODE_ID are optional fields. NODE_ID must be unique for each server. If the PU_NAME is the same as the CP name of this node (DEFINE_LOCAL_CP CP_NAME), then NODE_ID must match the CP node ID (DEFINE_LOCAL_CP NODE_ID). If the link is defined as the host focal point link (DEFINE_LOCAL_CP HOST_FP_LINK_NAME), the PU_NAME must be equivalent to the CP name of this node. More than one logical link or dependent LU server may be defined without a PU_NAME or with CP_NAME = PU_NAME, but only one such definition may have active SSCP-PU sessions at any moment in time. For PU_NAMEs other than the CP, only one logical link or dependent LU server can be defined with each PU_NAME. Defaults: PU_NAME (CP_NAME on DEFINE_LOCAL_CP) NODE_ID (NODE_ID on DEFINE_LOCAL_CP) Dynamic: YES Example: DEFINE_DEPENDENT_LU_SERVER link_name(dlus) activate_at_startup(no) fq_adjacent_cp_name(appn.dlus) pu_name(host2) node_id(x'05D00002') description(second host via dlus); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------- DEFINE_LOCAL_LU -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE_LOCAL_LU (R) LU_NAME (1-8 byte type-a string) (O) LU_ALIAS (1-8 byte ASCII string) (O) NAU_ADDRESS (number between 1 & 254 or INDEPENDENT_LU) INDEPENDENT_LU (1) HOST_LINK_NAME (see keywords) (O) DESCRIPTION (1-64 byte free format string) Notes: 1) HOST_LINK_NAME is ignored if NAU_ADDRESS(INDEPENDENT_LU) is specified, otherwise HOST_LINK_NAME is optional. If it is not specified, then it can use any link with active SSCP-PU and the link PU_NAME = CP_NAME. Defaults: LU_ALIAS (same value as LU_NAME) NAU_ADDRESS (INDEPENDENT_LU) Dynamic: YES Example: DEFINE_LOCAL_LU lu_name(filetran) lu_alias(mylu) nau_address(independent_lu) description(Local LU for file transfer); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- DEFINE_PARTNER_LU ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE_PARTNER_LU (R) FQ_PARTNER_LU_NAME (1-17 byte type-a string) (can be fully-qualified (netid.name) or a simple 8 character name (name)) (O) PARTNER_LU_ALIAS (One or more aliases, separated by commas (COMMA). Up to 255 aliases may be specified. Each alias is a 1-8 byte ASCII string) (O) PARTNER_LU_UNINTERPRETED_NAME (1-8 byte type-a string) (O) CONV_SECURITY_VERIFICATION (see keywords) YES NO (O) MAX_MC_LL_SEND_SIZE (number between 2048 and 32767) (O) PARALLEL_SESSION_SUPPORT (see keywords) YES NO (O) DESCRIPTION (1-64 byte free format string) Notes: none Dynamic: YES Defaults: PARTNER_LU_ALIAS (partner LU name (without the netid)) CONV_SECURITY_VERIFICATION (NO) MAX_MC_LL_SEND_SIZE (32767) PARALLEL_SESSION_SUPPORT (YES) Example: DEFINE_PARTNER_LU fq_partner_lu_name(pipeline) partner_lu_alias(pipeline) partner_lu_uninterpreted_name(piping) conv_security_verification(no) max_mc_ll_send_size(4096) parallel_session_support(yes) description(Remote LU for pipeline); Example: DEFINE_PARTNER_LU fq_partner_lu_name(pipeline) partner_lu_alias(pipeline, pipe2, pipe3) partner_lu_uninterpreted_name(piping) conv_security_verification(no) max_mc_ll_send_size(4096) parallel_session_support(yes) description(Remote LU with multiple aliases); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ DEFINE_PARTNER_LU_LOCATION -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE_PARTNER_LU_LOCATION (R) FQ_OWNING_CP_NAME (3-17 byte type-a string) (must be fully-qualified (netid.name)) (O) WILDCARD_ENTRY (see keywords) FULL PARTIAL NO (1) FQ_PARTNER_LU_NAME (1-17 byte type-a string) (can be fully-qualified (netid.name) or a simple 8 character name (name)) (2) FQ_SERVING_NN_CP_NAME (3-17 byte type-a string) (must be fully-qualified (netid.name)) (3) LOCAL_NODE_NN_SERVER (see keywords) YES NO (O) DESCRIPTION (1-64 byte free format string) Notes: 1) FQ_PARTNER_LU_NAME is required if WILDCARD_ENTRY(NO) or WILDCARD_ENTRY(PARTIAL). If WILDCARD_ENTRY(PARTIAL), the value can be a wildcard. For example, APPN.N1 would match any partner name beginning with N1. The LU name is optional in the case of a partial wildcard. "APPN." is valid, for example. 