═══ 1. Help for AVI File Utility ═══ The AVI File Utility is an application that allows you to: o View information within the AVI file such as header information, chunk, index, RIFF format, and general statistics associated with the file o Merge an audio file with an AVI file o Split the AVI file into an audio file and an AVI file (without sound) o Change the interleave ratio of audio and video frames o Change the skew between the audio and video o Add or remove 'Junk' chunks, 'rec' chunks, and an index from the AVI file o Create an uncompressed movie from a series of bit maps. For further information, select a topic from the list below: o Generate AVI File from Images o Merge Audio with Video o Split Audio from Video o Change Interleave Ratio o Change Audio Chunk Skew ═══ 2. Help for Merge ═══ Select the Merge push button to merge the currently loaded AVI file with the currently loaded audio file. A merge cannot be performed if the current AVI file already contains audio. ═══ 3. Help for Split ═══ Select the Split push button to split the currently loaded AVI file into an audio file and an AVI file without audio. A split can only be performed if the current AVI file contains an audio track. ═══ 4. Help for Interleave ═══ Select the Interleave push button to display a window from which you can select an interleave ratio to use for the current AVI file. The interleave ratio is the ratio of video to audio frames. Changing the interleave ratio can only be performed if the current AVI file contains an audio track. ═══ 5. Help for Skew ═══ Select the Skew push button to display a window from which you can select a new skew value for the current AVI file. The skew value is the number of frames that the audio stream leads the video stream in the AVI file. Having the audio stream lead the video stream allows the audio buffers to stay full as the movie is played. Changing the interleave ratio can only be performed if the current AVI file contains an audio track. ═══ 6. Help for Stop ═══ Select the Stop push button to stop any working processes. ═══ 7. Help for File ═══ Select the choices under the File menu for access to file input/output functions. ═══ 8. Help for New ═══ Select New to clear any currently loaded AVI file, and to load a new AVI file. Related information: o Generating an AVI File from Images ═══ 9. Help for Open ═══ Select Open to display a window from which you can open a new AVI file. When you select a file, the program generates a new set of display information for the file and updates the main window. ═══ 10. Help for Save ═══ Select Save to save the current AVI file using the current file name. ═══ 11. Help for Save As ═══ Select Save As to display a window from which you can save the current AVI file with a different file name. The file can be a new file or an existing file whose name, path, or drive letter you want to change. This allows you to create a new AVI file name instead of overwriting an existing file. ═══ 12. Help for Open Audio File ═══ Select Open Audio File to display a window from which you can open a new audio file. You can load an audio file to merge with an AVI file. ═══ 13. Help for Save Audio File ═══ Select Save Audio File to display a window from which you can save the current audio file. ═══ 14. Help for Edit ═══ Select the choices under the Edit menu for access to AVI file editing functions. ═══ 15. Help for Generate AVI File from Images ═══ Select Generate AVI File from Images to display a window from which you can select a series of images and a frame rate to generate an AVI file. ═══ 16. Help for Merge Audio with Video ═══ Select Merge Audio with Video to merge the currently loaded AVI file with the currently loaded audio file. A merge cannot be performed if the current AVI file already contains audio. ═══ 17. Help for Split Audio from Video ═══ Select Split Audio from Video to split the currently loaded AVI file into an audio file and an AVI file without audio. A split can only be performed if the current AVI file contains an audio track. ═══ 18. Help for Change Interleave Ratio ═══ Select Change Interleave Ratio to display a window from which you can select an interleave ratio to use for the current AVI file. The interleave ratio is the ratio of video to audio frames. Changing the interleave ratio can only be performed if the current AVI file contains an audio track. ═══ 19. Help for Change Audio Chunk Skew ═══ Select Change Audio Chunk Skew to display a window from which you can select a new skew value for the current AVI file. The skew value is the number of frames that the audio stream leads the video stream in the AVI file. Having the audio stream lead the video stream allows the audio buffers to stay full as the movie is played. Changing the interleave ratio can only be performed if the current AVI file contains an audio track. ═══ 20. Help for Options ═══ Select Options to display a window from which you can apply one or more of the following options: 'Junk' Chunks Adds padding (filler) to the records within the AVI file so that all the records are multiples of 2KB. Use this padding (know as a 'junk' chunk) for easier reading of the AVI file. 