2) Specify FQ_SERVING_NN_CP_NAME only if WILDCARD_ENTRY(NO) or WILDCARD_ENTRY(PARTIAL) 3) This parameter is only referenced if the local node is a network node (DEFINE_LOCAL_CP NODE_TYPE(NN). If the local node is a network node, the following rules apply: a) If LOCAL_NODE_NN_SERVER(NO) is specified: - FQ_SERVING_NN_CP_NAME must be specified. - FQ_SERVING_NN_CP_NAME must not be the same as the local cp name (DEFINE_LOCAL_CP FQ_CP_NAME). b) If LOCAL_NODE_NN_SERVER(YES) is specified: - FQ_SERVING_NN_CP_NAME can be specified, but it must equal the local cp name (DEFINE_LOCAL_CP FQ_CP_NAME). When defining LUs attached to your network node via a LEN connection, you must still specify LOCAL_NODE_NN_SERVER(YES). This parameter is ignored if the local node is an end node. Defaults: WILDCARD_ENTRY (NO) LOCAL_NODE_NN_SERVER(NO) Dynamic: YES Example: DEFINE_PARTNER_LU_LOCATION wildcard_entry(no) fq_partner_lu_name(pipeline) fq_owning_cp_name(appn.neighbor) local_node_nn_server(no) fq_serving_nn_cp_name(appn.nn) description(Location of pipeline LU); Example: DEFINE_PARTNER_LU_LOCATION wildcard_entry(partial) fq_partner_lu_name(NETA. ) fq_owning_cp_name(NETA.neighbor) local_node_nn_server(no) description(Location of network NETA LUs); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- DEFINE_COS ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE_COS (R) COS_NAME (1-8 byte type-a string) (see note 1) (R) TRANSMISSION_PRIORITY (see keywords) NETWORK HIGH MEDIUM LOW (R) NODE_ROW (see sub-parameters) (more than one NODE_ROW parameter may be specified). (R) WEIGHT (number between 0 and 255) (R) CONGESTION_RANGE (multi-valued parameter consisting of two value keywords (see list below). If the second value is NO, then the first value must be NO) YES NO (R) ROUTE_ADDITION_RES_RANGE (multi-valued parameter consisting of two numbers between 0 and 255, with the second number being greater than or equal to the first number) (R) TG_ROW (see sub-parameters) (more than one TG_ROW parameter may be specified). (R) WEIGHT (number between 0 and 255) (R) COST_PER_BYTE_RANGE (multi-valued parameter consisting of two numbers between 0 and 255, with the second number being greater than or equal to the first number) (R) COST_PER_CONNECT_TIME_RANGE (multi-valued parameter consisting of two numbers between 0 and 255, with the second number being greater than or equal to the first number) (R) EFFECTIVE_CAPACITY_RANGE (multi-valued parameter consisting of two numbers between 0 and 255, with the second number being greater than or equal to the first number) (R) PROPAGATION_DELAY_RANGE (multi-valued parameter consisting of two value keywords (see list below). The second value can be the same as the first value or any value appearing after the first value in the list below) MINIMUM LAN TELEPHONE PACKET_SWITCHED_NETWORK SATELLITE MAXIMUM (R) SECURITY_RANGE (multi-valued parameter consisting of two value keywords (see list below). The second value can be the same as the first value or any value appearing after the first value in the list below) NONSECURE PUBLIC_SWITCHED_NETWORK UNDERGROUND_CABLE SECURE_CONDUIT GUARDED_CONDUIT ENCRYPTED GUARDED_RADIATION (R) USER_DEFINED_1_RANGE (multi-valued parameter consisting of two numbers between 0 and 255, with the second number being greater than or equal to the first number) (R) USER_DEFINED_2_RANGE (multi-valued parameter consisting of two numbers between 0 and 255, with the second number being greater than or equal to the first number) (R) USER_DEFINED_3_RANGE (multi-valued parameter consisting of two numbers between 0 and 255, with the second number being greater than or equal to the first number) (O) DESCRIPTION (1-64 