'rec' Chunks Adds 'rec' chunks to the AVI file. This type of chunk surrounds the audio and video chunks of the current frame. Index Adds an index to the end of the AVI file. This index contains the offset and length of each individual chunk within the AVI file. Related information: o Junk Chunks o Rec Chunks o Index ═══ 21. Help for Accessing the View Menu ═══ Select the choices under the View menu to control the display of AVI file information as it is displayed in the main window. ═══ 22. Help for Chunk ID and Length ═══ Select Chunk ID and Length to display information associated with each individual chunk in the file. This information consists of the ID, the length, and the offset of the chunk. ═══ 23. Help for Headers ═══ Select Headers to display information in the various headers of the AVI file; for example, the main AVI header and the AVI stream header. ═══ 24. Help for Index ═══ Select Index to display information contained in an index chunk of an AVI file. The index chunk is an optional part at the end of an AVI file. It specifies the location of the data chunks within the file, and is required to support seek and edit operations. ═══ 25. Help for Status Information ═══ Select Status Information to display AVI file statistics such as frame rate and the average size of the frame. ═══ 26. Help for Packed ═══ Select Packed to determine if all the information displayed is shown in a packed or unpacked form. The packed form squeezes the data as much as possible by removing a large part of the textual information. ═══ 27. Help for RIFF Format ═══ Select RIFF Format to display only the RIFF format of the current AVI file. All previous selections are ignored. ═══ 28. Help for Decimal ═══ Select Decimal to make numbers appear as decimals when displayed in the main window. ═══ 29. Help for Hexadecimal ═══ Select Hexadecimal to make numbers appear as hexadecimals when displayed in the main window. ═══ 30. Help for Help ═══ Select Help for access to various help functions. ═══ 31. Help for Help Index ═══ Select Help index to display a list of available help information. ═══ 32. Help for General Help ═══ Select General help to display general information about this application. ═══ 33. Help for Using Help ═══ Select Using help to display information about using the Help facility. ═══ 34. Help for Product Information ═══ Select Product information to display copyright information about the application. ═══ 35. Help for Product Information ═══ The Product Information window contains the copyright information for the AVI File Utility. ═══ 36. Help for Keys Help ═══ Select Keys help to display a description about each key you can use in the program. ═══ 37. Help for AVI File Utility Keys ═══ The following keys can be used within the AVI File Utility: Tab Move among choices. Alt Switch to or from the menu of an application window. Arrow keys Move among choices. Enter Select the default push button action. ═══ 38. Help for Generate AVI File from Images ═══ Use this window to select a series of images and a frame rate to generate an AVI file. 1. Select highlighted image file names from the file list for insertion into the frame list. 2. Select the frames per second rate for the AVI file. 3. After the frame list is complete, select Generate AVI File. For information about a particular field, select a topic from the list below: o Frame List o Frames Per Second o Insert push button o Pause push button o Remove push button o Generate AVI File push button ═══ 39. Help for Insert ═══ The Insert push button copies the highlighted image files from the file list on the left side of the window to the frame list on the right side of the window. The files are inserted after the highlighted item in the frame list; or, if nothing is selected, at the top of the list. ═══ 40. Help for Pause ═══ The Pause push button inserts a pause after the currently highlighted frame in the frame list. This pause can only occur after a valid frame. Any pauses that are inserted in the beginning of the movie are ignored. ═══ 41. Help for Remove ═══ The Remove push button removes the highlighted items from the frame list. ═══ 42. Help for Frame List ═══ The Frame List contains the list of the frames to use for the AVI file to be created. In can consist of image files and pauses. ═══ 43. Help for Frames Per Second ═══ The Frame Per Second choice allows you to select the frame rate to playback the AVI file to be generated. ═══ 44. Help for Generate AVI Button ═══ The Generate AVI push button uses the frame rate and the list of frames you specified to create an AVI file. ═══ 45. Help for Change Interleave Ratio Window ═══ Use this window to select an interleave ratio to use for the current AVI file. The interleave ratio is the ratio of video to audio frames. 1. Select an interleave ratio value. 2. Select OK. 3. Save the changed file. For information about a particular field, select a topic from the list below: o Interleave Ratio Value o OK push button o Cancel push button ═══ 46. Help for Interleave Ratio Value ═══ This value controls the ratio of video to audio chunks within the AVI file. A ratio of one to one creates an audio chunk that contains exactly one video frame's worth of audio data. A ratio of five to one creates an audio chunk that contains five video frames worth of audio data. ═══ 47. Help for OK Button ═══ The OK push button changes the currently loaded AVI file's interleave ratio using the value specified in the entry field. ═══ 48. Help for Cancel Button ═══ The Cancel push button closes the Change Interleave Ratio window without changing the interleave ratio of the currently loaded AVI file. ═══ 49. Help for Change Audio Chunk Skew ═══ Use this window to select a new skew value for the current AVI file. The skew value is the number of frames that the audio stream leads the video stream in the AVI file. Having the audio stream lead the video stream allows the audio buffers to stay full as the movie is played. 1. Select a new skew value. 2. Select OK. 3. Save the changed file. For information about a particular field, select a topic from the list below: o Skew Value o OK push button o Cancel push button ═══ 50. Help for Skew Value ═══ This value controls the skew between the audio and video chunks. A non-zero skew values creates an AVI file that has audio chunks before their corresponding video chunks. This option is applicable only for movies with a one to one interleave ratio. ═══ 51. Help for OK ═══ The OK push button changes the currently loaded AVI file's audio chunk skew ratio using the value specified in the entry field. ═══ 52. Help for Cancel ═══ The Cancel push button closes the Change Audio Chunk Skew window without changing the audio chunk skew of the currently loaded AVI file. ═══ 53. Help for Options ═══ Use this window to apply one or more of the following options: 'Junk' Chunks, 'rec' Chunks, and Index. For information about a particular field, select a topic from the list below: o Junk Chunks o Rec Chunks o Index o Apply push button o OK push button o Cancel push button ═══ 54. Help for Junk Chunk ═══ 'Junk' Chunks adds padding (filler) to the records within the AVI file so that all the records are multiples of 2KB. Use this padding (know as a 'junk' chunk) for easier reading of the AVI file. ═══ 55. Help for Rec Chunk Choice ═══ 'rec' Chunks adds 'rec' chunks to the AVI file. This type of chunk surrounds the audio and video chunks of the current frame. ═══ 56. Help for Index ═══ Index adds an index to the end of the AVI file. This index contains the offset and length of each individual chunk within the AVI file. ═══ 57. Help for Apply ═══ The Apply push button changes the AVI file currently loaded in memory using the choices for junk chunks, rec chunks and the index. The Change Options window is closed before the AVI file is changed. ═══ 58. Help for OK ═══ The OK push button closes the Change Options window and saves the changes made to the junk chunk, rec chunk and index choices. These changes take effect when the next operation occurs on the current AVI file. ═══ 59. Help for Cancel ═══ The Cancel push button closes the Change Options window without changing any of the values for junk chunks, rec chunks and the index. ═══ 60. Help for AVI File Utility Open ═══ This window is used to specify the location and the name of the AVI file that you want to open. To specify a file: 1. Select the drive that contains the file you want from the Drive list field. 2. Select the directory that contains the file that you want to use from the Directory list field. 3. Select the name of the file from the File list field. For information about a particular field, select a topic from the list below: o Open filename o Drive o Type of file o Directory o File o OK push button o Cancel push button o Help push button ═══ 61. Help for Open Filename ═══ The Open filename field displays the global character and file-name extension of AVI file, which is *.AVI. For information about specifying a file name, select the topic below: Selecting the file name ═══ 62. Help for Drive ═══ Use this list to select the drive that contains the files you want to use. ═══ 63. Help for Type of File ═══ Use this field to specify the type of files you want to use. .* ═══ 64. Help for Directory ═══ Use this field to select directories from those available on the selected drive. The files in the current directory are displayed in the File field. To select a directory: Double-click on the directory name. If you want to use a file that is in a directory, double-click on the name of the current directory until you get to the one with the files you want. For example, if you want to select a file named MACAW.AVI that is in \MMOS2\MOVIES, you must: 1. Double click on MOVIES. \MMOS2\MOVIES becomes the current directory. 2. Click on MACAW.AVI in the file list. The file named CLASSIC is now displayed in the File list box field. ═══ 65. Help for File ═══ Use the File selection list to display the files that are available in the selected directory on the selected drive. To select a file, do the following: 1. Select the file you want to use from the list of files. 2. Select the OK push button. ═══ 66. Help for OK ═══ Select the OK push button to accept the selected file. ═══ 67. Help for Cancel ═══ Select the Cancel push button to close the window without selecting a file. ═══ 68. Help for Help ═══ Select the Help push button for specific assistance about fields in the AVI File Utility - Open window. ═══ 69. Help for Save As ═══ 1. Type in the name you want to give the file in the Save as filename field. 2. Select the down arrow to the right of the Drive field to see all drives on the system. 3. Select a drive from the list. 4. Select a directory from the Directory list. 5. Select OK. For information about a particular field, select a topic from the list below: o Save as filename o Help push button ═══ 70. Help for Save As Filename ═══ The Save as filename field displays the global character and file-name extension of an AVI file, which is *.AVI. For information about specifying a file name, select the topic below: Selecting the file name ═══ 71. Help for Help ═══ Select the Help push button for specific assistance about fields in the AVI File Utility - Save As window. ═══ 72. Help for Open Audio File ═══ Use this window to specify the location and the name of the WAV file that you want to open. To specify a file: 1. Select the drive that contains the file you want from the Drive list field. 2. Select the directory that contains the file that you want to use from the Directory list field. 