byte free format string) Notes: 1) The IBM-supplied COS definitions are automatically created by the configuration utilities. Therefore, these definitions cannot be created using the DEFINE_COS command. The names of the IBM-supplied COS definitions are: #CONNECT, #INTER, #INTERSC, #BATCH, #BATCHSC, CPSVCMG, and SNASVCMG. Defaults: none Dynamic: YES Example: DEFINE_COS cos_name(cos1) transmission_priority(network) node_row (weight(101) congestion_range(yes,yes) route_addition_res_range(11,21) ) node_row (weight(102) congestion_range(no,yes) route_addition_res_range(12,22) ) node_row (weight(103) congestion_range(no,no) route_addition_res_range(13,23) ) tg_row (weight(201) cost_per_byte_range(41,51) cost_per_connect_time_range(21,31) effective_capacity_range(121,131) propagation_delay_range(minimum,maximum) security_range(NONSECURE,guarded_radiation) user_defined_1_range(61,71) user_defined_2_range(81,91) user_defined_3_range(101,111) ) tg_row (weight(202) cost_per_byte_range(42,52) cost_per_connect_time_range(22,32) effective_capacity_range(122,132) propagation_delay_range(telephone, PACKET_SWITCHED_NETWORK) security_range(public_switched_network, encrypted) user_defined_1_range(62,72) user_defined_2_range(82,92) user_defined_3_range(102,112) ) tg_row (weight(203) cost_per_byte_range(43,53) cost_per_connect_time_range(23,33) effective_capacity_range(123,133) propagation_delay_range(telephone,telephone) security_range(UNDERGROUND_CABLE, GUARDED_CONDUIT) user_defined_1_range(63,73) user_defined_2_range(83,93) user_defined_3_range(103,113) ) tg_row (weight(204) cost_per_byte_range(44,54) cost_per_connect_time_range(24,34) effective_capacity_range(124,134) propagation_delay_range(telephone,telephone) security_range(SECURE_CONDUIT,SECURE_CONDUIT) user_defined_1_range(64,74) user_defined_2_range(84,94) user_defined_3_range(104,114) ) description(Sample COS definition) ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------- DEFINE_MODE ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE_MODE (R) MODE_NAME (1-8 byte type-a string or BLANK) BLANK (see note 1) (2) MAX_RU_SIZE_UPPER_BOUND (number between 256 & 16384) (O) COS_NAME (1-8 byte type-a string) (O) DEFAULT_RU_SIZE (see keywords) YES NO (O) MAX_NEGOTIABLE_SESSION_LIMIT (number between 0 and 32767) (O) MIN_CONWINNERS_SOURCE (number between 0 and 32767) (O) PLU_MODE_SESSION_LIMIT (number between 0 and 32767) (5) PACING_TYPE (see keywords) FIXED TWO_WAY_FIXED ADAPTIVE (O) RECEIVE_PACING_WINDOW (number between 0 and 63) (O) COMPRESSION_NEED (see keywords) PROHIBITED SYSTEM REQUESTED (O) PLU_SLU_COMPRESSION (see keywords) NONE RLE LZ9 (O) SLU_PLU_COMPRESSION (see keywords) NONE RLE LZ9 (O) DESCRIPTION (1-64 byte free format string) Notes: 1) The IBM-supplied mode definitions are automatically created by the configuration utilities. These definitions can be superseded using the DEFINE_MODE command. The names of the IBM-supplied mode definitions are: #INTER, #INTERSC, #BATCH, #BATCHSC, #INTERC, #INTERCS, #BATCHC, #BATCHCS, CPSVCMG, SNASVCMG, and BLANK (the blank mode name). 2) MAX_RU_SIZE_UPPER_BOUND is required if DEFAULT_RU_SIZE(NO). 3) The value of MAX_NEGOTIABLE_SESSION_LIMIT must be greater than or equal to the value of PLU_MODE_SESSION_LIMIT. 4) The value of PLU_MODE_SESSION_LIMIT must be greater than or equal to the value of MIN_CONWINNERS_SOURCE. 5) PACING_TYPE is optional and defaults to adaptive. FIXED pacing is used to be able to share a link between a session transferring a large file and an interactive session. TWO_WAY_FIXED pacing should be used only with an NCP. TWO_WAY_FIXED sets the BIND_RSP send window as well as the receive window to the RECEIVE_PACING_WINDOW and sets the adaptive pacing to no. Defaults: COS_NAME(#CONNECT) DEFAULT_RU_SIZE(YES) RECEIVE_PACING_WINDOW(4) PACING_TYPE(ADAPTIVE) MAX_NEGOTIABLE_SESSION_LIMIT(32767) PLU_MODE_SESSION_LIMIT(32767 or MAX_NEGOTIABLE_SESSION_LIMIT value, whichever is less) MIN_CONWINNERS_SOURCE(1/2 of PLU_MODE_SESSION_LIMIT value) COMPRESSION_NEED(PROHIBITED) PLU_SLU_COMPRESSION(NONE) SLU_PLU_COMPRESSION(NONE) Dynamic: YES Example: DEFINE_MODE mode_name(mode1) max_ru_size_upper_bound(4096) cos_name(#connect) default_ru_size(yes) max_negotiable_session_limit(1) min_conwinners_source(1) plu_mode_session_limit(1) receive_pacing_window(7) compression_need(requested) plu_slu_compression(rle) slu_plu_compression(lz9) description(single session mode); Defaults: COS_NAME(CPSVCMG ) DEFAULT_RU_SIZE(NO) RECEIVE_PACING_WINDOW(1) MAX_NEGOTIABLE_SESSION_LIMIT(2) PLU_MODE_SESSION_LIMIT(2) MIN_CONWINNERS_SOURCE(1) COMPRESSION_NEED(PROHIBITED) PLU_SLU_COMPRESSION(NONE) SLU_PLU_COMPRESSION(NONE) Example: DEFINE_MODE mode_name(CPSVCMG ) max_ru_size_upper_bound(4096) cos_name(CPSVCMG ) default_ru_size(NO) max_negotiable_session_limit(2) min_conwinners_source(1) plu_mode_session_limit(2) receive_pacing_window(1) compression_need(requested) plu_slu_compression(NONE) slu_plu_compression(NONE) description(single session mode); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------- DEFINE_DEFAULTS -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE_DEFAULTS (O) DEFAULT_TP_CONV_SECURITY_RQD (see keywords) YES NO (O) DEFAULT_TP_OPERATION (see keywords) QUEUED_OPERATOR_STARTED QUEUED_OPERATOR_PRELOADED QUEUED_AM_STARTED NONQUEUED_AM_STARTED (O) DEFAULT_TP_PROGRAM_TYPE (see keywords) BACKGROUND FULL_SCREEN PRESENTATION_MANAGER VIO_WINDOWABLE WINDOW DEFAULT (O) DIRECTORY_FOR_INBOUND_ATTACHES (1-64 byte ASCII string) (O) IMPLICIT_INBOUND_PLU_SUPPORT (see keywords) YES NO (O) DEFAULT_MODE_NAME (1-8 byte type-a string or BLANK) BLANK (see note ) (O) DEFAULT_LOCAL_LU_ALIAS (1-8 byte ASCII string) (O) MAX_HELD_ALERTS (number between 0 & 255) (O) MAX_MC_LL_SEND_SIZE (number between 2048 and 32767) (O) DESCRIPTION (1-64 byte free format string) Notes: 1) DIRECTORY_FOR_INBOUND_ATTACHES uses the special value (*) to indicate that the system PATH statement should be used when starting an undefined transaction program. This value does NOT change if you change the value of the ASTERISK delimiter. 2) The CPSVCMG mode cannot be used for user sessions, therefore CPSVCMG cannot be specified for DEFAULT_MODE_NAME. Defaults: DEFAULT_TP_OPERATION(NONQUEUED_AM_STARTED) DEFAULT_TP_PROGRAM_TYPE(BACKGROUND) DEFAULT_TP_CONV_SECURITY_RQD(NO) DEFAULT_LOCAL_LU_ALIAS(the local cp becomes the default LU) IMPLICIT_INBOUND_PLU_SUPPORT(YES) MAX_HELD_ALERTS(10) MAX_MC_LL_SEND_SIZE(32767) Dynamic: NO Example: DEFINE_DEFAULTS default_tp_conv_security_rqd(no) default_tp_operation(queued_am_started) default_tp_program_type(vio_windowable) directory_for_inbound_attaches(c:\cmlib) implicit_inbound_plu_support(yes) default_mode_name(mode1) default_local_lu_alias(locallu) max_held_alerts(15) max_mc_ll_send_size(2048) description(Default node properties for node home); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- DEFINE_EXPLICIT_SOC ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE_EXPLICIT_SOC (1) USER_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY (1-8 byte type-a string) (1) SNA_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY (multi-valued parameter consisting of a one byte hex number with a value between x'00' and x'3F' (excluding x'0E' and x'0F'), and a 3 byte type-a string with no restriction on the first digit) (R) FQ_SOC_NODE_NAMES (One or more names, separated by commas (COMMA). Up to 255 names may be specified. Each name is a 3-17 byte type-a string, and each name must be fully-qualified (netid.name)) (O) REPLACE_BACKUP_FP (see keywords) YES NO (2) FQ_BACKUP_FP_NAME (3-17 byte type-a string) (must be fully-qualified (netid.name)) (O) DESCRIPTION (1-64 byte free format string) Notes: 1) USER_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY and SNA_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY are mutually exclusive (if one is specified, the other cannot be specified), but one (either USER_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY or SNA_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY) must be specified. 