3. Select the name of the file from the File list field. ═══ 73. Help for Save File ═══ 1. Type in the Save as filename field the name you want to give the file. 2. Select the down arrow to the right of the Drive field to see all drives on the system. 3. Select a drive from the list. 4. Select a directory from the Directory list. 5. Select OK. ═══ 74. Message Help ═══ The file could not be loaded. The file might not exist or is in use by another process. ═══ 75. Message Help ═══ The AVI file currently in use by the AVI File Utility has been modified. Continuing without saving will lose your changes. ═══ 76. Message Help ═══ The audio file currently loaded in the AVI File Utility has been created during this session. Continuing without saving will delete this file from memory. ═══ 77. Message Help ═══ The audio file currently loaded in the AVI File Utility has been modified during this session. Continuing without saving will lose any changes made to the file. ═══ 78. Message Help ═══ The file attempted to be loaded is not a valid AVI file. The AVI File Utility tried to identify the file by examining its internal headers and it failed. ═══ 79. Message Help ═══ The file attempted to be loaded is not a valid WAV file. The AVI File Utility tried to identify the file by examining its internal headers and it failed. ADPCM files cannot be used with the AVI File Utility. ═══ 80. Message Help ═══ The AVI File created in this session of the AVI File Utility has not been saved. Continuing without saving will remove this file from memory. ═══ 81. Message Help ═══ A temporary file used to store the index of the AVI file during operations could not be opened. The AVI File Utility uses the Multimedia Workpath specified in the Multimedia Setup program to store temporary files. If the disk referenced by this value is full, the Workpath needs to be changed or more space is needed on the disk. ═══ 82. Message Help ═══ A temporary file used to store the display of the AVI file during operations could not be opened. The AVI File Utility uses the Multimedia Workpath specified in the Multimedia Setup program to store temporary files. If the disk referenced by this value is full, the Workpath needs to be changed or more space is needed on the disk. ═══ 83. Message Help ═══ A temporary file used to store the modified AVI file could not be opened. The AVI File Utility uses the Multimedia Workpath specified in the Multimedia Setup program to store temporary files. If the disk referenced by this value is full, the Workpath needs to be changed or more space is needed on the disk. ═══ 84. Message Help ═══ A temporary file used to store the newly created WAV file could not be opened. The AVI File Utility uses the Multimedia Workpath specified in the Multimedia Setup program to store temporary files. If the disk referenced by this value is full, the Workpath needs to be changed or more space is needed on the disk. ═══ 85. Message Help ═══ One of the temporary files could not be closed. The AVI File Utility uses the Multimedia Workpath specified in the Multimedia Setup program to store temporary files. If the disk referenced by this value is full, the Workpath needs to be changed or more space is needed on the disk. ═══ 86. Message Help ═══ The AVI File Utility cannot create a movie from images of different sizes. Please make sure than all images being imported into the AVI File Utility are the same size. The AVI File Utility also pads images to 8 pixel boundaries, both vertically and horizontally. ═══ 87. Message Help ═══ The image file could not be identified by the AVI File Utility. The AVI File Utility relies upon the MMPM/2 subsystems to load and identify image files. If the file is an unknown format, the AVI File Utility can not use it. ═══ 88. Message Help ═══ The image file could not be opened for reading. The image file might be corrupted or could be in an unknown format. ═══ 89. Message Help ═══ There was an error associated with identifying the header information from the image file. Make sure the file is a valid image format. ═══ 90. Message Help ═══ There was an error associated with reading the header information from the image file. Make sure the file is a valid image format. ═══ 91. Message Help ═══ The file is not a valid image file recognized by the AVI File Utility and the MMPM/2 subsystems. ═══ 92. Message Help ═══ An error occurred reading the image file from disk. Make sure the file is not corrupted and is a valid image format. ═══ 93. Message Help ═══ The file to be written already exists on the disk. Continuing the save will overwrite the currently existing file on disk. ═══ 94. Message Help ═══ The index of an AVI file is a very valuable piece of the file that is used for a variety of tasks, including seeking and scanning. An AVI file can exist without an index, but there are performance penalties when there is no index. Once an index has been deleted, the information contained in the index can never be recovered. ═══ 95. Message Help ═══ There was an error associated with saving the file. Below is a list of some of the error codes that can be returned for a failed save attempt. o 2 - File Not Found o 3 - Path Not Found o 5 - Access Denied o 26 - Not DOS Disk o 32 - Sharing Violation o 36 - Sharing Buffer Exceeded o 87 - Invalid Parameter o 108 - Drive Locked o 112 - Disk Full o 206 - Filename Exceeded Range o 267 - Directory Error o 282 - EA's Not Supported o 283 - Need EA's Found ═══ 96. Message Help ═══ The AVI File can not be made up of all pauses. A pause must occur after a valid image for the AVI file to be valid. ═══ 97. Message Help ═══ The file to be written already exists on the disk. Continuing the save will overwrite the currently existing file on disk.