2) Specify FQ_BACKUP_FP_NAME only if REPLACE_BACKUP_FP(YES). 3) This command can be specified only if the local node is a network node (DEFINE_LOCAL_CP NODE_TYPE(NN). Defaults: REPLACE_BACKUP_FP (YES) FQ_BACKUP_FP_NAME (if REPLACE_BACKUP_FP(YES), the default is blanks, which implies no backup is defined; if REPLACE_BACKUP_FP(NO), the default is nulls because this parameter is ignored) Dynamic: YES Example: DEFINE_EXPLICIT_SOC SNA_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY(x'23',123) FQ_SOC_NODE_NAMES(appn.ep1, appn.ep2, appn.ep3) REPLACE_BACKUP_FP(YES) FQ_BACKUP_FP_NAME(appn.netview) description(Focal point explicit sphere-of-control); DEFINE_EXPLICIT_SOC USER_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY(ACCTING) FQ_SOC_NODE_NAMES(appn.ep1, appn.ep2, appn.ep3) REPLACE_BACKUP_FP(YES) FQ_BACKUP_FP_NAME(appn.netview); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- DEFINE_DEFAULT_SOC ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE_DEFAULT_SOC (1) USER_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY (1-8 byte type-a string) (1) SNA_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY (multi-valued parameter consisting of a one byte hex number with a value between x'00' and x'3F' (excluding x'0E' and x'0F'), and a 3 byte type-a string with no restriction on the first digit) (O) REPLACE_BACKUP_FP (see keywords) YES NO (1) FQ_BACKUP_FP_NAME (3-17 byte type-a string) (must be fully-qualified (netid.name)) (O) DESCRIPTION (1-64 byte free format string) Notes: 1) USER_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY and SNA_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY are mutually exclusive (if one is specified, the other cannot be specified), but one (either USER_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY or SNA_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY) must be specified. 2) Specify FQ_BACKUP_FP_NAME only if REPLACE_BACKUP_FP(YES). 3) This command can be specified only if the local node is a network node (DEFINE_LOCAL_CP NODE_TYPE(NN). Defaults: REPLACE_BACKUP_FP (YES) FQ_BACKUP_FP_NAME (if REPLACE_BACKUP_FP(YES), the default is blanks, which implies no backup is defined; if REPLACE_BACKUP_FP(NO), the default is nulls because this parameter is ignored) Dynamic: YES Example: DEFINE_DEFAULT_SOC SNA_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY(x'06',123) REPLACE_BACKUP_FP(YES) FQ_BACKUP_FP_NAME(appn.netview) description(Focal point implicit sphere-of-control); DEFINE_DEFAULT_SOC USER_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY(ACCTING) REPLACE_BACKUP_FP(YES) FQ_BACKUP_FP_NAME(appn.netview); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- DEFINE_REMOTE_FOCAL_POINT -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE_REMOTE_FOCAL_POINT (1) USER_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY (1-8 byte type-a string) (1) SNA_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY (multi-valued parameter consisting of a one byte hex number with a value between x'00' and x'3F' (excluding x'0E' and x'0F'), and a 3 byte type-a string with no restriction on the first digit) (R) FQ_PRIMARY_FP_NAME (3-17 byte type-a string) (must be fully-qualified (netid.name)) (O) FQ_BACKUP_FP_NAMES (One or more names, separated by commas (COMMA). Up to 8 names may be specified. Each name is a 3-17 byte type-a string, and each name must be fully-qualified (netid.name)) (O) DESCRIPTION (1-64 byte free format string) Notes: 1) USER_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY and SNA_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY are mutually exclusive (if one is specified, the other cannot be specified), but one (either USER_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY or SNA_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY) must be specified. Defaults: None. Dynamic: YES Example: DEFINE_REMOTE_FOCAL_POINT SNA_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY(x'23',123) FQ_PRIMARY_FP_NAME(appn.netview) FQ_BACKUP_FP_NAMES(appn.fp1, appn.fp2, appn.fp3) description(Remote focal point definition); DEFINE_REMOTE_FOCAL_POINT USER_DEFINED_MS_CATEGORY(ACCTING) FQ_PRIMARY_FP_NAME(appn.netview) FQ_BACKUP_FP_NAMES(appn.fp1, appn.fp2, appn.fp3) description(Remote focal point definition); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- DEFINE_TP ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE_TP (1) TP_NAME (1-64 byte type-ae string) (1) SNA_SERVICE_TP_NAME (multi-valued parameter consisting of a one byte hex number with a value between x'00' and x'3F' (excluding x'0E' and x'0F'), and a 1-3 byte char type-a string with no restriction on the first digit) or (a one byte hex number with a value between x'00' and x'3F' (excluding x'0E' and x'0F')) (R) FILESPEC (1-80 byte ASCII string) (O) ICON_FILESPEC (1-80 byte ASCII string) (O) PARM_STRING (1-128 byte ASCII string) (O) CONV_SECURITY_RQD (see keywords) YES NO (O) CONVERSATION_TYPE (see keywords) BASIC MAPPED EITHER FDX_BASIC FDX_MAPPED FDX_EITHER ANY_TYPE (2) INCOMING_ALLOCATE_QUEUE_DEPTH (number between 1 & 255) (3) INCOMING_ALLOCATE_TIMEOUT (number between 0 & 32767 or INFINITE) INFINITE (O) PROGRAM_TYPE (see keywords) BACKGROUND FULL_SCREEN PRESENTATION_MANAGER VIO_WINDOWABLE WINDOW DEFAULT (O) RECEIVE_ALLOCATE_TIMEOUT (number between 0 & 32767 or INFINITE) INFINITE (4) SYNC_LEVEL (see keywords) NONE CONFIRM EITHER (O) TP_OPERATION (see keywords) QUEUED_OPERATOR_STARTED QUEUED_OPERATOR_PRELOADED QUEUED_AM_STARTED NONQUEUED_AM_STARTED (O) PIP_ALLOWED (see keywords) YES NO (O) DESCRIPTION (1-64 byte free format string) Notes: 1) TP_NAME and SNA_SERVICE_TP_NAME are mutually exclusive (if one is specified, the other cannot be specified), but one (either TP_NAME or SNA_SERVICE_TP_NAME) must be specified. 2) Specify INCOMING_ALLOCATE_QUEUE_DEPTH only if TP_OPERATION(NONQUEUED_AM_STARTED) is not specified. 3) Specify INCOMING_ALLOCATE_TIMEOUT only if TP_OPERATION(NONQUEUED_AM_STARTED) is not specified. 4) If CONVERSATION_TYPE is FDX_BASIC, FDX_MAPPED, or FDX_EITHER, then SYNC_LEVEL must be NONE. Defaults: CONV_SECURITY_RQD(NO) CONVERSATION_TYPE(ANY_TYPE) INCOMING_ALLOCATE_QUEUE_DEPTH(255) (ignored if TP_OPERATION is NONQUEUED_AM_STARTED) INCOMING_ALLOCATE_TIMEOUT(INFINITE) (ignored if TP_OPERATION is QUEUED_OPERATOR_PRELOADED) PROGRAM_TYPE(BACKGROUND) RECEIVE_ALLOCATE_TIMEOUT(INFINITE) SYNC_LEVEL(EITHER) TP_OPERATION(NONQUEUED_AM_STARTED) PIP_ALLOWED(NO) Dynamic: YES Example: DEFINE_TP tp_name(home$program) filespec(c:\cmlib\home.exe) icon_filespec(c:\cmlib\home.ico) parm_string(/hello /goodbye) conv_security_rqd(no) conversation_type(mapped) incoming_allocate_queue_depth(20) incoming_allocate_timeout(100) program_type(presentation_manager) receive_allocate_timeout(200) sync_level(confirm) tp_operation(queued_operator_started) pip_allowed(no) description(Define the home transaction program); DEFINE_TP sna_service_tp_name(X'06',1) filespec(c:\cmlib\svctp.exe) icon_filespec(c:\cmlib\svctp.ico) parm_string(/hello /goodbye) conv_security_rqd(no) conversation_type(either) incoming_allocate_queue_depth(20) incoming_allocate_timeout(100) program_type(presentation_manager) receive_allocate_timeout(200) sync_level(either) tp_operation(queued_operator_started) description(Define the SNA service tp x'06F1'); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------- DEFINE_CPIC_SIDE_INFO ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE_CPIC_SIDE_INFO (R) SYMBOLIC_DESTINATION_NAME (1-8 byte char set 01134 string) (1) PARTNER_LU_ALIAS (1-8 byte ASCII string) (1) FQ_PARTNER_LU_NAME (1-17 byte type-a string) (can be fully-qualified (netid.name) or a simple 8 character name (name)) (2) TP_NAME (1-64 byte char set 00640 string) (2) SNA_SERVICE_TP_NAME (multi-valued parameter consisting of a one byte hex number with a value between x'00' and x'3F' (excluding x'0E' and x'0F'), and a 1-3 byte char set 01134 string with no restriction on the first digit) or (a one byte hex number with a value between x'00' and x'3F' (excluding x'0E' and x'0F')) (R) MODE_NAME (1-8 byte char set 01134 string or BLANK) BLANK (see note 3) (O) DESCRIPTION (1-64 byte free format string) Notes: 1) PARTNER_LU_ALIAS and FQ_PARTNER_LU_NAME are mutually exclusive (if one is specified, the other cannot be specified), but one (either PARTNER_LU_ALIAS or FQ_PARTNER_LU_NAME) must be specified. 2) TP_NAME and SNA_SERVICE_TP_NAME are mutually exclusive (if one is specified, the other cannot be specified), but one (either TP_NAME or SNA_SERVICE_TP_NAME) must be specified. 3) The CPSVCMG mode cannot be used for user sessions, therefore CPSVCMG cannot be specified for MODE_NAME. Defaults: none Dynamic: YES Example: DEFINE_CPIC_SIDE_INFO symbolic_destination_name(cpic) partner_lu_alias(pipeline) mode_name(mode1) sna_service_tp_name(x'3C',sna); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------- START_ATTACH_MANAGER ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ START_ATTACH_MANAGER Notes: 1) START_ATTACH_MANAGER has no parameters. Defaults: none Dynamic: NO Example: START_ATTACH_MANAGER; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------- ACTIVATE_LOGICAL_LINKS ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTIVATE_LOGICAL_LINKS (R) LINK_NAME (1-8 byte type-a string) Defaults: none Dynamic: NO Example: ACTIVATE_LOGICAL_LINKS link_name(link1); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- CNOS ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CNOS (O) LOCAL_LU_ALIAS (1-8 byte ASCII string) (1) PARTNER_LU_ALIAS (1-8 byte ASCII string) (1) FQ_PARTNER_LU_NAME (1-17 byte type-a string) (can be fully-qualified (netid.name) or a simple 8 character name (name)) (2) MODE_NAME (1-8 byte type-a string or BLANK) (see note 3 about restrictions on the mode names and other parameters) BLANK (R) SET_NEGOTIABLE (see keywords) YES NO (5) AUTO_ACTIVATE (number between 0 and 32767) (O) PLU_MODE_SESSION_LIMIT (number between 0 and 32767) (see note 4) (O) MIN_CONWINNERS_SOURCE (number between 0 and 32767) (see note 4) (O) MIN_CONWINNERS_TARGET (number between 0 and 32767) (see note 4) (6) RESPONSIBLE (see keywords) SOURCE TARGET (6) DRAIN_SOURCE (see keywords) YES NO (6) DRAIN_TARGET (see keywords) YES NO Notes: 1) PARTNER_LU_ALIAS and FQ_PARTNER_LU_NAME are mutually exclusive (if one is specified, the other cannot be specified), but one (either PARTNER_LU_ALIAS or FQ_PARTNER_LU_NAME) must be specified. 2) MODE_NAME is required if PLU_MODE_SESSION_LIMIT > 0. If PLU_MODE_SESSION_LIMIT = 0, MODE_NAME is optional. 3) When MODE_NAME(SNASVCMG), the settings for PLU_MODE_SESSION_LIMIT, MIN_CONWINNERS_SOURCE, and MIN_CONWINNERS_TARGET are limited to the following combinations: allowed combinations (a) (b) (c) PLU_MODE_SESSION_LIMIT 2 1 0 MIN_CONWINNERS_SOURCE 1 0 0 MIN_CONWINNERS_TARGET 1 1 0 The session limits of the CPSVCMG mode cannot be changed by a user command, therefore CPSVCMG cannot be specified for MODE_NAME. 4) PLU_MODE_SESSION_LIMIT must be greater than the sum of MIN_CONWINNERS_SOURCE and MIN_CONWINNERS_TARGET 5) Specify AUTO_ACTIVATE only if PLU_MODE_SESSION_LIMIT > 0 6) Specify RESPONSIBLE, DRAIN_SOURCE, and DRAIN_TARGET only if PLU_MODE_SESSION_LIMIT(0) and MODE_NAME is not SNASVCMG. RESPONSIBLE, DRAIN_SOURCE, and DRAIN_TARGET are required if PLU_MODE_SESSION_LIMIT(0) and MODE_NAME is not SNASVCMG. Defaults: PLU_MODE_SESSION_LIMIT(32767) MIN_CONWINNERS_SOURCE(0) MIN_CONWINNERS_TARGET(0) AUTO_ACTIVATE(0) (ignored if PLU_MODE_SESSION_LIMIT(0)) Dynamic: NO Example: CNOS local_lu_alias(home) fq_partner_lu_name(appn.neighbor) mode_name(mode2) set_negotiable(no) plu_mode_session_limit(4) min_conwinners_source(2) min_conwinners_target(2) auto_activate(2); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- DEFINE_LUA --------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE_LUA (R) LU_NAME (1-8 byte type-a string) (R) NAU_ADDRESS (number between 1 & 254) (R) HOST_LINK_NAME (1-8 byte type-a string) (O) DESCRIPTION (1-64 byte free format string) Notes: None Defaults: none Dynamic: YES Example: DEFINE_LUA lu_name(lu1) nau_address(02) host_link_name(host1) description(LUA for 3270 emulator session); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- DEFINE_GATEWAY_WORKSTATION------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE_GATEWAY_WORKSTATION (1) WORKSTATION_LINK_NAME (1-8 byte type-a string) (O) DLC_NAME (1-8 byte type-a string) (The following names are currently supported by Communications Manager/2). SDLC - SDLC IBMIDLC - IBM IDLC IBMTRNET - IBM Token-Ring Network ETHERAND - ETHERAND Network IBMPCNET - IBM PC Network X25DLC - X.25 TWINAX - Twinaxial (R) WORKSTATION_LU (see sub-parameters) (at least one WORKSTATION_LU parameter may be specified). (R) WORKSTATION_LU_NAME (1-8 byte type-a string) (R) HOST_LINK_NAME (1-8 byte type-a string) (R) NAU_ADDRESS_AT_WORKSTATION (number between 1 & 254) (2) NAU_ADDRESS_AT_HOST (number between 1 & 254) (2) POOL_NAME (1-8 byte ASCII string) (O) DESCRIPTION (1-64 byte free format string) Notes: 1) WORKSTATION_LINK_NAME is a required field unless the verb is being used to specify an implicit workstation. The following differences exist when configuring an implicit workstation: a) DLC_NAME is optional (normally ignored), however only one implicit workstation may be created with the same DLC_NAME including the case of DLC_NAME not being specified. b) WORKSTATION_LU_NAME is not required. c) The WORKSTATION_LU cannot be dedicated (i.e. POOL_NAME must be specified). 2) NAU_ADDRESS_AT_HOST and POOL_NAME are mutually exclusive, (if one is specified, the other cannot be specified), but one (either NAU_ADDRESS_AT_HOST or POOL_NAME) must be specified. Defaults: none Dynamic: YES Example: DEFINE_GATEWAY_WORKSTATION workstation_link_name(wkslnk01) workstation_lu( workstation_lu_name(wkslu01) nau_address_at_workstation(02) host_link_name(host1) pool_name(Dept02) ) workstation_lu( workstation_lu_name(wkslu02) nau_address_at_workstation(03) nau_address_at_host(04) host_link_name(host1) ) description(Workstation #1 definition); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- DEFINE_GATEWAY_HOST------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFINE_GATEWAY_HOST (R) HOST_LINK_NAME (1-8 byte type-a string) (R) LU_POOL (see sub-parameters) (more than one LU_POOL parameter may be specified). (R) POOL_NAME (1-8 byte ASCII string) (R) NAU_RANGE (multi-valued parameter consisting of two numbers between 1 and 254, with the second number being greater than or equal to the first number) (at least one NAU_RANGE parameter may be specified). (O) AUTO_LOGOFF_TIMER (number between 0 and 999) (O) DESCRIPTION (1-64 byte free format string) Notes: 1) The NAU_RANGEs of different LU_POOL parameters cannot overlap. Defaults: AUTO_LOGOFF_TIMER (0) Dynamic: YES Example: DEFINE_GATEWAY_HOST host_link_name(host1) lu_pool(pool_name(dept01) auto_logoff_timer(100) nau_range(01,05) nau_range(07,07) ) lu_pool(pool_name(dept02) nau_range(09,09) nau_range(10,126) nau_range(200,254) ) description(Pool definitions for Host#1);